Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5923
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Wondered where they were Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Wondered where they were Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Wondered where they were Empty Wondered where they were

Wed Dec 12, 2018 1:23 pm

Wondered where they were 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

That was a shitty night's sleep, Ulv thought as she got up and staggered about the house. Magnolia had gone to wherever it was a Magnolia went when their possibly a friend nearly killed themselves and then staggered off to go sleep off the pain. But she had not died in her sleep, and now she had a new skeletal system. A very strange one, from the feel of it. Clenching and unclenching her fist, she felt she would need to really use this body to get a grasp of how it worked. It's limitations and power and such.

She was unsure how a skeleton made of solidified Dantian energy would feel, but it felt strangely like her usual skeleton. But then, the energy was in her bones, now it just is her bones, so it wouldn't feel too much different. Movement and action seemed to resonate within the bone-energy though, and she was pretty sure that this was one of the apex Martial Meditation techniques back in the day. The day when people could survive it and even activate it in the first place, that was. Now, the tricks of the trade were lost to the sands of time. Those sands really did steal all the best shit. It sucked.

Making herself a lavish breakfast that was fit for three people but a light after-torture thing for Ulv, Ulv went out to the city and made sure everything was in order before heading out on a run. There was a lot to get used to in this new body of hers and she was going to make sure that she got used to all of it before she headed with Magnolia to her Bad Wulin and sorted the place out. Corrupt people needed punching in the head, despondent people needed invigorating, and generally she just needed to start shit. The fact that it was in the Demon World was a problem, but hopefully they would leave her along on the fact that she was just messing with a warrior society semi-removed from the rest of them and not the Demon World as a whole or it's rulers. Plus, if it all went really bad, she could just flutter her eyelashes at Inami and hope to get allowed to do stuff about the place that way. it was, after all, good to have friends.

Thoughts on the Demon World were put to one side however, as her running had led her over the main land and she could hear the sounds of battle. It was the way of the world right now, there was always going to be battle. So she dropped down into some small town, build out of the wasteland. At first she thought she was going to be fighting against some Hollows, but when she landed, there was a Canaanite snatch-squad about the place, stealing women for their Scylla Project. But they came light and they came faast, so they didn't have anything that could be considered firepower.

Stretching her arms out, she would fire Balas from her fingertips, not something she was good at but it was enough for these people. Rapid moving projectiles smashed the helmets of the squad, and thus, no more squad.
"Maybe I should have punched them? It would have helped getting this new body in good shape" Ulv muttered, before shrugging and going about the small town to make sure everyone was doing well. These guys really didn't do anything gentle, and she wouldn't put it past them to really trash the place.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5923
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Wondered where they were Empty Re: Wondered where they were

Wed Dec 12, 2018 3:19 pm

Wondered where they were 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Once she had made sure nothing else was wrong with this place, Ulv set off to find the source. She found it quickly, a aircraft on the ground, waiting for the squad to return with their claim. Instead, they got Ulv, who walked up the ramp and planted a hand on the pilots shoulder.
"Hey~" She said, her warm and passionate smile beaming out as the man looked over and let out a scream. She was, after all, pretty famous in these circles. "So, you are gonna take me to your base all nice and happy, or I am going to eat your brain and take myself there"

He stared for a few moments, and then took off pretty quickly, as Ulv found herself a seat. It seemed she had become some Boogyman, and nobody knew what she could or couldn't do. If she ate his brain, she'd probably just have to get some Soul Rice Wine to wash the taste away, and nothing else. Still, she had no trouble taking advantage of their superstition, and she was off on a way to a nice base of theirs. She knew they were basically The World and could never truly be destroyed without an orginization like Vanguard or Vastime, and even then it would be a gruelling fight. She had hoped that tearing Caanan apart would mean they were dead or fractured, but they were pretty well connected even without him. Maybe even a decentralised command structure.

"Didn't I nick his shit or something? That cool fire gem that I've since both lost and not needed?" She said, to herself. This plane was...actually pretty fast. She could hear the throbbing engines outside, and could tell they were built from the Neutron Repulsor technology that Mirja had stolen from them and given to Vastime. Said Vastime never really did anything with them, and Slepnir just sorta got destroyed when Inami wasted her house. Something that Ulv stil needed to chew her out about, so much cool stuff got broken in that.

The plane then landed, and the ramp dropped, so Ulv got up to leave, and there was thirty men waiting for her at the ramp. Cocking an eyebrow, she laughed softly and looked to the pilot.
"You think I am the prey? No, I am the hunter" She told him. Sure it was a cheesy line but that was what she lived on. She loved delivering cheesy lines while in situations like this. Behind her, thirty guns went off, and a spiral of fire surrounded her, turning their needles to nothing but gas from the sheer heat of the spiral. It was a thick thing as well, so it had plenty of time to transfer enough heat to vaporise them. The pilot had been killed by the blood boiling in his body, but the kids out there were still fine, if sweating quite considerably. Probably from the fire. Probably from the fact that she had just spawned that fire out of seemingly nowhere.

Turning around, she walked out of the plane and looked around. This place was an underground thing, but serious military base. The hardware here was considerable, and Ulv felt they were really beginning to mobilise in response to the need to fight Wulin as a whole rather than just Mirja or Ulv.
"Guns down, guys. I am not going to kill you if you just-" she never got any further because one of them rushed her with his gun-butt. She thrust her palm towards the butt, and shatttered the gun, before shattering his chest cavity and blowing him away. "Next person who interrupts, and I kill the lot of you" she growled, before from her side, something threw a bus at her. It wasn't quite a gun-butt, but it was an interuption, so Ulv was going to follow through on her claims.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5923
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Platinum Points:
Wondered where they were Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Wondered where they were Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Wondered where they were Empty Re: Wondered where they were

Wed Dec 12, 2018 3:47 pm

Wondered where they were 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Catching the bus, she had only a split-second to register the roar of a tank's main cannon launching a slug at her. She didn't feel too bothered about that, they were big but so was she. And when she got taken off her feet and turned into an Ulv-shaped indent in the wall, she was surprised. Her body though, was amazing. These new bones...she could marry them, if she wasn't marrying Rakki already. Probably because of the strength of her Dantian, but they were sturdy as all hell. Brushing off the debris, she saw the large, lumbering tank hovering towards her. Hovering.

Neutron Repulsor Tanks, no longer restricted by tracks, could be loaded much heavier than your average MBT. Strong things. Maybe she'd drag one back to Vastime. But, then, the last time she did that they didn't do much with it. All the stuff Mirja had sponsored seemed to just be gathering dust in the prototype stage. So, Ulv climbed out of the hole in the wall, and cleared the distance between her and the tank before they could load a second round and shoot at her with their gun again.

Grabbing it by the barrel, she span on the spot to build up some momentum, letting out a scream as she did.
"Throw a bloody bus at me will you?!" she then threw the tank at the man who had thrown a bus at her. Chimera, it seemed. Nice, she needed something to punch into a pulp and not feel to bad about it. Chimera got out of the way of the flying tank, but like she was copying the whole situation going on, Ulv had used it as a distraction to rush over there and deliver a punch to his face. Not quite a tank shell, but not far off.

The new skeleton hadn't enhanced her muscles at all, so she wasn't truly stronger, but the bones were a lot harder for no extra weight, and so the force they could deliver on impact was worse than normal. Of course, it was a Chimera, Ulv was sure these things had something spiritual going on from their sheer power. Matching Ulv's blow, the Chimera span on the spot to recover and snapped a kick, which was kicked by Ulv. After the Demonica fight, Ulv was really into cross-countering people's attacks by attacking them. The Chimera took the shock of her kick and turned it into a punch which was met with Ulv's fists. The fight carried on, the Chimera throwing attacks and Ulv attacking them in return. They shifted position and moved so fast that nobody could get a shot off without hitting the Chimera, and if they gave Ulv any advantage over it, she would tear him apart and then tear them apart in short order. Part way into the fight, she could hear the alarm for base evacuation, but that didn't bother her much, she was having FUN!

Mirja's instincts and desires really came to the forefront when she fought. Clashing of fists and smashing of feet were were her blood boiled and her life really gained meaning. And this fight was exactly what she needed, to grasp the inner workings of her new skeleton. Eventually, the Chimera couldn't keep up and Ulv felt his bones shatter with one blow. Taking the oppitunity for this few seconds of stunned agony, Ulv channelled the force of the earth up her leg into a Hwechook and tore him in half. The rest of the base was cleansed with fire, and the cave wall reinforcements were shattered, allowing nature to reclaim this hole in the ground. Ulv escaped the cave-in, and looked down at the sink-hole she had caused. They wouldn't be using that for anything anymore. Not without a lot of work. And a lot of work was exactly what she liked causing them.

Looking to her fists, and seeing the knuckles split and raw. Blowing on them, she thought on how she could get caught up in a fight and not give much of a mind to herself. Dangerous thing. She would fix that. And also fix the need to wear some sort of gloves with this new skeleton. It didn't protect her skin, and would rip it. Maybe a pair of Punchinators. Something simple, like the first mark. With that in her head, she returned to go get her knuckles taken care of. Today, had been a good day, all told.

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