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Yume no Jitsugen [Hebimas Gift] Empty Yume no Jitsugen [Hebimas Gift]

Tue Dec 25, 2018 8:24 pm

Ninja's Majesty Blade
» Item Name: Yume no Jitsugen
» Primary Information

» Item Description:


The blade is a bright purple in color, although it has the ability to change to a deep black upon the will of the wielder. The blade reaches about three feet in length, making it more of a shortsword. The hilt is unique in that there is a large bolt-like shape around the bottom, with a golden string extending outwards and back to the base of the blade. The hilt is just as golden, featuring a dark black line that descends through its center on both sides, leading to the string on one end. It bears no sheath.


When the wielder of his blade places both hands on the bolt in the center and turns it, the top part of the blade snaps off, rotating rapidly and knocking itself off. This reveals a black and purple colored brush-head beneath the bolt-shape. The bolt-shape remains attached to the sword head, which changes shape as it becomes tattoo-like, snaking up as ink up the user's arm, the bolt-shape turning into a wristband and attaching to their wrist.

This transformation can be undone by twisting the wristband once more, causing the band to disengage and screw itself back on, covering the brush-head. A moment later, the blade will return back to full-length, maintaining any effects that were on it before it was sheathed.

The weight of the blade is very similar to a zanpakuto - when the wielder is holding it, it feels effortless to shape it and attack with it. However, if someone other than the indicated wielder attempts to lift it, it will be consumed with an amazing weight, making it nearly impossible to lift.

Important to note: the brush-head form can also be minimized from the wielder's will, causing it to become hand-sized. From here, the blade is easy to transport, although the gold band must still be attached while the blade is not active on the sword.

First Aspect - Manifestation

The user of the blade can trace the blade's length, or the brush, through the air, sketching out images. From here, the weapon taps into the user's own energy, using it to create physical 'copies' of the user's intended shapes. The user can determine how large the construct is that comes out of the brush. The brush can safely handle up to about 500 sq. feet of material coming out of it. An amount beyond that will cause for the blade to over-exerted, and result in being unusable for the length of one post. If the blade is extraordinarily over-utilized, it will shatter completely, producing several thousand square feet of material, but being rendered useless for the remainder of the thread.

Second Aspect - Infusion and Casting

When the user of this item, while it is in blade-mode, runs their finger over the blade's edge using the name of one of their techniques, be it demon magic, kido, or even ninja magic, it will cause for the blade to synchronize with the wielder's ability. For example, if an ability were to cause a smoke-screen to appear, the blade would temporarily gain the ability to emit a focused stream of smoke, covering an area in a cone-like shape. It should be noted that this ability is limited by the power of its wielder; the blade itself can only cause for physical manifestations of the abilities granted to it. For example, the blade could not allow a person to rent another's emotions, as this is not something that can be physically altered.

Additionally, the user can run their fingers down the blade's length, putting a single line through the word of the technique written there. If this is performed, the blade will then check for any other conditions required for the technique being used. If all of the conditions are met, then the blade will consume the required amount of energy or time needed to charge or fulfill the needs of the effect, before emitting it from the blade's tip. This does allow for any type of effect to be used through the tip of the sword, as long as it is known to the user and it does not violate the normal requirements for the ability.

Typically, using this ability more than three times in one post would be extremely strenuous to the blade, and cause a 'risk period' of two posts afterward where further use will cause it to shatter in a similar manner as explained in First Aspect.

Third Aspect - The Brush

By changing to brush mode, the brush uses the wielder's own unique mix of energy, allowing for it to produce a special kind of ink. This ink allows for the user to mark their own body in the same manner that the sword can be marked, but only their own body. These marks can later be 'activated' once per post while the blade has been turned into its brush form. For example, by writing out a spell that produces a fireball on one's arm, they can later remove their sleeve, activating the ink there, consuming it, and casting the described spell from that location. Upon the activation, all requirements for the ability or spell are checked and then consumed to perform the act, removing the written marking on the flesh as well. The 'ink' used draws from the source required to cast that particular spell or effect; for example, a Za Koa spell would require the use of the red Za Koa ink from the brush.

Important to note: When entering into a thread with this brush, the user must either state in their profile what 'persistent' spells they have on their person, or must list at the 'beginning' of the thread what spells are currently written on their flesh. It is possible to write on their own flesh during the thread, of course, but it would be difficult to write more than a single spell out during a post, based on how much 'ink' the brush is able to draw from the user's varied forms of energy. Any number of words can be written, but if the user attempts to cast more than four spells using the brush in a single post, it will disable the Yume no Jitsugen for two posts, and attempting to use it further will cause for the weapon to shatter in a manner similar to the description in First Aspect.

Per Henrex's Energy Types Corresponding to Colors of Ink:
Za Koa - Red
Emotional Energy - Purple
Spirit Energy - Blue
Willpower - Yellow

Fourth Aspect - Erasure

By turning the blade around and pointing the base of the hilt at a spell or effect that was created by the blade, that effect can be summarily 'erased'. It ceases to function, all energy dispersing from it and becoming Reishi. This technique is unusable if there are other terms and conditions that normally accompany stopping a certain spell or ability. Additionally, a spell or ability that would be too difficult for the user to stop themselves normally by overwhelming it with their remaining energy cannot be stopped by this effect. Finally, the user must make sure that they have the focus to stop a particular spell or effect that was cast using the blade or brush. This can take up to an entire post, depending on the amount of energy used in the initial attack. For example, a simple fireball could be dispelled with ease; but a meteorite-sized blast of energy would take a post of focus and concentration to disperse.

Once a spell or effect has been designated for 'erasure', whether the 'erasure' was successful or not, the blade loses its current 'record'.

Fifth Aspect - Grand Recollection

Each time a spell or effect is activated by the blade or brush - all of the requirements to cast the spell met, in other words - the brush 'records' that cast and adds it to a temporary 'array' called a 'record'. This record is only able to be created once per thread, and once it has been cleared out, either by resolving it or using an Erasure, it cannot be restored.

Essentially, this Grand Recollection allows for the user to attempt to 're-cast' every spell and effect used by the blade up to this point. This technique should be considered dangerous to the user, as without proper understanding of what the user has done so far, it is possible to completely exhaust one's self, failing to cast the spell, or even to cause death if the sought-amount to recast every spell and effect is too great.

In any case, typically when this technique is utilized it will overwhelm the user's current supplies of energy, exhausting them nearly completely. Each and every effect begins its origin point from the brush's tip, and the user is only able to target what they can through that tip. This can prove problematic if the user has used something like a designated explosion that formed in a particular location; as the explosion will form directly out of the brush's tip instead. Each of the techniques is fired in order of when they were used, but only after the Yume no Jitsugen tries to drain the user of enough energy to handle using all of it. Typically, it takes a post of focus to bring the brush up to speed with enough energy drawn from the user. The post after this, the user can then fire the Recollected spells, which will mean that they cannot perform many other actions other than this ability. Afterward, the Yume no Jitsugen will explode as discussed in First Aspect if it is used to further produce a spell or effect, including First Aspect's, and will cause the action to take several times the normal amount of energy to perform.

» This Present Is For:
Henrex Astillon

» Hebi Research Notes:
Santa is deeply regretful of how long this present took to arrive, but here it is, for Christmas, as intended.

This sword's name is one which was created in the longstanding tradition of calling shortswords by their traditional name... 'Yume no Jitsugen'. It sounds so... dignified... or snooty. It symbolizes the achievement of one's dreams, and what one's dreams mean. It answers the call of the wielder in a way that only the wielder can cause to happen, and because of the way it was forged, this applies only towards one specific individual: Henrex Astillon.

Codes by: The Frost


Last edited by Henrex on Mon Apr 12, 2021 7:59 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Replaced the broken image link)
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Wed Dec 26, 2018 11:19 am

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