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Old Moonie Stuff Empty Re: Old Moonie Stuff

Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:13 pm
Application Checklist
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Comments/Notes: Approved~
Tier: 1-3+

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  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Beginner

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Old Moonie Stuff Empty Re: Old Moonie Stuff

Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:48 pm

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Old Moonie Stuff Empty Re: Old Moonie Stuff

Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:29 am

Updated the motherf#cking moon god's template

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Old Moonie Stuff Empty Re: Old Moonie Stuff

Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:09 pm

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Old Moonie Stuff Empty Re: Old Moonie Stuff

Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:40 pm
Captain Võrgukleindid added.


|T|H|E| |C|A|P|T|A|I|N|


Basic Rundown
The Captain Võrgukleindid is a representation, an embodiment of the Moon Iramasha's power. However, this is not a normal embodiment. This embodiment has all the emotions of his previous life, the life before he met Shisome, combined with that thing he hates the most in all the world. He is a soldier, plain and simple. In addition to this, however, he has the desire to kill his opponents to prove his superiority just as he had before, combined with his arrogance. However, it is also mixed with that nature of a Soldier, which leads to him rarely talking and completely abandoning the use of his fantastic battle cry. This form has the mentality of a soldier, but still his appreciation for battle of a warrior. It is a warped conversion, certainly, but it is a pure one, formed only for two reasons.


When he enters this form, the first thing that changes is his entire body. His torso becomes compacted, lifting, his muscles becoming completely defined. Anything around his torso is completely destroyed. In addition, his hair changes, losing its vibrancy and becoming short on top of his head. It has no reason to be long in this form, as it would only get in his way. In addition, his facial features greatly tighten, his entire body becoming a smooth figure, the perfect form to assume battle with. Around his hands form gloves of Blast, around his legs leggings of Blast, and around his neck a single medallion, held there by a piece of string. Two holsters adorn his sides, and he may even form a cap out of Blast.


While in this form, Moonie's personality completely changes. His personality becomes a mixture of three elements. The first is his devotion towards completing his goal. He becomes committed for the end result. In addition, he gains that killer personality once more, becoming brutal in his fighting, but still able to enjoy the battle. Finally, he becomes closer to his aspect of the wolf. This is the most primal form that he has, as it directly accesses his nature cells and uses them to create his founding traits. The closest level this could be considered is a great wolf, one whose only goal in life is to complete its loyalties. Moonie himself completely turns off his own personality, utterly and completely removing it from his body. His memories remain intact, and while he remembers everything that he does in this form, he is unable to think about them at any time because otherwise he would catch himself in a neverending distaste within his mouth.


There are only two reasons why Moonie will ever assume this form. They are for the protection of that which he considers his ultimate level of care, or else it is for the understanding of a former friend of his to be released from their pain of being a soldier themselves, to truly see what a soldier is and what they are able to do at the end of that path.

The first has to do with the protection of what he holds dear. If he is given an infallible order by someone he loves, who has his loyalty, and is forced to fight simply for the outcome of a goal, then he will enter this form. This form will therefore remain active until the goal is completed or Moonie's body is unable to stop fighting.

The second condition has to do with those who he deeply cares about as partners in battle going off of the deep end. Those ones who have fallen off of the path of the warrior get to experience the ultimate soldier to show them why what they are doing is so injust to themselves and others. If while it is activated they realize what wrongs they have committed and repent, then he will not kill them, no matter how the fight ends. However, if they do not realize their wrongs, then he will show no mercy, making everything he does act as a killing blow. Finally, the only ways for him to leave the form when this occurs is by his losing of almost all of his power, the opponent dying or the opponent being knocked unconscious.

Physical Changes - Abilities

Pistols - The Wolf's Fangs Bleed Crimson
The first thing that changes about Moonie is the fact that Mun and nuM change. The two weapons become much, much lighter, becoming small pistols. These pistols have the same use and abilities as before; indeed, they even weigh as much. However, the difference lies in the fact that these are guns, pistols in the german style with barrels so logn that they would rip any normal man's arm off completely from their raw strenght. The barrels of the pistols are between two and three feet long, and he can hold them on holsters on his sides or just constantly wield them. He is extremely good at wielding these pistols, just like he was with Mun and nuM. These pistols should be noted that they are so intensely powerful that not even Moonie's raw strength can cause them to shatter. In addition, they can take all the force of Moonies bullets leaving them, showing their durability even further in addition to how good they are at absorbing shock. Lastly, they are made of Moon Rock, an absolutely dense amount of moon rock, meaning that if Moonie eats them, he WILL be intensely rejuvenated. Through having his nature energy restored.

Aim - The Wolf's Eyes See True
While in this state, Moonie's intense mental capacities that he rarely uses outside of battle come full in play only for the ability to aim with these pistols. This means that the pistols fire at an immensely accurate rate, and that Moonie can aim them even when under the tightest of circumstances. In addition, he gains access to an ability that would be referred to as "The Rings of True Sight". The Rings of True Sight are an ability that Moonie gains from the black rings leaving his eyes. Whenever his target becomes obscured or otherwise unable to be seen, within his eyes themselves, which lock onto his target, showing a path for the bullets towards the target that he is attempting to hit. This makes it impossible for Moonie to be unable to see his target unless his eyes are gouged out of his skull, and he can even fire with accuracy when his eyes are closed.

Speed Unbound - The Wolf Runs Free
Finally, Moonie's body releases its final constraints on itself. He allows for his massive conditioning of his body to affect his ability to move, and the speed which his body is truly capable of becomes released. Indeed, this means that Moonie's greatest weakness is removed at last, something that he would never do while he was in his right mind, but that his body naturally disallows when he enters this state. The speed which he moves with while in this form is like that of a great wolf; he is fast, immensely so, with fantastic reaction time and intensely sharp movements that he uses to make his attacks fluid and powerful. In addition, this speed rapidly increases the force behind his attacks, requiring much less build-up than before. He can keep up with opponents very easily while in this form, and can even follow the movements of some of the fastest movements, due to his natural training of dealing with speed users combined with his released abilities.

Physical Status - The Coat of the Wolf
Technically speaking, The Captain Võrgukleindid has the same capacities as Moonie's Purity state, physically. This is because he is technically always in Purity State when he has this form activated, making him an extremely dangerous individual.

Supreme Senses
While he is in this state, his physical senses are intensely enhanced, and he is able to smell things form several miles away, particularly, in addition to recognizing spiritual signatures by scent. In addition, his sight and sense of hearing also rise exponentially in skill level, making him have an extraordinarily clear view of all variables around his body, meaning that it is very difficult to surprise him.

Mental Changes - Abilities

The Mind That Howls
In this form, Moonie's mind becomes completely locked down. Mental abilities do very, very little to effect him, and his mind has a very high chance of resisting mental abilities. Indeed, his mind itself is not actually thinking for itself merely thinking for the goal that it is to carry out. This means that specifically, there is no mind within his skull to be controlled. It is simply acting on an instinct, on a will, on seeing that will carried out to the very end, no matter what that end may be.

The Collar
However, around his neck, a single medallion on a line of thread forms. This thread is his "Collar". While it is around his neck, they use some of the leftover material from Mun and nuM, making it extraordinarily difficult to break. However, should someone remove the collar from around his neck, Moonie will immediately leave The Captain, becoming purity state once more. This means that he will no longer be able to destroy things simply as he pleases any longer, making this a very real way to stop the intensity that is the Soldier, the Captain Võrgukliendid.

Spiritual Changes - Abilities

Force - The Presence of the Wolf
When Moonie enters into The Captain Võrgukliendid, he finally releases his reiatsu pressure. This pressure is capable of forcing nearby buildings to crumble from the raw force of it, not to mention what it does to normal people. Those with a lower tier or adept or lower Strength will find themselves being crushed by its presence, making it very difficult to move. Really, the only ones who can completely move unhindered by this ability are those whose strength and defenses begin to approach the level of Moonie's own or whose spiritual power matches or exceeds his own. However, his Force is very targeted. It only works within twenty feet of his own body, meaning that those whoa re not within close range of him are not affected by it.

Bullet - The Claws of the Wolf
When int his form, Mun and nuM in Pistol form are able to shoot bullets. Now, these bullets are very special. For one thing, they cannot be affected by other beings or other energy. They are made by crafting an amount of energy such as in the Moon God's Howl and compressing it down to the size of a bullet. From there, the bullet is layered in a casing of Chaos Energy, before finally being covered with a slipstream of Gravity This means that the bullets are extraordinarily piercing, but in addition are able to slam into the opponent at a higher rate of speed by accelerating themselves through the use of the Gravity, before using that Gravity to lodge into them, where the bullet either acts as an intense pain through the massive amount of Blast sitting there, or otherwise through the explosion of the Blast from withing their body. This means that the Chaos Energy can also maintain the explosion that is expanding from the bullet's core, making the Blast very difficult to disperse and expand, but able to harm things that are near it. Overall, these bullets show the capacity of Moonie's ability to attack others, and can even be fired out and formed like a fully automatic rifle, as many times as he can pull the triggers.

Ethereal Form - The Form of the Wolf
When he enters into his Nature Cells while in this state, the normal transformation does not occur. Instead, the Nature Cells may act in three different ways, depending on what Moonie desires to do with them. The first is through the full conversion of his Nature Cells. This forms him into a massive wolf, with a torso that is extraordinarily intense. Its entire body radiates Blast and Gravity, and is maintained with Chaos energy. This form is capable of destroying buildings simply by running through them, and causes massive amounts of destruction in its wake wherever it moves. However, the truly significant facet of this form is that Moonie while in The Captain can transition from it to his normal form completely effortlessly, without thought and barely without reservation or needing to think about it, flowing form his normal form to it to back to normal again.

Physical Form - The Body of the Wolf
However, there is another way he can release his Nature Cells. He can release them around his own body, making either parts of himself or his entire body into that of a were-wolf, a wolf with a humanoid figure. This wolf form is focused towards physical attacks, and while it doesn't change that much about the warrior it does show his professionalism in battle and his spirit to increase the level of the fight growing, as he normally does not enter this form unless he has special need of it. He incorporates mostly kicks with this form, though the claws that it gives him are also rather intense, due to them being made out of shelled Blast energy.

Transient Form - The Scent of the Wolf
Finally is the most handy form that the Captain Võrgukliendid can take. This form allows for him to seemingly defy the laws of reality; his body becomes a fluid amount of Chaos and Nature Energy, as difficult to influence from outside energies as the bullets he creates. This form can move fluidly in any direction rapidly, making it difficult to pin down, and as long as Moonie's reactions are fast enough very difficult to hit. However, it can still be attacked by producing a wide enough attack and lunching it at this form, which can be rather disturbing for the Moon Soldier. This form isn't as strong or defensible as his normal state, meaning that attacks he suffers while in this position are rather damaging compared to normal.

Permeating Presence - The Tail of the Wolf
Finally,t here is the never ending tail that accompanies this form. This form has a constant stream of Blast that hovers behind it, the connection that is ever present of his transient and Ethereal forms. However, this tail is able to act as a massive amount of limbs simultaneously, able to use it like a portable wall or other appendage, as it is completely malleable and will act as per The Captain's desires, even forming into a complete tail when he enters into his Ethereal or Transient forms. Finally, there can be many tails around his body at once, taking the representation of several different lines of energy that emit from his body.

Intense Weakness

Silver - Blade against the Wolf
This form of Moonie, however, has some very potent weaknesses. Firstly, he is completely unable to tolerate Silver. IF Silver comes into contact with his body while in this form, he is completely parted, causing his body to be able to harmed immediately by it. For example, if a silver blade presses into his flesh, it will tear it where it is touched. The only exception to this is a massive amount of silver bigger than his body being thrown at him. This instead causes him to maintain his shape, because his body cannot go anywhere to be parted from it.

Wolfsbane - Poison Agaisnt the Wolf
Wolfsbane is his other weakness while in this form. When he scents it, he loses a lot of his ability to focus and in addition any place on his body that comes into contact with Wolfsbane or the smoke from Wolfsbane will dramatically have its durability reduced, making it easy to pierce.

Time Limit: Six Posts.

Last edited by JJ on Sun Apr 15, 2018 9:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
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Old Moonie Stuff Empty Re: Old Moonie Stuff

Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:37 am

Due to an update on the board, I am going to go ahead and move this character into the Approved Nature Iramashsa section to better classify other sub-races of Iramasha.

Old Moonie Stuff WVMWLOu
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Old Moonie Stuff Empty Old Moonie Stuff

Mon Mar 19, 2018 7:03 pm
[mod]This application is currently not using the current race specs for Iramasha. With that being said,
we as a staff team would like you to revamp/rework the character in order to fit the current race specs on site. Thank you, if you have any concerns please contact staff in Staffhelp on the discord.[/mod]

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