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Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso) - Page 2 Empty Re: Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso)

Sun Jun 23, 2019 12:49 am

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Inhaling through his nostrils slowly Tatsuya closed those amber eyes as the girl clung to him. It was clear that Tatsuya wasn't just furious about the situation. She didn't know the rest as he shook his head when she spoke of reasons."He cut off the arm of a student, no teacher should raise their blade against a protegee with intent to kill." His anger seemed to simmer down now as he'd began reeling it in again. Tatsuya didn't use his skills and teach that boy so he could break the vows of honor. He was a damned guinea pig for him as he dropped to his knee's and just remained there. He listened to her pleas and request with passion in them and hope. Tatsuya had accepted this prison because it protected the world. From him, yes his power could create and make wonderful things. But it could also bring about great carnage and destruction. Tatsuya wasn't something so simple or easy to manage. He was a bonafide volcano in every sense. This imprisonment was for his own good because had he been free. He'd of gone and killed Tsubasa or done something terrible in an act of revenge.

"Calypso, I've no intention of destroying anything. While I wished when I first heard he cut...the arm off of Henrex to go destroy him and everything..That...that is not the way. " He said softly as he lowered his head merely wishing to sleep away from this dream. Tatsuya didn't know what he intended to do next. He Hachiman who trembled in his presence as he'd become a monster. It was clear that between the two of them some growth. But for now, he accepted this prison because nothing else seemed possible. His sentence was one that was indefinite without ending till they believed he'd reformed. Tatsuya wouldn't likely draw his sword again to fight. He'd seen the outcome of fighting while using his powers like that. Perhaps in the future, he would find something worth dreaming. But for now this jail cell and quiet burnt rose garden were enough for him.

Tatsuya's emotions quickly became controlled as he opened those now calm ember eyes. He'd not burn Calypso ever not on purpose or accident. The moment she made contact that heat went into remission. Tatsuya's days of hurting people were likely over. He didn't think he could work up the courage to do that again. For right now he wanted as little to do with hurting people. So prison worked for him in this case. He would be here before and after the war in many cases. Calypso had him promise that and he was fine with dying if that came to be. His life didn't seem all that important anymore. But New Honoji the place was a distant memory of forces there. He patted her head and laid himself down in the ashes, not minding the change that much. He was the man who could sleep in magma in the real world. His desires were different from most people in any sense. Tatsuya had no intention of doing anything again. He would make amends to the Gotei before anything else. His dream would just have to wait which was fine for him.

"I'll be waiting to see your world Calypso. " He said offering a smile before closing his eyes again and resting himself.
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