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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Left_bar_bleue115400/99999Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Empty_bar_bleue  (115400/99999)

Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Empty Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja]

Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:38 pm

(He prefers to be called a she, in case you were wondering)

How things have changed in just a few short weeks. Take the apple tree for instance, a couple of weeks back it was a wiry tangle of last seasons growth, a mess of unruly twigs and over-long branches. Sato thought the trim was a bit severe, but the new spring growth will have a strong base now. Even from the smudged window Sato can see that the previously naked branches are dotted with buds. In the watery light of morning they are an ethereal silvery blue that appears fluffy. Other than the paler brown of the snipped ends they are the only colour contrast against the wood that is a deeper brown tinged with the green of some pioneering flora.

The blooms were already out to herald springtime, but the garden is more shaded - the tree only has a time-share of sunlight competing against the shadows of the houses around it. Sato wasn't concerned though, it will bloom and apples will grow, just a little later than the others...

Whatever the case she decided to head into the forest to admire the fresh air and animals around the vacinity plus the flowers should be blossoming with life. Sato wore a dress that was white, adorned with lace that wound around the knee high skirt. Beneath it was a ribbon. Blue like the sky on a warm summer's day, its vibrant colour a shocking contrast. As was the jeweled bow, the sun's rays glinting off the silver latch, that fastened it to the fabric- that clung to her skin, like the salt from the ocean.

With a care-free attitude not worrying about a single thing, before sitting on a log contemplating on what she should do with the bundles of flowers...

Reaching out of her bag was a mortar and pestle, she laid it on the ground and began putting a few flowers in the bowl before grinding the flowers contents with her mortar with a beautiful zig-zag pattern. Humming to herself a nice tune in the process.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Empty Re: Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja]

Tue Aug 15, 2017 7:55 am


Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Zee Foresto! Mirja liked the forest in Karakura. She wasn't sure if it was natural, or because of the constant spiritual power that it was subjected to, but a lot of strange things grew here. Herbs she used for her drinks and elixiers. Although most of her elixers were bought from professional alchemists from the Associated Union. She was slowly building up a nice skill in them but right now didn't trust her own stuff for the major work and so only took it in very small doses to ensure it didn't make her explode or something.

But, while searching for the Ice Lily, she smelled a person in the forest, and so scurried over to go look. She was always interested in what was going on in the forest. Legend said a walking Shark lived here, and that was one she wanted to see. But as it turned out, she simply met a strange man who was doing herbalism. The male person put her on edge, like all males did. And the clothes made Mirja think that the man was trying to hide his man-ness so he could catch Mirja unaware. But with the Nose Of Mirja, she could smell his manness and was not tricked.

Still, she stepped out anyway. No point running from a fight if there was a fight to be had, and he was doing interesting stuff so she was going to talk to him. If the whole pestle and mortar thing was any indication, this man thing was at least passionate about the whole thing, and maybe she could get a new person on the Associated Union. Another Alchemist making Elixers was always good, after all. Ci Lan Tsu was very good at what she did, but could always use a hand.

"Hello, person of stuff! Do you want a job?" Mirja was kind of streight-forward with what she was going for. Which suited her very much.

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Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Left_bar_bleue115400/99999Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Empty_bar_bleue  (115400/99999)

Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Empty Re: Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja]

Tue Aug 15, 2017 8:30 am
A job? Well who could refuse such a genuine offer. Sato looked at the woman with sparkling eyes after all being the first person he encountered is none other than a wolf person. With eautiful silver eyes flowing white hair and with an outfit he's never seen before, was it a family dress, or was it for a special occasion?

What confused him though was that she had the characteristics of a wolf from the ears to even the tail, if his father was still alive he'd be looking confused as well. Weren't wolves supposed to be running on all fours and not standing on two legs? Sato would ask the woman but it'd probably drag the conversation along so he put it in the back of his mind...

"Of course I'd like a job miss, and have you come to admire the beautiful landscape or perhaps smell the flowers?" Sato said with a peaceful tone in his voice before dropping his pestle and mortar on the grass looking over his flower basket to hand the woman a Daffodil.

"I hope you like Daffodil's"

Sato held the Daffodil in his hand hoping the woman would take it, he wasn't trying to charm her or anything but rather being polite like his mother always old him when you meet someone always give them a flower that matches their personality.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Empty Re: Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja]

Tue Aug 15, 2017 9:31 am


Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Well, that was good. The person wanted the job, and so Mirja could get down to the doing of the things that were happening with the being. Or something like that, it was complex and confusing for everyone, least of all the Wolf to whom the thoughts originated from. If she really understood half of what she was doing in life, she might be able to get so much more done than she actually could right now. But there was just tail swishing and big grinning showing off her teeth which was kind of unsettling due to their sheer size.

"Wonderful. I hope you really get along with the people in there. You look like you have a passion for plants, so even if you don't have the skill you should develop it in time" Mirja told the man-girl, and then she was offered a daffodil. Strange little thing, she had to admit. A plant that was not very tasty to eat and required the help of other plants to be worth anything more than looking a little nice. "Ohh, you know. I came to look for the plants that I need for my work. This place is full of them, you know" she exclaimed, before taking the daffodil.

"Not much on it's own but, if you add some Oogi leaf to it..." she muttered, before dissapearing. The large and intimidating wolf just, was no longer there, until she came back with a handful of other botantic objects. She then crushed them together into a paste, using her hard skin and incredible strength to replicate the effects of a pestle and mortar. And then scrapped the paste off her hand and gave it to the man-girl on the ground. "Clears pores and allows the skin to feel fresh and rejuvinated. You'll be the envy of everyone if you apply this once a day"

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Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Left_bar_bleue115400/99999Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Empty_bar_bleue  (115400/99999)

Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Empty Re: Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja]

Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:26 pm

So this one is an herbalist just like him huh, it was nice to see others that are interested in the hobby. Sato was good but he wasn't nearly as smart far as the advanced stuff, maybe could learn a few things from this woman.

The woman commented on the daffodil he picked out and took it. But she vanished in a instant before bringing the daffodil and a few other plants with her, and straight out of a movie she grind and mixed the plants with incredible strength and precision. Before showing Sato a cream of sorts which helped moisturize the skin.

"You know I like you wolf girl, you seem like the perfect teacher to teach this newbie the ropes. I am curious though do you have a teacher?" He asked with a raised eyebrow curious as ever

"Certainly someone with such skills as yourself had to be accompanied by a master of sorts"
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Empty Re: Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja]

Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:57 pm


Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja pondered mentally as she watched the man-girl. He was an interesting existance. Good with flowers and enthusiastic enough to bring a pestle and mortar out to a forest rather than taking the gathered spoils back home to work on. And with enthusiasm and drive like that, nothing stood in your way for learning the deep, dark mysteries of the world. Or they could trip over and bludgeon themselves to death on a rock. Or eat the wrong mushroom and die violently when in fact they just wanted a nice dinner. Life was full of wonders, and not all of them were good.

"I like you, Man-girl. But I am not a perfect teacher to show this newbie the ropes. I don't really know a lot myself, still learning. No master following me around, I'm afraid. What I learned, I learned from books and experiments and the occasional discussion with people better than I am. Which is the way most people learn. Masters are in short supply so only the rich or the lucky get them, the rest hang around waiting for those people to start writing books or feeling chatty and wanting to come talk" Mirja told him, swishing her tail a bit more, because she loved tail swishing. "I don't have skills, I just have a bit of things that can be used with Panche and gusto to make it seem like i know what I am doing"

The Wolf then sat down next to him, and stared up at the sky.
"However, for a job, I can totally get you an apprenticeship with a friend of mine. Ci Lan Tsu is a venerable Master of her trade, and she can teach you everything you want to know, about all manner of cool stuff to do with plants. You'll become a seasoned herbalist and an accomplished alchemist under her"

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Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Empty Re: Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja]

Wed Aug 16, 2017 12:35 pm

Sao remained silent as he listened to the woman's information with he didn't interrupt her with ridiculous questions or had a look of boredom..he was intrigued seeing that even she still has much to learn as a herbalist but none the less he still admired her determination and liking to the idea.

Watching as she began looking up at the blue sky above swishing her tail back in forth like any canine would he could tell that she was comfortable having a conversation with him.

Sato looked at Mirja with a look of shock after learning that she learnt herbalism all on her own and with books as well...

"That's pretty impressive wolf-girl being able to learn all by yourself with nothing but quick wits and a few books. I was taught by my mother, after all living in a log cabin without any source of modern day tech is pretty daunting.."

I tried to experiment with plants myself at a young age however it didn't go so mother had to find a couple of jewel-weed to relive my constant itching.. he chuckled a bit

But what exactly was an alchemist he wondered...he's heard of the word before but never actually got to experience first hand on what they do for a living.

"This Lan Tsu sounds like a great teacher and friend, so where would I meet her? and I forgot to introduce myself the names Sato.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Empty Re: Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja]

Wed Aug 16, 2017 1:13 pm


Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja beamed at the praise coming from the man-girl about how she was pretty dam impressive from having learned all she knew from some books and a few people. Not that she knew a great deal, mind, but it was still nice to hear some people feel appriciation for the effort she had put in. The Wolf fed off acknowledgement after all.

"Ahh, I am sure that with the right books and the right determination towards the knowledge of all things alchemical, you could learn it as well, Man-Girl" Mirja exclaimed, sticking her thumb out and striking a great and shiny pose. "My experiments didn't really go down that well either. Although I was dealing with plants that were a little more dangerous than the need of jewel-weed to help me out when one went south. I did, however, make a cool little concoction that activates the enzymes within your skin and turns them progressively harder. You need about four or five sessions before you notice a change but it's pretty good for plucking up roots and stuff. No need to worry about slicing your hand open on something sharp and nasty if your hands can't be cut" she rambled, ramblingly until the topic finally got to Ci Lan Tsu.

"Ahh, Madam Tsu. She wanders about the world, but I would think she is in China right now. She is Chinese, by birth, goes home to her workshop every now and then to see the city, make sure everything is not on fire, make a few more elixers and some cool Dantian stuff. She might even teach you that if you are good. Now, China isn't super friendly to my kind but if we don't start a fuss I don't think they will particularly know we are there, so come on, let's get down there. Ohh, also, eat this" She offered Sato a small round pill before then offering him to get up on her back. "And my name, is Mirja"

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Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Empty Re: Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja]

Wed Aug 16, 2017 3:25 pm

China huh? Now that's a place he's heard of before...well only a few things at least he knows about the Great Wall of china and how it was considered one of the most longest lasting empires in all of history. But besides that he's never gotten a chance to further grasp the rest of china with it's cultures, types of government, an how they operate with the rest of the world.

Sato was unsure of how this pill would interact with his body, was it a way to knock him out cold or allow his body to become more adjusted for what's about to happen... However he disregarding his claim and trusted Mirja since she's proficient in the arts of herbalism and this alchemy he popped it in his mouth and swallowed.

When Mirja instructed him to hop on her back he was rather puzzled with a tilt to the right he asked again under curiosity

"Did you want me to hop on your back?" with a confused tone in his voice

There's no way that they'll be able to make it to china with him riding on Mirja's back Is it going to be like Alice In Wonderland where if he clicks his shoes twice he'll magically appear into china? He highly doubt that.

But considering that this is first time he's ever encountered a wolf girl out in the forest is probably the least weirdest thing out there so be trusted her and got held on tightly making sure not to let go.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] Empty Re: Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja]

Wed Aug 16, 2017 3:48 pm


Botonist meets Wolf? [Mirja] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja could help but smile as Sato seemed rather surprised at Mirja's request/command to get on her back. Although he took the pill nicely enough, which was a show of trust in her and that was nice. Being trusted was always something she liked doing, it showed that she wasn't as much of a monster as she thought she was.
"Don't worry about it. I know what I am doing, so just hold on and don't let go. If you let go I have no idea what might happen to you. I haven ever actually done with with a plus one. Now, deep breath" she told him. If Sato did indeed take a deep breath, he would feel the pill catalyize with his lungs and create an explosive increase in the amount of air that he actually took in. With this pill, he would be able to hold his breath for quite a long time.

Mirja, lacking any such pill to effect her, took a deep breath out, and then another in, before setting off, upwards at first until she cleared the forest and then forwards at an immense rate. Sato - not blessed by The Wind as Mirja was - would see her running on nothing, at such a speed that the surroundings turned into nothing but a blurred mush. But to Mirja, there was a road in front of her. It allowed her to run where ever she wished, however she wished, and as fast as she wished. Currently she was around mach ten, which would not be something that Sato would be seeing again in a hurry unless he made friends with the other speedsters in the world.

At such speeds, they arrived at their destination within a handful of minutes. Luckily Ci Lan Tsu lived closer to the sea than inland China, so there was only about two thousand miles to cover. And then she stopped, and got Sato off her back, before pointing out a rather grand house.
"She lives there. Go knock on her door and impress her"

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