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Unnerving Disturbance [Gotei 13/Shadow Fall Mission] [Mission RP Thread] Empty Unnerving Disturbance [Gotei 13/Shadow Fall Mission] [Mission RP Thread]

Sat May 20, 2017 7:28 pm


5/3/2417, 4:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 4:00pm CST time on May 3RD, 2417. The thread is currently taking place in a small village in the outlands of the Soul Society. There appears to be a dozen Shadow Fall operatives in this region causing havoc to the villagers due to a dispute about their presence here. The objective is to remove them.

Unnerving Disturbance [Gotei 13/Shadow Fall Mission] [Mission RP Thread] WVMWLOu
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Unnerving Disturbance [Gotei 13/Shadow Fall Mission] [Mission RP Thread] Empty Re: Unnerving Disturbance [Gotei 13/Shadow Fall Mission] [Mission RP Thread]

Sat May 20, 2017 10:42 pm
Inami will show up as one of the antags who cause a ruckus here, (If that works for you guys versus purely an NPC variety of baddie)

Unnerving Disturbance [Gotei 13/Shadow Fall Mission] [Mission RP Thread] LzZCuy7
Unnerving Disturbance [Gotei 13/Shadow Fall Mission] [Mission RP Thread] BtXe12b
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Unnerving Disturbance [Gotei 13/Shadow Fall Mission] [Mission RP Thread] Empty Re: Unnerving Disturbance [Gotei 13/Shadow Fall Mission] [Mission RP Thread]

Sun May 21, 2017 3:11 pm
Eiji was a person who considered himself to be a man of great talent. While he knew that every man, and that did include himself, had their own limits he simply believed that his were higher than a majority of others. He was, after all, a person who was able to manipulate Reiryoku as he saw fit; who could say that they were able to do the same? Creating objects out of pure energy, it was something that was magnificent. Today was meant to be a day like any other; he was going to simply go about his business and simply train. There were no major targets that needed to be hunted, and there was not supposed to be any sort of unexpected activity in the land. This assumption of his, however, was quickly proved wrong as he had heard word of Shadow Fall troops appearing in the outlands of Soul Society. Why did people seem to think that they could do what ever it is that they liked and there would not be consequences? This new was rather shocking to Eiji, who would be stupid enough to launch an attack on Soul Society? Surely Shadow Fall were not idiots. "What the fuck is wrong with people in this day and age? Are they really this barbaric?" He sighed, standing from the ground and dusting himself off. "What is the point in attempting to invade this place? Do they wish to die?" He laughed, it seemed that people thought they were going to be able to survive such an idiotic ordeal. "Well, I suppose I should go and show these fellas a good time." It was with this that he left the training room. Whoever the hell it was that Shadow Fall sent better be interesting; they were interrupting his free time; the valuable time that Eiji was able train himself and increase his own power.

The outlands was a place that not too many ventured into; while there were some villages and towns they were few and far between; who bothered setting up a settlement in an area so far from the main hub of activity anyway? It was not as though they could not simply expand upon the city! Ignoring these thoughts of his Eiji found himself taking a brief walk through the landscape; it would be a relatively short trip if he had decided to simply use his abilities to travel, but why bother; he wished to simply take in the landscape for a moment before he arrived. These were the people that had no power, though in Eijs eyes no one had as much power as he himself. His latent abilities were capable of great things, though he knew he was no where near powerful enough to reach them yet. It was with this rather annoying thought that Eiji simply disappeared; it seemed he was becoming bored of the landscape and wanted to finish this. With this he would arrive at the edge of town. He had been told that there would be a group of others joining him. He had insisted that they were unnecessary, but he was ignored. Usually he would simply complete this and be gone, but disobeying orders was something that would bring about unwanted results; it was with this that he decided to wait for his comrades.
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Sun May 21, 2017 4:16 pm

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

Chaos is always a delicious thing isn’t it? The way that order crumbles into the crumbs of fear and depravity. The way that in an instance everything is turned on it’s head and one begins to see the ugly underbelly that is the truest nature of sentient creature. Or, so Inami Asthavon thought as she stepped from a jagged scar that had bisected the skies as if striking the heavens themselves. The horrendous accompaniment of harsh demonic energy that bore down and distorted space enough that in that instance people froze in fear. Glass shattered, screams howled. The sickening stench of their emotions was almost too much for the demoness to bare, it brought her euphoria, the thought of railing against the meandering creek that was their every day order was enough to paint the smallest of full-teeth grins upon her face. Her eyes took in the looks of manifold gazes staring upon her, the way they seemed to be slack-jawed. The way that sweat perspired from their pores, and the screams were left unbidden upon their lips, silenced by the raw weight of her mountainous energy that bore down upon them for the moment of her arrival.

It was as if she had come here on a whim, a decadent desire to leave her humble abode of chaya nation, from which she had as of late so often found almost to be a cage. The voices, soft and sweet spoke to her of the outer world, of how complacent they had grown. This was not good, no, no, no~ this was certainly not good. They needed to be shaken up, the metaphorical pot stirred. The contents once again sent into turmoil and inexplicable uncertainty once more! It was for this reason she allowed the energy to ebb as she stood there, in many ways as close to a living breathing deity as they might find. The distorted waves of demonic power tainting the very earth as the sky was covered in a haze.

”..So naive. . Hiding in your world of lies.”

Her words carried far, yet were a mere whisper that tickled the inner ear. It was as if she was the consciousness within, the devil upon their shoulder whispering to them sweet nothings, a lullaby that would proceed the carnage, the pandemonium that would be loosed here. Her words a dry, dry wisp of sound that entangled them in fear and fright. She cocked her head slightly to the side as her eyes with their heterochromia seemed to take in their expressions. As if she wished to take a snapshot in her mind, a memory that she could use to entertain her once she went back to that place of desolation. A perverse giggle left her lips, it’s sound a cacophony in itself each giggle having a sound that was different than the last. Some of them angelic, others truly demonic, then the ghastly wails that accompanied it all blended together into a sound that caused many of them to quiver in fear.

With a pulse her domain covered the entirety of the town, dying it with her own particular color. And then she took the first step, her foot coming in contact with the air. The air that seemed to become tainted as from that foot a mountain of threads ripped through the very air. It smashed into the ground, it tore through the earth. The entire village. itself would become what could only be called a disaster zone. Buildings ripped apart under the tide of threads that smashed through, devoured and otherwise turned everything into a pile of rubble. It’d ensnare the common populace and it would cause them to be devoured. Yet, there was something lovely about this town, yes something magnificent that would make it wondrous to those who would inevitably flock like moths to a flame.

It was she did not kill them. Instead rather they would become ensnared by cocoons wrought of tendrils. The people would be like insects within egg sacks. Slowly their life force was being taken away, converted into power through the concept of reishi drain. An affect of zao ka. Other than this few escaped, capable of fleeing to go find help. Fires running rampant as she raised her hands and that crack behind her seemed to widen, like the jaws of an ancient beast opening to swallow the world. It was as if the very sky above was shattering and behind it lay the void. The massive demon portal which was formed through inami’s own gifts of zao ka and the ability of demon magic, a construct from which soon demons of all sizes flocked and flew from. Maybe a hundred of these minor demons came before the portal seemed to go into a state of stasis, yet these demons would still begin to wreak havoc upon the buildings and the populace that had managed to avoid the impending crisis.

Children? Slaughtered, drug through the streets like sacks of potato’s or wheat freshly severed by the scythe. It was hell upon earth and the queen who had once been an advocator of peace amongst the races only could say in that soft whispering voice once more, as the skies themselves began to dye themselves in chaotic hues, and as the chaos only served to spread further.

”It’s time that they face reality. . . And embrace the cruelty of the world.”

In a way this was a blessing , borne from her own chaotic feelings. She had . . mixed feelings about the soul society. Maybe . . just maybe deep within her heart this was a warning that the peaceful era that ibiki had ushered in was ending. That soon things may just. . shift from someone who at one point had fought upon their sides. But that sentiment had already been swept away in the euphoria of chaos, the bliss of catastrophe. The love of pandemonium, the joy of slaughter. The glee of sowing seeds of dissent in this fickle thing known as “order” to revert everything into the state of primordial chaos. That was bliss. . .or so she had begun to thought. As time had went on, and her personality failed her. Only now as she giggled here it was time for her to truly enjoy herself. To let loose.

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Unnerving Disturbance [Gotei 13/Shadow Fall Mission] [Mission RP Thread] LzZCuy7
Unnerving Disturbance [Gotei 13/Shadow Fall Mission] [Mission RP Thread] BtXe12b
Mirja Eeola
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Unnerving Disturbance [Gotei 13/Shadow Fall Mission] [Mission RP Thread] Empty Re: Unnerving Disturbance [Gotei 13/Shadow Fall Mission] [Mission RP Thread]

Sun May 21, 2017 4:53 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Pouring out tea, Mirja laid the table, and then finally propped the book up and began to read. It was interesting beyond anything she had seen before in her life. The concepts behind it, the very ideals that she was dealing with by reading this was something that she could not put down. She had secluded herself from the world, locked the door and disconnected the phone so she would be undisturbed while she read. Cookies and tea helped keep her mind on the book, and she was begining to learn a great deal about what she was dealing with here.

But, it was shattered when suddenly a feeling erupted from way out there, that made her shudder. Maybe it was just her overactive instincts, or her Lupian nature picking up on things usually not picked up on, or both, but she felt there was shit going down. Big shit, and bad shit. She tried to ignore it for all of three seconds, before letting out a sigh and getting up. Unlocking the door, she orientated herself in the right direction, and then took off. On her way there she passed Eiji, who seemed to be heading in the same direction and that reinforced her theory that something was going down.

As she approached, she could feel more and more that there was indeed bad shit. She thought about going back to warn Eiji about it, but if he couldn't sense what was blaring off this place, then he was kinda stupid and also blind and Mirja didn't really like that combination much, or at all really. So she just sped up and hit the town under the radar of practically everything. Without any Reiatsu output, and riding the Slip Stream, she was incredibly hard to detect, especially with the much easier to detect Eiji coming and probably about to run his mouth off at everyone, despite the odds. So instead she set about with a rescue operation, villagers seemingly just vanishing from the town for no reason at all. She'd step in to save Eiji's ass if he got himself into to much trouble, but until that happened, he could learn a thing or two about his Sense of Danger.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Tue May 23, 2017 4:52 pm
As Eiji had approached the village he had become aware of the increasing amount of energy that was gathered at the location; it was not as though he was some form of idiot who could not sense this. He even knew that this was going to become extremely dangerous. He hate to admit it, but he was fairly certain that even if he outsmarted this threat their shear power would be enough to put him on his ass; with a slight sigh he simply ignored this. It was not as though others would hesitate due to something as trivial as this; these were innocent people and they needed to be protected. It was as he thought this that another had arrived and cleared the village of others; this person was someone he was already acquainted with, though it seemed he still didn't really know the female. "Wait, you're shinigami? The fuck is going on?" It was with this, however, that he realized there was a time and place for this; this was neither.

Stopping himself from speaking, something which he would usually not do, he simply walked into town; he had a rather calm demeanor, as usual, and was rather confident in his appearance. While he knew that he was outclasses at this point, he knew that making a good impression was something that could go a long way in creating an atmosphere which would benefit him. From what he could tell this was going to be a rather drawn out battle, if there was to be one. "Who do we have here?" He chuckled, walking into town. "Who dares to invade this magnificent town without our permission? You can at least ask before coming into anthers house!" It was with this that he sighed.

Unsheathing his blades he would finally come into contact with the enemy combatant. "Oh, it's a beautiful lady! I would have suspected some sort of beast to be invading the land. Well, why don't we try to settle this rather reasonably dear?" He chuckled, taking a leap back and dashing up the walls of a surrounding building. At this point he wanted some form of advantage, really anything would be useful. Jumping from fractured building to fractured building he would infused pieces of debris with is Reiryoku; as he did so it would launch toward the female; it wasn't going to be extremly effective, but it would at least serve as a valid distraction?
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Wed May 24, 2017 9:43 pm

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

Inami’s heterochromia gleamed, and she glanced down at the male that had come before her. Her expression non-plussed at his arrival, and more than that bored with the way he came up. There was no fear in his eyes, and the rank stench of overconfidence exuded from his pores. It was easy to see he thought much about himself, from the tilt of his chin to the way he held himself. ”..Little babies crawl from the woodwork don’t they?. . . “ Her thoughts shifted , sifting through her head lazily as she waited for him to say his peace, to . . speak his plea. Yet as her nonplussed expression shifted it turned into a lazy grin, twisting into a snarl as she heard what he had to say.

Laughter, the dissonant cacophony of sound that grated against the ears. The demons thought she was here as an agent of their own, the shinigami thought she was a lunatic, how grand, how grand! As her laughter broke windows and caused rubble to fall on the ground, the sickening tang of her unholy energy exuded from every single fiber of her being. Space distorted, cracks formed upon the ground from her perch in the sky. Yet none of them were harmed, other than the overwhelming sense of dread the feeling of primordial chaos that exuded from her being enough to cause lesser beings to cower, nay to flee in fright from the abomination that stood garbed in the visage of a woman.

Her multi-colored hair, styled to perfection upon her head was parted as she ran her fingers through it, sifting the pink and black hued strands of hair through her hands, feeling its softness as she exhaled, black miasma bubbling forth from her lips, staining the air as if it sought to encroach upon the sanctity of this space, to leave it in a state of complete chaos. Horns, the color of agate hinted from the edges of her hair before she finally looked down at the male who was on the ground, the one who sought to see higher reasoning. To him, she was more than amused, she was in a way, brought to tears from the absurdity of it all.

”..Reasonable? You expect me to halt my progress, simply because you ask me to with candied words borne of egotistical thoughts of grandeur? Hah! “

Inami’s barking laughter boomed out as her spiritual energy climbed once more, encompassing everything, smashing down upon the town as in a step she appeared beside the lad named eiji. Her body floating upon the air itself, knee’s bent and ankles crossed as she rested her chin upon her palms, and her elbows on the air itself. Below her was a fog of darkness borne from her own energy. Soon as her heterochromia leveled its gaze on eiji she arched a brow in question. Because she was wondering where did he have the strength to make her heel? Where did he have the status for her to aknowledge him? She was a demon, a detestable being hated by those who considered themselves to be holy. Reviled in tales of man, and the subject of scorn in many religions.

Her lips parted and her teeth, jagged little serrated things gleamed in the light, the scent of decay moving forth from her lips as she spoke her words a hushed little juicy secret for only her and eiji to share. As if in this entire world this secret would stay with them and it would be taken to the grave.

”..To be honest, let me tell you a secret~”

Her lips parted as her eyes shifted from right to left and eventually settled back down upon the lad as she vanished and in that instant through the amplifcation of her speed via the art of zao-ka she was able to reach speeds which were equivalent for their purposes in the space of five feet between them to be nothing more, nor less than true teleportation. Her arms delicately coiled around the boys shoulders and she whispered into his ear, in a voice that could be said to have a disconnect with itself, it had many tunes marching to their own beat, yet they all combined to form the voice she currently had.

”..I want to hear you scream~ Tehe~”

It was true, she wanted to hear them scream, infact as she reached out carelessly a human head was ripped forth from the web of threads and it landed in her hand. Her fingers delicately held the head and before eiji’s eyes she’d allow it to melt, the skin? It dripped from the muscles, and soon the muscles seemed to liquidate, the acrid stench of rapid decomposition most likely horrific for the young shinigami. Soon all that would be left was a skull, and within that skull would be a single trembling eye. The eye too eventually burst like an over ripe grapefruit, it’s contents splattering over eiji’s face before inami once more faded away to walk out from behind a ruined wall. Her feet skipping.

Yes, skipping, because she was enjoying herself. Humming a little ditty for them to hear she crossed her arms behind her back and looked forward at them. Her foot touched the ground and in than instant she amplified the force behind it to fire a black inferno blast from her foot. This blast would expand to eat up a large percentage of the ground. It flew towards mirja. How did she know the tiny little pup was there though? It was simple, within the domain she had erected, her knowledge of the environment was more than capable of picking up each and every minute alien substance within it. Her lips curved as her head tilted back, eyelids blinking slowly before becoming slanted as she murmurred in a soft voice.

”..I see i have a bad puppy~ i better train it well. “

Soon like a bat out of hell she vanished her eyes widened as with pure speed she had managed to appear in front of mirja in a mere nanosecond, her fist jerking forward with enough force to shatter everything in a block radius and leave a hole in the ground several hundred feet wide. It’d miss mirja on purpose and explode the earth, causing a dust cloud to kick up. The sound of rocks being shot through buildings like gunfire. Her sweet sweet laughter permeating the cloud as she stood up, dislodging her fist from the earth at the bottom of the hole. Wether mirja had decided to leave or not she sighed and look up, her eyes flashing with light as she closed her eyes and ranged out her senses, taking in everything within.

She hummed and eventually her eyes opened once more and she said in a gentle voice as several balls of energy formed behind her back from demon magic.

”..Mn . . come on kiddies, let me enjoy myself to the fullest. “

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Unnerving Disturbance [Gotei 13/Shadow Fall Mission] [Mission RP Thread] LzZCuy7
Unnerving Disturbance [Gotei 13/Shadow Fall Mission] [Mission RP Thread] BtXe12b
Mirja Eeola
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Unnerving Disturbance [Gotei 13/Shadow Fall Mission] [Mission RP Thread] Empty Re: Unnerving Disturbance [Gotei 13/Shadow Fall Mission] [Mission RP Thread]

Thu May 25, 2017 10:22 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

She was terrifying. Whoever she was, whatever she was, Mirja was not sure she could do anything against her. Generally she didn't do well against people that could pull literally anything out of their hats with the magic that all Demons possessed, and this one seemed to be a little too good at what she could do for Mirja to do anything permanent. Anything she had could just be blocked with the Demon Magic. She didn't know it's powers, or it's limits, and it was the worst kind of fight someone like her could get into. They needed someone better than she was.

And of course Eiji, who had blithely shrugged off her Bell Tolls For Thee, would not be fazed by this atmosphere in the slightest, and would continue with piss and vinegar until this girl tore him apart. And if that happened while she was here then she would probably not hear the end of it because she should save the assholes from themselves. And then just to top things off, the girl appeared in front of her, incredibly fast to manage that while she was running in her Slip-Stream. Probably more Demon Magic stuff that put her at an even greater disadvantage. Still, one didn't run this fast without having the reactions to deal with sudden obstacles, and the punch missed, either by accident or design, so Mirja was gone. Last of the villagers that were not dead were free so no point sticking around. While she rocked the ground with a mighty punch, Mirja was outside the village sending a Hell Butterfly to, fuck, whoever. Tsubasa, Izanagi, Colin, anyone who was on the other end and better suited to fight Miss Super Mage than she was. Punching was rarely a solid counter to Hax Mode magic, in her book.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Thu May 25, 2017 10:33 am
It seemed that the female was rather bold in her approach; she was seemingly as confident in herself as Eiji was and even more flashy than him. How strange, he never through that he would be able to find quite a person; she was, without any doubt, a person he could not handle. If push come to shove he would die. This was something he was relatively sure of, hell he knew it upon entering the area. What he did not expect, however, was that Mirja was going to be caught with cold feet; he had expect some sort of move to at least attempt to out maneuver the girl, but it seems that he was incorrect in his assumption.

"Oi, Wolf Girl! Aren't you supposed to be a bit more impressive? Where is all that bravado from when we last met? Come on, give it the ole college try! I'm sure she wont kill you! She seems to be more of a sadist; it would ruin her fun! And you dear, why did you leave so soon? We were just getting so close." He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "I don't mind it being a little rough love, but I'm the dom here." He winked in their general direction and began to run forward; he knew this was a rather stupid fucking idea, but it was all he had. With his blades unsheathed it seemed that the best he could do was attempt to draw her aggro? A two on one, while seeming to be rather useless, should be plausible. As he approached the two he would chuck out one of his blades. Stopping his movement, and yanking the chain to the side, the blade would take on an arc as it returned to his hand; if he was lucky it would have at least nicked the girls shoulder. "Can't just leave me hanging dear, finish what you started.~" He chuckled, sweeping his foot along the ground. With debris in the air he would use the same trick, it was something right?

Along with this Eiji would crack his neck and begin to concentrate; her speed was something he could not fathom so he simply stopped worrying about the female. It seemed he had to pull out some sort of move, right? He supposed this was the perfect time to utilize his own little trick. It was with this that a copy of himself would appear beside him. With a slight smirk the two would dash back and split off heading in two different directions; Eiji going Right and the lone left.
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Thu May 25, 2017 10:45 am

Unnerving Disturbance [Gotei 13/Shadow Fall Mission] [Mission RP Thread] WVMWLOu
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