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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Masks Don't Hide the Sick Empty Masks Don't Hide the Sick

Fri May 12, 2017 6:48 pm





Sweat dripped down the forehead of the male as he slumped to the ground, breathing hard. "Damn... he really is brutal..." The thin figure choked out, falling to the ground as he gripped his stomach. Just because... I haven't called on you in forever... The Vizard choked out inside of his mind, wincing as his inner hollow shrieked.

"Ugh..." He let out, collapsing to the ground at last. Reaching out a lanky arm, he grabbed the leg of the first person who walked by the alley. "Could I... get... a hand...?" The man asked, still laying on the ground. Night had fallen some time ago, and there were very few that were still out and about. That was why this stranger was the first to have their ankle gripped.

He was wearing a white garment over his torso, something wispy and silky. His hair was long and blonde, strewn about around him, but it appeared that it was well taken care of otherwise. Around his legs he wore a pair of jeans, and around his feet were steel toed boots. "I'm not... doing very well... please..." He begged, reaching into his pocket before pulling out a clump of bills. "I can pay for it just... aaah..." He winced, his eyes clamped shut before slowly opening, revealing an emerald green. "Call a cab... please..." He asked, before his head lowered down again, and he was left panting on the ground, consciousness fading in and out...

The consciousness of the Co-Head of the Vizard Corps, Colin Washi.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Mirja Eeola
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Masks Don't Hide the Sick Empty Re: Masks Don't Hide the Sick

Fri May 12, 2017 7:58 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Karakura Town. Not her favourite, so many people bustling about, her senses were overloaded by amount of people that were about. They stunk, they chattered, they were idiotic, and made Mirja want to start using her claws for more than just opening canned foods. Her mind was fraying more and more these days. She had adapted while chasing Caanan, to become a Beast, of murder and destruction. And now that Caanan was dead, she had no outlet. So she avoided people for the most part, but her business here was seemingly suffering some sort of focused, targeted theft. A few stolen bits she's brush off, but it was every day.

But, before she could get there, she smelled a man, strong and certainly someone she could hope to provoke for a bit of venting. Few people could survive when she delivered a solid punch, and so when she found someone who smelled like they could, then she was certainly going to go hunt them down. Still, when she came into sight of him, from the rooftops, he looked like he was nearly about to pass out from some sort of booze-induced state, or something like that. He begged pathetically to some passer-by, who hurried on, and left him on the floor. So, with a smirk, she vanished from her point, and returned a few seconds later, in front of him and wearing a full body black cloak, with a hood. She looked like the stereotypical Reaper.
"Well, looks like you have reached the end of the road" She spoke, a cold, dispassionate voice. It seemed as if she wasn't even there to begin with, no Reiatsu in the slightest, nothing but an ominous feeling surrounding her. "The question is, do you just accept your fate, or are you the kind of person that fights against Destiny?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Masks Don't Hide the Sick Empty Re: Masks Don't Hide the Sick

Sat May 13, 2017 2:51 am




Is my cybermind even working…? Colin wondered to himself, shaking on the ground. He figured it must be, if he was still able to process thought. Hell, it might be the only thing keeping him together at this point. People sure can be… jerks… He thought to himself as he lay on the cold concrete, before blinking as he heard a voice. "The road?"

He shook again, before clenching his body hard. Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to sit up. No. You're not getting out. Especially not in a place filled with people. The Vizard communicated this message to his inner hollow with force, making him breathe even harder than normal. "…Are you going to make me outrun you again…?" He chuckled, before wincing hard, pain streaming through his front and back.

"That depends… does Destiny feel like keeping me from getting a cab home?" He asked her, leaning back as he looked up at her. If she knew anything about important world leaders, surely she would recognize the streaming blonde hair of the Vizard Corps executive. If not… that was perfectly fine as well. "Because if she is, then you bet… that she'll…"

Both of his hands moved to the sides of his head, his eyes opening as they lightly shook back and forth. A pained groan left his throat, even as small drips of white slid out of the corner of his mouth. No. No mask, not here. He stiffened his expression, making the white drips come to a stop. "I appreciate the humor, though. Who… are you… with… aaurgh…"

The Eagleman tried to have a proper conversation with the woman, but he was not able to get many words out, breathing in and out. "Come on… we can make a trade… just help me… get out of the city… and whatever you're looking for…" He got out hopefully, the pain in his throat rising. His words were cut off, sweat still forming along his forehead. This was definitely not something that the Washi was used to. It seemed to be effecting him on a deeper level because of that fact…


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Masks Don't Hide the Sick Empty Re: Masks Don't Hide the Sick

Sat May 13, 2017 9:18 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja nodded at the man, solemn and sombre. She looked at him, a mess of a man for the power she could feel coming off him, and let out a sigh in her heart. It was just like that Captain that stumbled into Vastime pissed as a cricket. Why did everyone feel the need to overindulge to such a point they were a mess like this?
"Yes, the Road. You are dead, it seems. You imbibed far to much, and then fell down and your body ceased to function. No, no more, are you destined for this world. You can come politely, or we can take you there without your permission" She told him. But, as the moment progressed, she realised it seemed he was less about him being rat-arsed and more about him having alternate problems. One of Mirja's eyes turned black and yellow as Hvit climbed in for a front row seat.

'This guy, looks like a new Vizard. Or one that doesn't really have a good relation with his host. You can smell it, right?' Hvit asked, which prompted Mirja to sense his energy by her nose in a deeper manner than she had before. And there, was something trying to get out, and being suppressed.
'Dam. He is to powerful for me if his Hollow starts to run amok. I don't even have my Zanpaktou right now. It's still being dead weight' she replied, before letting out an exasperated sigh and hoping that if they guy did turn, it wouldn't end up like her fight with Stefan.

"Fine, let's get you out of the city before you decide to pop and try to murder everyone" She muttered, grabbing him and leaping to the rooftops before launching him in the direction of Karakura Forest. It was here that the girl's phenomenal physical strength would become apparent, as would the speed of her when she would be in position to catch the flying body of Colin in the Forest, if he didn't resist to her Emergency Ejection technique.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Masks Don't Hide the Sick Empty Re: Masks Don't Hide the Sick

Sat May 13, 2017 9:57 am




"But I don't drink…" The blonde haired man protested, opening his mouth as he breathed in and out. It still hurt to breathe. He was experiencing the equivalent of power flowing back into himself instead of pushing it outside. It made his throat tense up, raw with pain. It bothered him down to his very soul, made moving difficult, made everything difficult.

Without much else happening, though, he was grabbed… and then forcibly chucked away. "Thanks…" He muttered, leaning over her shoulder as she scaled the buildings. As he was taken higher into the air, he seemed to… relax. It was as if the height was healthy for him. Breathing became easier, everything became easier. When he was finally chucked away, his eyes were able to open wide, and as he looked at the city down below…

His right hand gripped against his face, tugging. An explosion of white liquid surged out, flowing around his face as his mouth opened wide as if in a scream. His body began to spin, the white shooting out in every direction. "DAMMIT, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO IGNORE ME?!" His mouth forcibly shouted, Colin's right arm thrust towards his face and impacting into the liquid, crushing into it. Pain coursed through his face, struggling as he forced his arms down to either side of his body. He began retaking control, his energy spiking.

"That's IT." Colin tried to shout through the liquid, making it solidify as the excess dripped off of his arms. "I AM THE ONE IN CONTROL!" He roared, green energy shining around his body. The energy solidified just a bit, letting Colin suddenly flip up into the air, brushing past Mirja as he expertly manipulated the energy and the method of flight, like a bird.

Finally, he righted himself, bits of white and blue still dripping off of his mask. It was completely blue in color, with yellow paint around the eye holes. Outside of the yellow, small red lines stretched up towards his head. From his mouth extended a beak, and out of either side of it extended four green feathers.

"…Grraarrra…!" An uncontrollable growling emanated from Colin's body, his arms struggling and surging as they wrapped around his blades. "Damn…" Colin breathed out, trying to keep it under control. "GRRRAAAH!" It shrieked out of his mask, a stunning cry like a Mandrake. Colin clamped the beak shut, his emerald eyes looking out from the holes at the one who had forcibly ejected him…

The trees… all of trees that Colin had flown past since his mask started forming suddenly quaked… before the leaves were sent flying, branches falling and crashing into the ground behind him. His head turned back to look at the destruction he had caused, his gaze behind the mask turning to one of despair… before taking a deep breath.

So much waste. Are you happy now?! He demanded of his inner hollow, placing both hands in front of his body. "…I don't suppose…" He spoke slowly, lowering onto the ground, fingers gripping around the mask… before moving it slightly to the side. He let it hang off of the side of his head, but the yellow paint and red lines remained on his face underneath, showing the power of his hollow still. "Wait, first. Let me thank you."

Putting his hands together before his chin, he bent forwards in thanks, another surge of pain emanating from his chest. "This is entirely my fault…" He explained, glancing away at the destroyed trees. "I stayed in total control for far too long… Are you injured?" He asked with concern, picking up his sword before throwing it at a living tree. "Well, like I said…" He got out, before being stopped by another surge of pain in his chest. DESTROY. MUTILATE. KILL. The waves of bloodlust poured into his otherwise gentle mind, making him cover his mouth with a hand.

"Like I said… if there's anything you're looking for or need help with, I owe you a favor. It would probably be great if that favor let me take off some of This STEAM…" His mouth finally rested, his golden locks of hair billowing about in the wind around them… a wind that had picked up since the hollow mask had appeared on his face, rustling the trees about. He was trying to keep it all under control, but some of it was still eeking out. It made him uncomfortable, feeling like it wasn't under his control… and at the moment it was everything he could do to pay attention to what was in front of his face.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Masks Don't Hide the Sick Empty Re: Masks Don't Hide the Sick

Sat May 13, 2017 10:18 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Catching him, didn't seem to work, because he was in the stubborn stage of being drunk and insisted that he was sober enough to fly. This, was how people got into accidents, but it seemed he did not care enough about other fliers, and just went off on his own like some doosh.
"Nobody flies responsibly these days" She muttered to herself, shaking her head before looking back up at the man, he seemed to be having trouble with the gear-stick, or that his hollow was forcing itself out and he wasn't feeling to good. Admittedly, she wasn't one to say that her first Masking experience was a good one...

Eventually he managed to get under some sort of control, and could speak, to some degree, but Mirja wasn't entirely impressed with the way these two had a relationship. It was one step shy of domestic abuse, and she didn't want any couple to have to go through that. So it was time for a bit of counselling. And if he needed to blow off steam in the meanwhile, well, she had just the technique that she needed to test to ensure it was solid. Her new and not yet field-ready Tundra Lotus.

"You've got it all wrong. Neither of you should be in total control. You both live in that body now, so you have to learn to share if you are going to get along. If you can't, then you are both doomed to a life of constant conflict" she told the man, and his hollow, that was probably listening. She didn't don Hvit, that power made her outright dangerous, but did pop one of her Strength runes to grant a nice little edge. "Now, I can help you blow off steam, but only you can find the way to work with each other" She said, before taking the stance for her Tundra Lotus. She hadn't managed to clock any of the forms yet, but she was working on that.
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Masks Don't Hide the Sick Empty Re: Masks Don't Hide the Sick

Tue May 16, 2017 11:57 am




"…We're aware of that." Colin slowly told her in reply, glancing down at the ground. The mask was still hanging on to the side of his head, and the look on his face was one of shame. "It just gets… hard, sometimes. And no matter how much I apologize, he just keeps getting upset at the fact that there aren't many people who can deal with him being awake." Colin concluded, before looking up at her.

"Yeah… you seem pretty strong." He told her, looking Mirja over with his Cyber eyes. She seemed like she could probably take a the majority of a good fight. The kind of fight that his hollow was demanding, begging for. It was like a beast inside of him that would not be satisfied until some amount of blood had been spilled. The amount of time that he had kept it under lock and key truly was remarkable. "But if you want me to sync with my hollow, this really might hurt!"

Colin's body hung in the air, even as he reappeared in front of her, right hand smashing downwards towards her face. The Colin that had been hanging in the air dissipated, the afterimage fading. The Colin that was grabbing at her face… then backed up, hopping and leaping away from her, as if he had performed a feat…

Until Colin smashed back into her, as if the feat had never occurred to begin with. There was a marked change. The mask that had been on the side of his face was now on the front of it. Tossing his right foot back, he slid off the air, another Shunpo taking him to behind her body. "Should I release my Zanpakuto?" He asked her, dashing back until he was standing in front of her again. "Is there anything that you would like to be pressured into making work? Because I can definitely do that!"

It had been some time since Colin has synchronized with his inner hollow. Now that he had, Mirja was able to witness the union of a man who had managed to combine his own abilities with that of his inner Hollow and Zanpakuto.

His hands were pressed together in front of Mirja's body, his palms pointing towards her. His right hand was resting behind his left one, gripping onto it as Colin focused….


His concentration snapped, and the wind sphere that he had been developing exploded, throwing Colin into one of the trees down below. His clothing now exhibited several slashes along its length, and his mask had been knocked to the side of his face again. "Are you going to get pissed at me whenever I use an attack that isn't yours today?!" He asked, seemingly of empty air. "Fine then." He answered, again to the empty air. However, it was easy to deduce that he was talking to his inner hollow. More white liquid dripped out of his mouth… and the tree that he had landed on began to break apart from the diverted sphere, logs crashing into the ground from where they had been sliced into pieces.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Mirja Eeola
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Masks Don't Hide the Sick Empty Re: Masks Don't Hide the Sick

Tue May 16, 2017 12:39 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja nodded, sometimes it was hard to get along with Hvit when she got into a sulky mood, but most of the time she was lucky enough to get along with her, after the fight where they had spoken withtheir fists and aired most grievances. But that didn't mean every Vizard in the world meshed well with their Inner Hollow, as much as Mirja would have enjoyed that. Peace within your soul was something she wanted for everything.
"Don't worry, I am not the kind of girl to go home crying after a boo-boo" She told them, smiling and watching as he moved in.

He was bloody fast, and had she not had multiple conflicts with Tsubasa, and developed her senses to keep up with that level of speed, she would be smashed in the nozzer. As it was, it was too fast to simply dodge, as comprehension was a little slower when it came to non-occular realisation of movement. So she instead activated her Flowing River technique, combined with Saigen, it allowed her a momentary existence of impeccable durability. It would be akin to slamming one's fist against a mountain of diamonds, but it didn't last long, and burned one of the blocks of energy from her Plus Ultra. It was like fighting Stefan all over again.

The next attack came quickly, and took Mirja full bodied, smashing the girl off her feet, before he appeared behind her in a magnificent display of esoteric swiftness. However, all there was that was left of Mirja, was her Shihakusho, as she had managed to only just avoid the second strike with her Molting Cicadia. There was a smile now, a broad and not altogether sane smile. She had been keeping herself pretty well contained with her speed addiction, having reached a wall and not having any fight with super speedsters of late. But now it roared within her soul again, and her hands twitched, her eyes grew large, and her grin was far to wide.

"Ohhh, I've missed this. You are magnificent, Mister Man. Show me more" She said, activating two techniques best left unactivated in the general run of things. Zero-Point Soul Refraction Technique, was something that could damage her Reiryoku Network if abused, and the Lionhood variant of Heart's Kiai stopped her heart for a few moments before beating with such speed and ferocity that it was audible to everyone, and her skin flushed a deep red. The power that was raging through her body right now was on an echelon far above any of her other techniques, and would allow her to have the most fun. Sure, she only had about a minute before her body kinda exploded, but that minute was plenty when at these speeds.

"You are the kind of person that wouldn't break if I went full tilt. So excuse me for doing just that" She said, before falling forwards. At first it looked like she was going to face-plant the ground, as if some delayed reaction to his attack, but then at the last moment she launched forwards, like a railgun slug, manipulating the momentum of her falling to push herself beyond her normal limit of speed, and with the current techniques, that would be a hell of a limit indeed. She'd clear the distance between her and Colin long before the crack of the sound barrier reached the ears of anything in the surrounding area, and a Mountain-sundering punch would be thrown directly at him, to the sound of maniacal laughter, when sound actually caught up with The Wolf.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Masks Don't Hide the Sick Empty Re: Masks Don't Hide the Sick

Tue May 16, 2017 1:22 pm




"Well that's good. I'm not the type to hold back." Colin replied with a flourish. He was referring to whatever level he was currently fighting at, of course. Right now, he thought of his combat ability of being that of a regular Captain of the Soul Society, who was used to their Bankai's power. Or maybe a bit more, if I tried to push it.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, each of Colin's knuckles was bruised after the blow he attempted to deal her. There was even blood dripping out of the sides where the skin had shattered. The Inner Hollow was the only attribute of Colin that granted him any kind of defense, and without it his hand likely would have been broken. Yeah, I'm going to need to focus on Breaking Points…. Maybe. He still was not sure how that durability had worked; it did not seem to be the same upon his second attack. "Well, if you're willing to use limited resources…" Colin spoke, reaching to either side of his mask, before removing two of the feathers. As he did so, the muscles in his arms stiffened visibly… nearly doubling in size, almost to the size of normal human arms. That was because of how thin his arms and legs were, and how thin he was in general. Strength flowed through his body, as if he had just removed a limiter. The boost was temporary, though, and was not one that had kept pace with the rest of his abilities over the years. The wind that echoed around his body now whipped at his hair, blowing the golden strands about as he tilted his head at her words.

"Huh… been some years since anyone called me that." The Eagle man replied to her calling him magnificent, interested by how she was able to take the damage that he was dealing out so far. Hmm. Seems like she's having a harder time of it than I expected… So far, he had only activated his hollow mask. He supposed that it would be worrisome what would happen if he were to release his sword. That's also part of being a Vizard. You have to train multiple parts of yourself. You need to always stay on top of it. Otherwise, your skills will fade, your connection with your Zanpakuto will dim, and your relationship with your Inner Hollow will suffer. He smiled as the wind blew around him, floating in the air. His feet were pressing onto a plate of reiatsu, as Shinigami were meant to do.

But that also means that we are one of the most versatile! His cyber eyes followed her descent, so used to the speeds that it felt like she was moving moderately fast. Use the air. He couldn't help but smile as she did exactly that, as if she were a peregrine falcon dashing after its prey. He could make out her mouth's movements, but the sound was long gone. Her laughter could not hope to catch her at these speeds.

WE JUST GOING TO STAND HERE AND WATCH?! His hollow demanded, making Colin jerk as the core of his body came into play.

Rapido Avaces. He mouthed… as the flow of energy in his body shifted, surging along his neck as he pulled it to the side. Her fist plummeted straight into his chest, avoiding a fatal or extremely problematic blow as Colin's torso took the brunt of the assault. Taking the blow, he was thrown bodily downwards at high speed, like a racing bullet… except he was accelerating extremely unnaturally. His energy was flowing through his body in ways that pushed him down faster, faster, faster!

Right before he impacted, surging into the planet…

The male vanished.

"Here." The noise that came out of his mouth finally reached back to Mirja's ears, Colin's body throwing all that pent up energy and momentum into a new direction… forcing the flow of his Rapido Avaces technique into full effect. I wonder if she would be able to learn this… He wondered, the traces of light and appearance finally catching up as the series of afterimages that had appeared with each shift and change of his momentum passed behind him.

His right hand came down at the back of her neck, trying to violently disorient her as Colin's enhanced strength slammed into the back of her neck. Not only did his strength slam into her, but Rapido Avaces swirled within Colin's body, making his arm jerk rapidly and smash into her back a multiple of times. He hoped that she did not break from this; it felt great to really let loose his technique.

KYEEEEEEEEEEER! The hollow screamed inside of his mind, throwing off Colin's concentration as Rapido Avaces went out of control.. Throwing Colin's arm far behind his back. Damn it all…! He winced, trying to get it under control. He could feel his arm bending, pain pushing through him from it. It was about to break before Colin finally got the energy back under control, having it flow back to his core. This would create a significant opening in his defenses, if Mirja was able to take advantage of it…


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Masks Don't Hide the Sick Empty Re: Masks Don't Hide the Sick

Tue May 16, 2017 3:36 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Her Falling Wolf Punch connected brilliantly, with the phenomenal strength behind the dual-layered enhancement techniques she was burning up to drive her into a manner that could react to this man and actually hit him with enough damage to make him feel the blows. She was hunched over slightly, breathing fast and deep as she had totally gone off the deep end. From her blossomed a thick, heavy feeling, akin to Reiatsu, but with a much more vicious tinge to it. The Wolf was a creature of violence, it lived off fighting and only really let loose and felt alive in combat. Having avoided it in an attempt to pursue other things, the pressure inside her had built up and built up until now, the point where it had exploded from her enough to cripple a weak-willed person with nothing but the malice within it. While more beast, than woman, her eyes turned a deep black and yellow, as she drew on her Cardinal Seal without donning her Mask. As it was connected to her mask, it brought Hvit into the front, but didn't don her mask properly.
'Mirja, try not to kill him, or yourself. Neither would look good' Hvit told her, a soft metaphysical hand on her shoulder as she drew more power into herself to push further than she could possibly manage, to push him further, and feel the fight.

However, it seemed her blow had not done as much damage as she was expecting, as she was falling forward on the behest of her instinct, and then took an incredible blow to the back of her neck, followed by several more blows that would have sent her tumbling across the ground, had she not been such a woman that had to be knocked out to actually fall over, such was her grace, and her stability. Actually striking her would be different again. Not quite a mountain of diamonds, but far from flesh, it felt like a solid rock face of pure granite. And her Cardinal Seal had changed her so that the hit would feel like striking the point of a blade. The hit shook her, threw her off and made her unable to focus for a few seconds, but she recovered quickly and turned back to her enemy. This was glorious, this was what she needed. She tried to deny herself, to become a civilised woman who people could respect, but at her core, she was a monster. Caanan had put a lot of effort into turning her into one, and that was not something that was going to be dealt with easily.

He was strong, he was fast, and he could take a punch from her and not split in two. This was going to be great. But then, something happened, and he became a deer, leg caught in a trap and nowhere left to go. Her feral mind didn't know what had happened, but it roared in anger. Something was taking her prey from her, and she was not going to accept this. No longer with the mindset to use Slip-Stream, Mirja pushed off the ground, cracking it in a large area surrounding her as she pounced on the helpless Colin, throwing fist after fist with the power and fury to shake the world with each blow. Or at least the forest they where in. Trees shook and small animals ran for cover as the onslaught disturbed the surrounding area to such a momentous degree. She left all manner of self-control by the wayside, and used every ounce of her strength that she had until recently feared for it's destructive capabilities. Coiled muscles snapped into action and her entire body was preparing for devastation.
"Stop! Work with each other or I will tear your lungs out!" She screamed, her lupian fangs on display as she snarled.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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