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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Two Star Crossed Lovers - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Star Crossed Lovers

Tue Sep 25, 2018 8:49 am
The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

Two Star Crossed Lovers - Page 2 Watch?v=-5qhNRmMilI

Song: Beautiful Chinese Music - Bamboo Flute | Artist: NA | Word Count: N/A

Wait i'm not fini- Yoriko exclaimed as she was really getting lost in the book but was interupted as she was picked off her feet with little effort causing the book in her hands to softly land on the ground. Her arms and legs being became stiff for a brief moment before landing on the soft dirt.

Standing up the girl brushed her hair of any dirt before hearing Ulv mention that this wasn't go to be an easy task; to which she agreed after all Rocky didn't become the world's best boxer in a day, it took weeks or months of physical, mental, emotion training to get to that point. Besides it'd be stupid to rush to the meat of the training so early on. However once she stood up something caught her wasn't a physical being but appeared to be spiritual..was it herself? Shutting her eyes she inhaled her breath slowly allowing the oxygen to fill her lungs before exhaling slowly hoping to sense whatever it was from inside her very soul but alas nothing came.. "Ulv's right..this is going to take awhile" Yoriko said to herself before opening her eyes, turning her head towards the girl and answering her question.

I'm around Henrex a bit yes, why do you ask?

Mirja Eeola
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Two Star Crossed Lovers - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Star Crossed Lovers

Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:25 am

Two Star Crossed Lovers - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Frivolous. To be used carelessly or superficially. Not having any serious purpose or value. That was pretty much how the thought of using the Resolve Flame with Yoriko to make sure Henrex was less morbid panned out. But at the same time, screw it, she was no longer part of the Gotei after that frosty reception, and still had yet to get a talk with Hayden and so had to deal with him on extremely sporadic times. And so he could be someone else's problem. And he would probably just have some magic power to counteract it anyway. Henrex always seemed to have a magic power for something. In the end, Ulv decided against it.

"Mmm, just trying to decide on something, that has since been decided on. Now! Keep this going and you should soon feel your body flush with something else. It's not your spiritual energy but an energy you feel is more inherent to you personally. You body, rather than your soul. When you feel it, you need to focus on it grasp it as you would your Reiatsu, and shift it to your will. This Reiki isn't actually useful for anything but it is more, training wheels, yea?"

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Two Star Crossed Lovers - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Star Crossed Lovers

Wed Sep 26, 2018 11:39 am
The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

Two Star Crossed Lovers - Page 2 Watch?v=-5qhNRmMilI

Song: Beautiful Chinese Music - Bamboo Flute | Artist: NA | Word Count: N/A
Yoriko stopped for a minute to notice that Ulv was clearly thinking about something and it seemed pretty important due to the look on her face; just what was she doing? She was going to ask but hesitated besides it's rude to be in other people's business.

Until hearing a little prep talk from Ulv explaining how exactly this energy is supposed to work and what it's initial workings are. Despite it not being able to do much currently it at least gave her something to hopefully persue and master, then with a finger to her chin she nods her head.

"I guess that makes sense." Yoriko said before continuing to resume her breathing letting her mind not be clouded wih unecessary noises and only focused on her own. Every heartbeat, every enhale, every fiber in her being concentrated deeply. Suddenly her body felt strange with a strange source of energy..this must be the Reiki Ulv was talking about Yoriko turned around to face the girl.

"Alright Ulv what's next?
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Two Star Crossed Lovers - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Star Crossed Lovers

Thu Sep 27, 2018 7:15 am

Two Star Crossed Lovers - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

She was feeling it now, Mr Krabs! This was a good thing for her because now Ulv could do that thing where she just abused ancient and profound powers to skip a load of boring stuff for little Yoriko. Ci might hate her for having stolen a bit of her shit but they were friends, Ulv would just give her a hug to stop her feeling bad.
"Next is kind of hard. So brace yourself and don't give up hope. Put all your heart and all your soul into this, little Yoriko, and push forward to the boundary of tomorrow!"

And then on the edge of that speech Ulv slammed her palm into Yoriko's chest. It was a very strong blow but was precisely calculated not to break anything. Ulv's Resolve-Feeding-Demon Palm was a great clump of power that locked into the Dantian, and if one could solve it's riddle then they would be rewarded with enough power to shoot them to Silver 1 immediately. But if they could not, then not only would they recieve nothing, but they would also suffer mental backlash from the trial. Memories never faded, after all. Without bashing your head, of course.

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Two Star Crossed Lovers - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Star Crossed Lovers

Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:16 am
The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

Two Star Crossed Lovers - Page 2 Watch?v=-5qhNRmMilI

Song: Beautiful Chinese Music - Bamboo Flute | Artist: NA | Word Count: N/A

Yoriko's chest tightened as the force of Ulv's palm slammed against it, while it didnt kill the girl it did leave her unconsious for a bit. It all happened so fast and unexpectedly she didn't have enough time to react, with a soft thud she saw nothing but darkness as her body laid motionless not dead but rather unconsious...for a brief moment.

(Inside Yoriko's mind) She began to see vivid almost realistic events of her past as she saw her father and mother sit on the table whilst her siblings were studying. And she could remember the first time her father asked her a simple question "Will you run my academy?" she saw her younger self shale head in disapproval but of course he wasn't taking no for an answer.. She was fearful of taking all this responsibility and ultimately failing miserbly. Ever since she was a child she always percived failure to be a ravenous beast that pursues her relentlessly and must be avoided at all cost. When she succeeds and avoid that beast, she only experiences a small and brief amount of relief because she survived one more day without being eaten by failure.

Now it was time to finally confront it and bring it to its knees...

The girl stood in horror as the mysterious shadow rised out of the ground and floated towards the girl the grim outline of a shadowy reflection gazed at her. finally show yourself. I'm tired of running away from the past, its time for me to face it head on. And that starts with you! the girl clenched her fist tightly staring at the figure head on.

[i]Oh stop acting all high and mighty. I can see through your ruse. The figured laughed before examining Yoriko from top to bottom smirking.

On the surface you may think your tough, but inside your just that frightened little girl who loathes for perfection just to get attention from daddy. Am i wrong? The figure tilted its head curiously as it awaited an answer from the young shinigami.

I only did it because i was afraid of being seen as a failure! She shouted in anger and clenched her fist tighter every day she trained her ass off until she could stand no longer sharpening her mind and doing whatever meant necessary to get her father's attention and yet he still turned the other cheek.

Even after all that he only sees the error of his ways when he passed..what a pity. It watched her face change to hurt and anger and it only served to bring her own fury to a higher boil after all it knew her weak spots and deepest pains - she was an easy target.

Silence dwelled as for a few moments that was the breaking point of her patience. At that moment, she was blinded by a five-course serving of rage that tasted bitter, yet surprisingly satisfying. She reached out. She wanted to punch it in the face. When her fist came in contact it fell to the ground with a rather amused look on its face, as she tried to shake the aching after taste, upon the taste buds of my hand. Much like coffee, its bitterness drew her in to take another sip knowing she would be more awake than minutes before. She tackled it to the ground and held it down so it could not fight back. I seriously doubt he could’ve anyway as her fists continued to hit its face. She knew she could've put an end to it, but she just didn't have it in her to stop.

However the figure just stood in silence before shifting into a gaseous form standing above Yoriko as it spoke with a heavy sigh. [color:b08b=D3D3D3]Look..i'll be completely honest. As much as i enjoy you suffering this isn't how to solve your problem..have you ever thought about using your head for once and thinking it through?

Yoriko stopped to stare at the ground briefly slowly raising her head toward the spirit and replied. Even if things may not go the way i planned, that doesn’t automatically mean i've failed. And face fear with courage, understand it, and then let it go. I should let these fears wake me up, let them show me the way to my true self. She said before looking at the spirit to see its reaction to this realization.

The figure nodded in response Learn from whatever arises. Even a less than ideal situation can be a great opportunity to make changes and grow. The spirit spoke until it vanished causing this supposed hallucination to end.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Two Star Crossed Lovers - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Star Crossed Lovers

Thu Oct 11, 2018 9:03 am

Two Star Crossed Lovers - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Ulv popped an Elixer in her mouth while waiting for Yoriko to get on with the do, or fail. Either works. Beginning her Divine Lightning Beasts routine, she also kept an eye on Yoriko to see how it was going in there. For her, there was a tremendous gulf between the rank she was on and the next rank. Channeling the power through her body and her tattoo, she could feel there was great growth, more than a person could comprehend. Her melding with Hvit and her purely Physical body as opposed to a spiritual one where great boons towards cultivation speed, and her unique Soul/Dantian Meld also lent their hand to how fast she could go. And with all this, it was still a long time.

Eventually Yoriko came back to the world and had the Cultivation of a Silver 1 Tai Chi user. Ulv, wasn't quite so celebratory though.
"Hmm, I should modify that. Them actively telling you how to solve it and what best to fix it and all the rest does mean it's not that much of a challenge. Hmm, well you succeed if only due to my own flaws. So you get lucky, now you can go Cultivate. Not much more I can do to help you there"

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Two Star Crossed Lovers - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Star Crossed Lovers

Tue Oct 30, 2018 1:54 pm
The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

Two Star Crossed Lovers - Page 2 Watch?v=-5qhNRmMilI

Song: Beautiful Chinese Music - Bamboo Flute | Artist: NA | Word Count: N/A
Yoriko looked at Ulv as she announced that their training session was over making the young shinobi interrupt her with a "W-Wait Ulv, we shouldn't just end it here. We still have the whole day ahead of us." The girl said with her head drooping down, it'd be unfortunate to have her leave without having the chance to spend a little more time with her. Besides other than Henrex she doesn't have a lot of "actual friends" since it's more of a teacher and student relationship; plus while both she and him long for going back to their homes in their original timelines and love ninjutsu they don't know their interest,goals,dreams etc.

Hopefully Ulv would reconsider and spend a bit longer with the girl, maybe show her old house and all the good times she had with her family before passing off into the new world.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Two Star Crossed Lovers - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Star Crossed Lovers

Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:08 am

Two Star Crossed Lovers - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Ulv gave a grin as Yoriko asked her to stay, but it was an awkward grin that one gave when a bad suggestion was suggested. In this case, Yoriko asking Ulv to stay longer. While she did like Yoriko, she didn't need the shit that was attached to the young ninja girl.
"Aye, I would stick around but you know Henrex. He dislikes me and he is obscenely overprotective. Any longer and I risk a lightning enema because I have dared to be in your presence without his permission, signed and sealed in triplicate. And Henrex is way too much effort to deal with"

Ulv gave a shrug as she finished. The reality was, however he might deny it, Henrex was not one to think straight in any situation, either because he was stupidly protective of everyone he remotely saw as a friend, or because he was repressing the urge to spill his depressive backstory to everyone in ear shot. Mirja thought he did that a lot from how easily he did it to her, and while he may be able to restrain it, the desire was probably still there.
"So while I do like you, staying to long isn't practical"

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Two Star Crossed Lovers - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Star Crossed Lovers

Sat Nov 03, 2018 11:02 am
The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

Two Star Crossed Lovers - Page 2 Watch?v=-5qhNRmMilI

Song: Beautiful Chinese Music - Bamboo Flute | Artist: NA | Word Count: N/A
Yoriko watched as Ulv gave a grin but not one of happiness but rather awkwardness and while she wasn't upset on the decline the fact that it was due to her sensei being what she called overprotective and what not did make her a bit angry. Why would she call him overprotective? He's just looking out for her wellbeing and safety after all,, most instructors are like that. And she doesn't view him like that at all, perhaps they both had a bad confrontation before? Perhaps that's the reason for her denial? The young girl didn't know but she at least had the decency to say that she would like to hang out with her more. Regardless Yoriko stood up and walked towards Ulv with a smile on her face extended her hand outward hoping that she would grab it and give a formal handshake of departing.

"I was nice hanging out with you though Ulv. Thank you for the training and I hope our paths may cross again." With that Yoriko would immediately leave the area via shunpo and head off back to the soul society where hopefully Henrex is waiting.

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