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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Tue Dec 25, 2018 6:26 pm

Hebi, 2414. wrote:The Good Doctor has decided that this year, he will make every child who still has faith in this world's dream come true. This is mostly due to the fact that it came to him that eventually, his children would ask him who Santa Claus is, and if he is real or not. Therefore, the Doctor has decided that starting this year, he would make the legend of Santa Claus real, so that he does not have to lie to his children.

Yes, this seemed more logical to him.

So, therefore he has inserted Selves into every mail deposit all over the planet Earth, and any letters addressed to Santa Claus have been sent through them to his lab. Through his Lab, his Selves have been working tirelessly to create gifts for those who still have the innocence of belief. Now, he has performed meticulous research on each and every item requested, and whether or not it was possible for him to procure. In addition, he sent out a message addressed from Santa Claus to all the known organizations, in addition to a unique snowglobe which could potentially prove the validity of his statement.

As for delivery, well, that is possible for him, but is a trade secret. As are his methods for dropping the presents off.

Hebi, 2415. wrote:

"Hello, my child."

In a small corner of the lab, where the cold stone of the underground changed to soft wood, carpets laying around it, a pale-faced man sat down, his son in his lap as he slowly rocked his chair, a large green tree standing proudly next to them, filled with pictures of all kinds of people. Some had red frames, some had green frames, some had gold... but at the very top of the tree, there was a woman, holding a babe... that looked very similar to the one that the Doctor was holding in his arms as he rocked.

"Tonight I'm going to tell you the story of Santa Claus, or Saint Nicholas..." He said, as he slowly opened the book, his child clapping its hands as its young eyes beheld the pages, the Doctor's voice deeply intoning as he passed the legend on once more to the next generation...

"Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house... not a creature was stirring... not even a mouse..."

* * *

Hebi, 2416. wrote:"Another year has past..."

The Doctor said, reclining back in his chair as he gazed upon the flames. This was his lab, the place where all ideas were welcome, and all would be attempted. It was a place of beginnings, of attempts. And by attempting and learning and growing, the Doctor felt as if he was truly happy. Looking at his greatest creation, fast asleep in his lap, however....

It made him wonder. Wonder about the kind of world that he was raising Rasuca in. The rambunctious fellow had managed to get himself mixed up in everything from zombie assaults to shooting his fingernails at hollows. But now, he was just... a kid. Just a child.

A child...

The Doctor continued to gaze into the flames. It reminded him of when he was a child, a time which he tried to think about as little as possible. Now, unbidden, those thoughts and memories returned to him. His own 'father'... A man with orange hair, black piercings covering his body, who showed little mercy and thought of the Doctor as little more than an experiment. Warmth had been unknown to the Iramasha-snake hybrid for several years...

The first time he experienced the warmth of another person, after all, was the blood splattering down his chest when he escaped.

"...That kind of world..." He muttered, looking down at his child again, before looking back at the flames. The world grew cold, the world grew quiet. That was the kind of world that the Doctor was himself was helping create. But at the same time... that was not the world he wanted.

He wanted a world on fire.

Chaos, pain, suffering... joy, life, discovery. The very principles of what life and death meant -- that was the beauty he chased. The less order, the less mundane, the more he fought for it. In some ways, it was hard to tell what an outcome would be. That is why he tried to learn. That is why he tried to improve.

So it was that he reached over to the small table next to his recliner, and withdrew a feather pen, taking a scroll out of the folds of his cloak...

Hebi, 2417. wrote:"My, what a beautiful day." The hooded figure mumbled to himself, watching little Rasuca race through his backyard. Snow in Mexico, a phenomenon for this area of the country. Rasuca's birth year is when it had started. Now the child of the snake was hopping and tumbling along the white dust, giggling.

This year had been... interesting. The Doctor had gone to places he had never imagined before, but his family had not grown by much. Rasuca had, though. He was babbling all kinds of words now, and was ecstatic over the thought of what Santa would bring him this year.

Some legends never truly died. The Doctor enjoyed such legends. He enjoyed playing his own unique role in this world. He got to experience the desires of others, gain new inspiration, and even give his son something to look forwards to each year. Recently, the Doctor had even attempted to meddle in more legislative and other ruling bodies. Let this be a Holiday. Let people have a rest, that they could spend time with their families.

Family had become more important to the Doctor in recent times. Perhaps he was begininng to lose some of his edge. Well... he would just have to wait and see what Santa would come up with this year...

"Yaknow... do I always do the best job?"

The skeletal man asked himself, his eyes closing for a moment before widening once again. An unenthusiastic chuckle left his throat. He drew his attention back to the task at hand, the difficult and annoying task of simultaneously wrapping presents as well as keeping track of Rasuca. The kid just could not sit still. In a lot of ways, that was what the Arrancar liked most about him.

He never really wavered. He had been delivered to immense trauma, and come out of it with little to no actual signs of submission. But... he could be even scarier than his dad. That'd be bad. Sonny sincerely hoped that Rasuca would grow into his own person enough that he would never be afraid of going against what his father had in mind for him.


"What is it, kiddo?"

"Santa's coming! He's coming, he's coming, he's coming!"

A genuine laugh escaped the skeleton's throat as he put a hand onto Rasuca's head, gently patting the silver-haired youth. "Yeah, the big guy's comin' alright. I'm just tryin' to make it a bit easier for him." Sonny explained, taping the wrapping paper around a movie disc box that read Patch Adams. The tag on the front was made out to one Medicine Man.... From one Comedian.

The skeleton's eyes wandered over the fireplace in the middle of the room. It had been two Christmas' since he had come into this family. He was a caretaker, a liaison, an assistant... and a judge. At least, he liked to think of himself that way. Maybe it was all in his head. Maybe he was a failure, having become so attached to this kid in the way that he head.

"Merry Christmas, kiddo... it's time for bed, so Santa can get his work done."

After all... now there would be someone who would get sad if he disappeared.

The Doctor sends his greetings. Once again, I have decided that I will spread some cheer all over the world, by answering the pleas of those who wish that there truly was someone out there who would reward them for being on their best behavior. He accepts requests from everyone... and tries his very, very best to fill them. Have fun, and have a merry Hebimas!

Fill out the template to get a special item from the Doctor. You can write it out - and if it works out with something the Doctor could actually make/would make, you can use that - or I can write it up. This is my persistent gift to the site, a tradition I hope to continue. You still have to get it approved in an equipment thread, however.

Dear Santa,
[b]My name is:[/b]
[b]I want for Christmas:[/b]
[b]I can be found:[/b]
[b]Thank you very much and Merry Hebimas![/b]

Have fun and everyone have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Tue Dec 25, 2018 6:36 pm
Dear Santa,
My name is: Ulv Auber
I want for Christmas: Something to enhance my Soul. People depend on me, and so I must have as much strength as I can, as much spiritual potency and depth of energy as possible. And this, starts in the Soul. Everything branches outwards from there.
For: Myself.
I can be found: Minatumi Harbor.
Thank you very much and Merry Hebimas!

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Wed Dec 26, 2018 7:01 am; edited 1 time in total
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Tue Dec 25, 2018 8:05 pm

It's Beginning to Feel a Lot Like Hebimas [PRESENTS] TME-SWD-M-00002(Hilt)
Ninja's Majesty Blade
» Item Name: Yume no Jitsugen
» Primary Information

» Item Description:


The blade is a bright purple in color, although it has the ability to change to a deep black upon the will of the wielder. The blade reaches about three feet in length, making it more of a shortsword. The hilt is unique in that there is a large bolt-like shape around the bottom, with a golden string extending outwards and back to the base of the blade. The hilt is just as golden, featuring a dark black line that descends through its center on both sides, leading to the string on one end. It bears no sheathe.


When the wielder of his blade places both hands on the bolt in the center, and turns it, the top part of the blade snaps off, rotating rapidly and knocking itself off. This reveals a black and purple colored brush-head beneath the bolt-shape. The bolt-shape remains attached to the sword head, which changes shape as it becomes tattoo-like, snaking up as ink up the user's arm, the bolt-shape turning into a wristband and attaching to their wrist.

This transformation can be undone by twisting the wristband once more, causing the band to disengage and screw itself back on, covering the brush-head. A moment later, the blade will return back to full-length, maintaining any effects that were on it before it was sheathed.

The weight of the blade is very similar to a zanpakuto - when the wielder is holding it, it feels effortless to shape it and attack with it. However, if someone other than the indicated wielder attempts to lift it, it will be consumed with an amazing weight, making it nearly impossible to lift.

Important to note: the brush-head form can also be minimized from the wielder's will, causing it to become hand-sized. From here, the blade is easy to transport, although the gold band must still be attached while the blade is not active on the sword.

First Aspect - Manifestation

The user of the blade can trace the blade's length, or the brush, through the air, sketching out images. From here, the weapon taps into the user's own energy, using it to create physical 'copies' of the user's intended shapes. The user can determine how large the construct is that comes out of the brush. The brush can safely handle up to about 500 sq. feet of material coming out of it. An amount beyond that will cause for the blade to over-exerted, and result in being unusable for the length of one post. If the blade is extraordinarily over-utilized, it will shatter completely, producing several thousand square-feet of material, but being rendered useless for the remainder of the thread.

Second Aspect - Infusion and Casting

When the user of this item, while it is in blade-mode, runs their finger over the blade's edge using the name of one of their techniques, be it demon magic, kido, or even ninja magic, it will cause for the blade to synchronize with the wielder's ability. For example, if an ability were to cause a smoke-screen to appear, the blade would temporarily gain the ability to emit a focused stream of smoke, covering an area in a cone-like shape. It should be noted that this ability is limited by the power of its wielder; the blade itself can only cause for physical manifestations of the abilities granted to it. For example, the blade could not allow a person to rend another's emotions, as this is not something that can be physically altered.

Additionally, the user can run their fingers down the blade's length, putting a single line through the word of the technique written there. If this is performed, the blade will then check for any other conditions required for the technique being used. If all of the conditions are met, then the blade will consume the required amount of energy or time needed to charge or fulfill the needs of the effect, before emitting it from the blade's tip. This does allow for any type of effect to be used through the tip of the sword, as long as it is known to the user and it does not violate the normal requirements for the ability.

Typically, using this ability more than three times in one post would be extremely strenuous to the blade, and cause a 'risk period' of two posts afterwards where further use will cause it to shatter in a similar manner as explained in First Aspect.

Third Aspect - The Brush

By changing to brush mode, the brush uses the wielder's own unique mix of energy, allowing for it to produce a special kind of ink. This ink allows for the user to mark their own body in the same manner that the sword can be marked, but only their own body. These marks can later be 'activated' once per post while the blade has been turned into its brush form. For example, by writing out a spell that produces a fireball on one's arm, they can later remove their sleeve, activating the ink there, consuming it, and casting the described spell from that location. Upon the activation, all requirements for the ability or spell are checked, and then consumed to perform the act, removing the written marking on the flesh as well. The 'ink' used draws from the source required to cast that particular spell or effect; for example, a Za Koa spell would require the use of the red Za Koa ink from the brush.

Important to note: When entering into a thread with this brush, the user must either state in their profile what 'persistent' spells they have on their person, or must list at the 'beginning' of the thread what spells are currently written on their flesh. It is possible to write on their own flesh during the thread, of course, but it would be difficult to write more than a single spell out during a post, based on how much 'ink' the brush is able to draw from the user's varied forms of energy. Any number of words can be written, but if the user attempts to cast more than four spells using the brush in a single post, it will disable the Yume no Jitsugen for two posts, and attempting to use it further will cause for the weapon to shatter in a manner similar to the description in First Aspect.

Per Henrex's Energy Types Corresponding to Colors of Ink:
Za Koa - Red
Emotional Energy - Purple
Spirit Energy - Blue
Willpower - Yellow

Fourth Aspect - Erasure

By turning the blade around and pointing the base of the hilt at a spell or effect that was created by the blade, that effect can be summarily 'erased'. It ceases to function, all energy dispersing from it and becoming Reishi. This technique is unusable if there are other terms and conditions that normally accompany stopping a certain spell or ability. Additionally, a spell or ability that would be too difficult for the user to stop themselves normally by overwhelming it with their remaining energy cannot be stopped by this effect. Finally, the user must make sure that they have the focus to stop a particular spell or effect that was cast using the blade or brush. This can take up to an entire post, depending on the amount of energy used in the initial attack. For example, a simple fireball could be dispelled with ease; but a meteorite-sized blast of energy would take a post of focus and concentration to disperse.

Once a spell or effect has been designated for 'erasure', whether the 'erasure' was successful or not, the blade loses its current 'record'.

Fifth Aspect - Grand Recollection

Each time a spell or effect is activated by the blade or brush - all of the requirements to cast the spell met, in other words - the brush 'records' that cast and adds it to a temporary 'array' called a 'record'. This record is only able to be created once per thread, and once it has been cleared out, either by resolving it or using an Erasure, it cannot be restored.

Essentially, this Grand Recollection allows for the user to attempt to 're-cast' every spell and effect used by the blade up to this point. This technique should be considered dangerous to the user, as without proper understanding of what the user has done so far, it is possible to completely exhaust one's self, failing to cast the spell, or even to cause death if the sought-amount to recast every spell and effect is too great.

In any case, typically when this technique is utilized it will overwhelm the user's current supplies of energy, exhausting them nearly completely. Each and every effect begins its origin point from the brush's tip, and the user is only able to target what they can through that tip. This can prove problematic if the user has used something like a designated explosion that formed in a particular location; as the explosion will form directly out of the brush's tip instead. Each of the techniques is fired in order of when they were used, but only after the Yume no Jitsugen tries to drain the user of enough energy to handle using all of it. Typically, it takes a post of focus to bring the brush up to speed with enough energy drawn from the user. The post after this, the user can then fire the Recollected spells, which will mean that they cannot perform many other actions other than this ability. Afterwards, the Yume no Jitsugen will explode as discussed in First Aspect if it is used to further produce a spell or effect, including First Aspect's, and will cause the action to take several times the normal amount of energy to perform.

» This Present Is For:
Henrex Astillon

» Hebi Resarch Notes:
Santa is deeply regretful of how long this present took to arrive, but here it is, for Christmas, as intended.

This sword's name is one which was created in longstanding tradition of calling shortswords by their traditional name... 'Yume no Jitsugen'. It sounds so... dignified... or snooty. It symbolizes the achievement of one's dreams, and what one's dreams mean. It answers the call of the wielder in a way that only the wielder can cause to happen, and because of the way it was forged, this applies only towards one specific individual: Henrex Astillon.

Codes by: The Frost


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Sat Jan 26, 2019 11:57 am

It's Beginning to Feel a Lot Like Hebimas [PRESENTS] OKmRl7
Greetings of Fate
» Item Name: Card of Majestic Relocation
» Primary Information

» Item Description:

This blood-red card smells of darkness, dripping red liquid from one corner at all times. If the user is not careful, the blood will stain clothing, or just about anything else it comes into contact with. In the amount of time that it would take an average person to read the length of the card, the blood pools together, becoming a hole in the floor. This hole of blood accepts one person to enter, one person who is holding onto the card. From there, they are transported to a particular location designated by the Doctor, dripping with blood and all.

Within the card, an inscription lies:

Santa has received your request... however, for such a thing, he requires further study of your anatomy. If you should accept my request, drop into the hole on the floor... you will be returned to where you dropped in from a small time after, unharmed. Some time after, you will receive that which you desire... but only if you have enough faith to step into the future.

» This Present Is For:
The Echidna Project, Ulv Auber

» Hebi Resarch Notes:
It took a fair bit of time and no small amount of my relaxing agent, but I have finally deduced a method by which I believe I can accommodate this request. It will be as though there are steam jets that pour out of the muscles that this one appears to be so proud of... of course, this will require surgery upon her body. With an anatomy like the one she has, I doubt I could create something without an extensive degree of further studying...

Codes by: The Frost


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Sat Mar 02, 2019 2:22 am

It's Beginning to Feel a Lot Like Hebimas [PRESENTS] Woodstock-nordic-bell-snowflake-1
Bells of Warding
» Item Name: Bells of Demon Warding
» Primary Information

» Item Description:

This item takes the form of a pin, that can be worn anywhere on the user's body. The first time this item is picked up and has energy moved through it, it 'imprints' on its owner, shifting its color to that of its wielder's passive aura. The pin changes in color in response to changes in its wielder's aura. The bells also take the shape of typical round bells, with holes etched into them with the shape of snow flakes.

When this item is touched, its user can insert their own spiritual energy. It takes a decent amount of energy to create an item from it; about the amount required to fire a cero. When the user finishes inserting their energy, they can remove their fingers from it.

From here, the user has two options. They can attach the bell in a loop by rubbing on their neck, leg, or wrists, causing a collar or band to appear. The second option is to merely press the bell against clothing or skin. From here, the bell will bind or create a piercing that molds onto the person's skin, painlessly pressing onto it to hold on. It is possible to rip off these bells or break the bands; their grips are only about as strong as iron.

The user can spawn mutiple bells by touching the first bell or the bands the bells are on, or new places on their skin or clothing. However, the effects of equipping multiple bells could be dangerous.

When the bells ring, they emit energy waves that sing outwards, interweaving with the sounds already being made. These energy waves of sound have a relatively passive effect; disrupting Death Energy and Za Koa. These usually malicously-aligned energies are disrupted by the bell's waves, by its ringing. The longer the constructs of these energies are exposed, the weaker these constructs become.

Each of the waves 'drags' energy from these constructs or effects created by these malicious energies, dispersing them and making it harder to keep those constructs together and effective. A user of the same level as the wielder of the bells would find their constructs be minorly affected by a single bell, see a decrease of up to thirty five percent by five, and a decrease of over fifty percent by ten. The stronger an opponent is from the wielder, or the greater the gap between the relevant energy stats, the harder it is for the bells to effect them, and the more bells are required to negatively impact their constructs.

For a person stronger than the wielder, having ten bells would likely result in a noticeable change, maybe up to reducing the effectiveness of such constructs by twenty percent. For a person weaker than the wielder, they would be affected much easier, to the point where ten bells ringing at once would make it difficult for twenty five percent of the original intended energy construct or attack to be properly maintained after a post of exposure.

Now, each of the bells works in a rather simple manner; they must be 'rung', and their ringing must be 'in time' with themselves and the bells around them. They can be influenced by a number of factors, including the user's own touch, their movements, and the sound of their music. What this means is that the less the user focuses on the bells and ringing them properly, the more chaotic the effect of the bells becomes.

For most users, this would translate into the bells causing a kind of 'washing over' effect from the malicious energy into their own energy constructs. For example, if the user had a musical field effect, and the bells began to go out of tune, then the malicious energy that was dispersed would begin to seep into their musical field, making it overall less effective, becoming less and less effective as the user pays less and less attention to it. This can get so bad that the amount of energy being dragged out of the enemy's abilities is next to nothing, and all the energy that is removed goes right back into the user's own constructs, making them much less efficient.

Now, for a person with Beginner focus, controlling more than a single bell would be next to impossible. For an Adept, controlling three to four bells becomes possible. For an Advanced, it becomes rather effortless to maintain up to five bells, and they can attempt more if they have them. A master is able to maintain ten bells without distraction, and a lower number without much problems whatsoever. A level of focus greater than this would result in the number of bells increasing or decreasing relative to the wielder's focus skill, but needless to say, they would be able to manipulate greater and greater numbers of bells simultaneously.

The bells are energy constructs, and the ringing that they perform are rather intense actions. This ringing causes for the bells to grow less effective as time passes. The risk and effort required to maintain them remains the same, however. The more of the bells there are, the more intense the ringing becomes, and the quicker they wear down. Essentially, five or fewer bells will start to deteriorate after three posts, and collapse completely by six posts. Five to ten bells will begin breaking down after about two posts, and be completely gone by four. Ten or more bells will often begin to lose their composition after two posts, and can be gone by four as well. However, the intensity of this decrease is substantially greater; by the time the third post occurs, the bells are substantially weaker than they were during the first and second post.

Once the bells have deteriorated, the user has the ability to choose to keep the dilapidated bells around, adding on new ones and making it more difficult but keeping the effect going, or taking a post to recover, tapping the pin twice to cause each of the bells they have called up to disperse. After a cool down of one post they can use their energy to begin making new bells.

Extra Feature: Bell Submission
By holding their finger over the bell for the length of a post, incapacitating one arm and spending a considerable amount of energy, the wearer of this bell pin can cause a kind of 'auto-pilot' mode. Essentially, this invites the bell to being 'regulating' the task of ringing the bells. The user no longer has to worry about making sure the bells keep ringing. They have to spend all the energy to create the bells, still, or maybe they feel the need to create ten new bells to deal with a situation while they have five old ones still around. A pressed into the corner type of situation.

In this case, the user may desire to activate Bell Submission. Bell Submission takes over the responsibility of ringing the bells, completely. It keeps them going in near-perfect harmony. It is not absolutely perfect, and may cause a slight decrease in the effectiveness of the wielder's energy constructs and effects in the general vicinity. But it greatly reduces the mental burden they experience.

However, Bell Submission has one major drawback. Depending on the user's level of Focus, the drawback will become more apparent. For a Beginner, it will set in after a post. For an adept, it'll set in after two. For an Advanced user, it will set in after three. For an Elite, it will go in after four. For skill levels higher than this, they will have up to five posts before this effect begins to set in noticeably.

The drawback takes effect over three posts. After the first post, the wielder begins to forget exactly what the bells are ringing for. It becomes apparent to them that the bells need to ring, and they remain mostly cognizant of their surroundings.

After the second post, they begin to lose awareness of the world around them, and begin to perform actions specifically to keep the bells ringing. If an enemy or other thing they care about comes close, they may be distracted enough to attempt to deal with it... but it will seem much more important to the wielder that they should be keeping the bells ringing, because of how deeply the auto-pilot functionality has meshed with their mind.

Finally, after the third post, the outside world fades completely. They become entranced by the bells, dancing and moving to keep the bells ringing in tune, replacing all other music and sound around their body with the sound. They become unable to hear anything but the bells, and they remain in this trance-like state until the bells have stopped ringing. Typically, this would only occur when they run out of spiritual energy, which could take any length of time... but it will leave the wielder extraordinarily vulnerable by the time it is finished.

Bell Submission has a cooldown period of six posts; to deactivate it, the user needs to tap the pin three times.

» This Present Is For:
The Melody, Sofia Montero

» Hebi Resarch Notes:
Constantly battling against the demonic forces of this world... I pondered a simple question. Does she battle them with music so that she can overcome them, or does she simply wish to enjoy the sounds of battle...? No different than they are... This was the question I wanted to find the answer to, and with this item, she will finally be able to decide for herself. Perhaps she will use it only as a melodic tool... or perhaps she will succumb to its influence, how much nicer it is to just listen to the bells ring, and ring...

Codes by: The Frost


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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