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Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5] Left_bar_bleue0/0Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5] Empty Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 1:59 pm

The Witch

of Vandenreich

I. Sylvia Brauer

» Age: 26
» Gender: Female
» Titles:
» Affiliation/Rank: Vandenreich – Jagdarmee Captain

Sylvia is 5' 3" and 119 lbs.

II. Personality Traits

Sylvia is an intelligent woman with a creative mind. She is multi-lingual, quick to analyze a situation, and tends to come up with roundabout solutions to problems rather than something more simple and straightforward. However, these simpler solutions are often lost to her completely, and she might even see a problem where there is none and try to fix something that isn't broken.

She is incredibly stubborn and confident, a combination that is quick to get her into trouble. Once she's set her mind to something, it can be difficult to change her way of thinking. Truly, without failing on her own and seeing how she's wrong first-hand, she might continue to miss the obvious right in front of her for the strange answer she's built up in her own imagination.

She is a mischievous person by nature, and tends towards voyeurism. When bored, she can sit and people watch for hours without complaint, or come up with ways to elicit entertainment from the world around her, to the detriment of others. At times, this can be a positive that helps her to gather new information and learn, but at others, she might quickly be overwhelmed by a circumstance gone bad.

Others would notice quickly that she wears her emotions on her sleeve. She is quick to frustration, slow to anger, and even slower to apology. She can be quite abrasive, though her heart is usually in the right place, just as she can be surprisingly soft and kind when appropriate. She's the type to look for reasons to keep a relationship together, rather than to break it apart.

Sylvia's role in the world as a Quincy is an ever-changing and evolving notion for her. Where she had once held a very traditional view of her duties, she has since come to realize the flaws in such ideals. Currently, she sees herself as a guardian of the natural order, a Hero to humanity, and not just a destroyer of damned souls.

Despite her continued hatred and fear of Hollow on an instinctive level, she has come to grips with the events of her past, and seeks to help guide these souls to salvation, rather than curse them to true death. Where it was once easy for her to succumb to her baser desires to attack anything resembling a Hollow, she has come to realize the many nuances in the world, and has even befriended a Vizard in Ulv Auber.

In her day to day life, Sylvia greatly enjoys the taste of bitter foods, but finds coffee revolting. She enjoys learning about new people and places, yet finds studying to be a bore. She finds her daily exercise and training relaxing, and prefers music to be loud, boisterous and energetic. She is a recently outed bisexual, though is still finding her stride in this matter.

III. History




IV. Natural Abilities & Skills

» Marskmanship: The result of years of training; Sylvia possesses a sharp eye and steady hand that lend well to long distance shooting and accuracy.

» Mobility: After spending more of her time and effort learning to avoid enemies rather than meet them, Sylvia has quick reflexes and is light on her feet.

» Weather Manipulation: Sylvia's abilities are naturally attuned to the weather, and to storms that ravage her foes. The winds blow in her favor. Rain parts at her behest. Natural disasters never impair her well-being. As such, her close relationship with the weather gives her control over aspects of storms through subtle manipulation of atmospheric reishi. Due to this, she possesses a minor resistance to these aspects of her power, and takes 10% less damage from lightning, cold and heat-based attacks from sources up to one full tier above her own. Things that generate or are caused by these effects, such as fire and ice, are not affected.


» Arms of the Earth: A form of the Earth-Defying Array fueled with the Resolve Force; perfected by Ulv Auber. With this, Sylvia brings thought and emotion into reality, giving them form and substance to compliment her abilities as a Quincy. Such manifested thoughts, or Tulpa, last for as long as her Willpower allows. In addition, as her mind takes some of the strain of sustaining her powers from her body, she is capable of using them for longer periods of time. All energy-draining abilities have an increased post limit of, and her Tulpa last for: 2 posts with Adept Willpower, 4 with Advanced, 6 with Elite, 10 with Master and 14 with Grandmaster.

» Hexenheilung: A manifestation of Sylvia's love and compassion for others, brought to life by the Resolve Flame. By laying her hands over another, she eases their pain and repairs damaged tissue. This ability heals another individual at a rate equal to an Advanced Blut Vene, though cannot restore lost stamina. By activating her own Blut during the use of this ability, the rate and magnitude of healing is raised to the levels of her personal Blut Vene.

» Hexenflug: Sylvia's personal tulpa, and the manifestation of freedom and her love of flying. This construct takes the form of a broom with a rounded brush made of herbs and fibers, and a central pole of birch that is curved three-quarters through to the brush. The focus on Speed in this tulpa's creation allows it to carry her effortlessly through the skies, though limitations in its shape and design prohibit it from otherwise being used in combat. This construct disappears should she lose contact with it.

» Resolve Pillar: Sylvia's Resolve Flame burns for those around her, and taps into her feelings of love and support for her friends and allies. Her presence on the battlefield inspires others to greatness, and shields them from forces that would attack their sense of self worth and stability. When an ally is subjected to a hostile ability that affects the mind, Sylvia's Willpower is substituted for their own, if it is higher.

V. Quincy Skills & Abilities

» Blitzschlag: A personalized form of Blut; Sylvia's body floods with lightning during the activation of Blut Arterie or Blut Vene, giving a potent shock upon physical contact. These shocks inflict damage equal to Sylvia's skill with Blut, and discharge only once per instance of contact. These shocks may travel through a weapon to its wielder, but not through blasts or otherwise ranged attacks. Numbness and tingling in the extremities may follow when struck by this ability. Every second shock delivered by this ability shortens the duration of Blut by one post, as excess energy is lost in the attack.

» Himmlische Marionette: Sylvia's answer to the Ransōtengai. Although it is capable of effects similar to the Ransōtengai, this ability is commonly used for environmental manipulation, instead. The strings may support weight or exert force as though they possessed a strength equal to 50% of Sylvia's reishi manipulation, and likewise, possess a durability of the same level. This may be used against others directly, though doing so can leave Sylvia vulnerable.

    » Himmlischer Anzug: A variant of the Himmlische Marionette; Sylvia uses the strings as a basis to cover herself in a thin veil of reishi, bolstered with her own reiryoku. This veil may appear however she sees fit within the confines of her own size, though it is as fragile as cloth. With this, Sylvia may change her appearance from anywhere between a new set of clothes to near-total invisibility against the backdrop of her environment. While active, this ability passively boosts Sylvia's defense, raising her durability by 10%. Furthermore, the camouflage effect can be noticed and seen through by those with powers of deduction equal to Sylvia's reishi manipulation; or a greater mental focus, instead.

    With an understanding of reishi manipulation below Elite, moving from one place will throw off the camouflage, giving away Sylvia's position. Likewise, use of hirenkyaku with an understanding of reishi manipulation below Master will do the same.

    » Himmelsseelenschneider: An offensive variant of the Himmlische Marionette; by refining the strings of reishi, Sylvia turns them into a powerful mid-ranged weapon. These razor wires move with a speed and flexibility equal to Sylvia's skill in reishi manipulation, and otherwise exert a force and possess durability of 50% that amount. The wires can cut through material such as stone and steel with ease, but can be stopped by a significant spiritual barrier constructed with equal skill to Sylvia's reishi manipulation. Through the implementation of a seele schneider in these attacks, the cutting power of this attack is increased by 100%.

» Himmelsblick: Through a combination of extrasensory ability and enhancing her own eyesight through a method similar to Blut, Sylvia temporarily attains near perfect vision. Her eyesight becomes 20/20, she can see clearly in conditions with low or no light at all, and she becomes able to see through mass belonging to the Earthly realm. However, solid reishi and reiryoku constructs still impede her vision, as normal.

    » Blut Sehen: An advanced form of Blut, and the perfected form of Sylvia's Himmelsblick. Through enhancement of her extrasensory abilities via Blut, Sylvia becomes able to see through matter both physical and spiritual in nature, and extends the range of her vision and arrows up to one mile per rank of Blut. Objects which inhibit or block the passage of spiritual energy, such as Soul-Synthesized Silver or Sekkiseki, impact this ability in kind. For the purposes of powers which act upon dedicated sensory abilities, Blut is regarded as such for the duration of this form. This form consumes energy as a basic level of Blut, with a x2 multiplier.

» Weltbaumreisen: A ritual performed by Quincy, invoking the gods of old and beseeching them to allow passage along the roots of the world's tree, Yggdrasil. During the performance of such a ritual, the Quincy zeichen appears underfoot of the caster, with her at the very center. By standing at each of the points of the star, up to five others may join the caster in being transported. At the ritual's conclusion, the travelers vanish and are transported to any designated location in the mortal world, where they reappear within another zeichen.

This ritual is too lengthy to be cast in combat, and the physical and spiritual inclinations of the caster may influence how it manifests.

"Oh Wodan, Lord of Asgard ~ Grant us power, thy merciless servants ~ The serpent devours the tree, your world Yggdrasil ~ Let us but serve you, purge the taint from this land ~ Upon your path, Weltbaumreisen!"


» Abilities labeled as a [Storm] cannot be used at the same time, and require focus to continue their effects after being cast.

» Freyrs Finsternis [Storm]: Through ritual comprised of a brief incantation and the gathering of reishi, Sylvia creates a dense fog that extends for one mile in each direction and two hundred feet skyward, that obscures the vision and reiatsu sense of all within. A dedicated sensory skill, such as Pesquisa, can see through this fog with mild difficulty with an equal rank to Sylvia's Reishi Manipulation; or, a Mental Deduction of at least one rank higher can do the same with diminished clarity. A widely applied force equal to Sylvia's skill in Reishi Manipulation will disperse the fog. When cast during the activation of Letzt Stil: Wetterhexe, the outward range of this fog increases by one-half mile at Adept Letzt Stil, one mile at Advanced, and one mile more per rank above Advanced -and the skyward range to two hundred feet per rank of Letzt Stil. By sensing the disturbance of reishi, a Quincy may detect and track any movement within the fog.

‶Oh Freyr, Lord of Rain ~ Hide us, thine dutiful servants ~“

» Jägers Schneesturm [Storm]: Through ritual comprised of a brief incantation and the molding of reishi in the sky above, Sylvia calls down a storm of arrowhead-shaped hail that damages everything within a two thousand foot radius. This storm deals continuous damage for as long as Sylvia remains focused on it, at a rate of 10% her base arrow damage per rank of Reishi Manipulation. When cast during the activation of Letzt Stil: Wetterhexe, the range of this storm increases by one half-mile at Adept Letzt Stil, one mile at Advanced, and one mile more per rank above Advanced. Despite being cast in either form, a small circle the diameter of Sylvia's reach exists around her, where the hail does not fall.

‶Oh Skadi, Lady of Winter ~ Hunt our foes, and strike with thine merciless cold“

VI. Spirit Weapon

» Spirit Weapon Name: Himmelsbogen

» Spirit Weapon Appearance: Like the traditional Quincy weapon of old, Himmselbogen takes the form of a pristine white longbow with rounded edges. A small slit begins at the handle and extends partway up each limb, decorated across each inner edge with a golden coloration.

» Spirit Weapon Abilities

» Hagel Pfeil: Arrows forged around a core of cool wind and moisture. Due to an ice arrowhead, these missiles do not benefit from the effects of Himmel Pfeil, but instead deal an extra 10% damage for every rank of Sylvia's Reishi Manipulation.

» Himmel Pfeil: Sylvia's basic arrows, possessing an innate quality as to the wind itself. These missiles pass through solid objects without doing harm or losing velocity, though this trait does not apply to constructs of reishi or reiryoku, or to people.

» Himmel Fällt Speer: An arrow built around a heart of Sylvia's reiryoku. After being fired into the sky, it quickly begins gathering reishi from the atmosphere in the form of storm clouds in preparation for a large-scale attack. On the third consecutive post following cast, these clouds loose a torrential cascade of lightning down upon the target, at a speed and with force equal to double Sylvia's reishi manipulation. The potential damage of this attack scales directly to Sylvia's maximum damage output, though the area of effect never exceeds that of a city block.

When cast during the activation of Letzt Stil: Wetterhexe, the build time is reduced from three consecutive posts to one, but lessens the remaining duration of the transformation by half. Either way, due to the focus and reishi required by this ability, Sylvia is incapable of making other, large attacks for the duration of this build time; nothing more than basic skills, lest the ability fail.

» Himmel Wand: An arrow charged with excess force. Once fired into the heart of an oncoming attack, it explodes with a powerful gale that disperses nearby reishi and reiryoku. This arrow nullifies non-physical and energy-based attacks of a level equal to or lesser than Sylvia's reishi manipulation, or can forcibly move people and objects with wind of similar strength. It does not otherwise cause additional damage upon impact.

VII. Letzt Stil

» Letzt Stil Name: Wetterhexe

» Letzt Stil Apperance: Upon activation of Wetterhexe, a great gale of wind surrounds Sylvia and lifts her up from the ground. Dark storm clouds gather in the sky above, reaching out for a mile in every direction and bringing with them thunderous booms and flashes of lightning. In the exact epicenter of the storm, the beginnings of a funnel cloud take shape. Wetterhexe itself is modified from Himmelsbogen, appearing as a long staff that thins where it is to be grasped. Smooth, curved extensions form an incomplete circle around Sylvia's hand, from where she continues to fire arrows without a bow string. This staff is a pristine white, except for two thin, golden lines on either side.

» Letzt Stil Abilities

» True Power: Due to Sylvia's impure blood, her body is ill-equipped to handle the higher echelons of power that she has reached. It is only during the activation of Letzt Stil: Wetterhexe that she is able to realize her true strength as a Quincy.

» Blitz Pfeil: The arrows loosed by Sylvia using Wetterhexe are as bolts of lightning, twisting and jumping with no discernible pattern during their flight. These arrows are incredibly difficult to dodge, as though their speed were 100% greater.

» Himmel Schritt: On the winds, Sylvia flies effortlessly without the use of hirenkyaku for the duration of Wetterhexe's activation. Such movements are made at the rate of her natural speed or one equal to her skill with Letzt Stil, whichever is greater. However, if her reactions cannot keep up with her speed and movement, there could be disastrous consequences.

VIII. Equipment

» Quincy Bangle: Sylvia wears this custom bangle on her left wrist. It was designed and built by Sofia Montero.

» Quincy Cross: Sylvia's particular focus comes in the form of a bracelet that resembles the Quincy Zeichen. It's worn on her left wrist.

» Sanrei Glove: Sylvia wears a sanrei glove, or Leiden Hant, on her right hand and forearm. It is white in color with golden brown markings, and bereft of an index and middle finger or thumb.

» Seele Schneider: Sylvia carries five Seele Schneider with her when prepared for a fight.

» Hollow Bait: Sylvia keeps several of these small disks on her person, just in case.

» Reinheitsstern: The Reinheits-Stern, or Purity Star, allows a Quincy a small boost to the power of their reishi arrows as it increases the purity, and makes the arrow more balanced to fire. However, this is simply a side-effect, as the main usage of this modified Quincy Star is much greater.

Arrows fired with this piece of equipment do not destroy Hollows entirely, but rather act in the same way as a Zanpakutô, purifying the soul and sending the Plus to the Soul Society, or to Hell if they have been heinous people in life.

» Frack: This coat, or Frack, made by Ulv has her reiatsu woven into the fabric. It offers a small but not insignificant amount of protection to the wearer. It may stop a bullet, but doesn't offer much more protection than a vest made for such.

IX. Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner

Racial Skills
  • Letzt Stil: Adept
  • Blut: Advanced
  • Hirenkyaku: Adept
  • Reishi Manipulation: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Advanced

X. Role Play Sample

Daylight. The so-called golden hour. Sylvia Brauer groaned and turned over in her bed, toes stretched to their fullest underneath the thin sheet that lay over her. With one arm, she reached over the young man who lay beside her, and a faint smile crossed her cheeks as she pulled in closer. His smell filled her nostrils as two strong arms wrapped her up and held tight.

She nuzzled into the crook underneath his chin, wishing this moment would never end. Laying here beside him, naked as the days they were born; she was the happiest she'd ever been. The chill of the morning air mixed pleasantly with the warmth radiating from him.

"Syl... via..." His voice was... was wrong. He croaked painfully, and despite all her wishes to stop herself, the young woman pulled back and opened her fearful eyes. What stared back at her was hardly human, with half its face shorn brutishly from the bone. There was no blood, only an unnatural and ephemeral sense to it all.

She screamed.

It screamed, the throaty and chilling call of a Hollow.

In the darkness of late night, Sylvia nearly bolted from her bed as her cries echoed off the walls of the hotel room. Tears welled up underneath her soft green eyes, and a cold sweat hung to every inch of her body, causing her nightgown to cling uncomfortably to the skin. Her chest and shoulders heaved with every breath as she tried to calm herself, but somehow only made her feelings worse.

Alone, abandoned in the darkness of the unfamiliar bedroom, she began to sob. The beaten and lifeless silver bangle sitting on the nightstand was the only comfort she'd find tonight.


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Last edited by basswalker on Sun Feb 23, 2020 11:56 am; edited 14 times in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5] Empty Re: Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5]

Fri Jun 14, 2019 3:33 pm
[mod]Ok~ We are going to need specific limits on how much Himmlische Marionette can lift/move, and how much Himmlischer Anzug can change her appearance [/mod]
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Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5] Empty Re: Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5]

Fri Jun 14, 2019 4:19 pm
Changes have been made to both abilities, as per our discussion in DMs.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5] Empty Re: Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5]

Sat Jun 15, 2019 8:15 am
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner
  • Focus: Beginner

Hazard Rankings
  • [b]Power: D
  • Influence: C
  • Resources: D

Comments/Notes: Giving C Influence because Ulv loves Quincies.
Tier: 4-1
Hazard Rating: D

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Posts : 437

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Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5] Empty Re: Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5]

Mon Sep 30, 2019 4:41 pm
Multiple updates as per this post.
  • Various abilities given more clear wording.
  • Tier increased to 3-5.
  • Durability increased to Adept.
  • Blut increased to Adept.
  • Weather Manipulation, Himmel Schritt and Weltbaumreisen added to their respective skill lists.
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Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5] Empty Re: Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5]

Thu Oct 31, 2019 1:29 pm
New abilities as per this post.
    Himmel Fällt Speer and Blitzschlag.
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Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5] Empty Re: Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5]

Tue Jan 14, 2020 10:55 am
Updates as per this post.
  • Tier increased to 3-1/2-5.
  • Letzt Stil increased to Adept.
  • Arms of the Earth, Resolve Pillar, Hexenflug and Hexenheilung added to Natural Skills & Abilities.
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Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5] Empty Re: Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5]

Sun Feb 23, 2020 11:41 am
Updates as per the Janurary burst and this post.

  • General Speed increased to Advanced
  • Blut increased to Advanced.
  • Hagel Field, Himmelsblick, Blut Sehen, Freyrs Finsternis, and Jäger's Schneesturm added to their respective skill lists.
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
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Mon Mar 08, 2021 6:52 am

Sylvia Brauer [Approved, 3-1/2-5] 8Bvy1N8


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