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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] Empty Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami]

Sun May 26, 2019 10:23 pm

Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Calypso had very, very lacking experience in creating dresses. The last time she even tried to make a dress, she was practically a baby and it looked like it was made of tentacles and eyes. Not the prettiest of sights, but this was the day to actually try to do something different than her usual trenchcoat and scarf get up. This was the day in which Inami wanted her to see her again... Not that Caly had much going on. Her heart dropped, remembering the current events, but shook her head as she looked at her getup, which was going terribly. Her lower half looked like some crazy hundred-leg octopus, which made her puff up in frustration.

"Ugh! I just want to get this right!"

The girl covered her face, groaning and sighing, but resorting to slapping her cheeks, "No no no, calm down, calm down Calypso, getting mad that your body isn't like other people's isn't gonna get you anywhere..."

Calypso took several deep breaths, closing her eyes, focusing on the calming "light" inside of her, trying to relax and focus, make a dress, make a dress..

It felt like a puff of air went through her, a shiver down her nonexistant spine as she opened her eyes, looking at herself in the mirror, laughing softly, "H-hey, I did it..!"

She was wearing a rather frilly, flower-like dress, a black top and trailing down into black and white 'petals', her sleeves long and trailing down to her hands, her scarf converting into two large red ribbons in her hair, the only part of her body that she couldn't morph, the black rabbit chain given to her by Tatsuya, rested on her throat.

"Oookay... Time to go to Auntie's!"

Caly clapped several times as she turned around, giving herself enough space to make a portal, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, "Inami's Castle, Inami's Castle, Inami's Castle.."

With her eyes closed and arms outstretched, what she initially hope for was to appear at her door, oh yes, that would be the reasonable thing to happen. But, no, no.. Her portalling did not see it that way.

Instead of gracefully landing on her feet at the front of the castle, no, instead she stepped through, upside down, face first into the throne room, landing on the marble floor with a loud THUNK.

The portal vanished behind her as the girl was on the floor, groaning, "Owowowow... Stupid, finicky, portals!"

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Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] Empty Re: Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami]

Thu May 30, 2019 1:38 pm

Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] JCRrxmK

Artist: Norihiro Tsuru - Song: Last Carnival - Word Count: 914

Incandescent will o wisps, casting their eerie flickering flames upon a grand throne room drifted; like fireflies in the wind. Oynx pillars, carved with runes expanded upwards towards a mirrored image of the room below, rippling faintly, almost like it belonged to a pond or a lake. Large crystalline windows of tones of red, green and purple bathed the room with their light; Casting shadows upon glass-smooth floors of weathered granite, overlaid with flecks of gold. The tattered banners of Chaya: a great amethyst serpent coiled around an onyx staff, depicted upon a background of slate retained its regality despite its time-worn appearance.

Within this cathedral-like room, a grand throne of iron, onyx, amethyst, and ruby sat upon a dais, elevated so that it's occupant could stare down upon all in the room. Within that chair, sat a woman whose gown, encrusted in amethyst and retained the main color of onyx and embossed in slate upon its fringes. A woman upon whose head sat a crown of onyx, whose eyes only shone with a pressure that overtook all, and demanded prostration before it, her pale complexion and pixy-like features making her seem like a fairy queen residing upon her court, this was Inami Asthavon's true face, the face of the Chaya queen.

Those eyes shifted at the sight of a girl in a flower-patterned dress falling through a portal onto hard granite below. Some of the officials who had come to give Inami updates on the affairs of their nation paused to look at the young girl who had just fallen through the ceiling. The queen would dismiss her officials with a wave of her hand, before studying the mound of a lass that lay splayed on her throne-room floor.

" You're late, Calypso. " Inami's tone was not loud, nor harsh but behind it, there was a terrible pressure; A pressure borne of presence, and will. It would tangibly press down upon Calypso, only vanishing when Inami Asthavon closed her eyes faintly, a faint sigh escaping her full lips.

"Calypso Asthavon. " Inami enunciated her niece's full name, an air of seriousness that had been lacking on their prior meeting filling the throne room.

"While I am happy to see you, I did not call you here today as a member of the prestigious Asthavon Family. I called you here as Ruler of Chaya Nation. " The Queen spoke as her fingers laced together, came to rest upon her lap. Her eyes bore into the young lady, and Inami would seem like some unapproachable, ancient beast in this moment.

"But first, before we go any further, let me ask you this." Inami paused, and let those words linger in the air.

"If demons continue to march towards the future, as unchanging as we are, what do you think will happen?" Inami would speak no more, instead, a lavish chair would appear next to Calypso, for her to sit in while they talked.

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Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] LzZCuy7
Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] BtXe12b
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Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] Empty Re: Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami]

Thu May 30, 2019 2:52 pm

Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

That pratfall was definitely embarrassing, Caly quietly hoping the room was either unoccupied, or only her aunt was present- Oh god, people were watching. A shimmering blush ignited on her face as she swallowed hard, staring towards the honestly very beautiful Inami and her cohorts. She immediately sprung herself to her feet, awkwardly brushing off her 'outfit', as she cleared her throat and looked to the side nervously. Though her eyes did glimmer when she got a good look at her aunt, resisting the desire to smile because from last memory, the woman was pretty intense last they spoke.

Despite her appearance, Calypso felt a stone of ice drop harshly in her stomach when Inami spoke. Gosh, it was like she was even MORE intense than before... Caly kept her gaze steady as a blush remained on her face, poor girl would be sweating waterfalls if she had pores, "..I-I'm sorry."

She knew it would be pointless to make excuses, even if she genuinely just wanted to look good yet her body disagreed with her. Said stone in her stomach only got heavier when the woman spoke her full name,

She'd be trembling if she didn't force her body to sit still, but her face clearly read how uncomfortable she was with the situation, unknowing of what to expect. She didn't know Inami all that well to begin with, and now she seems serious. She couldn't help but quiver in fear at first.

Of course, said nervousness did not prevent her of thinking darkly about her own family name, 'Prestigious' was a word, but not a word she'd use to describe it, with all the atrocities committed, the most recent being upon Karakura...

Oh boy, did Inami's staring holes into her not help take the edge off, the girl visibly stiffening as it felt like she was staring into a fearsome being; her emotions were already difficult to read with her feeling so freaked out. But she seemed to unwind a bit as she asked her a question, a rather important one, one that Caly had on her mind herself, a bleak look befalling the young Asthavon,

"..We'd be doomed." The girl answered plainly, "..How things are being run right now, the suffering it's caused... It's going to make the instability more unstable, and.. I dunno, we might not survive it. At least, that's my take. We're only surviving right now because more powerful demons exist, regardless of what they're doing... But, that power's being abused too, with some.."

Calypso looked down as she plopped in the seat, "..Just, how things are, there's no way it'd be sustainable. Too many are suffering and fighting tooth and nail for things, important and stupid alike. There's too much pain when things could just be.. Better!"

Caly gripped the armrests of the seat as she looked at the ground, "Look, I get it, our kind can be pretty fucked up, or depraved, but seriously, the fact that things were just allowed to get to the state they are?! Has seriously nobody important just stopped and said, 'Hey guys, maybe this is a bad idea!' Because I can say right now there are a lot of 'bad ideas' running amok, and it's. It's stupid...! It just feels like the state things are could have been prevented if people had some forethought on their actions!"

The girl sighed deeply, as she covered her face, clearly holding back tears, but by the gold pooling between her fingers, it clearly wasn't working.

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Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] Empty Re: Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 3:00 pm

Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] JCRrxmK

Artist: Norihiro Tsuru - Song: Last Carnival - Word Count: 914

The Queen of chaya, the nation that revered strength the most sat atop her gilded throne and listened. She listened to the small child before her and laid her emotions aside before she exhaled faintly. The crown upon her head, the chain atop her breast, the robes she wore, they all embodied the duty she bore. Right now though, her eyes looked forward towards Calypso; those eyes glowed with sadness, resignation, and above all: power. It was as if she was not looking at Calypso, but instead was looking within her soul.

"I have said it before, Calypso. If you merely use human precedent to understand your lineage then you will be unable to reconcile the difference between Humanity and Demons. It is to put it in mortal terms, similar to comparing mortals to immortals. Our scope of emotion and our pain are different, because of the differences in our lifespans. The oldest of our race, Abbadon, king of demons, has lived for hundreds of millions of years.

When you live forever, emotion hold's very little meaning when compared to the need to carve out a place that you can live that eternity within comfortably. Even compared to shinigami, our lives far outstrip theirs a thousand fold at least. The Culling keeps our population down and keeps the chaos manageable, or should. "

The queen paused as she looked past Calypso, towards the banner that hung at the end of her hall.

" So why? Why do we have four grand nations, four grand rulers that stand atop the masses? The nations of our plane, which are incomparably vast, are here to ward off against complacency.

Maybe we are merely pawns in the face of the godly being that created us. But in the history of our world, we rarely sought the domination of realms. Why should we? We have a realm that is so incomparably vast that even it's rulers do not know its limits.

So why have we suddenly spilled out into the realms that lay next to ours? Why earth? Chaos, Unrest, Power, Greed: Do you understand who exemplifies these qualities? Do you know who has thrown the realm of demons towards this path?

The central queen, Mana Asthavon, Vassal of the demon god, the one who sits upon the central throne of this realm. A demon who was born from earth; A demon who was influenced by their greed, and a demon who serves to benefit and grow stronger from the chaos. "

Inami Asthavon's words were impartial and instead spoke the cold hard truth. The insanity that had colored her eyes for so long was gone, and only pride, compassion, strength, and resolve lay in their wake.

"Do you not understand? You think this is the nature of demons, to wantonly destroy other realms, to usurp and conquer? Demons for billions of years have been content to live within their own realm, at the behest of the many Kings and Queens that had followed the rules and hierarchy that have lain at our core for eons.

Look into my eyes. Do you think I enjoy the death of my kin, the pointless slaughter that is for a realm that isn't even ours? Do you think that the decimation of our kind is something that I take pride in?

My sister can be a just ruler, however, right now this war, the occupation of earth, the chaos she has unleashed, do you understand that she feeds off of it? The chaos and discord within her soul, the power that is derived from it, do you not understand that she has the most to gain from it? "

Inami's heterochromatic eyes once more settled upon Calypso. Her expression shifting as she sighed.

"Even knowing all this, do you wish to continue down your path?"

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Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] LzZCuy7
Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] BtXe12b
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Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] Empty Re: Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 6:04 pm

Family Matters, Even If It Hurts [Calypso/Inami] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

The clearly very emotional Calypso felt like she said enough of her own mind for the time being, looking to Inami in silence as the queen trained her own unique eyes upon her niece. The girl couldn't help but frown at her aunt's words to not assess demons with human standards, not seeming to quite get what the heck she even meant; As far as existences and experiences go, demons and humans were similar, werent they?

That is, until she mentioned that the oldest of their kind, Abbadon, was old, far older than even the oldest stories she had read. She felt a pit in the cavity one would call a stomach within her, looking down and just trying to imagine that, imagine being millions upon millions of years old. She couldn't, of course she couldn't, Calypso was a blithering toddler even to human standards of age, being merely a year and three quarters old, even if she was mentally far older. She didn't see her situation of existential age versus mental age as an entirely odd thing, but this conversation just made her more aware of the gaping hole she felt towards herself and other beings. She was an oddity in many respects, even amongst demons.

Calypso was about to retort about the rampant killing amongst their own kind, but she held her tongue, she knew better than to interrupt, Inami already gave her the respect of letting her speak, even if she probably sounded stupid to her. Caly was struck with a realization as Inami spoke of it; Yeah, Demon World was pretty huge, even if she was repelled by how the earth itself made her feel. She spent most of her time afraid of it, staying on earth, away from her kind, but she had heard stories from demons who had come from places she never even heard of... So Inami's question of why they were invading other realms struck the girl as odd, the realization dawning upon her face.

When the queen before her asked who possessed those poisonous qualities, a pit of anger she normally had shut bubbled in her as she tipped her head down, a forceful sigh exiting her lips, "..Mama."

Her hands tightened into fists, as she had to be reminded all over again about her mother's many terrors. The suffering she caused, the lives she's ended...

"..Born from earth..?"
The question momentarily broke Calypso's burning anger towards her mother's sins, blinking slowly as her unrest quelled. Mama was... Born on earth? That.. That was odd, to say the least. She didn't imagine someone like her could be born on some mortal plane, though she didn't even know that demons didn't even invade other realms til... Her.

Her hands gripped the armrests of the seat tightly, "..I didn't know that."

She remained silence, looking upon the queen's eyes, staring into them, feeling the emotions behind them, intense and sad and all, the girl's own eyes reflecting with a similar vein of sadness. She wanted so terribly to make this suffering end, to stop this killing of their own people, and now with the new realization that things simply weren't nature, with the invasion of other realms.. It felt like in some primal pit in her mind, she was guilty of intrusion as well, being drawn to the realm and residing in it for so long, lacking the understanding and experience in her own kind and their functions.

"..So.. Mama was just doing that, out of her own self interest..." Caly's eyes burned with anger and pain; she had personally experienced the death of many demons and other beings because of their occupation on earth in the ensuing war. Lives destroyed, family ties severed, the lonely being made to rot in unmarked graves..

"..Yes. I want to, I want to help our kind. I want to bring some semblance of peace that we could possibly achieve, I don't care how human that sentiment is." There were tears in the eyes of the girl, staring the woman head on, "I've been on Earth for most of my life, even if that life was only around two years... I can't help but not fully understand how we work, especially since... I'm just weird. I don't fit, I don't have the viciousness of a demon, or the full understandings of a human.. But even if i'm a freak, I just want to help everyone not be in pain or misery all the time..! And if demons being on Earth is really as pointless and pain filled as you're making it out to be, I mean.. Maybe, maybe we just need to solve our realm's issues. Maybe it isn't helping that as far as the kingdoms are concerned, this is hardly a place to call a nice home with recent events."

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