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Sat Apr 29, 2017 3:24 pm



Loving↓Precision [Monsuta] [Request To Join Only]  6EdIfMt

Song: Who Is It? - Artist: Bjork - Words: N/A

Today was the day.

The day where everything would change.

This was the day that the Monsuta would be taken from the ashes of stagnation and rebuilt into something proper. Something whole. Something -- actualized. Yes. This was a grand vision that was building in the mind of a mere human, but this mere human understood the development that a single action could thing. To make a decision, to follow through and pursue it with the vicious love that only a human mind could give was a powerful feeling.

Beyond the guards, beyond the grunts, beyond the strife, beyond the inner conflict; this lone human vessel of utmost intellect saw through the charade and pinpoint the nerve center of their current leadership: Azuma Lazarus. All he had to do was make a pitch, convenience this leader to give him the manageability to otherwise oversee the resources of the Monsuta and their vision could be realized.

Therefore, in the depths of a Brazilian Forest is where this small little boy found himself awaiting the leader of The Monsuta to make his presence known. Time was of the utmost essence. For himself? Not really. The male assumed he could indefinitely live for thousands of years at his projected rate of self-care for his body. No. Time was precious because there was only so much time to capitalize on an action; while people had their own issues and conflicts to tend to that took up time, energy and resources. And so, out of respect for that, this lone venture requested only five minutes of Azuma time so he could tend to more significant concerns.

All he needed was five minutes to make this dream come true. It was the sum total of a mere few centuries of intellect, but he knew these experiences were needed to make his sickened skills as sharp as they were in a world full of monsters, beasts, and gods. It would carry him and anyone or anything he invested in towards the horizon beyond it all. So, there was no reason for him not to smile.

Ergo, this lone boy began to have his body become overfilled with ecstatic energy that made itself known in a flow of golden chi which flowed from his body. As this energy spread out throughout the regions, flowers started to bloom, the waters of the lakes nearby became that much more pristine, and a smell of fresh springtime air blew through the forest. From this Chi, there was a sense of great hope, anticipation and natural calm which seeped into the woodlands and brought a sensation that all would be alright.

And, with all of his ducks in a row, there was no reason for him not to feel that way.

As he gazed into the golden rays of sun that flew through the trees, the only thing that went through mind was the simple word of "Act".

Act, act, act, act.

That was the only thing to do here for this human, the Monsuta and the entire world as a whole as everything was spinning on a cosmic scale and changing. It was only a question of who was smart enough to see this and profit from it. Of which -- this human was certain.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Loving↓Precision [Monsuta] [Request To Join Only]  WVMWLOu
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Wed May 03, 2017 9:57 pm

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

In the rain forest of brazil, the leader of the monsuta currently strode forth through the thick underbrush. His hands pushing ferns out of the way, and letting the water drip against him from above. The refreshing feeling of the cool liquid against his skin causing him to tilt his head up softly to look at the shimmering rays of green that broke through the canopy above. Bird calls warbled to one another as they flitted past. Life despite the sickening fact he had taken so much of it, continued to perplex him, it calmed him and yet he could just as easily quash it under foot if that was what was needed from him. His eyes slowly lowered from the spectacular sight above and his hands clenched and unclenched before sliding from his sides to loosely be tucked within his pockets.

His golden eyes, full of strength and determination cut through the soft mist that had settled due to humidity on the rain forest. Soon he could feel the subtle changes wrought by the purpose of his visit. A mysterious individual that had managed to send him a message roughly a week previously. The contents of the letter had been simple, but it had intrigued him enough to decide to come to the appointed meeting place, a pair of co-ordinance that he simply plugged into his mind and interfaced with monsuta satellites to find this location, deep within the Rainforests of brazil. So this is why he was presently here, pushing through the underbrush like a human, his spiritual energy but a faint whisper of it’s true glory as he had suppressed it.

He mused about who this person was, what angle he had to play to decide to send a message to the shattered husk of the monsuta. Yet, at the same time deep down it was simple; he didn’t care who this person was. If there was a chance for the redemption of his home, of the people whom he would give his everything to protect, he’d do what was necessary for them in a heartbeat. Yet, as he had many thoughts and assumptions of who this person might be, he wasn’t prepared for the sight that graced him once he reached he meeting location, and his eyes only momentarily flashed with surprise before he supressed the unneeded emotions, his face returning to a mask of calm.

In his wildest dreams, he hadn’t assumed this person wore the mask of a child, or was a child. It was jarring to witness the sight of the child standing there, slightly impatient, brimming with energy. He exhaled and thought to himself once ”..No matter, this is fine too. “ before he finally let his mouth part and the words flow freely from his lips.

”..I’m here, now let’s get to the crux of the matter, what can you offer the monsuta?

He didn’t question that this was a child. He didn’t question his sanity for trekking through the forest like a human, he questioned none of it. He simply asked the question and waited for this unlikely encounter to begin to unfold.

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Loving↓Precision [Monsuta] [Request To Join Only]  LzZCuy7
Loving↓Precision [Monsuta] [Request To Join Only]  BtXe12b
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Thu May 18, 2017 4:04 am



Loving↓Precision [Monsuta] [Request To Join Only]  6EdIfMt

Song: Sorry About It All - Artist: Ozonesounds

Quick and to the point. That was quite enjoyable.

As soon as the sight of the golden-haired leader arrived in this quiet little forest, the crimson orbs of the male's eyes opened to the waking world once more and set their loving gaze upon the man as a tender smile crept across his face.

"Guidance, vision and evolution."

Those three words embedded the seeds of what Adam's essence had to offer this faction. They lacked a proper hand to guide them towards the vision of something grander to help them evolve beyond the shambled husk they are. So, with his loving hand moving them through the darkness of stagnation, this vessel of humanity wanted to nurture them like a mother feeding it's helpless infant her precious breast milk to give them the vital nutrients needed to thrive in this dirty world.

To that end, the male before Azuma held his hand and formed a knife which stabbed into the ground. When it did, a low volume of Chi bled into the earth around them. It overflowed with a golden aura, spread throughout the grass beneath his feet and caused many types of different flowers to come into bloom at a rapid rate around the male. It was progressing, evolving and birthing into existence an ideal reality of beautiful plant life to make the natural atmosphere of the grasslands around them all the more vibrant.

"Within my hands, my body and this wonderous body and spirit of mine holds the capacity to bring forth enlightenment, strength, progression and the wonder of a new hope and era."

At that moment, the males heart shaped necklace started to radiate with a strong sense of natural energy. While it lacked volume, what thumped within the vessel of Adam's body was a Chi of excellent quality. Cultivated under the powerful sense of his awareness, emotions, mind and insight into the soul; these constructs of his powerful ambition molded and became one with his chi to achieve a state of pristine flow. And, in doing so, extraordinary acts of human brilliance could shine through his actions and abilities -- if only given a chance.

"You know not of me, and that is rather fine. I'll find many within the shadows of the underground whom can vouch for my great work. Give me the resources, and I'll birth you a plan, direction, and vision to help restore your faction back to its glory."

Then, with his hand opened up, Adam motioned for him to take it.

"And, if you should feel so bold as to accept this offer, I'd even demonstrate, from a purely spiritual aspect, the benefits my knowledge of soul can do for a person. Are you feeling lucky today, Azuma?"

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Loving↓Precision [Monsuta] [Request To Join Only]  WVMWLOu
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Fri May 26, 2017 10:24 pm

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

Everything was amplified in the silence that stretched between question and answer. Azuma could hear everything in that moment, from his soft breath, to the sound of dew-drops pooling from the tips of leaves. His golden eyes scrutinized every detail of the person before him. His stature was slight, and the twinkle in his eyes were indiscernible in the muted forest gloom. Yet, azuma remained and patiently waited for the answer he was to be given. Why? His organization was crumbling and scattered, it was battered and beaten. It was barely passing the weathering that time inflicted upon it. Something had to change or it would soon not exist anymore. The once proud organization which had caused the world to quake and tremble, had been reduced to such a state.

It was his will, his tenacity, and his own determination that sought him to find Any solution. This was more than a position, this was his friends, his family that lay in the balance of his decisions. The anxiety of not knowing if tomorrow would break up the home that he had fought to protect for so long. The exhaustion of uncertainty, it all weighed on the leader of the monsuta. He didn’t want it to end here.

When he was spoken too, each word he heard was weighed very carefully. The future of his organization arguably would be dependant to an extent on the actions that transpired here, in an unimportant edge of civilization. So when adam said guidance, vision and evolution; the already calm gaze of azuma grew heavy. He was giving the small “boy” his entire attention. Even as the very air was saturated with Adam’s chi, and the world was aglow in golden hues. Azuma hadn’t moved from his spot.

He was deliberating, he was weighing the benefits that could be gleaned from making a gamble with the unknown. Against the detriments it potentially could have for the monsuta organization. It might be the way that adam’s energy lingered in the air, and spoke of something . . More. The way it stimulated and brought unbidden emotions to azuma’s mind that brought him to the conclusion that this might be worth taking the risk on. At the very least the boy known as adam had azuma’s interest, which was a step in the right direction.

Eventually adam spoke of how he wasn’t really known. It was true, azuma other than the information given to him in the letter sent to him; hadn’t really known much of adam. Rather it was this unknown variable that had brought azuma to this meeting. He had to make this decision face to face, both through the lack of information that surrounded adam, and the severity of the situation. Even now after adam spoke, and pitched his case, azuma hadn’t spoken other than the words that he had spoken in the begginning. The reason being he was still figuring out what he was going to say, how he was going to say it.

Normally he wouldn’t care, it would be very easy for him to say his peace and move on, but these days it seemed like he simply didn’t have that luxury. Tangibly the stressors of running an organization wore on him, it weathered him in a way that battle simply could not. Since once upon a time his actions held little consequence, now? That wasn’t the case, his actions would determine the fate of everything that was important to him.

Soon adam got to the end of his speech, what he wished was the resources, the position and the power to acheive the dream that he was working for. He wanted to implement his vision and make it reality. That was what azuma gathered, and he had to admit. The determination that lay behind adam's words stoked the fire within his heart. It allowed him to take that small step between distrust and willingness.

He spanned the gap between them as adam offered his hand. That hand was a test in itself. It was more than simply azuma taking his hand and azuma knew this. It was a way to showcase his willingness, his approval. At first it was these thoughts that caused him to pause, but then he thought about how he had been stagnent for so long. About how because of his anxiety he hadn’t been able to give the monsuta the glory that they deserved. They deserved better.

So it was for them that he took his step, his hand firmly gripping Adam’s own smaller hand, his rough and callused fingers coiling around adam’s smooth skin while his golden eyes looked down at him, a soft sigh leaving his lips as he finally spoke what he wished to in return.

”.I’ll be honest, i am hesitant to trust you. However.”

Azuma paused as he thought about it, why he was willing to go through this even though he still had this very tangible apprehension.

”..I will get nothing done if i twiddle my thumbs wallowing in my own repulsive uncertainty. As well if there’s even the slightest chance that the monsuta will become something more again then i cannot let that chance go by. “

By now his hand gripped Adam’s a little more firmly as he looked down, and he begun to speak his own conditions, his own thoughts on the matter other than simply him accepting their little proposition.
”So, if you aid the monsuta and help it thrive once more, you will get the resources, and the position you need to make things happen. I personally will give you permission to act as you need so long as it doesn’t supersede orders i myself have put in place. “

Then azuma blinked once and finished what he wished to say.

”That being said, i expect results, and not empty words. Evolve the monsuta. Now, show me what you can do.”

Azuma paused and waited to see just what this “evolution” that adam could achieve looked like before they took this any further.

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Loving↓Precision [Monsuta] [Request To Join Only]  LzZCuy7
Loving↓Precision [Monsuta] [Request To Join Only]  BtXe12b
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Sat Jun 24, 2017 9:33 am



Loving↓Precision [Monsuta] [Request To Join Only]  6EdIfMt

Song: Graveyard song - Artist: Iya the Maid -

Adam did not expect anything less than heavy contemplative thought for The Monsuta Leader. If Adam were in Azuma's position, he'd perhaps have the same line of thoughts dripping into his consciousness in another life. So, more than anything else, Adam understood through empathy what a huge decision the male was going to have to make for his precious baby. Which is why there was no sense of deceit, malicious or ill-will which vibrated through the essence of Adam's being. The only thing which bled out from his soul was positivity, hope and the potential to grow into something so much more.

Those components of potential, evolution, and hope made up the whole of Adam's psyche and powers at the moment. They were important because they were codes which he'd piece together, form a whole and alter the reality he was in by imprinting these blueprints into existence if given the ample resources and opportunity to do so. All he needed was a simple edge to let him go falling off the cliff, find his wings and soar towards the heaven. While he did have his own intentions, it's not as if he was the type to cut everyone off around him once he got there. If they served their purpose and helped him, it was only within human nature to bring those who assisted you to the top as well. It's only when they fail to perform well, listen to instructions and bring others down that they become disposable and keen for death. So, as long as The Monsuta heeded his advice, code and word -- there wasn't anything to worry about.

There was a strong, genuine interest to improve this faction within the heart of Adam and that was no lie. The only problem which lay within the depths of his mask was that he had no patience for those who would delay or stagnate that progress; no matter how weak or strong they may be. So if anyone proved themselves to be a thorn in his side, the boy could only foresee them being cut out of that grand picture altogether. Granted, given how vicious this org was, he doubt that would be much of a problem given how keen some of its own leaders were to dispose of both enemies and allies alike if they got in the way of one another.

So, when Azuma finally decided to shake Adam's hand, he was more than ecstatic to see him accept and there was a ginger glow which radiated from the boy's face as his smile grew from cheek to cheek.

"You are making the right decision! While I'm not as glam, famous and overpowered as many in this world; I don't need any of that to produce results~"

Certainty and joy. Those two sentiments were harmonized and made to be one with how they swelled up within Adam. His voice ringed with life, vibrancy, happiness and the simple notion that things were going to be alright from now on. Why was there no reason not to be confident? If you didn't believe in your own plan, then what could you believe in? He intended to show that to his employer with how he exuded total positivity. Even if something were to go wrong, they'd find a way around it and use it to make him stronger. That's all there was to it!

"Well, enough with the ominous faces, let's just get to work and go home!"

There was a thumbs up given and he nudged towards the west.

"Feel free to take me to our base and I'll get cooking up with the plans, resources, and blueprints to our success~"

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Loving↓Precision [Monsuta] [Request To Join Only]  WVMWLOu
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