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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Black Veil of Naps - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Veil of Naps

Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:29 pm

Captain of Naps

Jaeden Crow

A good strategy using the ground behind him as leverage. Tactically he was sound and impressive in that regard. Jaeden smiled a bit knowing that a couple of choices were open. But the debris of the ground made him narrow his eyes. He'd lessened the gravity on his body now. Smiling a bit as the male came from his hiding spot. Using his sealed powers didn't take too much out of him. Jaeden's body remained still and waiting for the strike to come. He brought his sword up to defend as a surprised look crossed his face. Jaeden's body fell like flesh as the blade passed into his clothing. Jaeden's figure appeared from behind a rather large piece of rubble. Having used his immense speed to move at a blink. His speed even greater without the limiting pressure of gravity on his shoulders. Jaeden's zanpakuto blade rose up in the air before bringing it down. Suddenly a pressure would slam into Okuda's body. The weight of immense gravitational force. Compressing the young man downwards as his zanpakuto came down.

Not within Shikai Jaeden could tap into a few moves. Tapping his shoulders after performing his swing. Jaedenfelt muscles cracking as he inhaled. Letting his senses become more alert about his surroundings. [color=blue]"Yeah, I think it would be good working alongside you. Good strategy and tactics for what you have to work with. Blue energy from the gravity powers he wielded was rather clear. "Soit's impressive Okuda what all you can do, man my powers also slipped quite a bit too.." His eyes glanced down towards his hand now. He wasn't just rusty he was much weaker than he recalled. Fighting small-timers did that as he exhaled. Reiatsu began emerging around him as he cracked his neck left to right. A pressure-filled the air as Jaeden let his strength out finally. It had been so long since he stretched it. His muscles and powers weren't what they'd used to be. Jaeden smiled a bit as he waited ready for the next move. Believing it was time for him to use his version.

He'd gotten his wrist jarred by a piece of the rubble before. So it was a rather impressive feat that Okuda had pulled off. Even making him use his zanpakuto powers. Though he wondered if the crimson-haired vizard would push it. Would he keep going to draw out Jaeden's full might?
Okuda Nobuyoki
Okuda Nobuyoki
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Black Veil of Naps - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Veil of Naps

Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:58 pm

Okuda could feel the sudden pressure slam into him from behind and above himself. Crushing him down towards the ground before he could even realize his target had actually evaded his attack, he had much to do to regain his impressive speed. “Hey, you’re losing my might wanna...I somethin’ to change your fate here? Did you forget I exist or something in the short time since I was SHOUTING AT YOU?!” said Shinda-en slowly letting his voice raise in pitch and volume until he was shouting inside of Okuda’s head. It was annoying, but he knew that even using just his Shikai would not help him much here.

Okuda slowly gripped the blade of his Zanpakutō as he turned to look at his opponent, the pressure causing him a great amount of pain as he did so. He then glared at the man and said “Scorch the Earth, Asahi!” The blade then began to glow red hot as the spine of the blade returned to an unpolished state, as if it were still being forged for the first time. This granted Okuda a bit of a reprieve from the gravity, but he knew that at this level it would still impair his movement speed.

Okuda then placed his right hand in front of his face, concentrating some as his hand and face were suddenly engulfed in black flames. When he removed his hand, a white mask with a red circle on its forehead remained in its place. His eyes had also changed, instead of being sapphire on white conjunctiva, they were now yellow atop black conjunctiva. A low snarl sound could be heard as his Inner Hollow was laughing in his mind. Okuda watched as a flame engulfed the entirety of his blade suddenly.

The flames around his Zanpakutō suddenly turned pitch black, a sign that he was in sync with his Hollow, a sign of thanks for letting him stretch his legs a bit. Looking at his opponent he suddenly disappeared, leaving only a small trail of black flames in his wake as he suddenly struck at the man, though it was not from straight on as usually would be with his Hi Kyōka Sokudo, instead a few moments before he would have reached his opponent he suddenly pushed up launching himself high into the air. Then with a slight somersault he spun so he would be falling straight down onto the former Captain.

Both hands tightly gripping the hilt of his Zanpakutō he used the enhanced gravity of the man’s own attack to aid his sword strike, his Ryūtsuisen. Regardless of if Okuda landed a blow or not his Zanpakutō would suddenly return to its sealed state and the mask would disappear from the inside out slowly, a sign that Okuda had released his mask from control. The Shinigami would breath a bit heavily, still not used to the use of the mask, but he knew he could go for a while longer if he needed to use his mask more.

Black Veil of Naps


Forsaken Crow

Template Made By
Okuda Nobuyoki

Okuda Speech 9F111B
Shinda-en Speech FFFEDF
Asahi Speech-3B8686

Black Veil of Naps - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Veil of Naps

Sat Sep 28, 2019 9:45 pm

Captain of Naps

Jaeden Crow

Jaeden's eyes watched as the male released his zanpakuto. Releasing a certain amount of flames. The sudden addition of the male's mask added a color change. No, to be more precise it was an increase in heat. Jaeden's hand rested on his chin as he considered the problem. The flames were effective indeed and a nice choice. Jaeden gave his sword a single swing upwards this time creating a vertical slash moving up towards the sky. This brought the weight previously on his attack away as he didn't need to remain stationary. "Interesting, fire-based fascinating in terms of application for a swordsman like yourself. " The man's aerial attack was impressive. But by creating an upwards blast of his gravity slash. He made an opening slowing the male's speed down. Jaeden could have attacked or struck him. But instead, he turned and walked away allowing him to land. Giving a snap of his fingers the pulse of the gravity faded away. Jaeden felt pretty good thus far about his exercise.

"Hold for a moment Okuda-san. I think we ought to take a breather. Jaeden sheathed his zanpakuto with a click now. Having decided this combat had come to the desired conclusion. He'd gotten a fairly good look at Okuda's skills. He was a good swordsman and had some talent. Would certainly go far in combat division. "It's very difficult to merge those two things. Even when you get as old as I am. Merging my zanpakuto and hollow powers. That's burning a candle at both ends for a lot of people. Jaeden said as he gently picked a stick up from the ground. He drove a circle slowly in the dirt now. Making one side dark and leaving the rest open."Some pretty skilled vizards are out there where it isn't divided like this. Zin Yuudeshi and his are pretty much mixed fully." Jaeden said saying the name of the man who took him in. When everything else was a painful memory without an escape for him. Jaeden had suffered rather pitiful results against that Arrancar.

"But for us, it's like this in many ways. Two sides one darker and one brighter. One is a natural thing Shinigami grow up with, the other is what we became. " Jaeden wasn't trying to lecture Okuda. He was giving him advice on power. That one didn't need to rely alone on combining those powers. Some fought with their hollow masks alone as their main source of power. "My point is, that mastering one of these things should come before the merge. The question of which comes down to the person..I was born a Shinigami and I don't believe I'm even remotely close to the mastery of some before my time." Jaeden said shrugging his shoulders and standing up. Stretching his back and body now as he cracked his neck left and right. "Up to you which one you wish to go towards really. I can help with either one if you want. My hollow and I get along pretty well.."
Okuda Nobuyoki
Okuda Nobuyoki
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Posts : 49
Age : 32

Black Veil of Naps - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Veil of Naps

Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:11 pm
Burning Man.

Okuda landed on the ground with a loud thud after being forced to hover in the air for longer than he had expected. Okuda felt his Zanpakutō dig deep into the ground, the flames having made it much easier to do so by softening the ground. However, it seemed that the man had seen enough in their very short spar. He was ready to call it quits for the time being it seemed. Okuda had no objection to this of course, neither did Shinda-en since he got to stretch his metaphorical legs in this quick bout. Shinda-en laughed loudly in Okuda’s head and said “I like this man! He is strong! He’d make a good lackey for Asahi-sama!

Yes...he would make a good lackey, definitely a good teacher for you Okuda to help you learn how to fight with your new spiritual body so I don’t have to do all the work at least...” The voice that was speaking was cool, calm, collected...yet it burned with a quiet rage that Okuda knew from his one meeting with him so far: it was Asahi, the spirit of his Zanpakutō, who wanted to see the world burning one day.

Okuda looked at the man, his eyes slowly going from their yellow-gold color to their regular sapphire, the black conjunctiva returning to white as his Zanpakutō returned as well to its natural state. Okuda was panting hard, his body still not used to utilizing both his Shikai form nor his mask, either one seemed to take a large toll on his body, but to use both? It was taxing on the man’s body. Okuda coughed a bit, slowly pulling his Zanpakutō from the ground, giving it a hard slash to knock the dirt and soot from his blade.

You’re right, I am burning the candle...I need to learn to fully control both powers, to master them so I can fight at my utmost for the day the wars resume, when battle returns to every moment of our lives...its my experience that peace only lasts for a short time compared to war. Teach me, help me learn to properly use this new body I have, its different from when I was alive. Help me to learn how to fight and manipulate not only the blade in this body but also Kido...HoHo...and the mask.

Okuda was definitely sore and tired from going full force as he had, there were still some black flames on the ground next to him, burning from when his sword had pierced the ground. With a glance of his eye he sorted the flame, snuffing its Reiatsu fuel supply and making it turn into just smoke. He had done more than his fair share in the small spar, he could only hope that the man before him agreed to take him as a student of sorts. To teach him more than the Shinigami Academy had ever hoped to teach him, after all that building was only seeking to give a bare minimum of information.

Black Veil of Naps


Forsaken Crow

Template Made By
Okuda Nobuyoki

Okuda Speech 9F111B
Shinda-en Speech FFFEDF
Asahi Speech-3B8686

Black Veil of Naps - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Veil of Naps

Sun Sep 29, 2019 1:10 pm

Captain of Naps

Jaeden Crow

Jaeden brought his hand to his chin now thinking quietly. His eyes closing for a moment as he felt a pull. Training him in Hollow control would be good. But so would the other thing. His zanpakuto and hollow powers merged well enough. But that wasn't done overnight either. He slowly glanced towards the entrance to his manner. This person used flames so that training could work. Jaeden glanced towards the inside of his home. "Bring me three candles please out here and set them on the ground." Slowly a woman dressed in a traditional yukata came out. She placed three unlit candles down as he sat down on the steps. "Let's start with the zanpakuto. I want you to burn the tips only of these candles. Without melting the bottoms or engulfing them in flames." Jaeden was giving him a suitable exercise. Allowing him to control his fire-based reiatsu better. Fire and elemental powers required honing of the skills one wielded. It was best to ensure that he was fully prepared.

Jaeden was a veteran and had seen a couple of elemental types. So he had ideas on how to teach them to wield their zanpakutos. Keeping the sword out as often as possible as part of the exercise. It was training by doing and getting comfortable as it was. The starting point was three candles, later the number would increase. So would the need for his precise control to go up drastically. As for the hollow, that was a different matter. Jaeden rubbed his jawline now as he sat on the porch. Watching the over the training himself now, personalizing it was important. He'd not seen much of the kid's skills yet with fire. So now it was time to further investigate what was going on. He waved the girl over and whispered in her ear. Only she could hear him as she nodded and walked off. He was going to do one other type of training now. Involving those three candles. This was to strengthen the kid's flames as well. To have him grow more potent in that regard. She was fetching him water for the next part of it.

Bringing with her a small ladle to scoop water out of. Jaeden merely sat waiting having planned out a pathway to help him with his shikai.
Okuda Nobuyoki
Okuda Nobuyoki
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Black Veil of Naps - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Veil of Naps

Sun Sep 29, 2019 2:53 pm

Okuda watched as the man summoned someone from inside his home to bring three candles, they were placed equidistant from each other a good bit from him. Okuda was a bit confused as to how this would help him learn, that and he was not expecting to start his training right away. Okuda sighed a bit and drew his Zanpakutō from his scabbard once more. He was about to make the attempt when he noticed that since it was still day none of the lanterns in the area were lit, nor were there any sources of flames. you want me to do this in my Shikai or without my Shikai? My Zanpakutō allows me to control flames to an extent in my sealed state...if you want me to do this in my sealed state, I do require a natural flame produced from some other means...” Okuda let his voice trail off after that, wondering which the man was going to say, was he going to demand Okuda go right into his Shikai so soon after he had left it. He knew he could only hold his Shikai for so long at this point, before he was no longer able to use it that day.

Okuda decided to start preparing in case the man told him to use his Shikai, he then gripped the blade of his Zanpakutō near the tsuba where it was dullest and began to channel his Reiatsu into the blade, wondering what his new teacher would say to do...

Black Veil of Naps


Forsaken Crow

Template Made By
Okuda Nobuyoki

Okuda Speech 9F111B
Shinda-en Speech FFFEDF
Asahi Speech-3B8686

Black Veil of Naps - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Veil of Naps

Sun Sep 29, 2019 3:25 pm

Captain of Naps

Jaeden Crow

"Need it in the release to train your shikai powers. These candles are the training, if that's the case let's start with shikai. Will get your sealed up to part..sooner or later." Jaeden said softly hinting at the fact the potential to grow was present. As he rested his chin on the palm of his right hand. "Just the tips, then we'll up the challenge a bit. " He said offering a knowing smile. Jaeden merely waited now until Okuda began his process. Ready to help him out with what he could. Jaeden had made it appear he was going to soak the candles. But that wasn't entirely true either. Control was an important thing that Shinigami had to learn. Reserving power and using only what they needed. That was the key element that made them special. Jaeden could manipulate gravitons but it didn't mean his exercises had stopped. The idea was control of his Shikai's power not just from the blade. "Don't let the flame erupt, imagine it being a small flickering light. Creating a soft glow, your flames can do so much more. Fire burns but it has another purpose. One that is forgotten and an element that comes from those flames."

Jaeden it softly as though guiding Okuda slowly to his path. Giving him something to work towards. It wasn't like the old Captain hadn't seen the fire before. But there was a key element Okuda needed to realize. Fire didn't just burn things into a crisp or cinders alone. It was used as light by many cultures and beliefs. It cooked food without burning it to a crisp. In terms of elemental training, this was an exercise of importance. Flames could do many good things and help even his allies out. But Okuda had to come to that conclusion on his own. Jaeden could help him with training and exercises. But beyond that came something he had to learn. On his own to truly master his zanpakuto. It wasn't something done quickly or fast. It was something that took years and plenty of time. Jaeden had to edmitate on a mountain for a while to figure that out.

Now everything depended on how he came at it from here. Jaeden could help him learn and improve his skills. But beyond that each person was different and the same was true of the hollow aspects. Jaeden could only help the Gotei's younger people learn more. Help them fine-tune the gifts they had access too. That was what he could do for them.
Okuda Nobuyoki
Okuda Nobuyoki
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Black Veil of Naps - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Veil of Naps

Sun Sep 29, 2019 5:21 pm

Okuda listened to the man speak for a time, listening as closely as he could to every little word he said, taking in mind how it was said, bit it their inflection or their intonation. Once Jaeden had finished speaking, Okuda nodded softly and focused his Reiatsu into his blade once more, channeling it as best he could. Once he had done so, the man spoke softly a phrase that was becoming more and more common to him: “Scorch the Earth, Asahi!” Okuda then felt his Zanpakutō begin to heat up once more, reaching its usual heat.

The blade itself began to glow a dull red-orange color whilst the spine of the blade began to look as if it were cooled off but with the sort of “scabbing” of unfinished metal fresh from its heat treatments. He slowly exhaled his breathe as he moved his right hand down to just below the tsuba, his left was already holding the blade in its normal position. Once his hand had returned to its normal position on the hilt, the blade began to suddenly actively burn, it was normal for his Shikai to do this and was expected as he had willed it to do so.

The flame was a normal red-orange color like the blade itself. He then pointed his blade at the middle candle, focusing his Reiatsu on the tip of the candle, trying to will it to erupt in flame. He resisted the urge to simply create a fire based attack with his blade, after all Jaeden had said that was not the point of this training. Okuda focused his Spiritual Pressure, his eyes closed tight as he did so, the energy pouring from him to where the candle was. He imagined his Reiatsu was a flame that was already in existence.

The fire was his to create and control, to move as he so desired. The fire was a living thing with a will of its own however at the same time, it was not docile or wanting to obey him...much like Asahi. Okuda heard a loud explosion suddenly, when he had opened his eyes he saw that the first candle was no longer there...nor were the other two, instead there stood a good two meter diameter crater instead, smoldering and smoking, there were even a few fires burning what little material there was there.

Okuda sighed softly and shook his head, looking to Jaeden “I don’t think this is going to work, even if its possible...I might not have the strength to do what you want yet, I can barely create the flames when in my Shikai let alone control them to such a fine degree. Thats usually what happens when I try to create a fire that is too small, it simply...explodes as if the flames are too hot to be controlled at that point...” Okuda was not quite sure what the man was expecting, but this seemed to be Okuda’s best at this point...or was it?

Black Veil of Naps


Forsaken Crow

Template Made By
Okuda Nobuyoki

Okuda Speech 9F111B
Shinda-en Speech FFFEDF
Asahi Speech-3B8686

Black Veil of Naps - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Veil of Naps

Sun Sep 29, 2019 8:54 pm

Captain of Naps

Jaeden Crow

Jaeden figured that would happen and shook his head. "Giving up on the first batch huh?" He said smiling a bit as he leaned back from resting his head on his chin. Jaeden saw how the flames worked and ignited into dust. That was about what he expected and he shook his head left to right. "Just because you get stronger doesn't mean this will disappear. Raising your power won't make your control get stronger. Increasing one's power doesn't make their control any smoother. " Jaeden said as the lady came carrying more candles with her. She knew what he wanted before he yelled. "Maybe this will help, imagine your flames as a blade. Drawing it from the sheath, hitting just the tip of the candle with your blade only. " Jaeden decided to use swordsmanship as a lure here. See if that helped out Okuda with some of the details. Jaeden didn't plan to pretend that he knew everything. He was here to give help where it was needed with this kid.

But if he was ready to give up already Jaeden wouldn't stop him either. It was his choice to master his flames. "I can't make you keep going Okuda, but these flames are one's you are gonna have to master someday." He knew Yamamoto could do it as could Zin. Almost any fire user worth their salt could ignite the candles. But not at the beginning perhaps in of itself. It was going to be a matter of time. Okuda had to grow into the idea that he could do it. Jaeden saw the drawing of his sword thinking that may be more comfortable. Hollow training would be a much harder task. Which is why he didn't do it here and now. It wasn't time for that sort of thing yet. Depending on how one came at it, you could argue a multitude of points. Practicing to master yourself or control your zanpakuto. But if Okuda was in combat and he was too be as well. He needed his control to go up drastically. The flame wasn't something that would disappear at this moment. Nor would increase his power make it any easier for him to use. Sustaining, of course, would become easier with more reiatsu to use.

Jaeden's laid handed him a pipe Japanese based with designs on it. Kiseru was the name it was given often. He slowly lit the pipe as he blew out some smoke rings now. So the purpose of this training had hopefully become clear. "Tell me, anything you don't want to burn? Is their someone you wish to wield those flames for?"
Okuda Nobuyoki
Okuda Nobuyoki
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Black Veil of Naps - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Veil of Naps

Tue Oct 01, 2019 7:53 pm

Okuda sighed heavily, he knew he needed to master the flames lest they burn him and anyone around him by accident, something he did not want to happen. Okuda listened as the man told him to think of the flames as if they were a sword being drawn from a sheathe. Okuda understood the purpose of visual training, mentally picturing one thing while doing another to attain a certain outcome. He then listened as the man asked if he had any one person he wished to protect or a reason to wield those flames. The obvious answer was for his wife, but he had not found her yet in the Soul Society.

Okuda shook his head woefully and said “Not anyone in least not anyone that I’ve found in this afterlife of mine. If I had to pick someone it would be my wife, however I don’t know where she is, we died many years apart and she went to the Soul Society first without ever having seen me after I left for war...Other than that...I still want to protect as many people as I can with this blade of mine, to wash the blood of idealistic youth off my blade...

Okuda was referring to the Meiji Revolution of course, and how he wielded his blade not for himself or for the defense of others, but for the purpose of installing a new government. He knew that what he did was the right the time, but he could never shake the feeling of the fact that he had killed people simply for having different ideals than other people. Murdering them for the ideals of a few that envisioned a better life for many sure, but still murdering nonetheless.

Okuda however knew that simply wallowing was not the point of this exercise, he doubted the man even actually knew what he spoke of as Okuda was closer to one thousand years old at this point. He then decided it was time to return to his training. Closing his eyes, Okuda knew the distance of himself to the candles and knew the rough properties of their waxy and flaxen bodies. Okuda knew how hot his sword could burn roughly, in the range needed to melt steel itself, especially when in his Shikai form. He also knew how it felt to unsheathe a blade as that was a task he made nearly second nature to himself whilst he was alive.

Okuda focused his Reiatsu towards the candle to the right of him, focusing all his energy onto the single point of the candle’s string that held the fire whilst it burned away the wax. He then held his sword in front of him in a middle guard stance, standard for fighting an unknown style of swordsmanship, those who could see the flow of Reiatsu would see the red string of fire march slowly towards the candle itself. The in-enviable task of training his flames a tool of pure destruction.

Okuda then slowly pictured a blade of pure fire being drawn from a sheathe of pure blackness across the tip of the candle, slowly lighting it. His concentration was broken before he could finish as the top half of the right most candle suddenly exploded. As if the fire was so hot it was igniting most of the wax and string instantaneously. Setting fire to the rest of the candle body, the other two candles sent flying a few meters away by the explosion of the right most candle. Okuda sighed a bit, but at the same time felt some elation.

Elation at the fact that he had managed to only explode half of one candle instead of all three candles. The smell of wax burning filled his nostrils, but he was able to ignore it. After all, during the war he had smelt far worse smells on the battlefield, burning bodies for one...

Black Veil of Naps


Forsaken Crow

Template Made By
Okuda Nobuyoki

Okuda Speech 9F111B
Shinda-en Speech FFFEDF
Asahi Speech-3B8686
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