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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Infectious Rage! Empty Infectious Rage!

Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:41 pm
Akira had been continuing his shift at the grocery store, hauling carts to and fro. He was working tiredly as the sun was beginning to set. Working a solid 10-11 hours a day for paper scraps doing menial tasks like cleaning and sorting the food wasn't the most entertaining thing, but it was the only way he could survive. His treatment wasn't very good either, as usual. He felt like just giving the customers who gave him poor treatment a stare down but that wouldn't be so good for him in terms with his employer.

He was sweeping the floors of the store as he saw some kids running around with raw eggs.
"Hey, stop-" The kids then started pelting each other with the eggs, making a mess all over the ground. His expression remained soft, but annoyance boiled up in him. He ran off to grab the mop, just to be confronted by a rather fat woman.

"What were you just doing?"
"Grabbing the mo-"
"Sh sh sh! You left my children unattended!"
"Ma'am, that isn't my job." He stared rather boredly at her.
"Of course it is! It's your job to make sure nothing bad happens! How dare you leave my poor angels to possibly die you cat eyed freak!"
"Ma'am. Please leave the store." He gripped the mop tightly, as if he was going to hit this fatass with a face full of gross mop water.
"I am going to have a chat with your manager."

Boy did she have a chat... Soon he was sitting in an office with a man staring at him, tapping his finger on the desk.
"Mr. Deja, I hear you were harassing a woman and her children? Telling them to leave the store?"
"The children were-"
"Did I say you could speak?"
The boy fell silent.
"I think you should go home. And not come back. I've heard far too many complaints."
Akira then looked down, a smile slowly crawling on his face.

He began walking outside the grocery store, the calmest smile on his face, but inside he was grinding. He wanted to make that woman pay.
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Infectious Rage! Empty Re: Infectious Rage!

Mon Apr 17, 2017 11:38 pm


Rakshasa Of Wrath
The Rakshasa of Slaughter

Infectious Rage! 6EdIfMt

Yuukinan yawned softly as she sat in her layer of hell, mainly playing with Ikari in her fox form; at least before Yuukinan felt something strange creep up in the back of her mind. While it was true she was the Rakshasa of Wrath, she never really did too much to spread it as she didn't care, but, this... this feeling; it was almost as if she was feeling someone in the back of her mind screaming for revenge, to make them pay, to make them FEEL their wrath. Yuukinan grinned slightly, something that was uncommon for the girl as she didn't show much emotion; except for hate and anger. Yuukinan tapped Ikari on the head and grinned.

"Come on Ikari, I think we have someone to attend to; seems like someone's a little wrathful~"

Yuukinan slowly picked herself up, held her sword in her left hand and then gestured to Ikari. Ikari turned into a fox and then hopped into Yuukinan's jacket. Yuukinan then quickly used the Rakshasa teleportation technique as she appeared in about the general area of where the presence of hate and anger was. Yuukinan stood near the area, likely not being seen by the people near her as she just watched, listened, and waited; damn was this nice.

Yuukinan simply watched from the sidelines, watching, just simply watching as she could feel the anger boiling up in the boy Yuukinan then waited until the boy had left and followed him home. Yuukinan then, with a slight smirk, left the area for a time being to find that woman who was quite a bitch to that, poor, poor man. Yuukinan sighed softly and then, before Akira could enter, she would tap him on the shoulder and let Ikari change back to her human form before the guy turned around.

"Hey there, ya got fired didn't you? Listen to me, why don't you give that woman from before your anger; let her feel your wrath. After all, she wronged you, got you fired; aren't you MAD?"

Ikari chuckled and looked at the guy, draping herself over Yuukinan a little.

"I mean, look at you, so much anger, so much hate; why don't you just follow Yuukinan's words; make her feel your anger. Hell, we'll even help you; we can find her, track her down, and inflict your anger upon her, after all, why not make her feel your WRATH?"

Yuukinan couldn't help but grin, she was a little manipulative at the moment, she reached a hand out for Akira, teasing his chin slightly before it would be clear she was not normal; her being literally radiated with Hate and Anger. Such things were so obvious you could even feel it in the air; so palpable it could be touchable. Yuukinan then dropped her grin as her eyes bored into Akira.

"I'm Yuukinan, and this is Ikari. Who are you? And who has wronged you? Don't you wish to make them feel your hate and anger?"

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Infectious Rage! Empty Re: Infectious Rage!

Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:08 am
Akira covered his face, his smile slowly getting bigger as he went into his thoughts. It was hard enough to get that job, now he had been fired, it was going to follow him and make it even harder.. How is he going to eat? To drink things? If he runs out of money this time he's done for... Is he going to have to stretch out the dry cereal packets and occasional cup of ramen? That'll suck... He felt sick to his stomach over the possibilities. He began chuckling gently, thinking about the last straw that got him fired. That woman.. He swore to god he wished he could punch her ugly pig face in, but.. He couldn't. That would be way out of line.. That would be...

He stopped when he felt his shoulder being touched, gritting his teeth. He expected maybe it was the woman or someone who knew him and wanted to beat the shit out of him for showing his ugly mug around. He then turned around, ready to convince whoever was around him not to punch him.
"Can I h-"
He stared in silence at the woman and her companion. He was then briefed about being fired, and to give the fat pig his wrath.
"I... I mean... I couldn't..." His eyes strode to the ground as a gentle smile was on his face. He heard the other one speak, tightening his fists a bit. It sounded tempting, and he would be getting help too... No one has ever offered him help before.

He was brought from his thoughts when the woman had touched his chin a tad, causing him to look up at her, and notice the oddity of her. There was something strange in the air, something... Oppressive in nature. He couldn't grasp it, but it made him feel fear, but it was even a bit inviting. Like he could just let everything out, after such a long time...

"Akira. I'm not sure who the woman was, but yeah, i'd like a little revenge..." His smile slowly dropped into a rather aggressive looking frown, "How will you help me?"
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Infectious Rage! Empty Re: Infectious Rage!

Tue Apr 18, 2017 7:56 pm


Rakshasa Of Wrath
The Rakshasa of Slaughter

Infectious Rage! 6EdIfMt

Yuukinan grinned before a soft chuckle escaped her lips. She reached into her jacket and pulled out a metal baseball bat. She threw it to Akira with the intent of him taking the bat. She then fixed her Jacket and the sword that she was holding in her left hand; the weapon sheathed and clearly something that, like Yuukinan, looked deadly but also quite beautiful. Yuukinan soon crossed her arms as she stared at the boy in front of her, finally okay with letting this woman feel his anger; his rage. She placed a hand on his shoulder and then looked at him straight in the eye.

"Why, I'll keep people from thinking you killed the woman, but, you will get the joy and pleasure to smash her head in, to make her feel your wrath; to KILL her."

Yuukinan then looked around, took a sniff of the air before looking at Ikari. Without even saying a word, Ikari pointed in the direction of the 'pig's' house. Yuukinan nodded as Ikari spoke.

"That old fatty is thataway!! She really stinks too! She woke me up from my nap in your jacket, Yuukinan. Also, no killing her kids, alright? And her husband. If she has one. I'd at least like for the kids to have someone to take care of them!"

Yuukinan gave Ikari a couple of pats on the head before she gestured for Akira to follow her, leading the way to the woman's house. They would get there rather quickly as the house itself was surprisingly close by, but, Yuukinan would be further egging Akira on during the time they were walking to the fatasses's home.

"This woman got you fired, Akira! So, why don't you take that bat and make her suffer. We can even take her out of the house, wake her up, and you can listen to her screams as you kill her; after all..."

Yuukinan would turn around and move close to Akira, grabbing the bat in his hands and giving him a look that spoke true hate and anger.

"Don't you want to make her SUFFER? Make her FEEL your WRATH Akira..."

She grinned at him and then gave him a gesture to wait as she went into the house, after cutting the door in two with one swift, noiseless, motion from her Katana. She then cleared the door completely and gestured for him to follow her. She led them up to the woman's room, where the fat pig was sleeping on a bed to suit her fatness. Yuukinan then looked at Akira with a face that was so straight, the anger that was behind it would be truthfully scary.

"Alright, time to decide; smash her brains in while she is in the house, or... heh, well, I'm sure you have your own ways of wanting to deal with her. I'll make sure that no one will come along, or will hear her but us."

Yuukinan quickly used a little bit of demon magic to sound proof the room, keeping an eye out for the Lady's husband; if she had one. In the mean time, she just focused on instilling great hate, anger, and WRATH into Akira; she was going to make sure he would be transformed. He would be knew; and he sure as hell was going to make sure this woman knew his anger at her after he was done with her.

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Infectious Rage! Empty Re: Infectious Rage!

Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:30 pm
Akira stared confused at the rather beautiful looking woman as he awaited an answer, in which came in the form of a bat; a shiny metal bat. He stared at the weapon as he fumbled with it a bit, feeling the cold and smooth texture of the sport equipment. He didn't quite get it... Would he beat her in a game of baseball or something? He's never really played sports before or knew the rules, just the occasional game he watched some kids do as he was escorted from the school premises.

His dark beige eyes dulled as she told him the purpose of the bat. It was to kill the fat pig... His grip of the bat tightened a bit as he came to the realization. Sure sure, he didn't like that she humiliated him and got him fired but... Kill her? Wasn't that a little much? But well, soon he was following them; his feet seemed to have a mind of their own.

His mind was pulled into discord as a smile was on his face, hiding the terror he felt. The woman only egged him on, making the thought of killing the bitch more alluring. It was tempting but.. He couldn't hurt someone, even if they did wrong him. Honestly what he was more worried about were the consequences of the actions, rather than the action itself. He was terrified of the ridicule, the trial, the jail sentence, and much more. A life of misery a murderer would face.

But it just kept going and going... Soon they literally were at her front door. This was happening. This was reality. It wasn't a dream, some delirium from his depression. It was real... This Yuukinan slices the door into pieces, which didn't really stir the pot for him. The thought of killing someone was too fresh in his thoughts to be too concerned about the details. He was entering a stranger's house, without permission.

It only got worse... He wanted to scream. He wanted to run away. Neither happened, neither could happen. Screaming didn't compute with him out of fear, and if he ran he would probably just be dragged back. Why did this lady and her weird pet want him to kill this... Snoring.. Ugly... Disgusting pig...
But... A chance dinged. The woman said that she'd make sure no one could hear her screams but them... Is that true? His grip tightened, his smile steady and calm, but really he was frowning and trembling inside.

He approached the bed, breathing slowly. Maybe.. Just maybe... Just... One little hit.. He slowly rose the bat, soon the woman's husky snoring being interrupted.
"Wh...What the hell..." She stared in his general direction before her mouth gaped open and she screamed.
His eyes unfocused for a moment, aimlessly grabbing the first thing on her dresser, a perfume bottle, and smashing it over her face. This only caused further agonized noises, which prompted him to react rashly.
"Shut! Up!" He snapped, striking the woman twice. She lurched towards him, reaching an ugly stumpy set of fingers towards his bat with ridiculously long nails. He instinctively let out a mix between a laugh and a shout, striking her pudgy wrist, causing it to twist unnaturally in a way, well, wrists shouldnt be able to turn.

"Shut up you ugly fat pig! Just fucking stop screaming!" He shouted at the pinnacle of his vocal chords, straining his tone as he continued to aimlessly strike her, causing her to fall out of bed with an ungraceful 'bam', lying on her back like a blind, flailing turtle who didn't know how to flip onto it's belly. He began striking at her face and chest, after a couple minutes bleeding coming from multiple broken areas and internal bleeding soon becoming external. After a while, she stopped screaming or moving, lying limp with the signature thousand yard stare in what was intact of her eyes.

"I... I..." He backed up a bit staring at the bruised body before him. He frowned, and even began crying, a sign of happiness, utter joy from him in a long time. If he could.. If he could really get away with this... That this woman ruined his chances of possibly ever eating again.. That he beat her to death...
"I... Finally... Showed them... What it feels like..." His eye twitched briefly as his head hung, him covering his mouth and almost losing his lunch (which honestly was some crackers, dry ramen and water). He did a few dry heaves, panting hard.

"All these years... All... These... Years... I never knew how good it felt to hurt someone." He wiped his mouth a bit, feeling some liquid on his face, "No wonder they did it so much.."
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Infectious Rage! Empty Re: Infectious Rage!

Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:17 pm


Rakshasa Of Wrath
The Rakshasa of Slaughter

Infectious Rage! 6EdIfMt

Yuukinan could only grin as she watched this boy, now a young man who had embraced his wrath, his anger; his hate. She watched him, and she could only grin at his actions. Why grin? Well, he just literally beat the woman who fucked with him to death, crushing her face and chest in; leaving her a broken, bloodied, mess that was barely recognizable. Yuukinan look at him and then grabbed the bat, the blood on the bat literally falling off and then the bat seemingly went into Yuukinan's arm. Afterwards, she rubbed the boy's back softly, noticing the dry heaving and the sudden absence of Ikari; something she ignored. Yuukinan then looked at the woman as she twitched on the floor; she was clearly dead. There was no way to say otherwise thanks to all the blunt force trauma to her body. But, in a swift motion, and seemingly without much movement either; Yuukinan beheaded the woman and then made it look like she was attacked with more than one weapon. She swung the blood off of her sword before sheathing it again, the corpse having this strange dissolving sensation to it that soon stopped. Yuukinan then spat on the body, not caring if her DNA could be traced or not. Hell, it simply was burned by the chemicals from her Blade. Yuukinan then looked at Akira.

"That wasn't so hard, now was it? She's dead, you got your revenge? Although, as I don't think you want the kids to live, Ikari may want them to stay alive..."

Speaking of Ikari, she was off wandering about the house, not one to really care for wanton murder and revenge; the screams were indeed unhearable, but, she still could imagine them as she was sure Yuukinan was hearing them. Ikari walked through the house aimlessly until she got to a group of rooms; about two or three. She looked into each of them to see the two children from before. However, there was a third child; one that neither of them knew about. Was this one some sort of home ridden kid? Ikari crept into the child's room, sniffed at them and then perked up immediately; this was no human. Ikari sniffed more as she looked at the snow white locks and her pointed ears; if anyone could mistake this for a normal girl, they were crazy. Ikari slowly picked her up and could only smile, holding her tight and close. She was so damned cute. She walked back to the room, holding the kid in her arms; Yuukinan giving her a look of 'really?' when she entered.

"Hey!! Don't give me that look Yuukinan!! This kid clearly isn't that bitch's! She's a demon, not to mention, she's still extremely young! I have NO idea how they got a hold of this one~~! Oh, the other two kids I don't care about anymore, by the way. There's no husband, and I ain't gonna take em; just this one. I think Yukichi will like her~"

Ikari cuddled the little girl and simply went and sat on the corner of the bed, ignoring the blood and gently cradling the kid. Ikari was glad this was an actual demon and not some hoax; it meant that this one could stay with her and Yuukinan in their layer of hell. Yuukinan groaned slightly before she gave Ikari a pat on the head, simply giving Ikari an accepting smile; after she made up her mind, nothing would change it.

"Well then, looks like Ikari just adopted that child; and yes, she is a demon. I can tell that much already. Anywho, we'll need to tend to the other children; and no, you are not to kill the child Ikari has. If it wasn't the fat bitch's kid, we ain't killing her. I may hate most things, but I won't normally kill a kid."

Yuukinan pat the kid Ikari was holding on the head, the little white haired girl simply nuzzling into Ikari's boobs as Yuukinan took down the sound proof barrier and then guided him to the rooms of the two children. She leaned against a wall and then pulled a baseball bat from her jacket once more.

"Well, your choice if you want to kill them; I won't do it for you. Again, I am not one for killing kids. Adults? Sure. But, kids are in my no slaughter zone; up to you though. But, I assume you want them to feel your anger, right? Then go for it. And, again, no killing the one Ikari has; try to and I may cut off your arm if Ikari doesn't burn you."

Yuukinan grinned before she waved the bat towards Akira, wanting him to take it and then take care of the children. Of course, she wouldn't make sure they would die; it was all up to Akira on this one. Not to mention, if he did try to take, or hurt, the one Ikari has; Yuukinan may be forced to teach him a lesson, her way.

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Infectious Rage! Empty Re: Infectious Rage!

Wed Apr 19, 2017 6:43 pm
Akira was enveloped in disbelief and a feeling of utter euphoria. His frown only seemed to sharpen the longer he stared at the pig bitch's body. His morality was screaming for resurface, but his happiness over this destroyed woman's body, no, destroyed thing's body... He didn't see it as a woman anymore. It was just a thing that got in his way, that fucked with him, that had the audacity to interrupt his actions... He was the one in control here.

Well, sort of.

He panicked a bit internally when the bat was suddenly slipped from his hands, staring over at the woman who he was about to try to hit for touching him. He wasn't finished yet... He still had two little nuisances to take care of... He couldn't speak, all he did was stand there and watch the woman for a bit and the other one take a strange girl around. He didn't have any gripes about her; she wasn't involved in getting him fired.

But... was he killing children?

The woman made it sound like they were kids... He placed a hand on his face, feeling weakness all over his body. He... He couldn't kill kids, could he? He flashed back to the duo throwing eggs at each other and overall being horrid.

No... They weren't kids. That wouldn't be an issue. They were just brats. Brats who deserved punishment. They only looked like kids... His anxiety was going through the roof, but was soon dropping down. Relaxation was coming over him over the realization they weren't kids, at least to him they weren't.

He looked over at the black haired woman, immediately taking the bat from her.
"Relax." He frowned at her, "That one isn't a brat. The other two are." With that, he walked out of the room with the calmest look on his face, but something intense boiled inside of him. Hatred and euphoria.
He took a corner to one of the rooms, slowly opening the door to see a sleeping child in the bed. He didn't know what was happening, but it didn't look like a kid. It just looked like prey to him. A thoughtless, soulless creature that was asking to be killed with how weak and defenseless it was.

He went to the side of the bed quietly, breathing rather statically as he rose the bat. The blonde haired squeaker didn't even realize he was there. He was small... So easy to break...
A squeak, then a gag, then a choke, then silence went out when he struck his tiny chest. The child was gagging on his own blood; he probably struck right on his ribs to pierce his lungs. A little blood splattered on his face from the child coughing until finally going still. He walked out of the room quietly, onto the next one.

The door was quite creaky, which made him flinch. He saw a little figure sit up in the bed, staring at him with fear.
"Oh hey there little brat." He spoke calm and cool, though anger boiled inside of him seeing the little shit awake. He walked over to him, causing him to back away further on the bed in fear, pressing against the wall. Akira wiped his fingers on the blood on his face, quickening his pace to the little boy and showing him his fingers.
"See this? It's called blood, brat. It's from your pig and fellow brat." He dragged his hand along the kid's face, which only caused the child to whimper and then scream.

Akira grunted, hitting his neck quite hard. He heard a loud snap as the boy soon slumped then fell back in his bed. Akira made gentle whimpering noises as he left the room. His face was calm, but he laughed and twisted inside with what he had accomplished.

"I'm done." He spoke calmly to the woman, throwing the bat to her, "Is... This what freedom is like?"
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