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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Empty Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca]

Fri Jul 19, 2019 9:22 pm

Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A- Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

Fear. Pain. Defilement...

Such emotions rang true in the thoughts of Caly as she existed in this world. She was tired, yet sleep seemed to progressively become harder and harder for her to do... Since that night, that... Horrific night. The war had affected her, dearly, deeply... She couldn't help but still see the fallen corpses of many she had to hold close as they drew their last breath, to pull them from war torn, forgotten zones, and give them a burial; It didn't matter if they were human, demon, or some other bizarre being; no matter how much it damaged her mentally to even view a corpse, they deserved to be given one last wish of dignity.

The miserable young one was lying in bed under the pale moon within her destroyed little lake house; The ceiling had given way, creating a rather odd skylight. The longer she left this old home in shambles, the more ideas she had; It wasn't like she couldn't live in it at all, that is, if she were to actually live in it; She only came to this place, so deep in nature, to escape herself and others for a day, or half a day, or 5 hours...

Sleep didn't come to her until about 1 AM, playing some ocean tones and whale songs, in when she didn't notice the transition from wake to sleep. She thought she got up, being frightened when she saw large things hanging in the hallway that she knew she didn't put up. Her hand went for a light switch she didn't remember existing, everything becoming lit by a gentle purple glow. The hallway became pale, much unlike flesh, with cuts and protruding veins decorating it. Bodies of loved ones, people she had seen before, and those who had died alike decorated the halls like a meat locker. Blood ran from their protruding, shocked, dead eyes.

Why did you let this happen to us..?

Ignore it.

Her hands covered her ears as she steadily jogged through the hallway, keeping her head tilted down, a feeling of sickness rising within her.

You lied to us...

Stop it.

You failed us...


She made it past the hanging, talking corpses, towards the door, hoping there would be some end to the icy torment, however, that wish wouldn't come true so simply; A blood covered version of her self, lacking in eyes, a dead expression on her face stood at the door, face to face, a land of bubbling darkness behind her.

You murderer.

Golden tears welled in her eyes,

Within a simple blink, it was gone. The universal hallway of infinite doors was upon her, as she panted and held her chest. She covered her mouth, sniffling gently as she softly shook her head, her eyes squeezed shut,

"..Have to eat, maybe I just.. Need to eat.. Maybe that'll make me feel better.. Yeah."

She performed her usual roundabout, going into random dreams, be they abstract or focused, violent or calm, subconscious or lucid, til she was face to face with a door that had a familiar sense to it.

"..Maybe it's someone I know? That'd be nice..."

Images rapidly flashed in her mind; A man forming a mask, becoming violent as innocents were escaping, or burning, or dying. A woman who shredded demons without care for them, and Calypso herself was next... And... Fire. Head. Blood.

Her head felt fuzzy as she sighed and turned the knob, entering whoever it could be's dream, some subconscious wishes for it to not be whoever she was afraid of seeing...

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Empty Re: Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca]

Wed Aug 07, 2019 9:22 pm

Word Count: 358

Happiness. Light. Radiance… Hope. Life, coursing through the veins of all creation… And within it all, a beating heart, a creature that slept soundly within this created space. Each breath worn and tired, yet satisfied.

But then something changed. Pain. Fear. Hate. Failure. Submission and doubt. A presence as black as the void. A single, throbbing mass.


The place that Calypso had entered was full of light and color; sensation and sound. There was no rhyme or reason to any of it; it was unformed, simply a bright symphony of warmth. The moment she entered this place, she would be able to see that strange black and red tendrils were extruding from her body. The brightness and warmth dimmed and faded around her. Instead, it was replaced with the same feelings she had as she entered; for a few feet around her body, the space had mimicked her darkness and inner turmoil, perfectly reflecting the way she felt within it.


It was not a word. It was an emotion. It bore upon Calypso's body, putting actual pressure against it. Every direction was filled with that pressure, that sense of wrong. Calypso could feel that wrongness, but it was outside of herself; it was the feeling of someone else telling her they thought something was wrong. The communication was direct, pure. Perhaps Calypso felt this way within others dreams from time to time; but the mastery with which that feeling was communicated to her would be hard for her to ignore.


The second sense did not replace the first. It was a feeling of raw familiarity; whoever she was visiting in this dream knew her. In front of her eyes. Calypso could see something taking shape. It was a strange, disconnected being, made of different hues of golden light. The parts she was likely to recognize, however… were the white tufts of mussed hair upon his head, and the black eyes that accompanied them were plain to her. He was present before her; without legs, he could not stand. All he could do was bear witness to her as she was, having entered his realm.


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Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Empty Re: Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca]

Wed Aug 07, 2019 10:57 pm

Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A- Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

She saw the rather relaxing looking light as she had opened the doorway inside, sighing softly. She must've stumbled upon like a baby or toddler's dream or something; their dreams were usually pretty simplistic; lights, colors, shapes. It was kind of cute, in a way. However, this was the first child's dream in which an encroaching darkness abruptly surrounded her. She almost screamed, though no noise came from her mouth, as she fell back, against the shut door, her gaze racing along her hands, arms, and legs, seeing the darkness.. Grow from her? What did that mean? How was her presence affecting the dream like this? She gently placed a finger on one of the tendrils racing from her body, feeling the sensation of pulsation, as if she had touched a live vein. However, it felt cold, a burning kind of cold, that prevented her from maintaining contact.

That wasn't the only uncomfortable sensation to be had in this dream; Next, she felt a pressure on her all of a sudden, a sense of wrong, being wrong, looking wrong, feeling wrong... It made the young demon shake and look around, til she properly assessed what the hell she was feeling. No.. She didn't feel wrong, it.. Felt more like someone was telling her she was wrong, but in feeling rather than words. What the heck..? Wasn't this a kid's dream? How could a kid be this aware of her presence, so much that they'd be able to indirectly tell her something about her was.. Wrong? What was even wrong to this person?

That sensation itched, as her heart lept at the formation of recognizable features, but it took her til the black eyes for her to really put two and two together. Soon her tired golden eyes lit with familiarity,

"...Rasuca?" She asked softly, staring into whatever apparition formed his eyes, til she had the sense that a question was asked, a feeling of 'why' of sorts. Why what? Why was she here? Why was she wrong?

"..What do you mean by 'why'? If you mean why i'm here, it was just chance. What do you mean by this.. 'I'm wrong' thing? Are you trying to ask if something's wrong, or telling me there's something wrong with me? Because.. I.. The former, i'm fine, the latter, I..." Her gaze momentarily faltered, "..Dunno what you're looking at, or what makes you think that. Again, i'm fine."

She proceeded to motion around her, clear distraught on her face as she waved at the darkness, "..What on earth is... This supposed to be? Do you not want me here? Because, like.. I can just go, if all you want is for me to go, you don't have to scare me or whatever."

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Empty Re: Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca]

Tue Aug 27, 2019 1:44 pm

Word Count: 358

The presence remained around Calypso's body, continuing to deliver that feeling of 'wrongness'. It seemed that it had some kind of effect, seeing that she submitted to it, quaking with fear. But that fear was out of some kind of… uncertainty.


That sensation came to bear against her form once again, enveloping her with its disagreement. He could see the exhaustion in her gaze, the… submission. Why? That word emanated through that plane once again. Those eyes came back to normal at the word…

And gradually, she would see the boy begin to materialize… And materialize… and materialize. First, a small baby, crawling about the ground. Then, an older boy, able to walk on his own feet. Then, one with some amount of strength, a curious expression on his face as he contemplated her. Another formed to her left side, older still. So it was that each of these forms appeared in front of her, as a single word emanated through her skull.


While each of them beheld her, they did not move. It was as though they were statues, contemplating her, trying to figure out what to make of her. Wrong. The feeling emanated from each of the Rasuca in front of her, the black tendrils that were creeping out of her body stabbing into one, and then another, causing for their body to gradually begin to melt, turning into some kind of sludgy powder.

You. Wrong.

One finger pointed up at her, and then another. And then another, and another, and another. The tendrils flared out, striking into two more of the different aged forms of Rasuca Hebi. Until finally…

Rasuca… Right.

And just like that, the darkness that had impaled each of the Rasuca around her shattered. The boys and men-like statues began to glow spectacularly before her. When she gestured at somewhere else, at anywhere else, the presence shifted, as if contemplating this…

Wrong… why? Leave… why?

A sense of questioning possessed the glowing figures, as they drew closer to Calypso. For a creature of dreams to be so imposed upon by a dream… It was similar to the childish dreams she was used to, but it was much more… focused. More directed. More determined. As if owner of this dream sensed there was something incorrect about her, and would stop at nothing to learn from it. To overcome it.

So, he came back to the first question.. And the glowing of the different ones around her increased in force, to the point where she probably felt somewhat suffocated from the pressure around her, blinded from its brilliance, the darkness around her body shrinking and shrinking…

Rasuca… Right. Why…?


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Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

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Thu Aug 29, 2019 11:24 am

Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A- Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

Calypso was completely taken aback by the current situation, obviously not begin rewarded a simple answer to her question. Of course not, everything had to be far more complicated than that. She couldn't be totally mad, Rasuca was only a child... Not that she'd know what that was like. But regardless, the sensation that was imposed on her made her quake, she wasn't sure what he even wanted, why was he doing this? A swirl of negative emotions was contained in her being as sparkles of liquid gold formed in her eyes as she was pinned in an uncomfortable position on the ground.

"Why what? What? What do you want me to do?!"

Her brows slowly rose as she saw the variously aged Rasucas form, which only served to make her more uncomfortable as the pressure only seemed to worsen. It came to a breaking point when one of the tendrils within the darkness she cast stabbed one of the many, which caused the demon's heart to drop, a chill passing her as she saw the resulting sludgy powder from it. Her hands swiftly slapped and clasped against her mouth as she gagged; she never had a tolerance for watching people getting badly hurt, her eyes dashing to see another one going to stab.

"W-wait stop! Don't do that, don't do that..!"
She tried to grasp the tendril, but such an attempt was futile, despite her grabbing and pulling against it to restrain it, groaning and audibly wishing for it to stop, attempting to pull it into her arms to have more grip but alas, such an action was futile, as it just stabbed into the other one with no signs of hesitance or care. Caly simply pulled back as she simultaneously felt the pressure of wrongness on her mind, trying to stop each and every tendril that suddenly lashed from her, constantly speaking apologizes for every failure, growing increasingly frightened as she had no idea what was happening, until finally her form gave into her emotions.

As she caved into herself, golden tears copiously rolling from her eyes, her form becoming an inky black, and even shrinking down, becoming less and less detailed, less human looking, until she was a scarcely humanoid figure, size more equivocated to a young child than her previously short young adult's, in a fetal position. She had never become this small in actual appearance before, would be what a more calm and rational minded Calypso would think. Right now, she was merely shivering and crying like a newborn, except far less loud, the quiet type of cries, small nub-like hands covering her head as she did so.

"I-I-I don't understand... I-I don't understand... Did I do something wrong..?"

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Empty Re: Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca]

Tue Sep 03, 2019 4:17 pm

Word Count: 306

Rasuca could feel her confusion, but it did nothing to change his own emotional state. At this point, he was very clear in his intentions; those black tendrils were upsetting him on a level he was unable to put into words. But it did not seem to change anything, at least, not until the tendrils finally lashed out, and began striking and infecting the other copies of Rasuca's body, corrupting them, making them melt.


The feeling of something filthy ran over Calypso's body, radiating from Rasuca's consciousness. He saw the way that she tried to grab each one, tried to stop each one. Liar. Liar. LIAR. LIAR! The insistent coursing of his words rammed against her, echoing against her very spirit as Rasuca's consciousness shone, blowing off the damage that it had done.

Lying. Lying…. It lightened up as she shrank, Rasuca's consciousness not relenting its judging comments, but the intensity had decreased substantially now that she was no longer actively trying to stop the tendrils.

You lie. That simple and direct emotion radiated from Rasuca's body, directly answering her question. Even as she shrank, the tendrils that Rasuca had begun to suppress were surging in growth as she decreased the size of her body. Each Rasuca who had stood impassively as they were stabbed before began to step back, holding up their hands as that golden light grew brighter around the two of them.

Liar. Hurting. Lying and making MORE HURTING.

That came through hardest of all, a ray of solid golden light crashing against the black tendrils, making them shrink slightly, but that was all. DON'T LIKE HURTING! A dull roar of some kind of animal echoed in the distance, a new feeling of disapproval joining the feeling of wrongness that had permeated that place.


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Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Empty Re: Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca]

Tue Sep 03, 2019 5:31 pm

Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A- Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

The itty bitty black form that still maintained the identity of Calypso was lying on her side, sniffling and crying as she was unsure of what to do. She could feel the painful crashing of emotion, it made her puke, she had lost focus to the point that she was starting to feel them herself. Or did some part of herself want to feel them, instead? Regardless, she could feel it, the feeling of wrongness that screeched from the boy, and now something new; Disapproval. Why was he so upset..? Why.. Was... He...

Whatever was left to represent hands slowly removed from her teary eyes, as she sat up despite flaring emotions and a bright light, looking below her and taking a look at the darkness, and seeing how it spanned out into tendrils, striking at and "hurting" him. Was this... Coming from her? Was she causing it? That had to be it, that has to be what he meant, but she didn't understand what the darkness even meant.

She placed a nubby hand on the darkness, noticing it falter at her realization, "..Is this.. How I feel?"

She sniffled softly, her form growing a bit and becoming more humanoid, however she was still rather small, "..Are.. My bad feelings.. Hurting you? Are you upset that I didn't want to tell you? Is that what you're trying to tell me?"

Exhaustively, she looked to the side, "..I... I'm sorry Rasuca, you're right, I don't feel okay. I.. I didn't want to say anything and worry you."

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Empty Re: Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca]

Thu Sep 12, 2019 6:57 pm

The presence all around the black form did not give an ounce of ground. A peculiar thing to hold one's ground against; a small black blob, its presence shooting pain and sadness in every direction. But, that being the case, Rasuca still did so. Even as the tendrils got sharper and more ferocious, making him have to further increase the force of his resistance to them.

With that sentence, the gold shuddered, the tendrils quaking around her. With that single word, with that realization, a peculiar white line began to form around the tendrils. Feel. Truth. Feel… Truth. The gold shining dimmed slightly as the son of the Serpent witnessed the tendrils outline beginning to take shape. It was still weak, yet, but it allowed for the Rasucas who had been penetrated to grip their hands around the intruders in their form. Without hesitation, a simultaneous tug ripped them out, their bodies very slowly beginning to recover from the devastation she had inflicted upon them.

Upset. Still upset. Rasuca replied, another of the tendrils lashing out, piercing much fiercer through one of his clones, and then another, and then another. This time, they dispersed into golden dust, the tendril snaking and stabbing as it took out Rasuca after Rasuca. None of them tried to run or avoid it. Most tried to defend against it, but that white cut through them, hitting them with such force that the denizens of his dream had no choice but to disperse.

Until at last, "AAAAAA…!" Teeth clamped down onto the tendril. It was pointed directly at the throat of the last Rasuca, a painfully determined expression on his face. He was quite different than the others; his skin was pink, his hair was dirty, an eye patch sat over one of his eyes, and he wore a peculiar red cloak. Around the base of the cloak, one could make out the other reason the tail had been stopped; a white serpent had flashed out from behind him, biting down along with its host.

Rasuca's entire body was pushed back, the gold feeling subsiding as his feet dug into the ground. His hand physically grabbed onto the tendril, his eyes narrowing. "Weak." He got out, his hand pushing against the white with much brighter, firmer white. "Not sorry. Attacking." The childish words were a bit stark against his teenaged appearance, footstep after footstep taking him closer to the intruder into his dream. "But why… no. Not going to talk to me, why should… I… talk to you?" He asked her, watching her tendrils swaying and shifting around her body.

"Crushing me… lying. Hurting. Hurts." He told her, one hand moving up to his head and drawing his hair back… revealing a writhing black mass with several eyes, flailing and running in constant circles, every one of them filled with distress.

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Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Empty Re: Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca]

Mon Sep 16, 2019 7:28 pm

Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A- Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

Calypso noticed the tendrils forming out from her presence gain a strange white line as she admitted her feelings, golden tears trickling down from her face. She was beginning to understand, but she still felt hesitance, and in that hesitance the tendrils continued to lash out. Calypso hadn't a clear idea how to handle this, she never had her presence directly affect another's dream without her intent. She wouldn't want to hurt Rasuca, right?

She was in a position to think, despite her scarcely-detailed form, til she heard a different kind of yell, prompting her to look up and see the much older looking Rasuca, noticing his strong resilience to her negative feeling-fueled appendages.

"I'm not doing it on purpose, I promise!" Caly's voice almost sounded raspy, which was a strange thing for her, but it only made sense considering her emotional distress in this moment, "I wouldn't want to hurt you!"

A sense of frowning came from her little form as Rasuca continued to speak, sighing and lowering her head, "R-Rasuca, I'll talk, I promise, I won't lie to you, I just didn't want to hurt you, but... If.. Not doing it hurts you then.. I'll talk, please.."

She was only further stressed by Rasuca presenting what.. Reminded her of her own body, being present on his face. She didn't know what this meant, but regardless, she walked towards him til she was standing directly in front of him, which wouldnt be much considering she'd be far, far shorter than him.

"..I.. I.. Since the war.. No. Since I was born, I've had so many scary things happen to me.. I just.. All i've wanted to do was just, help other people and live... So.. Why am I so bad at that? Why can't I do anything?!"

She hugged his leg, golden tears continuing to fall, "..I've just felt so much hurt, and so many things have happened, and it's just happened so quickly.. And.. I.. I don't know what to do.. I keep feeling like i've finally managed to come out of my shell, but then something happens to remind me that I just.. I'm not anywhere.. What even am I supposed to be at this point..? I didn't get to have a childhood like you are to figure myself out.."

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Wearily, Life Is But A Dream... [Calypso/Rasuca] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

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Tue Sep 17, 2019 4:22 pm

Rasuca's eyes narrowed at the words that she spoke, widening slightly as he took a step back from Calypso. "Not on purpose. But still doing it." He replied, watching her as another tendril lashed out at him, his hands deftly redirecting it away from himself. Truth be told, Rasuca also had no idea exactly what was going on. For a creature who lived almost entirely off of the emotional landscapes of the people around himself, though, he still had to react to it.

Rasuca's dreamscape was where he was supposed to feel safest. His dreams were always bright and full of light and care, a result of his upbringing and his own determination. However, within that space, Calypso now stood. While she herself was not manipulating or changing the dream that she now inhabited, the emotional spectrum she brought with her did. Rasuca was extremely sensitive to the emotional states of others; as a child, body language was one of the primary ways he used to communicate. The moment she had arrived in his dream, which should have been pure light - she brought her negativity with her. Negativity that Rasuca lacked the self-control to ignore. Hence his dream had shifted, changing, reflecting how she made him feel, what he thought was happening to him.

A part of why it was so potent was also due to how close the two were.

That was best represented by the presence of her own body on his face. Calypso likely was not in the kind of mood for critical thought, but when one considered how Rasuca's symbiosis with others worked, and the fact that part of her was present on him… it would be child's play to determine that every unusual thing on his body came from someone else. His mother's eyepatch; his father's cloak and serpent.

She stepped closer to him, his eyes widening as two of the tendrils came toward him. This time, though, it seemed much easier for him to deflect them, the serpent coming out of his spine gripping onto one with a death grip, pinning it down. "Better." He breathed out, looking down at the miniature creature in front of him. Before Calypso's eyes, a golden aura formed around his own body, listening to her words, the tendrils smashing against that gold aura instead of his skin.

His eyes looked down, seeing her coming closer. His golden aura flickered for a moment, letting her grip onto his leg… …! A dark twinge surged through the landscape, the sky darkening as Rasuca's aura grew substantially, pushing down directly onto Calypso's body. "Why… are you… not angry?" He asked her, the golden aura growing in intensity now. "No control. Just emotion. Just riding emotion. Helpless. Child." That word came back at her, the red twinge in the sky brightening a bit at the same time as the pressure from Rasuca's body intensified.

"Yourself." At that word, the aura spiked, the darkness in the sky dispersing even further. "Yourself, but not… saying so. No control. Hurting me. Panicking. No control over happy. No control over sad. No determination. Calypso…" Her name, filling the space around them. "Undetermined. Not choosing to cry. Just crying. Not choosing to hurt. Just hurting… Like Sonny told me not to."

Unlike the other times Rasuca had finished talking, though, his aura did not bare down on her more forcefully when he finished those words. Perhaps it was because he had borrowed someone else's philosophy, and was still calling it as such. Or perhaps it was because he simply did not feel it as much. In any case, he did not push away Calypso on his leg, but he also could feel the sweat on the back of his neck, the danger she was presenting to his sense of self. From where he was sitting, she was trying to drag him into his chaos, make him feel like her. Just like…

She had…

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Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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