Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault

Damage Analysis (EVENT)

That Guy...
Kai Lam
Mirja Eeola
The Cat
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The Cat
The Cat
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Damage Analysis (EVENT) Left_bar_bleue24000/10000Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty_bar_bleue  (24000/10000)

Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty Damage Analysis (EVENT)

7/1/2017, 7:25 pm
Operation Name: Damage Analysis
Mission Type: Neutral
Difficulty Of Mission: Varying (depends on how deep in you go)
Who Can Join: Anyone can apply and can have things like solo threads, group threads, org threads, etc.

Information: Tampa, Florida was destroyed in mere moments, but the remains are still there. Oh, are they still there. Humans have been turned into monsters, the surrounding area is covered in dark energies and substances that corrupt whatever they touch. The properties of this are unique and diverse, so much that no one person, or even a large group of people without any particular skill, can fix. This happened overnight about two or three days ago, and several organizations and individuals have decided to go in and inspect the damage caused. No one knows that the once-human monsters are capable of, or what they look like. No one knows that the closer you get, the harder it becomes to defend oneself. It’s unclear whether or not there are survivors. So what’s the point? Figure out what’s going on here and report it to whoever you can. Spread the news. Let the world know what’s happening and do your best to help solve the issue. That is, if you can survive.

Anyone who makes contact with a creature will need to contact The Cat (Sumdumguy on site) or Blade to determine what it is that said person has found.

Primary Task: Investigate the remains of the city and report to those who are strong enough to solve the issue! Don’t die in the process, and don’t let the corruption turn you into a monster either!

Extra Task: This isn’t something that will give rewards, but in order to progress the event the location of the portal to the Abyss must be located. You should be able to find it by following the source of the corrupting energies, but the closer you get to it the more intense they get. Higher tiers will be the ones who are able to withstand this energy, while lower tiers should focus on damage control and finding survivors. Hell, you can even come just to sit and watch or even salvage the now mostly useless materials from buildings, cars, etc.

Rewards: This is a setting and the beginning to an event. Those who find survivors will be given material rewards in the form of extra yen and/or awesome points. Those who locate the epicenter/entrance to the Abyss will be given an extra 5 million yen. Just being in the city for an extended period of time is draining, and anyone who does so will be given an upgrade that allows them to resist energies up to a center level based on the character’s tier. Fighting with the now dead and corrupted citizens may allow one to hone their combat/survival skills. Just like with any fight, characters will become stronger and more experienced the more they endure combat. The stronger the creature you fight, however, the more of an upgrade you may be given if you defeat it or learn from doing combat with it.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Platinum Points:
Damage Analysis (EVENT) Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty Re: Damage Analysis (EVENT)

7/1/2017, 7:31 pm
Mirja can join on a minesweeping mission. She was never good at recovery, but squashing the once-human monsters might draw out something sweet, and there can't be that many, can there?
Kai Lam
Kai Lam
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Damage Analysis (EVENT) Left_bar_bleue34500/99999Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty_bar_bleue  (34500/99999)

Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty Re: Damage Analysis (EVENT)

7/1/2017, 7:31 pm
I would love to apply for this event with Jian "Kai" Yijun 3-5++!
That Guy...
That Guy...
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Posts : 198

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Platinum Points:
Damage Analysis (EVENT) Left_bar_bleue96300/999999Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty_bar_bleue  (96300/999999)

Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty Re: Damage Analysis (EVENT)

7/1/2017, 7:33 pm
Sign me up boi! Vlad wants to help!
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Platinum Points:
Damage Analysis (EVENT) Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty Re: Damage Analysis (EVENT)

7/1/2017, 9:41 pm
[adm]Approving all the above. Don't die.[/adm]
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Platinum Points:
Damage Analysis (EVENT) Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty Re: Damage Analysis (EVENT)

7/1/2017, 10:00 pm
sign miss magnolia everfrost up for this event please!

Damage Analysis (EVENT) LzZCuy7
Damage Analysis (EVENT) BtXe12b
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Damage Analysis (EVENT) Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty Re: Damage Analysis (EVENT)

7/1/2017, 11:15 pm
Time for Zeda to have a Beat-down, Let's go fix this. By the way we going for the high tier location, haven't had a serious fight thread since the Nozomi fight thread and I feel a good ol' fashion slobber knocker is just what he needs to get back into the spin of things.

Damage Analysis (EVENT) Gamma_Signature
The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Platinum Points:
Damage Analysis (EVENT) Left_bar_bleue30/100Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty_bar_bleue  (30/100)

Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty Re: Damage Analysis (EVENT)

7/2/2017, 3:30 pm
tossing yoma into this
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Platinum Points:
Damage Analysis (EVENT) Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty Re: Damage Analysis (EVENT)

7/2/2017, 8:42 pm
[adm]All you are approved.[/adm]
The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
Posts : 2654
Age : 26

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Platinum Points:
Damage Analysis (EVENT) Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Damage Analysis (EVENT) Empty Re: Damage Analysis (EVENT)

7/3/2017, 4:34 am
Saisei will join

Damage Analysis (EVENT) FXpoQxJ
Damage Analysis (EVENT) 2Y9rqGk

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