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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A spicy meal  Empty A spicy meal

Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:05 am
The Young Bear
Elyss Kishimoto A spicy meal  6EdIfMt

A soft breeze ruffles the flowers in the field around Elyss as she sits cross-legged in silence. She’s outside of Rukongai away from the Tavern and Ulv. Well, she no longer has reason to be at the Tavern besides visiting. Before coming out here, she had stopped there to inform the lovely couple that she will no longer be able to work for them and that she’s found another place to stay. It was hard to explain her situation to them, but with the excuse that she’s found a person who wished to have her as a bodyguard with higher pay and such, they understood. Still, Elyss promised she’d visit plenty and make sure no one is starting anything with the Tavern or them. There’s no way she would have mentioned what she did and who had picked her up and taken her home like a child finding a toy at a store; especially with how that person made her feel not too long ago. Oh, she can feel her face heating up just from thinking too much about those lips brushing against hers and those muscular arms wrapped around her so firmly. “...”

‘Stop it!’ She berates her mind harshly snapping out of her dazed fixation with Ulv. Damn that brute doing as she pleased flustering her so intensely to the point that she passed out. Of course, considering the heat and every other factor, it wouldn’t have taken much to push her over that line into unconsciousness. And, there was no way Elyss was leaving with that stupid maid outfit on, and with some digging around, she found herself a moderate pink kimono to escape for a while with.

Not wanting to be around Ulv for a bit, she had to sneak away while the other redhead was busy elsewhere, and now, she finds herself here relaxing. Normally, she’d be punching something or exerting herself physically to find solace from her mental issues, but with her sore body, moving around such pains her too much to do. Meditating isn’t bad though. She feels she’s done stuff like this before even if she can’t recall when. There’s a familiarity here, and besides, she feels like she needs to dissolve into herself for a bit.

She wished this meditation session didn’t involve Ulv, but it does. Thinking about that woman still causes her some anxiety. Though, she just pushes that aside as she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath placing her hands on her protruding knees. ‘Let’s begin. First, why?’ She focuses on the fact that she feels a connection between Ulv and her; something more than one’s skin heating up because of another’s touch. There is something deep inside her that draws her to Ulv.

That is when she notices a soft burning within her. Well, it’s more like a muffled fire with something keeping it contained in one area. She can sort of feel those flames pushing against the barrier keeping it still. It felt strange when Ulv was around however. It was as if that barrier had weakened allowing those flames to spread and empower her. Though, Elyss did not know this had happened since her memory of that incident is lost. There is a faint recollection of this feeling from when those men had angered her by threatening her current livelihood; almost like she had forcibly broken the barrier with her will alone causing the flames to spread momentarily through her and outwards.

‘Focus on that whatever.’ She mentally notes focusing a bit harder. It seems the more she focused on this presence, the more prominent in not only her mind but body it becomes. The barrier around it starts to fall away, and she can feel the flame spreading out like before, but this time, she doesn’t lose control over herself. This is probably due to last time being fueled by her anger. She doesn’t know what this is spreading inside her though. She’ll have to ask Ulv. She ought to know more about this.

Accidentally, Elyss is unknowingly flexing her spiritual energy allowing it to spread through her whole body and exude from her. She’s far too weak to make an impact around her, but anything with a strong ability to sense energy will sniff her out; a lonely Plus out in the wild acting like a beacon for anyone or anything to find.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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A spicy meal  Empty Re: A spicy meal

Tue Mar 26, 2019 9:42 am
It was mere happenstance that skirting the very edges of the Outland of Soul Society was a Hollow. This was no regular Hollow however, the large stature, the imposing horned mask, this was Tyrant Hunger and he had come to do the one thing it knew how to do. Eat. It had spent some time, how long exactly it didn't know, wandering the very edges of the area and slowly gnawing away at the terrain to slowly fill its hunger. It wasn't getting much from its current meal but it was doing a decent job of filling its forever hungering appetite. Just as it was about to take another chomp out of the terrain it froze as it sensed something off in the distance. Spiritual energy? Its jaw snapped shut as it turned its head in the direction of the source and growled. Its hunger driving it wilder and wilder before finally Tyrant Hunger began to charge.

As Tyrant Hunger neared the lone presence it let out an earth shaking roar, two Garganta beginning to open up near Elyss. One directly behind her and one directly beneath her. Space tearing open to the whims of the Hollow with the need to feed. The Gargantas, still forming were still safe to interact with but that wouldn't be the case when it finishes opening. Tyrant Hunger was on the hunt and it was not going to stop until it had its meal.
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A spicy meal  Empty Re: A spicy meal

Tue Mar 26, 2019 10:29 am
The Young Bear
Elyss Kishimoto A spicy meal  6EdIfMt

Since Elyss is busy flexing and feeling out this energy within her, she didn't realize that she had attracted a being that she didn't even know existed. Hollows are a foreign thing in her mind. She doesn't know what they are, so she would never have thought that doing this so far from civilization would have put herself into this much danger. Luckily, however, due to her spiritual energy flowing out and about from her, she did feel something budge around her. She didn't know what it is, but it's like a sudden stain around the field she created.

Though, that's the least of her concerns as the ground underneath her starts to shake and vibrate with each step of the giant monster approaching and nearing her causing her meditative mind to break. Her eyes open in surprise as the vibrations cause her body to jump. Quickly, she's rising to her feet looking around amazed. Did she do this? Well, that thought is quickly found stupid as she hears a roar rattling her brain as space around her starts ripping and tearing.

"The hell is going on?!" She wonders out loud as the ground under her started to open up, but she's quick to step away looking behind her as another hole starts to open. This is weird. This is startling. This is... frightening. The steps are getting closer too.

"I just wanted some peace and quiet." She mutters under her breath. Whatever is coming, it's best to avoid with extreme urgency. She's a hard headed person, but she's not stupid enough to fight a monster. Monsters don't even exist! Well, large animals do, and she doubts her fists are gonna stop an animal this big, so she starts running back towards the Rukongai. Well, she thinks it's the right direction anyway. With her sore body, running is a bit of a pain, and she's definitely not moving her fastest, but if she can get close before being preyed upon.

'Why me?!'
Her head starts singing curses over and over.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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A spicy meal  Empty Re: A spicy meal

Wed Mar 27, 2019 12:57 pm
There! Tyrant Hunger could see its target clearly as it continued its frenzied manic approach. A humanoid with red hair all by itself and far from any help. Egged ever forward by the hunger, Tyrant Hunger continued to chase after her, intent on consuming her and satisfying its urge to feed until hungry once more. It began add forward lunges as it ran at her, ever so slowly closing the gap between the two. It would be able to reach her given enough time and when it did, Tyrant Hunger snapped its jaws in anticipation, it would snap her body in two between its teeth.

The Gargantas it had begun to open initially had closed as suddenly as they had appeared. A short growl from the Hollow and another Garganta began to open ahead of the path that its prey was taking, set flat against the ground and laying there, slowly expanding like a trap or pit. This was done in an attempt to cut off the escape of the red haired humanoid, it wasn't going to let her escape just by running. If it knew how to, it would have probably goaded her into trying to risk it with the Garganta, but since it didn't it roared at her, the ground around Tyrant Hunger quivering from the sheer volume the roar.
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A spicy meal  Empty Re: A spicy meal

Thu Mar 28, 2019 10:08 am
The Young Bear
Elyss Kishimoto A spicy meal  6EdIfMt

The thundering pounding and shaking gets worse and worse as she runs. Even if she were to be an exceptional runner, it seems whatever wants her is much to large for her to simply speed away from. It's large steps will forever keep it able to keep in pace with her with ease. Everything sounded so close as well. The thing after her is probably behind her by now, and so, she turns her head to chance a look.

That was a bad idea. It never betters one mental hopes of survival once they know what it is that wants them dead. Well, for people who actually have power, it probably isn't that detrimental, but Elyss is far from a powerful person who'd shrug at the giant monstrosity that is the masked Tyrannosaur chasing her down with its massive maw wide open wanting to scoop her up and chew through her.

She instantly is filled with immense adrenaline. Why? Is she somehow excited by the deranged giant creature that she knows resembles a certain prehistoric reptile from the past without knowing where she learned such information from? Or, maybe, this is just intense fear coursing through her veins fueling her need to escape. It is hard to tell if this is fight or flight, but she knows she cannot fight something this massive with such sharp teeth. She knows her untimely end is near. 'Why not go out fighting?' Then, the creature roars and she nearly wets herself.

Her thoughts encourage she turns, but she instantly labels herself insane and turns her head running, though, this is where she makes her mistake. Her foot is suddenly snatched from under her by the opening Garganta; her foot disappearing to another realm for just a moment causing her to lose balance over the tear in reality and roll on the ground bruising her shoulders as she tucks her arms around herself.

That's it. Running is pretty much not an option now she she starts recovering from her stumble as Tyrant nears evermore. Her dark eyes look on with urgency at the approaching monster. 'Damn it all!' She winces as her sprained wrist starts to bother her.

"No point running, but I'm not just gonna get mauled so easily." She spits out in defiance to her own encroaching doom. Though, what is she even going to do? She doesn't even know what the hell this thing is or what it can do. Her body is trembling whether it be excitement, fear, or both. She's got no choice but to approach head on, and as the monster nears, if it tries to lower its head to bite down on her, she would attempt to launch herself forward to roll under it's massive head hoping it'd carry on past her with its momentum leaving her on a knee but alive.

All she can do is stall the inevitable.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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A spicy meal  Empty Re: A spicy meal

Sat Apr 13, 2019 10:41 am
Closer and closer the monstrous form of the massive Hollow trounced as its target ran. The loud footsteps akin to thunder and the roar that was unleashed from its gaping maw a warcry of victory. It's prey would not be able to run much longer, it could see it. Just several more meters before it would be able to snatch the woman up in its jaw and break her bones betweenbits teeth. It was something that Tyrant Hunger was looking forward to.

A stumble! An opportunity to get much closer. Tyrant Hunger opened its toothy maw and began to lower its head as it steps turned into bounds, forcing its large legs to stretch as much as possible to cover more distance in a short span on time. A Lou menacing growl rang out as Tyrant Hunger moved to scoop its prey into its waiting maws, already closing in anticipation for its victim.
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A spicy meal  Empty Re: A spicy meal

Fri May 17, 2019 6:39 am


When reports came in of a potential threat in the outlands, perhaps Realm Enforcement might've been the one to handle it. Yet, it was Arkin The Immortal who had answered the call today. The fluctuation of spiritual energies in the outlands along with a potential conflict between a soul and hollow demanded the foreigner-turned-shinigami attention. The idea that someone could be in trouble had redoubled his efforts to reach the conflict, albeit not nearly as fast as some of his counterparts, but he was determined and stronger than most.

The two from a distance would begin hear a thundering, as if there was a stampede of some unknown proportions. The sound of trees breaking, being ripped asunder from their roots, cracking like bolts of lightning. Finally, bursting into the visible area was a large man. His skin was slightly ashen with large red marks running over his body, his breathing heavy not from any means of exhaustion but seemingly for no reason. But an axe hung on his back, teeming with power, as his fingers seemed to contract and flex staring at the scene as he processed it all.

Arkin The Immortal had arrived, and what they could both sense from the man was that he was of relatively more spiritual power than the woman. This was mostly due to his spiritual reserves but also the fact he was in constant release shikai. His eyes seemed to be becoming icy, his teeth gritting as he noticed the unholy beat seemed to be about to bite down on the woman, which he couldn't abide. With a roar the bearded man would charge in a line, kicking up dirt and debris as he prepared to shoulder tackle the beast.

As he ran his hand would reach behind his back to unclip his ax with practice eased, but biting down hard he'd leap at the last moment. His shoulder prepared to smash directly into the beast head to send it away hopefully. Holding strength which was easily able to crush boulders, or even steel contraptions known as cars, he was sure this would be enough to atleast knock the beast aside to create some space between the woman and the beast.

He'd take a moment to stand between the two, the ax head slowly beginning to pulsate with energy before condensing into ice. The man would look behind him briefly to the woman. A deep, rumbly voice which seemed to be submerged in an icy tone was heard. An accent nothing like anyone of this area, clearly european and nordic of some type.

"I shall purge this beast of their sins; it is best you leave, woman."


A spicy meal  JfH75kA
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A spicy meal  Empty Re: A spicy meal

Fri May 17, 2019 7:49 am



A spicy meal  6EdIfMt

Most people usually only have one chance; one chance to succeed at certain things in life. Multiple chances are sometimes seen as a luxury to many: that one misstep in a boxing match, getting the needed question to pass wrong, failing to make it to a scene of a disaster on time... There are many things you simply cannot redo, and this deadly situation definitely fits the bill. She had aimed to get under the beast, but would such emergency maneuvers matter after her stumble? The beast is upon her in a matter of moments; her onyx eyes wide with fear and defiance upon being put in a situation beyond her wildest dreams. As if she wouldn't show any rebelling against her situation, but her stubborn will to live means nothing when she has no means of doing so. The maw gets closer, and all she can really think about is how unfulfilled her life has been, and how she probably let Ulv down. Her sore body stiffens, as, at some point, her eyes did close accepting the end.

There is a thundering as if the sky has been invaded by a sudden storm rampaging upon lands, but Elyss could not hear such dramatic entrance with the sounds of Tyrant over her. Her ability to sense Spiritual Energy is inept; especially when she is too focused on the Hollowsaur over her person. Then, she would not feel teeth chomping down on her until she is a finely mashed Plus. Did she instantly die form the first bite? Is death that simple and quick? Her mind tells her no from some past experience she can't recall, and her eyes open to see some giant of a man; grey skinned with red lines along his body. He is a mountain between her and the Hollow; his ax alone causing her to shiver due to its icy aura. Her mind cannot comprehend what exactly is going on in its shaken state, but it is clear that this man is something she's had her mind drawn to for a while. A Shinigami.

It seems it is not her time to die just yet. It seems that something wishes her life stay valid, for the chances of this occurring at this very moment seemed insanely thing, but it did, and she is glad. Still, there is a giant monster not far that may still hunger. It is far from time to relax. If only she could stand, but her body is, yet, able to move in shock.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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A spicy meal  Empty Re: A spicy meal

Fri May 31, 2019 10:21 am
An interruption. Annoying, distracting, aggravating. Tyrant Hunger skidded back along the ground as it took on the full brunt of the interloper's attack. The protective layer it had had already cracked and what damage it couldn't prevent had ruptured its flesh. But Tyrant Hunger was built tougher and had survived more lethal attacks. Its eyes narrowed at the intruder and its prey, growling threateningly for having interrupted its hunt.

The Hollow dove into the Garganta that it had already opened and began to leave, it's body slowly sinking into the tear in space. It glared at the two as its head sank into the Garganta. Finally with a grunt the Hollow disappeared and the Gargantas closed up, the only trace that it had been there were its witnesses the mark its maw had made when it moved to swallow the woman whole.
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A spicy meal  Empty Re: A spicy meal

Wed Jun 26, 2019 2:27 pm


The Odinson was surprised to see the beast fleeing so quickly, and he would've started pursuit up to the point an Garganta formed. A grimanced seemed to cross onto his pale features, callous fingers gripping the ax tightly. The cold aura which emitted from it caused a few droplets of ice to hit the floor, as he took a step forward as if to dare the beast to turn back. His only regret in this moment was that he hadn't pursued it to cleanse the poor beast of their sins. But as he watched the darkness swallow up the monster he seemed to relax, letting out a grunt as he slowly began to place the Ax back on his back.

He'd turn around to see the red hair'd woman, his head tilting as he immediately sensed they where a plus of some energy. The aura which radiated from the man was that of a shinigami, one who had relatively a lot of energy. He'd begin to kneel in front of her, a worried look coming onto his features. His beard pushing against the mild breeze as he extended a hand to her.

"I am Arkin The Immortal. Shinigami of the Gotei. Are you ok?"

Each word was spoke with power, short sentences which seemed to roll off a baritone voice. Deep and thrumming with old wisdom. But there was a gentleness to it, as if he was caring for a wounded dove careful to not break them with a mere touch. The rage which was boiling in his eyes had slowly eased to reveal clear blue eyes, worried for her well being.


A spicy meal  JfH75kA
A spicy meal  H8Tyk70
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