Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Kings Advent. [Gotei/Shinigami Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Kings Advent. [Gotei/Shinigami Open]

Tue Feb 06, 2018 4:11 am

Kings Advent. [Gotei/Shinigami Open] - Page 2 3tGGwcz

Kings Advent. [Gotei/Shinigami Open] - Page 2 JCRrxmK


Artist: Bleach OST - Song: Mysterious - Word Count: 523

Noticing that Barragan had disappeared under the cover of darkness Shunsui quickly assessed his surroundings. A moment later he noticed the great axe coming down towards him, but more worryingly, towards Abalia. Realizing the devastating potential of such an attack he prepared to counteract the force with his own, but first he made sure to position himself between Barragan and Abalia. Reacting as quickly as possible he met the axe with his own blades, using every ounce of strength he could muster. As he did so the sound of steel meeting steel rang sharply in his ears, and instead of the majority of the resulting force of the blow traveling behind him, his own force counteracted it exceptionally well. There was still a noticeable amount of blow-back, but nothing that would cause extensive injuries to the girl.

Immediately afterwards Shunsui looked on as Barragan used his respira. Respira being a technique he was familiar with, Shunsui took no chances. Once more using Kageoni he dropped into the shadows, taking Abalia with him, lest she be consumed by the miasma. As soon as it passed by they both emerged, ready to fight once more. They popped back up just in time to witness the opening of the garganta, and the flooding of additional hollow onto the scene. Things were certainly becoming more lively.

Wasting no time Shunsui unleashed a Bushogama, spinning rapidly before he did so. The attack managed to take out a great number of the hollow directly surrounding them, but some still survived. He would have to let Abalia deal with it as best she could while he focused on the true threat.

"Can you take care of some of these hollow while I hold him off?"

Having said that, Shunsui decided it was time to step things up a notch. Gathering up his energy he prepared to activate bankai.

"Katen Kyōkotsu: Karamatsu Shinjū"

As Shunsui entered his bankai the world around him became bleak and cold, all light and color seemingly draining from it in an instant. Katen gradually became visible, fading in behind him, hanging off of his shoulder. Her head remained buried in his shoulder, and only the skull that adorned the top of her head was visible. Shunsui had considered the fact that his bankai was best used in one versus one situations, but at the moment he had little choice due to the fact that Barragan had just summoned a horde of hollow. He needed to take care of this as quickly as possible, lest Abalia be overwhelmed. He wasn't sure about using any of his bankai abilities at the moment, but the boost in power would certainly be useful. Putting all of his skill and strength into the next attack, Shunsui swung his katana and wakizashi in parallel. He was aware that Barragan wouldn't be severely hampered by minor injuries to his body, so his intention was to hit so hard that he severed body parts completely. His first target was the head. He utilized every bit of power he possessed, relying on the precision that came only with a lifetime of practice with the blade.

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God of Love
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Kings Advent. [Gotei/Shinigami Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Kings Advent. [Gotei/Shinigami Open]

Fri Jun 22, 2018 2:51 pm

Song: Inner Universe - By: Origa - Word Count: N/A

Kings Advent. [Gotei/Shinigami Open] - Page 2 JCRrxmK

It seemed that every time either of the titans before Abalia so much as moved, the force was enough to nearly knock her over. Even as Shunsui protected her from certain death, the force felt as though it was about to cave in her skull. Then again, she supposed that was probably exactly the case. There was no particular illusion that she stood toe to toe with either of these two, only the knowledge that she was still required to try anyway.

Yet, as Barragan called forth a wave of Hollows, Abalia found something akin to anger welling up inside her. Already he had demolished countless homes and extinguished untold lives. But to call upon others to do it for him, to sit back and watch as his underlings did what he easily could have... Dismissiveness of that caliber was something that she could not abide toward those under her protection. The officer only barely heard the orders from Captain Kyoraku, but she understood their meaning all too well, and she hurried toward the Hollows with zanpakuto in hand and a look of tranquil, yet undeniable distaste upon her face.

The moment a single Hollow entered her field of vision, it was as though Abalia had changed entirely. She swung her zanpakuto with what was clearly, undeniably a killing intent, and with a surprising level of both strength and finesse all things considered. Even a lone Hollow surely provided something of a challenge to her, but nevertheless she was able to handle this slowly but surely. Every slash of her blade felt guided by her duty, and perhaps there was something more. Glancing occasionally to Barragan once more, the silent fury welled up inside of her chest once more.

"I do hope you can hear me through these minions of yours, intruder. For I wish to inform you that I will bend no knee to a childish, impudent, and above all lazy king such as yourself."

The truth was that Abalia probably should have been focusing more on the fight, and it was clear from the fact that she was still locked in combat with the Hollow before her. But at the moment she hoped that her message went through, and in some part of her mind, it seemed far more important even than killing these beasts before her.

"A leader should inspire, should they not? Call those before them to succeed, to better themselves? Yet here you are, tossing them into what could only be called a meat grinder while you whittle away at an enemy you seem unable to truly harm. Does that sting within your bones? Knowing that you are being bested even while you flaunt your superiority before us? You will find 'vermin' have a certain resilience, you know, and history shows all too often that despots rarely stay in power."

That just about did it for Abalia. She felt she'd sent enough across, one way or the other, and returned her focus to actually winning against her current foe. She was unsure what exactly had compelled her to speak. Perhaps it was simply her wishes, or the fury she felt for those now lost to this threat. Either way, she did not regret it. She only hoped Barragan had heard.

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Kings Advent. [Gotei/Shinigami Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Kings Advent. [Gotei/Shinigami Open]

Tue Jul 17, 2018 5:27 pm

Disdain, that could be the easiest characteristic of barragan's feeling towards them. Even as shunsui deflected his blow, even as abalia begun to prattle onwards, however abalia had said the one thing that she should not have said. Barragan for all intents and purposes was a disdainful man, a man who believed the world was beneath him, who believed that he was above all of it. That in part was due to one simple thing--pride. Barragan was a man with so much pride, and so much hubris that it could blot out the heavens, and encompass the earth. So what happened when you insulted the pride of a man like that?

Simple, it ended badly. Barragan’s axe descended as it would crash into the swords that moved into different directions. Barragan had nowhere near the sword skill that say shunsui had. However what he lacked he more than made up for in raw power. Barragans energy was a storm around him, and his crown glinted even here in this darkened world around them. They wished to stop him? Bah, these driveling worms weren’t even fit to kiss the ground he walked on! Barragan’s heavy axe swung through the air at unimaginable speeds as it cut a horizontal line infront of him. He sought to knock shunsui back with the force of his blow before he disappeared with sonido once more.

”An ant dares judge me? Hmph.”

Barragan was . . amused as abalia who was such an insignificant being in the scheme of this fight had spoken up and called him a lazy king. Why did it seem like ants were always the ones who seemed to have the most to say? Barragan didn’t know what possessed this insignificant life-form to speak up, however his amusement was piqued. Barragan was a being who above all loved to be interested. He was prideful, with that pride came a soul-crushing boredom. He has so few beings that he could fight equally, and because of that often his life was spent in boredom. Ants that spoke up to him so blatantly? Those were few and far between, and so as barragan’s axe cleaved a clear line towards shunsui his words boomed out with his gravelly timbre.

”..Tell me, how am i a lazy king? Because you are an ant, your words intrigue me--so explain it to me.”

Barragan was . . amused. It was interesting when weaklings didn’t know their place. However, currently it was toing a fine line, as there was a difference between interest--and blatant stupidity. However for whatever the reason, Barragan’s attention was partially diverted to abalia as the vast majority of it was still geared towards fighting shunsui, as their fight continued, barragan’s amusement only grew. His savagery rising as he heard abalia’s words about how he was sending the hollows to a meat grinder. Why should he care about such lowely beings.

”They are honored, such weak and mindless beings. For them to be able to serve me in any modicum is truly their own honor. ”

Soon as the king spoke the realm around them began to change, turning drab and dismal as the sockets of the king glanced forth at the captain of the gotei who rushed forward towards him at startling speeds. It was after the first engage after the change in the environment. Barragan was not a dumb man, he had never seen the release form of this man, but right now the speed in shunsui moved was far faster than before. As he appeared infront of barragan, his swords horizontally from the right at insane speeds, streaks of silver in their own right as they came towards the former segunda espada. The espada’s axe moved to the left to meet the oncoming blades, however where as the man had so blatantly overpowered shunsui before the force of these reverberating blows, full powered against casual was enough to throw barragan back several meters where he stabilized.

”Hmph, a slightly stronger ant is still an ant none the less. come, let me dispatch of you vermin.”

Kings Advent. [Gotei/Shinigami Open] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
Kings Advent. [Gotei/Shinigami Open] - Page 2 BtXe12b
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Kings Advent. [Gotei/Shinigami Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Kings Advent. [Gotei/Shinigami Open]

Fri Aug 17, 2018 8:38 pm

Kings Advent. [Gotei/Shinigami Open] - Page 2 3tGGwcz

Kings Advent. [Gotei/Shinigami Open] - Page 2 JCRrxmK


Artist: Bleach OST - Song: Mysterious - Word Count: 523

Shunsui was done holding back. As Barragan was sent through the air he quickly moved to Abalia's side, placed his hand on her shoulder, and moved them into the shadows. He needed a moment to go all out, and he was worried that the girl wouldn't be able to withstand what was about to come. For the time being he'd have to leave her here. Before he left he spoke to her, just to let her know what was going on.

"Hey, nice work out there. Looks like you really riled him up. I need you to wait here for a bit though, I'm not sure I can keep you safe through what's about to come otherwise."

With that Shunsui stepped back into the fray with a stony face. He'd had just about enough of this invasion, and it was time for it to come to an end. He peered over towards Barragan and began to speak.

"You've had your fun, but it ends now. I don't know what kind of arrogance and stupidity is going through your head that you imagine invading the Soul Society with only a few measly hollow is a good idea, but I can assure you it's not. "

Throughout his speech Shunsui's spiritual pressure rose drastically, to a point that even Barragan wouldn't be able to ignore. The vast majority of the hollow that Barragan had summoned were immediately incapacitated, if not killed, by this tremendous display of raw power. It was fairly obvious that he'd had more than enough of this nonsense. The very second he finished speaking he was moving at max speed towards Barragan. Leaping into the air he positioned himself above and slightly behind the arrancar.


Of course now he'd have to make sure he kept the high ground, but he wasn't concerned. Having activated Takaoni he then once more launched an attack against his foe, quickly closing distance he brought both of his blades down as one. Regardless of whether they hit or not he instantly began a second assault.


Something that he usually did from range, but which was even more incredibly effective when used point blank. Shunsui capitalized on every bit of speed he could muster up, instantly spinning in place. At this range the force of his Bushogoma was more than enough to decimate nearly any possible resistance it could encounter, and in addition to that, as he had the high ground, it was exponentially more destructive.

Finally, to bring it all home, as he came out of his spin Shunsui crossed his right arm over his left and delivered a guillotine style blow, aimed directly at Barragan's neck. If the arrancar was so sure of the durability of his bones he wouldn't mind one of the most vital and structurally weak amongst them being targeted. Throughout all of this he made sure to keep himself in a slightly elevated position, so as to maintain the high ground.

Coding in Template By:
God of Love
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Kings Advent. [Gotei/Shinigami Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Kings Advent. [Gotei/Shinigami Open]

Tue Aug 28, 2018 1:09 am

Song: Inner Universe - By: Origa - Word Count: N/A

Kings Advent. [Gotei/Shinigami Open] - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Abalia smiled just a touch to herself as Barragan deigned to oblige her words. It was clear her place in this exchange was coming to an end, though personally she was not so sure she ever had much of one to begin with. Regardless, she returned to her work fighting off Hollows as best she could, each swing of her zanpakuto lacking much in the way of power, but certainly carrying with it a touch of finesse and a great deal of determination, and as Baraggan asked his last question, she was all too ready to reply.

“I find it curious that you concern yourself with the honor of these subjects at all, if they are so truly nothing. Could you not handle this all yourself? Your pride says yes, and yet your actions... Well, they most certainly give a very different answer.”

While she did her best to handle this fight, it would be a lie to say Abalia took no wounds. A cut here, a contusion there. Not the end of the world, but by no means was it completely harmless, either. Such things were not the chief concern, however. Far more important was doing whatever was possible to bring an end to this invasion, and perhaps... Well, perhaps her part in that was simply doing what she could to assist her Captain.

“'Truly their own honor,' was that how you put it? How exceptionally strange... I should think that a good and active king would not even need these 'lesser and mindless' creatures at all. You debase your own royalty, simply for the good of your own servants? I must say, that is quite kind of you then. Who knew you had such a heart.”

In all likelihood, Baraggan and Shunsui were likely the first to ever hear Abalia speak in such a tone. Her tone was as even as always, but her words carried with them an ever-so-slightly overstated sense of reverence, and as she finished her words, she gave a curtsy toward Baraggan far lower than would have been necessary even toward her own king. Sarcasm, it was, from the silver-haired maiden, and the smile upon her face grew just a touch more. She had enjoyed that perhaps a bit too much.

Of course, as Shunsui arrived to take her away, Abalia knew that the time she had already anticipated was now here; she would not be of much more use in this fight. She listened intently to her Captain as he spoke, and gave him a curt nod in response, any amusement from her mocking toward Baraggan already entirely gone.

“Thank you, sir. I have every confidence that you should have no trouble with anything further.”

That was entirely true, of course, and Abalia left it unsaid that, all things considered, it was fairly unlikely he had ever needed her assistance in the first place. It was not about whether or not she had been necessary. It would have been wrong of her not to assist.

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