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Wolf in a Dragon's Palace Empty Wolf in a Dragon's Palace

Wed Aug 23, 2017 6:27 pm

Word Count: --

Qiang sat in a room that was specially designed for training. The room was easy to repair and had several barriers in place. Able to take the trashing of even the strongest people and heavy hitters. His eyes glanced down as he saw most of his body was still on fire. It was a roaring inferno or anything like that. But it certainly was a problem as Justice seemed to be unweldable at the moment. On the ground in front of him burning at extremely hot temperatures was Balmung. A dragon like an eye sat in the center of the blade. Strings hung with fire dripping off them like water almost. The blade itself was burning as he touched the hilt. A warmth filled his palm as he brought the weapon up easily. The claymore was a large blade and most often considered heavy. He slowly seemed to disintegrate the weapon into ashes. He could feel it vanishing as the fire still burned around his tattoos and body. Mirja had been given the message to meet him here. She'd been given directions he felt she'd understand as he laid on the ground.

"Should of known awakening this would be an issue. I mean last time I blew a hole in my own bedroom..Talke about an unruly set of powers." He said grinning about the past memory almost like a naive youth. This place was sealed up for people's safety while he trained to figure this stuff out. It wasn't like he could just wake up one day and go fire magic yay. Given he had no magic to speak of either made this hard. Controlling things like this to a fine point wasn't his specialty. But if his brother lectured on anything. Control was it along with Self Control. His brother had spent half the day with him. Making sure he wasn't cooking under the heat. So he wondered how many people could complain about this? Not being able to turn the damn thing off or stop the fire. He couldn't command or figure out how it worked. What fighting style functioned with fire in this regard. Oh, this was indeed a giant pain in the butt. He'd slept here on this floor since he kept Justice on.

The first question was why did Qiang leave it on you may ask? Because he was one stubborn sob. That was the only reason that came to mind in truth. He could have switched back to his default Tarot. But that would be giving up and that wasn't in his vocabulary when his people were involved. The floor didn't melt or burn thankfully as the maids would have a hard time. Qiang didn't know what to make of the dragon like eyes and features. So in sealed form, this was the effect, in terms of those who could handle him learning control. Mirja was the only choice available to him. So the question of what to do next would remain if she got lost or decided no was the answer. Surrender wasn't an option nor was a failure in this case.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wolf in a Dragon's Palace Empty Re: Wolf in a Dragon's Palace

Fri Aug 25, 2017 12:18 pm


Wolf in a Dragon's Palace 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Fashionably late was apparently fashionable, as implied by the name. So Mirja had no idea why she was doing it, other than the fact that she was currently in a fight with this guy in front of her and just taking him out would be rude. He was one of those who thought, after Mirja had been fighting people for the past eighteen hours, she was going to be tired and thus easy to take down and claim the technique that she offered any who could best her. Admittedly, a giant gold-and-black statue woman appearing out of nowhere was enticing.

But it was going the same as everyone else. He could not make a strike past the guard that deflected everything, and his side still throbbed greatily with the pain of the first kick, even though he thought it was delivered as a tap. That feeling was what drove him onward, angry at the supposed underestimation. But even that wasn't enough to drive him on forever. Eventually he began to sag, and Mirja took him out with a well-placed palm to his chest, taking the man off his feet, where he stayed, and did not get up.

After the last man was done, she headed to Qiang. He wanted her for something, and she had fought enough people over the past night to feel herself advanced into Silver 2. It was quite good, more than from Bronze 1 to Bronze 2. If each Realm had an increase in power in each step, then she was emphatic to reach Black Gold. Such a realm would be one of majesty, and wonder. And other cool things that she didn't want to miss out on. And so she arrived, a bit latter than expected, but arriving none the less.

"So, the King Man calls a Wolf! And what do you require, King Man~"

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Wolf in a Dragon's Palace Empty Re: Wolf in a Dragon's Palace

Sun Sep 03, 2017 11:42 am

Word Count: --

He'd heard about her doings and go around at the moment. Qiang slowly pushed himself off the ground as he felt his eyes look at her. They weren't normal at the moment. They were in the shape and form of a Dragon. This, of course, wasn't something he could do anything about realistically. She deserved the full disclosure on what happened and what was going on. "For two things, first a small lesson and then training. " He said smiling as he cracked his neck left to right as he decided to explain this as best he could. "When a Tarot is activated I'm trapped within its vice and cannot step out. Of them, there are two rules which are in play at all times. A person cannot know the tarot they awaken till after the fact. And they may only unlock a singular tarot. " He said sighing softly as he took off his top. Walking over he put it on the railing of the room. His entire torso seemed covered in artwork and tattoos. This was so he could fight her without concerns.

" I"m going to attack you now, prepare your defense accordingly. It will be interesting to see your thoughts on Suigura Kenpo." He quietly readied himself as he focused his inner energy now. He wanted her to see what she could, as this training was important to him. He began swaying again almost like he wasn't extremely stable. This drunken fist style he'd been working on, he wanted to see how it worked. This wasn't something he could accomplish without training himself without remorse. He'd do what he could in the end to become something more. His frame moved back and forth now almost like he was off balance. Something about it lacked openings though. As he'd been finding ways to make different forms of the Kenpo style. Qiang spent a lot of time developing Suigura Martial Arts, building them and studying to create more. He wasn't your political leader or the guy who created fancy things. He was a warrior who stood at the front line and got ready to fight.

His attack if you could call it that, began with him stumbling forward. It was almost comical as he sent a stumbling shoulder at her midsection, this style was off the balance every second. There wasn't a moment where he seemed stable. The question was, just how well could Mirja see past it all.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wolf in a Dragon's Palace Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Wolf in a Dragon's Palace Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Wolf in a Dragon's Palace Empty Re: Wolf in a Dragon's Palace

Sun Sep 03, 2017 3:15 pm


Wolf in a Dragon's Palace 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja didn't like his eyes. She gave a poutas she saw his eyes and felt like she needed to punch him in the face because she was the fluffy wolf with great eyes and she wasn't going to let some guy upstart him, even if he was a king like that. But she had managed to calm herself and enter a period of tranqulity, so Qiang wouldn't have to suffer the possibility of Mirja disenbowling him with her claws. She was softer in mind right now. But then, every level of Tai Chi did manage to bring out peace in her.

"You shouldn't crack your bones like that. Humans can do it and it is fine but the damage you can cause over a few hundred years of cracking your bones like that is really not good. I studied anatomy after picking up my Territorial Tulpa, so I could make Body of Clay work properly. I didn't want to turn myself into a monster, or break something that I didn't quite understand enough to fix" Mirja explained, before hearing that Qiang was going to attack. Half-measures were not going to help here, so she decided to give him the whole nines of Mirja.

The first, and most disturbing change was her arms. The skin dissolved, revealing blood and muscle underneath, which had rotted away, and the bone was blackened in places it wasn't slick red with blood. And then she pulled on a pitch black mask, featureless but glitering like the night's sky. And her sulpher eyes fell upon Li Qiang, and she was silent. Not just in word, but in deed. Not a single action slipped from Mirja through the Emperor Eyes. She just watched him coming at her and allowed him to come at her. Maybe he would become aware of what filled the room. Maybe he wouldn't. He seemed pretty aware of his surroundings, but the sudden chill was a subtle one.

Unlike the raging fire of Kenpachi and the crushing pressure of Yammamoto, Mirja's was a very subtle creature. Everyone could feel it, but only a few could understand where it came from. Others just shivered in fear and lose the courage to strike with all their heart, or even with any of their heart at all. And that was what Mirja was giving to Li. A taste of True Despair so that when the day came when his life was truly on the line, he could be experienced with it.

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Wolf in a Dragon's Palace Empty Re: Wolf in a Dragon's Palace

Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:11 pm

Word Count: --

The mask, she was a special case it would appear. Not of the regular ones, they called Shinigami. She was special and contained something more in her. Her body was a subtle change, he didn't mean to crack his bones that way. He stopped his frame losing the sway as he exhaled. That feeling of a familiar thing. His expression changed as his eyes became something else. A pressure filled the room something not perhaps distinct as he felt his eyes glimmering. It had been a while since he'd been in an uphill situation like this one. One where he could sense a hostile intention through his body. The feeling of the intent to draw blood and finish one's enemy. She was showing him the difference in power. This was a very very familiar sensation. She didn't know where he came from or their people that well. He couldn't hope to teach her history or anything like that. His breathing seemed to lighten, the drunken fighting style wouldn't work. She was too keen and alert for such a thing. So perhaps another would be needed here.

His arms flowed slowly as his breathing changed and he stood two meters from her. Not moving closer as he observed her this feeling and pressure. He needed to release his first power in order to contend with her. This wouldn't do at all, could sheer willpower be enough for this? No time to question it, it was just like back then. Fight or die, this wasn't the situation that you could walk from. His clan always saw this risk and understood it. He'd not have control over the power, these forms for release were locked away. They weren't something he could access for anything at the moment. Collectively and especially he couldn't do anything aside from push. Joushou was the release he needed at this point. A pain in his body as he could feel that desire to remain hidden. A turmoil within him began now. Trembling through his body as he spoke to his inner self. "What good does shaking do you, coward, yeah she's gonna kick your...ass But you might as well wake your Justice up...Push and burn everything...Fight like it's home...FIGHT!"

He pushed and raged against that door savagely beating it within his body. Going as far in as he could to build things within himself. Scales began appearing along with his body now. His hands and feet began to grow them now. They seemed to be appearing as fire consumed those parts of his body. Joushou, forcing it to activate through his sheer determination. He was a member of the Li Clan, his family fought to a demise. And they knew it was coming, he would be damned if he didn't honor that. His reptile like eyes stared at her, his breathing relaxed even further. Flames and heat danced around his skin and body now. Balmung's power was flowing but controlling it was the issue. The first release of Joushou was accessed. He could feel the uncomfortable Tarot trying to fight him. This bucking bronco could kick and scream as it pleased. His arms moved almost like they were dancing, it likely looked similar to Taichi. But it was a subtle instant when a blast of fire came from the edge of his scales at her.

He slammed his hands together as the flames roared outwards and Balmung's blade came out of the flames. He gripped it and threw it into the wall behind her. He'd leave that there, for now, he only had one chance with that he imagined. It was time to push and fight the despair within. No matter how futile even if death was the outcome. A warrior must stride into battle ready to kill and ready to die. Those are the conditions that made Li Qiang truly alive and different. This feeling she gave off, it was an intimidation for him. No, it was intoxication and almost something beyond that. It was the familiar sensation fo the battlefields he'd missed so often. He needed an alliance with a Kingdom, perhaps after this, he'd ask Mirja about it. Maybe she knew some Kings and places in the world of a man who'd like the East. But for him, it was uncertain what future lay ahead of him.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wolf in a Dragon's Palace Empty Re: Wolf in a Dragon's Palace

Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:39 pm


Wolf in a Dragon's Palace 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja's dripping arms rose as Li stood frozen for that moment. Her movements were slow and methodical, and it didn't help that he would get an intimate play-by-play through his eyes, unmolested by any other possibility. It was possibly unnerving to see that Mirja had no possibility of doing anything else. That was the extent of the focus on this battle here, that the move she was making was the move she would make in every dimension. With her Hollow Mask and the Red Arms of Ruin, the blow wouldn't be one that was pretty. Nor would it be one that had a certainty of keeping Li alive.

But then there was movement. Either he was stronger than she thought, or the threat of impending being-blown-across-the-room-by-a-mad-wolf-girl was enough to get anyone to move, even the dead. Whatever the reason, flames roared from him and he threw a ball of fire at her. To act under the pressure was a good thing, and so she blew away the fireball with her Tundra Lotus and cranked up the notch some. It was hard to do this outside her Beast of the West but with enough force of will she managed to grasp hands with Hvit and pull it off.

And then it erupted. Mirja's power didn't explode across continents like others of the same potency, it had a much smaller, but vastly superior in the force. The ground groaned and cracked, the flooring smashing downwards as someone seemed to grab the gravity knob - so idely sitting at 1.0 - and give it a sharp twist till it sat somewhere between twenty and thirty times the norm, and the focus to move when one was terrified to the core......Despite that, unless she missed her guess, Li was strong enough to move in such an atmosphere, but there was a lot more to fighting than just moving. But this was not so much a fight as it was an expedition. Li sounded like he wanted to do things on the grand stage, and there were people stronger than Mirja. Sometimes, considerably. So she wanted to let him know truly what he was getting himself into before he got himself squashed like a bug for lack of care.

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Wolf in a Dragon's Palace Empty Re: Wolf in a Dragon's Palace

Sun Sep 03, 2017 11:12 pm

Word Count: --

He sat there and took in that feeling, she was showing him something. Showing him just how outclassed he was, well wasn't she a polite one. He began laughing as sweat dripped down his forward and body. Oh, standing in this pressure was stressful, but it was such a joyful experience. That familiar feeling of being outclassed and seeing the unknown. "Time for a pop Quiz Mirja, don't worry no extra credit or trick questions. Our people came to this realm because of beings stronger than us..appeared and made us run. History lesson over, now..let's see what we can do about this situation." As to why he didn't fly backwards, it was due to a clever use of flames. He was using them as a propulsion to keep himself from flying back. If she looked at his hands and around his legs. She'd notice it pretty easily, it was a strangling sensation much like before. Well, he didn't intend on going back into the flash back country this time or any other. No, they backed down once and it cost them their home. Families and loved ones couldn't be brought back.

Nothing could bring the dead back from the eternal cycle. Nothing broke it or rose beyond it. Death was the eternal mistress of this world. His eyes became harder as energy shot around him. The room surprisingly didn't break from the force she put it out. For two reasons, this thing could handle eighty human nukes going off. But as cliche as that sounds his body could not. How much time did she intend to use this output of energy. Fighting under this strain would be hard, it limited his speed output. He couldn't do much as she took out the fire. Increase the heat in her and make this a fight of a different sort. His hands softly ran through his hair. Could he do this if his people were on the line, could he accomplish this? That was the question that would need to be answered in a full. Did he have the courage to face down a Wolf in her den? Yes and he wouldn't back down because she was stronger. Or some ass kicking he got, that was the perk of being King.

You got to say fuck you to ninety percent of the things people believed. You walked your own path and didn't bother about anything but your own. The main thing was to let a tempest of an inferno rage inside yourself. Set it all free and burn everything in your path, protect the precious things. Not Yusuke, not his family, no one could bring back the past. It was about evolving and becoming something new. Breaking through the tempest before you and going further. Strike beyond and do everything you can with it. So his regular movements would have trouble in this situation. Mirja was a beast, but that made this all the more exciting. "I faltered once long ago, now I'll show you the fire...that burns in me..Mirja.." He increased the output to rocket himself at her with high-speed propulsion. This room's many barriers and protections would keep them and it safe. As he sent a burning fist at her. Cutting an angle as he sent the blow at her midsection.

It was then he noticed it, the floor was groaning and the room itself was. He didn't intend on giving up on this just yet. He'd fight till the last breath till his body couldn't move. If she broke his arms, he'd kick her. If she broke his leg's, he'd go after her with his teeth and head butt her. Regardless of what came to his resolve was firm to fight and fight like a warrior. It wasn't that he could ignore the pain, it was sheer determination to face Mirja.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wolf in a Dragon's Palace Empty Re: Wolf in a Dragon's Palace

Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:50 am


Wolf in a Dragon's Palace 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja was a bit annoyed at Li. Not because he was pushing through and sumounting her trails. That, she liked. She liked that he had the drive and the vigor and the determination to become better than he was and to face the monster in front of him for the sake of his people and for the sake of himself. She was annoyed because it was not a pop quiz if you simply told them the anwser right away without them trying to guess it. Still, she focused on Li and let nothing escape her steely determination to help the new king guy.

His plan of attack was to use his new fire to launch himself at her, like he was a rocket. The problem with that was, that relying on external propulson locked you into a certain vector until the conclusion, unless you could fire off flames that canceled it out, and with the blazing punch that was coming, it didn't seem like he could. So pulled out Heart's Kiai, One Minute Wolfhood and got to work. Ruin's work on her blood made her heart go into overdrive, and her blood soared across her body to such an extent her pale skin turned a flushed red, and on a quiet moment you could hear the 'thump-thump' of her heart and the rush of ultra-dense blood through her blood vessels.

And then, she took a step forward. She wasn't proficient enough at Hoho to pull off a proper Senka but with her speed, there was little difference in operation. One moment Li was soaring across the room to punch Mirja mightily, and then Mirja was just....right in front of him. Slightly off to the side to avoid the fist, but still in the way enough for him to crash into her at the high-speed he was moving. She had thought to punch him, but really smashing into the giant mountian of woman that was her while she and Hvit used Tundra Scream together, would probably do what she intended anyway.

But then The Wolf was never a girl to regulate and control her actions, so she drove a knee up into Li's gut at the same time.
'You are running a lot of power, Mirja. You, sure he can survive?' Hvit asked, looking down at Li.
'No entirely, no'

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Wolf in a Dragon's Palace Empty Re: Wolf in a Dragon's Palace

Mon Sep 04, 2017 10:25 pm

Word Count: --

The pressure she put out was intense, it was taking everything he had to stand up straight. But it wasn't because of anything special. He'd only get to do this once against her. He needed more power in order to survive under this pressure. It wasn't enough Joushou, wasn't enough to survive and endure this. He knew the weakness of propulsion like this and could see with his eyes barely. She was going to move, graceful and fluid was her movement. This wasn't a challenge for Mirja, it was about time he showed her just how dangerous he could be. Bringing his hand up and one down to catch the knee he prepared. His hand that was up glowed brightly as the sun in her eyes. As for his hand, it was smashed backwards as he got pushed away by the impact. Normally this would have sent him through the wall and likely snapped him in half. But thankfully he had a plan in place from the beginning. He had moments to go further and try to pull out more power. This wasn't enough to even roast her marshmallows.

Damage check was a bit harder than one would expect. He couldn't really brace himself against the impact. But Qiang had saved one trick for fighting her as he pushed further. Controlling the flames wasn't too bad in this form. He'd force Zenou open by just willpower, he wouldn't lose to her while in Joushou. No, if he was going to lose to Mirja it would be further in. His upper torso began to burn as flames shot out everywhere around him. But as his body flew back about to hit the wall something happened. He vanished, teleportation happened quickly and fluidly. Qiang was able to teleport to the place of Balmung. With both arms folded over his like he was boxing something in he prepared. This wasn't an attack of a precise nature. No, in fact, his control of the power was currently rather shit. Thrusting his arms outwards he shot a tsunami of fire that hit the entire room in flames. Standing on top of Balmung he exhaled a breath. That was tiring as he felt a cape of flames covering his upper torso.

"Ironically, our Kingdom is likely the weakest during the leave of our realm. As most our people stayed behind so we could make this journey.What the Eastern Kingdom needs most Mirja, is Allies and a strong..King." He said in a voice that had him breathing a bit as he stared at her. So many outcomes lead to death and some lead to injuries. He'd taken note of his now, he'd not negated her attack in the slightest. He'd managed to absorb a tremendous amount of damage into his right arm and hand. That woman was built like a brick shit house in several ways. Not to mention her fighting style was very fluid and capable. It gave ideas, but sadly the power gap as it stood would make this challenging. So the goal was simple, land a hit on the wolf woman. There were a couple of ways to do this that came to mind. He would just have to take a punch to land one. And it would have to be one he could manage outright with his power. Or perhaps it would need to be one that he just stomached.

The determination was a strength in of itself, it didn't bow down or break easily. He would do whatever he could to become something more. He knew his weakness well enough and understood it. So the chances of winning were at a zero. Being stubborn was a good quality far as he was concerned. He pushed off the wall he'd been sent into as he considered what he saw. For now, it would be best to make a move and do what he could. He could use the fire as a shield to an extent or maybe it would be better. It would take all of his control, but he could make an explosion. Sure he'd take damage but so would she hopefully. That was the only objective he made for himself today. You had to fight without limits. Shock this woman and show her that limitations were a joke. That he could overcome them and fight like a warrior. Oh yes her power was impressive and did serve its purpose. "At the moment the best I can one." He said gesturing for her to come.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wolf in a Dragon's Palace Empty Re: Wolf in a Dragon's Palace

Tue Sep 05, 2017 9:18 am


Wolf in a Dragon's Palace 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja found that Li Qiang was nothing short of impressive. Even if he could see what was coming with those eyes, her pesudo-Senka was fast and needed incredible reactions to actually do anything about knowing that she was moving. Of course, he learned that just because you knew something was coming, did not mean you could stop it, as he caught her knee and subsequently realized just how much power there was flowing through her muscles. Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing he had ever done, but it was better than taking it to the ribs.

And then there was fire. A lot of fire. He was quite good with throwing first about. First just before his teleporting - which was an awesome thing - that Mirja created a barrier of wind against, running from one side of the room to the other fast enough to build up a gale of displaced air that gutted the fire he had thrown everywhere. And then he appeared behind her, a super secret method of picking up the destination of teleporters clued her in on his arrival, before he exploded again, launching a truly tremendous amount of fire everywhere across the room.

Her quaint air trick wasn't going to stop this one, it was to voracious. So she did something else. Turning around to look at him, in his flaming torso and awesome cape, she was then obscured as her tail swished and a blizzard sprung up from nowhere. The cripplingly low temprature created a safe zone around Mirja, the fire that entered the blizzard was quickly frozen and sapped of all heat, becoming nothing but smoke. And then finally becoming nothing. Li was slamming against the Wall of Mirja, who seemed to have a trick for everything he could do. Such things could cripple motivation, but she wondered how the King would handle it.

"The Easten Kingdoms, have both" Mirja said, breaking her silence to speak with the eldirich tone of a hollow mask. And then she dropped Tundra Scream because neither her nor Hvit could keep it up any longer. She replaced it with Climax - to a comment from Hvit about the comedown - but this was not a place to be worried about how tired she might be after. This was a fight to draw out everything Li could muster, and then go beyond that everything. Nothing bred advancement better than implacable Adversity.

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