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The Pale Training Grounds Carter Empty The Pale Training Grounds Carter

Sun Feb 19, 2017 8:40 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Tsubasa had been sent a request of sorts for him to teach another person. It was something of a thing that he'd gotten since his days of fighting. Most people wanted to be trained by him as the Gotei 13's greatest swordsman. He was a master in the art of the blade and his precise control. He had set up the training area with the traditional dummy that people had to strike. Specially designed to injury them over the dummy till they got their control right. They learned how to use their power and speed equally without favoring one over the other. A stream went down into the pond near a waterfall as well. A sphere invisible to the eye was in a white chalk line as he stood outside his home. Tsubasa's hands were clenching his zanpakuto. His grip smooth as he stepped forward making vertical slash before changing it into a thrust. Into a spinning horizontal slash with amazing speed. He produced an uppercut like slash now as he finished it off with an extremely precise devastating blow with immense power. The strike sent a cut through the ground itself as he exhaled softly sheathing his zanpakuto.

His clan was Shinigami Dolls at the moment with a couple people joining the family. It was strange to rebuild this clan after their destruction. They'd been declared nobles before this occurred, something of a reward for the families hard work. The final retainer would require some search for him he guessed. The request for training for a Captain wasn't anything big or different. It didn't require him to try and do anything new. Tsubasa simply didn't mind teaching the next generation that much. Ibiki was leading them into a brighter direction and so he would protect her vision. No matter how much his body was shattered or wounded he would wield his blades for her. Tsubasa didn't have much left aside from Ibiki and Tsukiya. But now he had his retainers as well. He would spill blood if they could not do so in their defense. Remorse wasn't something he felt when the time was correct for such.

Template By: [THEFROST]
The Game
Joined : 2012-12-11
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The Pale Training Grounds Carter Left_bar_bleue65150/100The Pale Training Grounds Carter Empty_bar_bleue  (65150/100)

The Pale Training Grounds Carter Empty Re: The Pale Training Grounds Carter

Wed Feb 22, 2017 6:21 am

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count: 549

It had taken a lot of willpower to push his own pride aside and actually send a runner to The Pale Rider asking for formal training, a lot had changed since Carter's rather hasty return to The Gotei. In the short time he had been back he quickly realized lower powered shinigami were stepping up and taking the reigns and those more powerful were even further away than they had before, he was being eclipsed. With the realization slapping him in the face his pride had taken a back seat and he had sought out a trainer to beat him into shape, The Rider had accepted.

The short white haired boy had faced Tsubasa before and had seen his power face to face, he knew if this man would have him he would be a good teacher to learn under. The hour of their meeting had approached and the young captain found himself standing outside the hall of Unabara, though the numbers had shrunk and their holdings had decreased as well the dwelling was still grand and demanded respect, giving off a regal yet powerful aura. A retainer came forward to guide Carter to the garden where his first steps into a new chapter would begin. The area was a quiet alcove, the grass almost too greena nd perfect, trees twisted and gnarled bending as if in respect toward the center of the cove. A pond rested off in a corner that was fed by a streaming that whispered quietly over the polished rocks underneath, the area was tranquil. The sound was almost drowned out by the louder splashing of water on water from the falls that also fed into the pond, his golden eyes scanned the area over quickly making note of how profound it was for somewhere so seemingly plain in regards to everything else around.

His golden eyes rested on a blur of movement that would be none other than Tsubasa, The Pale Rider. He was practicing a series of advanced swordplay maneuvers on a doll that Carter almost grimaced at when he realized what it was, he had never personally been the victim of one but had heard stories. These dolls were used to train a swordsman's in both speed and strength, if one out balanced the other the result would be the attack reflected onto the swordsman and he/she would find themselves wounded. Carter knew his short coming in his strength, he was fast and his blade work was top ranks but his strength hadn't developed accordingly so now he would need to begin working on his truest shortcoming and be wounded a million and one times in the process.

When he reached the clearing he bowed quietly and sat on his knees much like a true pupil would to show respect to the master from which they would learn, he wasn't going to spit on tradition if this man would help him become a better defender of The Gotei and all inside it, "Thank you for hearing my plea and offering me a chance to learn from you." He spoke quietly, not wanting to overburden the moment with words or formalities. It was time to cut into the core of who he was and blossom.


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|Death is but the first step in life|

The Pale Training Grounds Carter ZfrGue8

The Pale Training Grounds Carter EUuCTxy

The Pale Training Grounds Carter Empty Re: The Pale Training Grounds Carter

Fri Feb 24, 2017 8:33 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

His form stopped as he did something at the last moment. Performing an attack that was a counter. Deflecting the dolls force away and within less than a millisecond slicing through its torso. The deflecting and skilled use of a blade was something he was practiced in. "It's no trouble, Carter, none at all. I must ask you for something in return sadly for these lessons. We need the fourth Retainer in order for my Clan's new defense to be complete. The other three are awaiting my selection for the fourth. I would like you to fill the spot." He said gesturing to something sitting in a tea cup on the table nearby him. "If you accept the drink and you will be given a Cardinal Seal, I cannot help you learn what they do. That is a journey each Retainer takes alone." By drinking that liquid a shooting pain would pulse through his body as engraved into his being almost. Was the Mark of the North offering a new transformation and blessing? However, the nature and status of such a boon were unknown even to Tsubasa.

Inventing the Cardinal Mark was his perhaps best Kido. It was a clan based technique that served no combat purpose. It allowed the user to give people transformations. Only five could be wearing the mark at a time but it did offer a lot in terms of power. Tsubasa knew his role already as it had been determined long ago. Once he concluded the business with the drinking of the North Cardinal Seal. It was time for the training to commence. "These dolls of mine are rather infamous, but as you can guess I want you to attack it. Find balance and control in your movements. Don't let yourself be like stone but the water flowing around it." He said softly as he pulled his kiseru out and sat down. Rebuilding the clan was part of their duty something important. Tsubasa had a meeting coming up with the Shihoin as well to determine somethings. With him being single and powerful it was desired by some. That he have more children aside from Tsukiya who was young yet.

Such was the nature of the world they lived in as he exhaled some smoke. His scarlet gaze watched Carter closely as he left him to handle the doll. This wasn't going to be a match or anything like that. The doll would reflect damage on to Carter. It was Tsubasa's way to start out at the beginning. The journey always had to begin there at that point exactly. No other place was suitable after all for training. You had to know your strength and weaknesses. Find out how much control and precise blade work you had. You couldn't hack away mindlessly at enemies without reason. It didn't make sense for one to simply continue doing such. By doing irrational moves one simply tired themselves out. Wasting movement or doing something that wasn't completely needed the doll would punish. This lets him teach control without being there to do it. Carter was in for lessons of course as they were promised. In his brain right now Tsubasa was working out his own seal something special.

The Center Kouryu was an important piece to the Cardinal ones. Five members wore them and would protect the Clan. The founder always had to wear it. But his seal came with something of a burden among other things. Tsubasa knew the Dolls needed upgraded and so did the new factions. The Shadow Force, people who once served Stealth but remained loyal to him. They were assassins that desired to learn from the legend. Tsubasa's legend was both one of Sword and assassination. He held quite an odd skillset to himself. Some things did change over time. He could attack and destroy with relative ease. Tsubasa didn't bother developing certain things. As the man had already brought forward ages of skill and expertise in things. Now it was time to see what the next generation had. Tsubasa didn't wear the Haori anymore it was time for them. Carter and those who did to step up and prepare to defend. Tsubasa's role, for now, was mere to observe from the sideline. To see what the future held for this organization.

Template By: [THEFROST]
The Game
Joined : 2012-12-11
Posts : 535
Age : 30
Location : The afterlife

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The Pale Training Grounds Carter Left_bar_bleue65150/100The Pale Training Grounds Carter Empty_bar_bleue  (65150/100)

The Pale Training Grounds Carter Empty Re: The Pale Training Grounds Carter

Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:37 am

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count: 995

He didn't even blink as Tsubasa told him there would be a price for these lessons, nothing in life was free. The payment would be for him to become the fourth and final retainer to the Unabara Clan, that itself did throw Carter off a bit, he had expected to be sent to gather something rare or do something that would stain his soul, he hadn't considered being taken into a clan. Truthfully it wasn't the same as being "apart" of the clan but he would become a piece in a way of sorts. This forced his white brows to furrow in confusion for a moment as Tsubasa went on about a concoction he would need to ingest to gain something called a Cardinal Seal.

He didn't know what it would do but he really had no choice other than turn and exit the hall, spitting in the clan of Unabara's face and potentially destroying an ally The Gotei had. That wasn't going to be his choice. He has me backed into a corner and he knows it. It doesn't matter, I need this training to protect everyone. He thought rapidly to himself as to not appear to pause at the man's offer before stepping toward the cup and looking at the liquid inside, it was a mulled color, much like green tea after the steeping is done and it's left to cool in a late spring afternoon. The china was porcelain and pristine. A small sigh of acceptance left his mouth so soft that even The Pale Rider couldn't make it out before he ingested the contents of the cup, the drink was crisp and smooth, much like green tea infused with hibiscus and raspberries.

No sooner had he set the cup down had the feeling of his body searing apart fromt he inside overtaken him, a small audible gasp cut free of his lips as veins bulged out of his neck and forehead, his golden eyes went bloodshot instantly while he found his way to his knees, his hands grasping at the soft grass underneath looking for a purchase as to fend off the pain he was being assaulted with, it was without words to him. He had taken Mana ripping into his chest and placing a curse on his very heart, had suffered destroyed limbs, been subjected to baths in demonic acid, but nothing was half the pain this was. Every nerve in his body was inflamed, he could feel a burning down to the very marrow of his bones. His body wracked itself in an attempted to fight off the pain but he couldn't push it out, the pain was metaphysical in nature was well.

He could feel his own spirit energy ripping and shredding before reordering itself, his mind was screaming as it was pulled apart at the seams, his sense of person being stripped done to nothing before recollected itself once more as the last waves of the pain finally began to slack off. He wasn't aware he had been sweating until it was finally over but once it was finished he could feel something in himself, some new blob that would begin to shape itself into a power for his usage, something he would begin to awaken at a later time.

Gathering himself Carter stood again, aware that the drink had stolen roughly twenty minutes from him while he was altered to whatever he had been altered into. Even in that state he had heard every word Tsubasa had spoken of the dolls so when he finally walked over to the doll that had been set up for him to strike at he found Tsubasa smoking and deep in thought, even as distracted as he appeared Carter knew that man would be gauging his every move and mentally recording all his flaws in his swordplay. There was nothing left but to get to business. Taking a deep breath to settle the final bits of him his golden eyes closed almost to slits while his left hand drew forth his zanpakuto Nacuto. She wouldn't be waking up during this training but she would be needed to actually strike the dummies.

Bringing the sword out in front of his so the blade bisected his body and the tip of the katana pointed at the dummy Carter's right hand found grip on the blade as well, taking a two hand stance he rushed in, blades of grass shot up behind him like exalted followers as he closed in on the target, at the last moment his right foot shot out forward and his weight went to his heel before pivoting and bringing his left foot forward also on his heel, during this movement his arms had bent in so that his left forearm shrouded half of his face before again extending outward when as his spin completed itself, the blade of his sword cutting deep into the left collar bone to the center of the chest on the dummy but quickly losing momentum and power so that by the tip the blade stopped moving only the tip was still in the dummy.

Red splashed outward onto the dummy as a deep clean line cut across Carter, mirroring the wound he had inflicted onto the object in front of him, he had used too much speed and no enough strength, in action he had looked like a speeding star but his execution lacked the power to drive the attack home all the way and because of such the attack was reflected to him. there was not enough balance yet.

Blood dripped down his chest as he walked back to his starting position and took a deep breath, he would do it again, and again, and again. He wouldn't stop until he had mastered this or until he had cut himself to ribbons.

Template By:

|Death is but the first step in life|

The Pale Training Grounds Carter ZfrGue8

The Pale Training Grounds Carter EUuCTxy

The Pale Training Grounds Carter Empty Re: The Pale Training Grounds Carter

Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:15 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

His scarlet hues fell on the male's form as he watched him now. Suffering was the price of taking this spell from him. Tsubasa didn't do this lightly as a price was required for things. Yes, he didn't become Unabara but he became precious. Someone who would aid the clan in its rebirth into a true force without equal. He had plans and intentions fo revenge someday in the future. Tsubasa didn't intend to do this without reason or effort put forward. First, his generals needed to be trained to deadly skills. He watched him make his first move. Spectating this was something Tsubasa had grown used to doing for most people. It wasn't like he had anything else to do. The Shadow Force were small and meager at the moment and required building. They weren't complete or ready for combat with large numbers of people. Tsubasa's name was a draw enough as they rebuilt this clan from the brink. Tsukiya's training would be needing to be pushed even further into the process. Tsubasa watched the movement keeping careful note of how he moved. Was their hesitation as he slowed the blow with the power?

Was it fear or something else that he detected in that moment? Tsubasa smoked to clear his mind and think about things. "When you strike, be fluid with your blade. Understand it's not bound to a singular motion or destination. Be like water and flow forward crashing down on your enemy. You can change and make the needed adjustments as you go. Everything is possible Carter, try again." He said giving the male pointers as he didn't do often with some. Tsubasa would normally sit and smoke as he made his designs mentally. Izanagi was the name of the creation in progress as he knew it needed to be different. It couldn't be a weak thing as the Shadow Force's leaders he and his counterpart needed to be perfect.They couldn't be with fault on anything as numbers weren't theirs. Training and education on fighting with tactics few others would know to use. Tsubasa could cast a shadow for them to move in.

Carter, for now, was his focus as he decided to stop worrying about future plans and devices for now.It was time to educate Carter on the nature of the sword. He gently handed his kiseru off to his attendant. Tsubasa's frame stood up as he cracked his shoulders. Walking around as he observed Carter. He decided to take in the strikes after the giving of advice. No point in doing anything less than what he was doing towards them. Building things like this would require some time to devote. Carter was at a decent skill level but he needed an education. This was, of course, the most important thing to come here. Tsubasa's eyes slowly wandered over the frame of the male. Taking in details few others would notice as he scanned. Muscle frame could use some work but that wasn't needed right away. Perhaps a diet along with a couple other things would benefit him. Training, of course, meant figuring out everything flaw wise first. Building upon what he saw as a flaw first and foremost. Tsubasa's gaze stayed sharp upon the male as he smiled softly.

The potential was certainly here to be seen from the male. For sure there was plenty to work with and develop into a fine Retainer. It was all going to be based on the amount of work and time he put in. Strikes against this dummy did more for the person. It let them see the problem they had with themselves. He couldn't wait to see just how far along Carter could go in this day of progress. Some people left almost dead on the first training due to its nature. But Tsubasa was certain that for the most part that Carter had scratched the surface. Time and hard work would set him free that potential. Tsubasa's training was worth going through for those that wanted it. Carter knew the stories of those who survived. Rumors among other things had called the Unabara the greatest warriors. Their clan was something that didn't go beyond the scope of things. They were powerful and trained extremely hard at all times.

Tsubasa had a design and equipment he would be putting forward someday for them. He'd been awoken in part by the deed of Stefan. He wondered if Monsuta had a part in the actions? Did they know by putting him in a coma? That the Unabara would suffer losses to this extent? He would need to visit Inami and see her for what she was. He'd not been to see the woman in some time. Their relationship was complicated at best. Ibiki and his was as well as he looked over to the next challenges that awaited the young Carter. Training like this was only the beginning for him. Tsubasa knew that a battle would begin someday in the future. For now, it was time to build his forces and begin making the Doll Army. The Unabara didn't fight like other people so the location and destination. Those needed to be considered very carefully in terms of attack and what not. Tsubasa could only observe for now what Carter's actions would be. The choice was up to him how far he would progress today.

Template By: [THEFROST]
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