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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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War Blessings [WW4 Event - Russia] Empty War Blessings [WW4 Event - Russia]

Thu Mar 28, 2019 3:17 pm
PLEASE listen to the posting music while reading:

War Blessings [WW4 Event - Russia] 6EdIfMt

Song: Kingdom Of Preadtors - Artist: HXH - Word Count: N/A

The golden glow of gratitude spread throughout the four corners of the country of Russia. This powerful energy resonated with a profound sense of renewed willpower to those who came into contact with it. One that felt as if the world would be ok, that the pains of this war were to be endured and that the light of a brighter tomorrow was all but possible. While there were many who were consumed in the uncertainty of darkness which the bloodshed of total world war brought, the determined heart of Radioactive held within it a profound sense of blessing within it.

It is why he stood alone in a field of trees, grass and pristine blue skies as the warm glow of the blazing sun stood behind him. Many thousands of animals were seen in the distance gathering around the male; as even the primal life of this forestland could feel the inner animalistic nature of the male before them and felt renewed by this vigorous aura which was flowing from the shinigami. In the mind of Radioactive, he was bleeding a sense of blessing into the world around him and giving back to this universe which has given him so much throughout his centuries of existence.

What is there to be sad, dreadful or furious about when one's spirit has been blessed by the gods? What more could Radioactive have asked from his life? As he clasped his hands into prayer, the male got down on his knees with a somber smile across his face as many memories started to wash over him. Visions of hardship, destruction, conflict, and death ran in his mind; but he understood them to be further stepping steps to allow him a higher state of being and power through the anguish these trials gave his physical, mental and spiritual body. Remembering the blessings of having even been able to recall a time where he rose a family, loved and protected something with every ounce of his heart brought such bittersweet tears to the males face.

" Vanya Venedikt..."

God is gracious.

When was the last time he had even been rewarded with the capacity to let out his grief and happiness? This to was a blessing. To feel the love, scorn, hate, contempt and grace the cosmos and all of the beings he had ever interacted with come across weigh heavy on his heart made the male feel as he was destined to otherwise come to this point in time where it all clicked and made sense to him. To come from the shadows of having lost everything, to the light of having so many different things and people to protect under the acceptance of the Lux Orior brought him a place of purpose as he knew that this second life of his was meant to serve others and grant those who invest in him the blessings which lay inside his heart, mind, body, and soul.

So, more tears of gratitude streamed down his face as he knew he was blessed and his power of will could only grow stronger as the conciosuness of Russia knew that their hero would once again rise to the challenge of protecting their motherlands once again. Remembering the savagery of World War Three and risking everything to protect the last piece of familiarity the male had in his life allowed for him and others to become heroes of legend and war. Which meant that strife in it of itself was a blessing and that he knew that even if he were to be slain in this war, the raw beauty of his soul would not cease here and the gifts which lay in his blossoming spirit would further grow to inspire the seeds of hope, fire, will, and strength in others in the Lux Orior, Russia and allies alike. And, if he should succeed, it will merely mean that the united strength of his blessing and his comrades saw them to victory.

Hence, no matter what occurred in this war for the planet, Radioactive did not foresee hell. All things had to come to an end at some point, but so long as that spirit of blessing, fight and primal spirit remained in a people -- it will be alright. It was all ok. Everything about this day was meant to be and there was no sense in trying to mourn over the inveigtable. It is all a cycle of life, death, destruction and creation and Radioactive was so grateful to have been blessed by the gods to be in his profound sense of position, strength and power.

To have come this far in his development to know there is more to his ability than just raw destruction brought him such happiness. Even this very moment of spreading his influence throughout the depths of Russia made him realize that he was where he needed to be spiritually to handle the challenges of this war to come. In the past, this whole field would have been nothing but barren wastelands filled with nuclear hell. Yet, as his soul grew to be one which held a higher purpose, the instability of his powers lessened and the male grew to control his bountiful energy so that it may be used to grant this world this same sense of gratitude he has been repaid with by the powers that be.

Which is why for his final act, Radioactive had a multitude of different orbs of energy leave his body. Each was designed, marked and sent towards various spirits that either is alive or dead so that all may know his gratitude toward him and be granted with these mental blessings he has been bestowed.

All Radioactive desired for the world and himself at this moment -- was sheer gratitude and joy for all that they had been blessed with up until this point and for all that was occur after this point in history has been made. That was his lone singular desire as he found his peace in this misery that was war.

[Next post will be the blessings he has sent to various characters]

War Blessings [WW4 Event - Russia] WVMWLOu
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War Blessings [WW4 Event - Russia] Empty Re: War Blessings [WW4 Event - Russia]

Thu Mar 28, 2019 5:41 pm
PLEASE listen to the posting music while reading:

War Blessings [WW4 Event - Russia] 6EdIfMt

Song: Legend of the Martial Artist - Artist: HXH - Word Count: N/A

(Note: these are all orbs that are inscribed with a mental message to the user. They are locking on to the energy frequency of the person. These can arrive at any point in the war, and it is up to the person who receives them to accept the blessing in them. This is not forced and is just meant to be used as a plot tool to further give people morale and sync in with their stories.)


To Angel,

Your mind denotes the strength of a valiant warrior of the intellectual side of mankind. I possess a primal, instinctual and spiritual intelligence which no doubt goes beyond yours. Yet it is the emotional and raw intellect you have attached to your mind which exceeds my knowledge of this world. You hold the capacity to alter this world with the blessings of insight your scientific brain has been bestowed with. And it is why I want you to hold this semblance of love, gratitude, blessing, and strength within your spirit.

In my time of need, you were a gentle and soft being that I could find comfort with and I know the spiritual connection between the two of us will no doubt heed you well in this war. I have a great affection for you and I pray that you see it through the war or be slain and leave your energy as a light in the sky for others to follow and seek strength from.


(It is at this point that, whenever in the war Angel receives this sphere, she may see an increase in her strength, willpower, and mental deduction. The reason for this is because he is sending her his energy and then utilizing his own energy of will to augment and enhance hers from the strong connection they shared from their interactions. I feel Radioactive has enough raw energy and willpower to otherwise sustain this feat.)


To Desmond Hayden,

You are strong. Do not forget that. You resonate a similar wavelength of strength that is akin to me in some ways. You would benefit more by giving in to your primal instincts as I see you becoming a man of great power if you were to wholly embrace your inner savagery. I have witnessed your development over the years and it has made me proud as your former commander to see you grow to such heights. It is why I pass down my position of commander down to you as I feel you will be able to maintain it better than myself at the moment. As it is that spirit of pride, will, and higher purpose which allows you that power in my mind. So do not forget that you are blessed either.

While we have not spoken much of what inner turmoil awakens in your heart (I've only heard the stories), what I can do as a comrade and ally is give you my own seeds of strength, power and will to help cushion the grief in your heart. We are both men who are centuries old who have encountered great war, hardship and possess a sense of obligation to the nations that we serve. It is why we are cut from the same cloth and why I understand to some degree what pain you are going through.

So stand up, be strong, be proud and shout the name of Vastime to the heavens and til your death as you march in this war together with me, friend. That pain you feel bleeding in your heart is the same blessing which grants you strength and why others aspire to follow you, fight for you and die for you. Never forget this message and hold it to your soul until your final moments.


(More or less, this is meant to amplify the willpower of Hayden and invest some energy into his energy. While, at the same time, giving him a deeper connection to his inner hollow and primal instincts. I feel this will be useful in Hayden's plot and could time rather well with what is going on in his fight against Ravan.)


To Yuel Duulheim,

I have not interacted much with you, but I am familiar with your work from afar. You seem like a woman who possesses a brilliant mind that can understand the reality which we live in from a technical standpoint. I've paid witness to the contributions you've made to the many systems within the Lux Orior systems, the weight you've bared trying to keep our faction together and the hell you are going through now trying to protect, guard and fight for what is ours. You have my utmost respect and it is why I want to bless you with the strength to finish your mission. Please, take my will and energy and find use for it in whatever battle you are in now as I'm sure your vast mind will find a great purpose for it.

(This orb is designed to give the mental deduction of Yuel a great boost so that she can sustain more functions in the Yuudeshi Network and other systems of the Lux Orior/Gotei if she so wishes with the extra mental energy Radioactive is giving her.)


To Chifuyu Yuudeshi,

You are under a great strain at the moment, as per all of the members of the Lux Orior right now I assume. I've heard passing stories of all that you've invested into the Lux Orior. Everything from your inventions, to the man-hours spent fighting in the trenches, the updates you've made in our defenses and so much more that I cannot begin to spread out and comprehend as I'm simply not technologically gifted. However, even if I may not fully grasp the complexities of this world, I know the blood of the Yuudeshi are ones that are filled with a raw primal nature that is ready to fight any and everything that comes in its path.

Therefore, I want to bless you with the capacity to open your inner primordial beast. You are a woman on a warpath with a vision that is screaming for the growth and development of our people and the world, I just want to be able to help you with that with the powers that I've been blessed with as well so that you may spread this cycle of gratitude to that which we serve under the banner of the Lux Orior. I am not forcing this on you, as I'm not even certain if you would want my help. If you do, however, just be prepared to let everything go and let your raw potential out.

A-men, comrade

(If Gamma wants to, this energy is supposed to bless Chif with the capacity to tap into her Yuudeshi Drive, but remain in control of herself to otherwise drive some type of major goal she is trying to achieve. Her Orb Of Primal Strength should only be used for that case only.)


To Kakine,

You Yuudeshi seem to flock to the Lux Orior like bees to a hive. I do not know much about you personally, but I understand enough that as a fellow warrior and man there is no doubt some strain bleeding in your heart about this war. As a commanding force in our family, I want to give you a portion of my flame to ingest into your spirit. I've heard bits and pieces of what happened to you in the last world war, so I do not believe I can merely douse the trauma, heartbreak, and hell you've endured with just my will alone and I will not insult you as a man by trying to forcibly alter your point of view.

However, as a comrade, I can offer you my support. As I want to see someone with as much potential as yourself reach out from their darkness, come to the light and bless the world with his gifts. You are a literal angel, right? So take my blessings and use it to perhaps empower your own and find a way to push through the hell of the war to come.

(Kakine should have the Orb Of Freedom. More or less it is designed to make his angelic powers more potent if he should accept the call to fight and Radioactive's morale boost. This is just a plot-related action that is meant to perhaps spark Kakine into action and give him a willpower boost as well throughout the next thread he is in.)


To Carter,

Really...what is it with you angels and flocking to this org? Jokes aside, you are the next in line to receive my blessings. So, given that you are some kind of symbol of holy power, you should understand better than anyone how much we have to be grateful for as beings of power that can change not only the course of our lives with the power are bestowed with, but the entirety of the world if we have a higher purpose willing to serve us. I don't believe in any literal god existing in this universe, but I do feel each of us possesses the capacity to be our own inner gods. It's why I take pleasure in the strength I have as a death god myself and why you no doubt find strength from being an angel of God.

It is why you have the spirit of valor in you and why I want to grant you the capacity to further tap into your holy ability with my prayer and blessing. I'm certain your body will be able to break down these pure intents to make use of it in the war. We are facing a great deal of many enemies, but if we remain bonded as brethren in comrade, I have no doubt we will see victory even in the face of death, ally. So take this gift and do with it what you may.


(This is orb is more or less meant to amplify the powers of Cater's holy abilities by two times with this prayer and to beef up his willpower in his next thread.)


To Valentine,

A man from the stars themselves fighting on a planet like this? It's insane to see someone like yourself fighting for our planet, but I'm not picky about my comrades at the end of the day. I can see you have a stake in this battle and I understand that you have a lot on your plate when compared to other notable members of the Lux Orior. I do not sense a high amount of energy output, but in this world, if you have the will to alter this reality; then I'm certain the universe will find a way. It is why I want to bless you with my strength in return.

I do not understand enough about you or the way you work to allow my energy to properly bond with you to bring out the most primal aspects of your powers, but I do believe using my strength as armor and weapon can allow you glory on this dark day in human history. And, even if you should fail in your objective, you can still hold your head up high as someone in war who fought for what they believed in, stuck their neck out and endured the hell of combat to otherwise build your legend. I believe in you, comrade, and I want to show my gratitude toward you for being my ally.

May victory, success and great well-being bless you

(This is supposed to allow Valentine an energized armor around himself that is filled with Radioactive's energy. It should increase his durability and give him a 0 tier-level shield for the duration of the thread he is in. So I would say that it could act as an advanced level of durability for him throughout his battle. He should also be able to utilize the energy in this orb against his opponents for five explosive attacks with Radioactive's energy guiding him.)


To Jian,

As a newly appointed Chairman in the Lux Orior, I would like to congratulate you on your position. I have heard of your struggles both in Demon World and on the earth itself. I feel you will be a valuable asset in the future to come as you fight alongside us in the battle. I understand you have worked hard to build yourself up into this position based on the contributions you've invested into the Vanguard before we became this unified force. It is from that sentiment that you have my respect and loyalty as a fellow comrade in arms. It is why I want to bless you with the gratitude of strength.

You are going to have to be strong in the face of the obstacles we all will face in this war. Your soul radiates the aura of someone who is fighting for the pride of their nation. Perhaps I am wrong on this, but I feel you'll no doubt understand the type of commitment you've signed yourself up for by representing the earth and I know there is something in you that is driving you to want to attain a strength for some type of higher purpose. So I want to be able to push you towards that goal as your ally by blessing you from this stream of unflowing gifts which lies in the spirit of my soul.

Be well and make it through the hell of this war, comrade.


(This is supposed to give Kai a buff in the war. It should give him a boost toward increasing his attack potency and strength in war by two times. It will last for the duration of the thread until he uses up all of his energy more or less.)


To Shadin Yuudeshi

You are an old ally and friend. You have served me well as a person who leads people into grand battles nad wars, invests in his men and sticks out the hell that war can give you. You have suffered a great deal in these centuries that I can see and have taken on immense responsibilities and burdens that few can relate or equate to. I understand the pain you are going through right now and can only offer you my humblest of gifts to alleviate that burden.

You are now one of the founding leaders of the Lux Orior, I wish to give you the blessing of perseverance and to ignite the spark of will in yourself. You've seemed like quite the ghost these days from what I've seen of you in passing, and I hope that you do indeed find that same flame that I saw of you in your youth. You are one of the strongest forces that we have in this faction, so hold your head up high and do not forget the value that you bring to this world and its people.

Let us both find our peace and valor in these dark times, friend.

Be blessed with strength and endurance


(This is just meant to augment Shadin's willpower whenever he receives it so he can otherwise tap deeper into his angelic powers from the support of Radioactive's mental bestowal.)

War Blessings [WW4 Event - Russia] WVMWLOu
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