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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Lex Prailius
Lex Prailius
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Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed) Empty Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed)

Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:20 pm

Lex was too busy staring at what was in front of him in terror, some awe, but mostly terror. This was clearly not Tokyo, whatever he thought this was supposed to be definitely wasn't that. Here in front of him was a large shielding that separated them from Karakura Central, the name he had to be told over five times to let it finally sink in that this was not Tokyo. After about three minutes of feeling intimidated and overwhelmed by the unknown city, he finally shook his analyzing nature and cleared his throat before walking forward, motioning for Nina and Minerva to follow him inside. The three would naturally get inside without any problems, but Lex was going to have trouble finding his wristband device in this area and he knew it. Once they got within the border, it became a bit difficult for the young man to try and get past that this place seemed to magically exist out of nowhere in comparison to all of his reincarnations who seemed to have no recollection of this city.

"Master... are you ok? Where should we start searching for the wristband device?" came the inquiry from the small vixen walking beside him. With all of the hustle and bustle that seemed to occur within the busy streets however, she didn't find it wise to keep trailing beside the tall man and decided to quickly hop onto his shoulder, not liking the idea of someone accidentally stepping on her tail, or even her for that matter since they didn't seem to pay attention to where they were walking. With Lex's response to her question though, her concern was pretty ironic. "We don't know anything about this place, so here's what I'm thinking, I need you and Minerva to find a central library and find out as much information as you can about this place. When this place was created, who runs it, and other history pieces if you can manage." he said.

The vixen had a look of terror of her own as she realized what this meant. "Wait wait wait, you mean I have to..." she began, but was interrupted. She would feel herself get gently picked up and then set down from Lex's shoulder before feeling a pair of goggles being set over her face, the same ones that her master was wearing earlier while being in the plane. Out of nowhere though, she could see several different lines of text lining up on the right blue tinted lens of it, giving information of how far Lex's current position was, saying that it was currently mapping the area, and recording how many people were in the city, amongst other functions. "Yes Nina, you're going to have to work with Minerva and collect data for me. I'm going to be searching for the wristband with the Prentium tracer, hopefully it'll lead me to it, but we'll find out." he explained before pulling out a small circular device that seemed like a simple compass.

This of course was the very thing he mentioned that could possibly track the wristband due to the Prentium chip he put inside of it, hoping that this wouldn't take too long to find. Nina would grumble but quickly nod, knowing that it was necessary for them to move along with finding this item successfully. "Alright Master, we will take a couple of hours to study on this place and then come find you." the small vixen advised. With that, she would look towards Minerva with pleading eyes, already trying to plead with a sad expression so as not to suffer the fate that she feared of being stepped on due to her small stature. "Minerva, may I hop on your shoulder?" she asked before warily looking around at the numerous pairs of legs that were walking past and around them at such a fast speed, not wanting to have to evade and dodge through such a hectic maze. But she mentally prepared herself all the same in case the woman said no, which so far, seemed like the likely outcome.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Lex Prailius on Thu Feb 01, 2018 8:38 am; edited 1 time in total
Minerva Winthrop
Minerva Winthrop
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Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed) Empty Re: Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed)

Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:26 pm

Minerva didn't take to kindly of splitting up. They have not done so before. Maybe wherever Lex is going he doesn't trust me to know, she thought to herself. Perhaps she was less trustworthy because she tried to shoot Nina? Minerva looked at Nina wondering if she allow her on her shoulder. She wanted to tell her that animals belong on the ground and wanted to try to shoot her again, however this was not the time to start an unnecessary argument. In any case Minerva wasn't irritated by the question.

“Sure, come on” she said picking up the animal and rubbing her face against the soft fur. “Hmm... that feels nice...” she said with a smile.

She looked towards Lex.

“Why do you wants us to go find information about the city. Why can't I come with you?” she said holding on to his left arm. “Do you think it is wise to have a young lady travel alone in this large, unfamiliar city? Whatever would I do if I was accosted by unsavory brutes in a dark alleyway?” She said with a pouty face.

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Lex Prailius
Lex Prailius
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Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed) Empty Re: Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed)

Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:27 pm

At least she was being nice to their companion, that was all Lex could come up with before she decided to ask him multiple questions. It was fairly simple to him, Minerva was strong and he had no doubt that she could take care of herself, however he was sure that she didn't want to hear that, and instead wanted a more concerned outlook for her safety. He felt there was no time for such roundabout quips and formalities, simply being blunt about what he thought on the matter. "Minerva, from what I've seen so far from you, it's easy to tell that you can handle yourself against just any riffraff. If there was truly someone that could pose a threat to you, I think you wouldn't hesitate to come get me right away through teleportation to help you handle it. As for why you can't come with me, it would just be less time consuming if we split up and all do our equal share. Even if you don't find any clues about my wristband in any of the information about the city, it will still pose as useful for defensive, offensive, and even countermeasures in politics, economics, and just plain military might that these guys may have. There is no such thing as knowing too much information about something." he exclaimed, watching the woman pick up Nina and nestle her face into the vixen's fur.

He was sure that his explanation was necessary and wasn't on the harsh side, but from both his studies and most of his visions that he had from other reincarnations of Lex, some women had a tendency of blowing things out of proportion and dragging things out as far as misinterpretations. Hopefully Minerva was not one of those so called women, even though already past occurrences with her would have shown otherwise. "Look... this is a really important task, if I couldn't trust you with it then I would be trying to do it myself, but I believe in the both of you that you can do this without my supervision and that you'll do what you can to gather anything important." he said, feeling that to be a much better way of acknowledging his trust in Minerva.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Minerva Winthrop
Minerva Winthrop
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Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed) Empty Re: Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed)

Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:32 pm

With a masterful display of sleight of hand, she was able to pick up a loose hair follicle off of his arm as she let go of him and placed it in a hidden pocket in the fold of her dress.

She did not like his answer one bit and expressed it by turning her back to him and crossed her arms. The way he explained the situation was suspicious. She tried to pretend to be cute to persuade him from doing things besides looking for his item, as she can tell that his curiosity for information might get them in trouble.

“I don't like this plan. It sounds as if you want me to act as a spy. I wouldn't think the people of this place would take too kindly of an outsider snooping around. Take a look...” she said pointing her finger all round. “You don't have any idea where you are do you?” she said as if belittling a child. From every direction she could feel all types of magical presences, many of which were strong. There was much more than Szlanor that it was almost overwhelming as she detected millions of unique magical signature of individuals or items in the city. “I was almost throw into prison barely a week ago and now we haven’t spent more than five minutes here and you already want to do something that may be seen as suspicious. It seems to me that you don't want to tell me what your goal is, what you are going to do with you equipment, so I am not go along with your plan. Don't forget, I decided to accompany you on my own volition and I can leave at any time also. If it is so important why don't you have your little servant Nina do it?”

She deduced going to a library would be a waste of time as it would be full of sanitized information made for public consumption. Anything classified or secret won't be available to just anyone.

“You can do what you want, however I am going shopping.” she said as she began to walk away with Nina on her shoulder.

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Lex Prailius
Lex Prailius
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Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed) Empty Re: Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed)

Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:37 pm

He was in no mood for Minerva's playful behavior, but he did understand why she was concerned since it seemed she misunderstood what he had asked. He was not looking for any secret information, nothing of the sort. Anything was better than nothing, and he knew nothing about the place. Looking through a library's archives would not be nefarious or be seen as suspicious if it was already accessible to the public, he thought for sure that she would be aware of that by now. "Minerva, I don't have time for this, for all we know the people here could be bred criminals or something, the library would certainly have such information on file. We're just making sure that we have what we need to survive. It's usually not the physical confrontations that get people like us, we're far more than capable of handling ourselves; it's the lack of information on how things work in an area and their beliefs and what not. All I'm doing with this equipment is making sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands, no one can be trusted with it, period." he said rather bluntly before walking into the other direction.

Lex didn't like wasting time, and if Minerva wanted to go shopping, then that was what he would have to deal with. He would have considered getting the information himself, but he knew that Nina could do it on her own, he just figured that Minerva would have been a bit more cooperative. Apparently he was mistaken, and he couldn't take up any more time debating about it rather than trying to find his wristband. 'Nina, make sure you get that information about the city, by any means necessary. We are to take no chances with areas that we are unfamiliar with.' he projected in his mind, speaking to the small vixen telepathically. This connection was more of a spiritual connection through the contract that he had with the animal, as if it was a sword wielder and his Zanpukto. 'Yes my master, I understand, I will get that information no matter what. I will come find you once it is done.' she projected back before suddenly hopping off of Minerva's shoulder. She wasn't sure if the woman would protest or not, if she did, Nina would wait and try to hear her out, see if she would change her mind about gathering information for Lex. If not, she would dash through the citizen's legs and scurry around their feet, heading to the main city library to go through their archives of information.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Minerva Winthrop
Minerva Winthrop
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Posts : 91

Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed) Empty Re: Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed)

Thu Feb 01, 2018 5:06 pm

Without saying anything, Nina scurried away through the streets. Minerva assumed that Nina would go ahead with finding a library just as Minerva suggested. Lex walked away after his comment, leaving Minerva to walk off in her own direction.

For a moment, she looked around and watched the natives go to and fro, the city full of people going about their routine. Unable to contain her curiosity as to what Lex was doing, she decided to follow him. She made sure to follow to closely, keeping about one hundred feet distance between them. She hugged next to a building or blended into a crowd whenever she thought she had stepped into his range of view. It was suspicious for him not to clarify where he was going. It made trusting him difficult.

While tailing him, she decided to talk to him through telepathy. “Lex, what are you doing? Just curious.” Minerva hid a little behind a wall just in case he instinctively looked around. If she can get answers out of him, perhaps she ascertain the truth in his statements by seeing for herself if he is being honest.


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Last edited by Minerva Winthrop on Thu Feb 01, 2018 7:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
Lex Prailius
Lex Prailius
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Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed) Empty Re: Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed)

Thu Feb 01, 2018 5:22 pm

Nina figured that Minerva would do what she wished in the end, and the sentient animal would not oppose, leaving the lavender-haired woman to stand there and go her own way as she walked towards a nearby park. What did this leisurely park have to do with gaining information? Perhaps Minerva wouldn't catch on right away, but she would soon see just how important it was for Nina all the same. The small vixen dashed all throughout the park, seemingly running in small patterns of circles and in random locations as she scurried about. Finally, as if something had answered an unspoken question she had asked, she suddenly stopped running all over the place and carefully approached a lone group of tethered canines, watching them bark at her approach. She wasn't fazed by their empty threats, staring at them intensely the moment that she got about ten feet away from them. The owners of the dogs were rather startled about the approaching vixen, unsure why such an exotic looking creature was here and why she was staring down their pets in the way that she was.

The couple bickered about it for a few moments as they turned towards each other and then back at the vixen, a bit nervous that the unknown entity would try to attack their cherished canines. But that didn't seem to be the case, the graphite furred vulpine continuing to stare at the dogs with what seemed like unrelenting resolve, staying as still as a statue for more than an entire minute straight. Once it reached an unheard of three minute mark however of the vixen not moving and just staring intensely at the dogs, the owners decided that the awkwardness had reached its peak and that it was time for her to go. The moment that Nina saw them get up from the bench however, she would suddenly scurry away just as fast as she had approached, dashing towards the exit of the park in what seemed like full stride, dodging baby strollers and old men with canes before making her way straight to the library.

Nina had a gift of gathering information from anyone as long as she remained in their vicinity, but there were several factors that were heavily involved, like their cooperation to actually let her gather whatever details she wanted from their mind, their intelligence level, the amount of time allowed to get this information, and their awareness that it was actually happening. Because these were practically normal animals, house dogs that were taken out for a walk in the park, there wasn't that much intelligence to resist her probing powers of information, allowing her to get what she wanted in a matter of three minutes instead of the usual ten. However, in that same regard, there wasn't much to gain in the first place that was crucial besides the bare minimum that she wanted, the location of the main library, and where the address was that they called home. She wasn't able to get the library, but a quick tour to a nearby hotel where she could snag a tourist book near the entrance could quickly take care of that problem. She was basically doing a scavenger hunt before actually reaching her destination, but it wouldn't take but an entire hour before she finally made it into the discovered library. How would she actually go about obtaining this information? There was only one way of course! "Ahem... excuse me... excuse me! Yes, you, hi there. I'd like to register to this library please so I can start looking through some information." she said rather cheerfully, the puzzled receptionist looking down towards the floor at what seemed to be a talking fluff toy from how small she was. "Errrr... what?"

Across town...
Lex was casually strolling down the sidewalk as he looked down at his Prentium compass, occasionally looking up to see where he currently was and check his surroundings before glancing back down at the compass. He wasn't sure why, but from the looks of it, the device seemed to be pointing him deeper into the city. This wasn't surprising, but he did wonder where it actually led him. It was then that he heard Minerva's voice ring in his mind, making him instinctively glance around, just as she predicted. Not seeing her nearby, he could only assume that she was using telepathy before he decided to answer her through the same method. 'I'm looking for my wristband device, it's one of the most crucial pieces to my inventions that's been scattered around the planet. Hopefully I find it pretty soon and we can get out of here. Currently I'm using a specific compass that can help me find it, since I don't know where it actually is.' he admitted truthfully, focusing on the compass in his hand again and glancing around from time to time. His trek soon led him to the front of a museum, making him grimace as he thought about what this could actually entail. What if his wristband was on a display of some sort? Such a thing also brought up a problem that his device had been tampered with and that they actually knew what it was for and what it did.

That thought put a pep in his step, forcing the man to walk hastily into the building before he looked around, grumbling a bit to himself as he geared his thoughts towards the worst case scenario, that he would have to 'steal' something that was probably considered a national treasure to them, even if it was one hundred percent his since he created it. He was willing to bargain for it at least, since he felt it was only fair that they got some type of compensation for their troubles. He pulled out his smartphone and pressed a few buttons, checking his current digital wallet to see just how much money he had, which was looking pretty good considering the many things he was selling over the internet while he was spending the entire year in his New York apartment. 'Hmmm... this should be enough to barter with, and if not... hopefully this won't turn physical.' he thought, still looking around the area as he glanced at his compass periodically. His quest led him up the stairs, where the signal seemed to be even stronger.

Nina's Abilities

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Minerva Winthrop
Minerva Winthrop
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Posts : 91

Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed) Empty Re: Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed)

Thu Feb 01, 2018 6:37 pm

She saw him look around Lex answered her without much of a fuss it seems. So basically we are treasure hunting. She convinced herself it would be fun. After some time, she saw him stand in front a large building which turned out to be a museum. Surely this isn't the place? Is he taking a detour or perhaps the item is actually part of the display? “I hope I didn’t scare you. Are you using a compass? I would like to know where is it telling you to go, just in case I need to find you later?”

She hopped over to a sidewalk vendor and ordered a few hotdog while waiting on Lex to make his move, always keeping him in the corner of his eye. While she wasn't one to be easily distracted, she could be gluttonous at times.

She continued to make her way over to the front of the museum waiting for the right moment to go in if Lex decided to do so himself. “ So how many items do you need to collect, if I may ask?” Perhaps one his items would be useful to her. She need to find a way home as her magic was severely limited ever since she arrived in this dimension. Maybe it was too much wishful thinking. She would have to see what he was going to find.


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Last edited by Minerva Winthrop on Thu Feb 01, 2018 7:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
Lex Prailius
Lex Prailius
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Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed) Empty Re: Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed)

Thu Feb 01, 2018 7:00 pm

The librarian couldn't help but laugh nervously at what she was seeing. She knew about sentient creatures that spoke clearly in this world, after all, the act of Shinigami turning into animals was a bit known around the world at this point, talk of conversing pets and smarter than average animals spreading rumors by this day and age. But the woman didn't expect to actually see one, a live talking animal who was possibly a spirit? "Ummm, errrr... suuuuure..." she said slowly before walking over towards the computer next to her receptionist counter. She began to ask the required information of the vixen; where she lived, her date of birth, her name. Nina gave her real first name, but not her last, telling her that her name was Demina Miyuzaki, the surname of the family that she had been around while obtaining information from those dogs in the park. She also gave the location of said family thanks to that information, and finally, a false date that she was sure the librarian wouldn't look up due to her being an animal. There were certain perks to being a cute and fuzzy animal she figured, but she was sure that she would find its downfalls soon enough.

After registering with the library, the crafty female fox would bow with a 'Danke.' and dash towards one of the computers, seeing quickly that the revolving chair was too low for her so she scurried around taking random books from shelves to stack onto the seat of the chair before hopping onto it. She positioned herself to take out a small USB wireless chip that she could plug into the back of the monitor, directly linking it to the computer before she started pressing a series of keys in front of her on the keyboard to access the mainframe. It would seem that the vixen knew exactly what she was doing, but she didn't have a clue, instead, the device that she had put into one of the USB slots was in fact a custom program, network, and operating system reader, allowing the scanner and pair of goggles to not only copy data and display it onto the device, but also give a detailed yet simple tutorial on how to operate the system.

This caused the vixen to seem like a natural at using the computer, but she was simply reading the text on the blue tinted lens of the goggles on her face on what to press and what programs to use. In a matter of moments, she was massively copying information and data into the USB storage device, she would sit patiently at this point, not finding anything else to do now that her mission was practically complete, simply waiting for the download and syncing to the scouter Lex himself was wearing to be complete. So now she was just playing the waiting game, the dark gray vixen's tail swaying hypnotically side to side behind her as she read through several lines of code and information as it was being downloaded and stored.

Across town...
Lex could hear the genuine concern in her voice as he heard her multiple questions running through his mind. She was certainly more inquisitive than he was used to, but just as he had thought earlier, he felt Minerva deserved to at least be aware of hsi current plans of gathering his equipment. 'Yes, the compass is guiding me there at this very moment and for now it's led me inside of a museum. I think this may become troublesome if the employees here try to resist my advances to retrieve it. I won't cause a ruckus though and I'm willing to do whatever I have to legally to get it back if a dilemma comes up.' he answered in his mind, now walking through two double doors and an 'employees only' door.

This looked like a janitorial closet more than anything else, since it was pretty cramped and there were many shelves with multiple items resting on the surfaces. As his gaze kept going from his compass and then back up to the shelves over and over, he heard Minerva speak out to him again before he answered back. 'Well, this current one is pretty major, it's essential to help me get back on track on finding my other artifacts and pieces of tech scattered around this planet. The more pieces we find, the safer we'll be, both from enemies and potential threats that may happen across them.' he replied, his eyes still scanning those shelves as the compass needle seemed to be tweaking a bit that the item was right in front of him. At least he didn't have to bargain for it if it was right in front of him.

Nina's Abilities

Template By: [THEFROST]
Minerva Winthrop
Minerva Winthrop
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Joined : 2015-03-26
Posts : 91

Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed) Empty Re: Chronicle Zero | Equipment - Chapter One: L.A.S.T. (Closed)

Thu Feb 01, 2018 7:55 pm

She didn’t like that he didn’t specify how many items he was looking for. Well, she could understand if he didn’t trust her. Either way it would be a few more. Apparently there will be a lot of traveling since he said they were all over the planet. Which was fine to Minerva since she could use this traveling to learn more about this world and whether it contained powerful magic. It wasn’t that she didn’t recognize the sciences and technology, rather she understood it had its limits and was quaint in comparison to magic in many areas.

She saw him go in. She had to be fast and make sure he didn’t disappear inside of the building. Looking at the displays, she saw it was some type of technology and science museum showcasing innovations in car manufacturing, televisions, phones, and other common accessories and appliances. It was not something that would impress Minerva, but couldn’t help but appreciate mankind's ingenuity and creativity. She almost lost Lex as he didn’t stop or slow down to take a look at anything. Rather he passed through some doors leading to an inventory/storage area. She decided not follow. She could sense his magic and he wasn’t too far. Apparently he must have found something of interest, but she didn’t know the details without seeing it personally.

So far, Lex has been honest about what was happening currently. Perhaps he knew she was following him. Regardless, while she was waiting, she decided to take a look around and soak up as much information as possible here. She thought about and realized she would have preferred to go to the library to consume as much information as possible there, but she had to see what Lex was up to. But it didn’t matter as this was also a place of learning. She would go to library latter when she had the chance.

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