Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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What Waking Up Feels Like [Calypso/Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Waking Up Feels Like [Calypso/Private]

Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:09 am


The loud pitched screeching was nearly unbearable, especially since Yuel had a pretty low tolerance towards things that ignored her. But something along these lines wasn't completely out of expectation as it came from someone she already pinned to be "something that pisses me off, somehow", so for the time being she bit the bullet and bore it.

With Calypso following along and sitting in the seat, Yuel made a pleased expression. She picked up her teacup, appropriately extending her pinkie out and everything, and motioned the teacup forward to Calyspo's, implying a toasting motion was in order. Whether or not the demon reciprocated the toast, Yuel would take a sip.

"Mmm, good girl, you followed a long and had a seat. Now, getting to the business is in order; first off, tell me about yourself. I know your name, and according to the voice, you're an Asthavon I believe? But not much more than that, so--just tell me about yourself. More than your name, how old are you, what's life like for you usually, what are your fears, your ambitions and motivations, your past, everything! Well, maybe summarise it, since we don't actually have all day. Yeah, a quick summary should suffice."


What Waking Up Feels Like [Calypso/Private] - Page 2 8Bvy1N8


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What Waking Up Feels Like [Calypso/Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Waking Up Feels Like [Calypso/Private]

Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:35 am

Calypso kept her gaze firmly onto the table as her anxious little self had her hands everlastingly tangling over and under each other underneath the table, being a bit too shaken up to really feel that invested in starting a conversation first. She dared to raise her gaze just a bit, not enough to meet eyes, but in order to see that Yuel had a pinkie finger out stretched, like out of some British TV show. Cali had a bit of surprise in her fear, she didn't think people actually did that.

She did a gentle 'aah!' as Yuel willed the tea cup to move to Calypso, having been surprised by the action. She slowly breathed, her head hanging a bit as she picked up the cup between two of her fingers.

Darn it, me! Keep it together..!

She saw Yuel just.. Holding the cup out. Was she waiting for her to do something..? Well, the only action she was familiar with, with cups and one being kept out like that, probably a toast? That was another thing she thought only happened on TV; it was a weird moment for her. Was this girl just really into TV, or were these things people actually did?

The girl swallowed, hoping and hoping and praying this was the right action, shakily lifted her cup, and tapped it against Yuel's cautiously, as if she were thinking the girl was going to unzip and become a lion and eat her, which may or may not be a fear.

Calypso quickly downed the tea, despite the taste, and put it back down on the table with a soft plunk, as Yuel started asking her things, lots of things, many, complicated things.

"O-okay... Well.. T-to answer those in order.. Um..."
The girl(?) was visibly shy, her feet shuffling, "I'm... Only a few months old, actually, and.. Life is.. Mostly sleeping, and and.. Candy, and, i'm afraid of... A lot of things, a lot... Um... Uhm... I-I don't really have.. Much in ambitions.. But... I do want to help people be happy... I-I don't really have much of a past, unless... you count either sleeping all the time, or.. f-freaking out in cities from being unable to handle the amount of people... I-is a past.."

Caly looked teary-eyed, her face aglow with a light, shimmering, prismatic blush, "I-I'm sorry.. I don't... Have a lot going on.."

Coding By Lillian <3

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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What Waking Up Feels Like [Calypso/Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Waking Up Feels Like [Calypso/Private]

Sat Feb 02, 2019 2:36 am


She didn't say it out loud, as much as she wanted, but a "goodness me!" resounded in Yuel's head at the mention of Calypso's age. Yuel assumed that, given she was a demon, the eldritch creature before her was most certainly her elder. Go figure. Other than, albeit unhealthy and unambitious, nothing really stuck out to Yuel about her daily living scenario of sleeping and eating. But, that was a start, at the very least, right? Gotta start somewhere... Wait, did she say for herself that she wasn't ambitious? Not as just Yuel thinking this, but that Calypso admitted to being unambitious?

"Well that's your issue, darling! Not ambitious? Only wanting to be a people pleaser? How are you going to live comfortably and happily when you can't even live for yourself! Non-non, my dear, non-non. You need an actual hobby! Something to do, something to look forward to in life--just, something!"

In her fervent excitement, Yuel slammed her tea-cup on the table and stood up triumphantly. The girl stepped away from the table, waved her hand in the air, and by the strength of her imagination she painted a picture of the world, like a sort of flat map, an image floating in the air.

"What in the world inspires you? Or, what interests you? Besides just making people happy, because just focusing on how to make other people happy is no way to live for yourself and be happy on your own! You have to put the object of your joy into your own hands! Now, work with mere here on this--how are you we going to get you, in your pathetic, depressingly unmotivated point 'A' to the more gleeful, ceasing the moment and joyful point 'B'! Hm?"


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What Waking Up Feels Like [Calypso/Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Waking Up Feels Like [Calypso/Private]

Tue Feb 05, 2019 4:34 pm

Little Calypso couldn't help but shrink back as Yuel's emotions roared within her own puny body, even in this realm of dreams, her emphatic abilities were as present and strong as ever. She had been pretty overwhelmed this entire time, and having some big scary other demon in Yuel boom at her didn't help, and this far more direct conversation really got her shivering.

She was slumped in her chair, soon looking up at the big map that the woman had crafted within her dreams, feeling a swallow in her throat as the girl's colorful eyes soon rested back on Yuel as she asked her question, of how to move her pathetic self from here, to a less pathetic, motivated, and cheerful self over at some arbitrary point called 'there'.

"I... I don't know."

Outstandingly golden tears were running down her dark face, her colorful eyes wide and filled with anxiety, as her body was tensed up and fearful, "I'm.. Really scared, of everything.. I can't even walk into a mildly busy area without feeling like im going to explode..."

She swallowed hard, like she was expecting the girl to snap at her, "I can't control my abilities very well... I'm scared that people will be upset from just looking at me, I tried to make myself look as normal as I could but.. Look at me, I don't look like anything friendly..! And even if people were fine with me, i'd get freaked out because I feel EVERYONE'S emotions on me, even if I don't wanna!"

She pounded her fists on the table, lying her head on it face first, golden tears easily and quickly flooding her portion of the table and peeling off the sides like some sticky, thick waterfall, "I don't understand why I had to be born like this... Why an Asthavon? Why a demon? Why with the aching love for everyone? Why with all this.. F-fear?! It's like I was set up to fail! So it's... I just felt like.. If I didn't do anything, I wouldn't have to fail..."

Coding By Lillian <3

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