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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Sun Jul 09, 2017 9:39 am

Eight months. Four years. Crawling from dimension to dimension was not the easiest thing on ones perception of time. What was less than a year for Kaminari and her silver haired friend, was four years to those they were forced to leave behind. Lost in a world that was not their own, Kaminari and friend nicknamed Silver, finally found their way home through a powerful man who just wanted to lend a helping hand. They were suspicious at first, but in the end took the help since they had no other way of knowing whether they'd ever make it back home. They tried once, but did fail at that time and were still lost.

Hopping through that portal was their only chance to get home. A rush of energy pushed them through quicker than expected. When she finally came out on the other side, she was thrown through the air. She opened her eyes as air rushed passed her body to look at a bright blue sky. She took notice of the white clouds, fluffy and soft, before her body slammed into the ground with a rather hard thud. She slid along grass and dirt before her body broke into a violent roll and she was stopped by a tree. "Ow." she winced and leaned forward to pop her back. The light snap relieved some pressure and a bit of pain, but not all of it. Luckily, she had not been too badly hurt.

Kaminari had a few cuts along her arms and could tell her legs were going to bruise, but she could deal with that. She ignored the scrape on her cheek and looked around. What she needed now was to know where she was. The first and easiest thing to notice was the amount of trees she was surrounded by. The thick leaves barely allowed vision of the sky above and anything beyond one hundred feet from her was shrouded in the darkness the trees provided. She heard very little beyond the insects of the forest and the movement of the leaves as a small breeze blew through the area. It was quiet, relaxing, and rather pretty, but Kaminari noticed something very wrong here.

"SILVER?!" she shouted as loud as she could, her voice echoing through the air, breaking the natural silence. She didn't hesitate to unsheathe the katana she held at her side the moment she realized her friend was not in sight. Suddenly, this peaceful area turned into a place of horror and loneliness, and fear filled her heart. Where was she? Who would find her? What would find her? Was Silver okay? Would she see him again? Was she even in her own realm? She didn't know. When he did not call back for her, the panic set in and she was afraid to move her own feet. She looked around, refusing to call out again, knowing that it would only alert people to her position and they probably weren't nice. For now, she was lost and on her own.

Last edited by SerenityVerdant on Wed Jan 24, 2018 8:07 am; edited 2 times in total

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Sun Jul 09, 2017 11:59 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Recent times had been different for Tsubasa, he'd changed directions. Leading towards a new objective and outlook as his crimson eyes stared forward. A bag of supplies obtained from Urahara's shop was going to help current productions he had in mind. At his waist on the obi sash was a katana and wakizashi. Tsubasa never showed a lack of his blades or carrying them around.He heard the yell as the female voice seemed distressed. He could close that distance with relative ease, he took a step before vanishing. Using a Shunpo he appeared at a safe distance from the female. Making sure she could visually mark him. He glanced around curious who silver was, he doubted she meant the mineral. Who was the woman talking about? That was the question that rung his mind till something struck him. She looked familiar for some reason it took him a second to realize why. She was the missing one from Squad One back in those days. Kaminari Hatakeyama, if he recalled her from her voice she vanished. She did look similar in some respects but with some differences.

There were two options to the situation as he saw it. He could assume it was someone who looked like her had lost their composure for a mineral. Or a mysterious case of vanishing girl had turned up with dramatics following. It always had to be the ladder of things in these situations. "Excuse me, if you need help finding someone. I can find their polarity for you." He said softly as he spoke calmly for the moment. Best not to rattle her or do anything that would cause trouble. So he decided to keep the fact he knew her hidden for the moment. It wasn't to lie or pretend something else. He didn't have concrete proof it was her yet. Jumping to conclusions only lead to confusion. He didn't want to alarm or cause her more trouble. Her grip was good on the sword though, she did have that much he could tell. He couldn't ascertain her skill level without a demonstration of it. Though he was rather hoping to avoid that in Shadin's home.

This was a bit close for him to get into a tussle with anything of note. He didn't move towards her or close distance on her. He wanted her to register and react to his presence according to her own rules. Everyone had them, his crimson eyes remained on her face. It was a haunting similarity that he could see. Had he not been an intellectually he'd likely of just gone ahead and said she's her case closed. However, that wasn't logical or smart. People got hurt making conclusions without evidence.

Template By: [THEFROST]
The Hybrid King
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Sun Jul 09, 2017 1:30 pm




Believe it or not, not everyone in Karakura had some sort of extraordinary ability that allowed them to do nothing with their days. The thick heat that coated every inch of Karakura Forest wafted towards Saisei has he dug endlessly at the dirt beneath him. Spending his summer days doing an odd job here or there had led him to extremely thick parts of Karakura Forest in order to uproot quite a few dead trees. Despite such a job being easy peezy for someone with extreme strength, there had to be some sort of job market for weaker humans, let alone those that lack any powers at all. That being the case, the boy churned away at the earth as sweat quietly poured from his pores.

What kind of day would it be without something abnormal happening? The faint voice of a woman yelling deeper within the Forest filled Saisei's senses as he pounded the shovel to and fro. Normally, Saisei would drop anything he was doing to save someone who seemed in distress, but clearly the boy already had an important job to tend to. There was sure to be many others within the Forest that would rush to her aid.

'You should go check on whatever that was, you know.'

There it was, the shrewd and obnoxious voice of Kamiko filled Saisei's mind once more, distracting him entirely from his duty. "I just cannot catch a break with you, Huh?" Tossing the rusted shovel to his side, the boy scurried his way from the small hole he had dug just beside a dead tree before sighing. The boy would give her the time of day if he didn't already understand the predicament he was in once again. With one hallucination leaving brought another quickly on its coattails. Reluctantly, Saisei began his trek towards the female in question.

Fighting his way through the mass amounts of darkness that the thicket of trees provided for the Forest, the young boy finally made his way onto the scene in question. It wasn't just a woman, however. A Blonde man stood meters away from the girl, gently gesturing towards her as he spoke aloud. The human boy peaked from behind a large tree as he watched the scene unfold. Clearly, the man didn't show any real intent of hurting the girl. The screech from before must have been entirely unrelated, its faint sound barely gave Saisei any real idea of what she had said in the first place.

'Out we go.'

With a gentle shove, Saisei's body flopped forward from behind the tree before the boy landed face first before the two beings. Kamiko had 'pushed' the boy ahead, if one could even call it a push. Quickly pulling himself to a standing position Saisei coughed, clearing his throat before speaking.

"Uh. Not sure what's going on, but did someone around here need help?" The boy awkwardly stumbled over his words as he spoke, the Blonde Man was, despite not showing any really animosity, pretty terrifying. Saisei knew his place when it came to stronger beings, he couldn't help but worry for his and the girl's safety. "I was working nearby and wasn't exactly sure if it was a scream I heard or someone asking for help. So, uh." Gently trailing off, Saisei gazed around as he awaited some sort of response from the odd duo.

Template Coding By: [THEFROST]

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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Sun Jul 09, 2017 1:50 pm

The generally warm air was made more tolerable by the shade from the trees and the cool breeze moving through the forest. The beautiful scenery would normally help one relax, but it was lost on Kaminari. She barely sensed him a single moment before he spoke up. It was like a tingle, or shiver, crawling up the back of her neck. She whipped her body around to face him as he spoke. This tall, blonde man stood before her, his piercing red eyes making her heart race. She showed no signs of recognition and took a step away from him, her hand gripping her sword tighter. She was ready to fight if needed, but could tell merely by sight that this one out classed her like Silver did. If Silver was here, she'd be fine, but he wasn't. If this came down to a fight, she was going to die. She would have to do something to make sure it didn't come to that.

Kaminari's presence here would feel strange to him, and anyone else in the area. It was as if she had once been of great power, almost equaling Tsubasa's, but it had some how been shredded away. Her power seemed like it caught a disease, or even like it had been greatly injured and was in recovery. It was a strange feeling, and something never felt by anyone before.

Kaminari hesitated to talk and stared at him, moving to take a second step away from the Blonde Man when another stepped into the clearing. Her gaze quickly moved to the newcomer, eyes wide with surprise, curiosity, and fear for her own life. This second one didn't seem the same though. Kaminari felt much less threatened by him. Was it the eyes? She looked back and forth between the two of them a couple times. "I, um..." she choked out her words. Showing that much fear would put her at a disadvantage. She took a deep breath and straightened her back to quickly regain her composure.

"I do not believe I need any help. I just need to find my friend." she explained, mostly looking at the Blonde Man, but occasionally acknowledging Blue Eyes, "He's like me, kind of. Green eyes, silver hair, and about half a foot taller..." The first thing anyone would notice about Kaminari is her height. She is merely 5'0" and had a chest almost as flat as a cutting board. The only noteworthy feature was her cutely shaped face and her well-shaped backside, but that was covered by the baggy clothing. Everything else about her was plain and unremarkable. "He should be around here somewhere... I think." she looked around once more, hoping he'd come from the woodwork.

Re-Emergence [Closed] Empty Re: Re-Emergence [Closed]

Sun Jul 09, 2017 5:55 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Noticing the arrival of the unknown male Tsubasa's crimson gaze looked over. He didn't speak as of yet he simply quietly smiled. Lowering his head a bit he shrugged his shoulders. It seemed that things would be handled by the male present. Tsubasa's hand wasn't required her but he did decide to do something. It wouldn't take him a second to check one hundred miles if he decided too. But he didn't want to showcase Hoho or anything dangerous to the girl. He wasn't sure what state she was in regarding everything going on. It was slow as he exhaled a breath going quiet on them both. His breathing changed as he seemed to be seeking something. Tsubasa's attention and sensory were on the Forest now. He was seeking anything a sign or signal of some sort. Finding some person in the forest was his own issue. She was Kaminari, that much was clear. He did have her file and one other. The question was what to do with them at this point. She didn't know who he was and that was likely for the best.

He opened his crimson eyes slowly as he exhaled. Choices had been made as he looked over to the male. "It seems to me you have this matter in hand, I won't trespass further." He said offering a bow as he began walking away. No need for his skill set to be used here. From what he could surmise from the situation. She had no memories, he stopped himself for a moment speaking. "Pardon my manners, I am Tsubasa Unabara. It is nice to meet you Hatakeyama-san and you my young friend. " He didn't know why he wanted to do a proper greeting in this situation. But his manners and such were of that nature. Tsubasa couldn't very well leave them with nothing. A matter was in need of his attention he guessed elsewhere. He'd gotten the training supplies required now. So the only thing left to do was build the course. Then subject Henrex to its maze-like structure. It was a devious method but Henrex had a wall he needed to break past. He worried for the future generation with how things were.

But this boy could guide her and potentially maybe she could have a happy life. Much more then a former Captain Commander could offer her at this point. Restoring memories and letting her experience pain and loss again wasn't his objective. Kaminari Hatakeyama deserved a future of her own choices. As far as Tsubasa was concerned it wasn't his place to make a mess of her life or future. He was a spectator unless she asked him otherwise. He'd made a promise to the young Crow boy after all. To make sure if he saw her that she'd been safe. Not to mention Kaede, the boy who's life had been an influx of pain and remorse since those days. Tsubasa's mind mused about the situation as he continued on his way.

Template By: [THEFROST]
The Hybrid King
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Mon Jul 10, 2017 11:34 am




The boy shuffled from left to right, the scene unfolding before him was not the first time he had seen such a thing. Saisei had experienced something very similar with himself, in fact. It wasn't too surprising to see someone so dazed and confused lose their way within the forest. It was up to people like the tall man and Saisei himself to help them. Gazing towards the man once more, his attention was soon taken by storm when the girl spoke for the first time.

Right, assuming she was in some kind of danger was a little rude, wasn't it... The boy thought to himself as he inched his way forward, listening intently as he did so. The girl implied she wasn't exactly lost, more so looking for something that was lost. A man, or well, maybe a boy named Silver. The way she described the male was almost too generic, looking 'kinda like her' with the exclusion of a few features. Surely the boy didn't look... exactly like her save those features. Nevertheless, taking note of that Saisei perked up once more.

"I don't exactly mind helping you find him, but there are probably a few things that should be taken care of first don't you think?" Saisei was now in the same vicinity as Blonde-y, arms crossed as he motioned towards her figure. He was quite obviously pointing at the multitude of scrapes that covered her forearms. They weren't as bad as they looked, but leaving them unattended was the first mistake anyone could make with an injury. "This too, probably." Saisei brought his hand to his own cheek now as he tapped away, indicating the scrape that filled a small portion of girl's own cheek.

Before Saisei could even introduce himself, the blonde man spoke up, indicating that the girl was in good hands from what he could tell. As if he lacked any importance to the situation, he turned and began his trek away from the two. Confusion filled the young boy's head as he eyed the man as he walked. As though the man knew Saisei's eyes were eerily watching him, he came to a screeching halt before introducing himself, finally.

"Right, thats actually really rude of me. I'm Saisei, Saisei Sumashuu. It was nice meeting you, I guess?" He wasn't exactly sure what his intentions were as he continued with his attempted exit. Tsubasa was the last thing on his mind anyways, Saisei's gaze once more returning to the confused girl.

"Did I miss your name, or something? I don't recall you calling yourself Hatakeyama..."

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Mon Jul 10, 2017 1:55 pm

It was astonishing to Kaminari that these two didn't immediately attack her. She was a stranger in a strange land, but neither of them acted in any way hostile. It was a relief, one visibly noted as she relaxed. "I, uh..." she looked down to her arms. She really was pretty beat up. None of her injuries were major, but her skin was cut and scraped up and down her arms. She knew what Blue Eyes was referring to when he pointed as his cheek. She had a scrape there too. "I... guess so." she nodded and looked to Tsubasa.

Kaminari noticed that quickly. He called her by her last name. She blinked in surprise and stared at the man's back as he began walking away. "I didn't." Kaminari answered Saisei, her tone sounding rather accusing as she stared at Tsubasa's back. "HEY!" she shouted at the back of the blonde man, "YOU! TSUBAKA!" Kaminari instantly realized that was wrong. She blushed in embarrassment and flailed her arms. "Agh! Wait, no! SORRY! Accident... Memory problems!!" Kaminari crouched and held her head, "Don't tell me..." A few second passed, she remembered and stood up. "TSUBASA! Right? Please tell me I got that right? I didn't mean to get it wrong..."

"Anyways... Please, be honest." Kaminari calmed down and regained her composure as the embarrassment, "Tsubasa, do you know me? I mean, you must, if you know my last name. Does that mean I'm finally home?" She took a look around the area again. It had been so long, and she didn't remember her home anyway, but this was much prettier than the last.

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Tue Jul 11, 2017 9:01 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

He'd bid them farewell when it happened she called to him, though a slight slip of the tongue he guessed. He turned around his crimson eyes softening a bit as he looked at the female. She was flailing her arms around as he listened to her question a moment later. "Don't worry about it, sort of an interesting development for my name." He said His tone was forgiving enough of the slip as it had happened before. Not everyone could pronounce or be expected to remember his name. He was popular in some cultures sure for certain things. But Tsubasa didn't much care or see those as important matters in his mind. There it was laid bare the truth of the matter, she was indeed Kaminari and seemed to be suffering memory loss. Tsubasa knew her by her file and reputation that proceeded her. She was a strong willed woman in the days when they were few in the Gotei. That area had so few of them, will seemed so easily broken in those days. Captains would of rather and sat about getting medals it disgusted him personally.

[color=red["I do know you, we weren't acquainted personally. But I made a promise to a dear friend of yours that I would do what I could to help. Kaede Ichiro was his name, you both started at the academy together. "[/color] He said explaining why he knew her and for what purpose it was that someone like him was connected. Tsubasa couldn't or rather wouldn't tell her the fate of Kaede. Oh while the man was alive there was just some things that seemed to haunt him. That sickness was a devil of a thing for someone his age to develop. "You are very close, your home and this place are connected through both time and history. If it is your wish I can open the way to your home for you.But this is a road you must decide on yourself Hatakeyama-san." This was a fact that was undisputed in all worlds. Kaminari and those who live must make the road they take of their own accord. Making a path for others or forcing them to walk it leads to poor results.

Failures like Tsubasa could at the very least show someone that the world was something else entirely.

Template By: [THEFROST]
The Hybrid King
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Fri Jul 14, 2017 4:56 am




"Eh?' Confusion washed over Saisei's face as situation quickly fell apart. His simple question seemed to be something the girl had already noticed herself. The flustered woman took advantage of Tsubasa knowing her last name, pointing fingers with her words. It didn't help that, from what they could tell, the girl had memory issues. One thing was definitely certain, however. Knowing her last name must mean she also had connections to the Blonde man, if only small. Turning to Tsubasa, Saisei quietly crept his way from in-between the two, bringing his hands together as he watched on.

Riiight, riiight. Academy. She must be a Shinigami then, right? It was clear that Tsubasa did his research on just about everything. Saisei knew of the Shinigami through his Step-Father's teachings, just as he did of almost every race in existence. Anyone under Sagumi's teachings would have a tough time not learning in general. Tsubasa continued, pointing out that she was clearly close to what she sought. While this man, Silver, was no where in sight or vicinity, she had her connection to the Soul Society. The choice was hers, clearly. To search for the man or to return to her home, was it that hard of a decision?

Stepping forward, the boy waved his hands sporadically to get the girl's attention. While she may soon be on her way that wouldn't dissuade Saisei of still learning her name. Clearing his throat, he spoke. "Before you leave, if you do. You could at least give a name. The lights in this conversation are a little off for." Saisei chuckled to himself as he spoke, rubbing the back of his head as he did so. The boy didn't care much for the pleasantries and honorifics. Everyone was a friend until they were an enemy, right? Besides, who would want to call someone they just met san. Rude or not, Saisei's beliefs obviously stood firm.

"It's not every day you meet a girl who's both lost and found. I'm all ears. He couldn't help himself, a gentle smile filling his lips as he looked in her direction. Tsubasa had all but left the boy's mind, Hatakeyama-san would surely answer his request at this point. Right?

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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Wed Jul 19, 2017 10:19 pm

That was going to be a decision Kaminari had to think about quickly. This man apparently knew her and could get her home, but home was unfamiliar and her only friend was missing. Should she stay and look for him or was it safer to head home and possibly find answers? She wasn't even sure she wanted those answers, so Kaminari's decision was made. She was staying. "Thank you..." she said softly, her eyes focused on the grass at her feet, "...but there is someone I must find. I cannot and will not go home without Silver." She took in a deep breath, wondering if she was going to regret this decision.

When her attention turned back to Saisei, Kaminari lightened up. She felt less threatened by both men, but Saisei automatically felt less intimidating and easier to talk to. "Lost... and found?" Kaminari blinked confused, but soon realized what he meant and smiled at it, "Yeah, you're right. Sorry about that. My name is Kaminari Hatakeyama. To be honest, my name is actually all I know about myself, so I can't tell you much else. Silver knows me better than I know me." Kaminari went to take a step when small pains shot through her legs. "Ow, ow, ow..." she rubbed along her thighs, "Yeah, I took a bit of a beating in that landing... You said you can help me out with all of this?"
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