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Calamity Awakens Empty Calamity Awakens

Fri Oct 04, 2019 3:17 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

Takehiko had been found at last; back within the Gotei working on things. His training there had concluded with results sleeping yet beneath the surface. He sat within the Shack awaiting the arrival of Abigail. His demeanor could be described as quiet and brooding. Takehiko's gaze had become harder and more detached. Takehiko sat by the four corridors for each Horsemen. His clothing tattered and torn as the Kuchiki's eyes remained closed. Jezebel was ready on standby to help Abigail inside the Shack. Though Takehiko had figured that Abigail would merely use a Garganta to come. How had the woman known to come could be a question? Aside from the fact, a hell butterfly was discreetly sent to her. The path down Famine's walkway wasn't like wars. Takehiko's azure eyes shifted towards it as he opened them. This wasn't for him to do and he knew that. Abigail had to walk her path, she was an original. Abigail had done things her way up until now. Why should he get involved and alter that for this?

He'd told Jezebel no that he refused to walk her down that path. Not because he was frightened or scared. Abigail wanted the power of Famine, he didn't know why or ask. Wasn't his business to know what she wanted with it. His business was to simply stand and watch. To be an observer for her failure or success. How would she calm Calamity if the creature rampaged? Takehiko had remained silent on his whereabouts. Not desiring to disclose anything at the present. He'd responded to the letter and it was enough. Tanaka and Ichabod could sense a change in his demeanor. Not so much acceptance of being war, but the growth of character. Takehiko's gaze lingered for a moment longer before closing again. No point worrying or getting himself concerned about Abi. She could handle it her way as she always had. He was only here as War to observe her and that was all. He'd made it clear to the servants as well. He had no intention of walking any of the other horsemen paths. That wasn't his duty as the Horsemen of the Crimson.
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Calamity Awakens Empty Re: Calamity Awakens

Sat Oct 05, 2019 12:50 pm

Calamity Awakens FM423gF

The day had come. Surely, the wait hadn't been too long, but when the hunger gnaws at one's soul and sanity, every day was another nail in the coffin. Not her coffin, but those of the several men and women she'd gorged herself on recently just to keep the scratching in the back of her mind at bay.

True to the Kuchiki's intuition, when she arrived at the Shack, it was hardly by conventional means. Out from the air itself, the vizard stepped into this reality a mere couple of feet away from the boy. She had worn her mask, of course, to travel the world between worlds, but it was her state of dress that was new; she still wore the uniform she'd been given by the syndicate, emblazoned with their official name and logo as an upstanding business that is up to no ill deeds. She stripped herself of the heavy coat almost immediately.

"Fucking thing is too hot." She muttered aloud as she dropped the coat onto the floor. She had started wearing layers to protect herself from the cold, and the smaller jacket underneath was unzipped to reveal a much more form-fitting top that would've left nothing to the imagination if she'd removed the jacket. Beyond just her state of dress, however, eyes that had known her would be drawn to the weapon hanging from her side.

Her zanpakutō had changed. It was no longer a traditional katana, but an espada ropera with a white and black motif and an extended guard that curved over its single-handed hilt.

Free of the weight and oven that was her coat, Abigaíl looked to the boy she had appeared beside. Her expression dropped behind her mask for a moment, though she wasn't entirely sure what to say to him; not yet, at least. The mask eroded away from around her face, revealing a tired grin that betrayed the kind of stress she'd been under recently.

"How're you holding up?" She'd needed to say something.


Calamity Awakens Empty Re: Calamity Awakens

Sat Oct 05, 2019 1:15 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

His eyes didn't look startled or shocked by it as he watched. If Jezebel could come and go that way so could she. Only made sense when one put the two together. Though he watched her relieve layers slowly. She was way too hot in here compared to Alaska. That place was a frozen tomb in which few enjoyed. It held bitter memories for the Kuchiki. Her question rang in his ears, how was he doing? Takehiko had suffered a lot of betrayals before he and Abi met up. Colin Washi's training was no joke either. He offered a shrug of his shoulders as he answered. His words weren't cold just tired. "Well enough I guess, got a promotion exam in the Gotei. Finished training with Colin Washi in the desert. Made a stop here to help out with this." He said running over a list of what was going on. Takehiko seemed much different from normal. Reserved in a way that made him a bit more quiet and careful. Much harder to read as well, he wore a veil around himself now. His eyes shifted as he gestured towards the path behind him.

"This is it, I am not going with you though. This is your journey and I think you need this." He said softly as he remarked not on her persay. He'd worked many missions with Abigail at this point. The two had a strong familiarity with one another. So it was no surprise that he could see a little bit of her. "But, I sense as gnawing hunger down this path. That will eat at the resolve of that inside. But I also sense a restless being, someone sleeping who once awake..will not be happy." He could feel that from here alone with Ruin. Calamity had slumbered for a long time in her path. Down the way was a sandy pathway that went on. Candles lay unlit waiting for someone to walk down it. His azure eyes stared for a moment longer. "Her hunger is ravenous even sleeping. Just don't get consumed in their Abigail." He said before closing his eyes as he leaned against the wall. The only thing to do now was waiting for her to go or return.

The path didn't bend or change directions at any point. Nothing existed inside of that hall but a spell was in place. Potent and powerful that sapped at one's hunger. For everything, you could fathom within it. That sense that something waited at the end hungry. The growling of a stomach could be heard for those who stepped down it. A myriad of feelings and sensations would overcome the person involved. But for those who served and didn't feel it. They couldn't understand the feeling the Kuchiki had. Ruin and the other three were sisters. Making him the brother to each horseman. That was the way it had been and always would. The current head of the family wasn't Takehiko. It was another who lingered in the shadows. Waiting for his moment to arrive with Despair. Calamity now waited for her potential host at the end. Sleeping but aware of those who walked the path.
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Calamity Awakens Empty Re: Calamity Awakens

Mon Oct 07, 2019 2:16 pm

Calamity Awakens FM423gF

Abigaíl nodded along with his explanation, glad to hear that the boy had managed to pick himself back up a little. It wouldn't have been good if he'd broken completely, not for any of them. The admission that he would not be joining her in the hall of Calamity, however? That was a little troublesome. She'd need to deal with the traps herself, then.

"So, into the belly of another beast, eh?" She cracked a smile and chuckled briefly, in an attempt to lift the both of their spirits. Slowly, she drew her zanpakutō, though she was unsure if it'd even be helpful in the trials to come; it helped to calm her nerves. the near loss of control she'd felt when Jezebel had put her through the trial to become Pestilence still ran fresh through her mind, and she couldn't imagine what Famine would put her through.

"If I don't come back..." Abigaíl hesitated for a moment, in a rare show of the cracks in her armor. She glanced back at the Kuchiki, "Tell Ulv I died fighting. None of this, especially not about becoming Famine. Just... Make something up." She didn't stay for much longer, nor did she wait for the Kuchiki to reply. She had revealed more about herself to him, as scared as she was what may happen to her in the coming minutes.

With a steady pace, she ventured down the hall marked by green. Across its sandy floor, and through the candles that lit with supernatural flame upon her passing, she disappeared with her blade drawn and mind steeled.

It didn't take long for the nature of Calamity to reveal itself to the woman who walked its path. If her hunger had been a constant pang at the back of her mind before, it was angry and rampaging now. She gripped her weapon tighter as she walked, and tried to keep her mind on the task at hand, rather than the growling in her stomach. It seemed like every step only made things worse, and in minutes, she'd felt she hadn't eaten anything in a week. Her throat was dry. Her blood pressure rose and fell without any apparent cause.

Calamity didn't only have powers over the hunger for sustenance, however. Abigaíl felt her will tested by every manner of desire imaginable. Her mind turned away from her mission towards home. Towards Minatumi Harbour. The two women there she now desperately wanted to be with again. Then, it came back closer, and focused on the boy waiting outside. A large, lewd smile crept across her lips as she thought about-

"Stop it!" The vizard screamed and scowled. Reiatsu poured out of her without abandon, as even those housed within her very soul seemed affected by the powers that be within this place. She could feel her other half's desire for freedom and control, as strong as it was, but also, Araña's... desire for something. It was difficult to tell through the haze in her mind, and the noise from within her soul.

But still, she pressed on.


Calamity Awakens Empty Re: Calamity Awakens

Tue Oct 08, 2019 8:58 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

Takehiko offered a grim nod to her, accepting his duty openly. Though he did know she would come back in his heart. Takehiko had to believe in her because the alternative wasn't acceptable. As she departed down that path taking her steps with her blade drawn. He leaned back and closed his eyes to focus. Takehiko would meditate for now. His duty here was to remain her observer and watch for her return in whatever form. Gently his hand slid down to his zanpakuto now. There was a chance she came back not as Abigail. But a crazed hunger filled beast by the effects of Calamity. He would be here to grant her rest from it if she needed it. But she needed to not just get to Calamity but when her over. Having him with her would hurt this he imagined. Ruin told him much of Calamity and what she was like. Calamity was the one who killed her wielder. She ate her alive able to devour every aspect of her. Including her appearance and visage as that was her final moment. Takehiko believed the others did something. But it was Calamity herself who silenced them all.

Abigail Section:

As she began her descent into the halls of Famine. Abigail would begin to see the vestiges of previous people. Those who walked down the sandy hallways she now treaded. As a voice came out seeming to come from the hallway itself. "Who walks my domain now, another thrall in search of power? " Her voice held a ravenous hunger behind it. As those images even trembled before the voice. Signs that she'd killed them before their attempts. "Don't interfere with my desires little beast. Or I'll eat you alive." The threatening voice said not at Abigail. But her creature inside, this was a warning. The only one the creature would get because if Calamity had her way she'd kill that hollow. The sounds of sand shifting as the hallways began to tremble. The pathway ahead becoming clearer for Abigail to walk. As they came closer a girl dressed in brow clothing with pointy eats sat.

Slowly she got up her frame having sand begin to fall off her frame. Her eyes had no pupils simply large gold orbs. Her frame seemed lithe without much muscle to it. But something about her very appearance frightened things around her. Her tongue went across her lips now. "So are you a sacrifice to appease me? " She took a long sniff of the air before her form seemed to appear behind Abigail. Taking a larger smell in through her nostrils. "So fresh, I could just eat you up." She ran her fingers along Abigail's neck softly. Both hands gently running along the female's body. "Don't mind me, state your business if the hollow speaks out of turn..I'll take a piece out of it." She said softly before licking the female's neck softly. Tasting her potential meal's flavor in and out. Calamity's eyes narrowed a bit as she got a sense of it. This one sought to be her rider it seemed. This was going to be an interesting conversation.

She walked past Abigail now having moved through the sands sitting down on her rock. Crossing her leg she rested her chin upon the palm of her hand. Devouring her would lead to something rather amusing. It depended on if Abigail broke here or not. Calamity's very body gave hunger without satisfaction. So touching her would be like drinking but staying thirsty. Or eating without ever being able to satisfy your hunger. That was the curse she lived under, unlike her other sisters. She took personal joy in a singular fact. Her Rider wasn't going to be some weak pathetic one. Who ate babies, such wasteful flavor. Not taste to them as behind her frame stood the previous owner. She looked broken inside this hallway suffering for her crime. "For the record, those dead here are mine..The Unabara did nothing to them, I killed them. Fool behind me ate something before it was properly done..Such distasteful hunger. Satisfaction only comes when one savors it all."
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Calamity Awakens Empty Re: Calamity Awakens

Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:21 pm

Calamity Awakens FM423gF

The entity called Calamity was nothing like she had imagined herself. It was almost comical in just how unassuming the girl looked, and that wasn't even to touch on how or why both steeds she'd seen so far were cute girls. At least, her little act was amusing.

Abigaíl shuddered at the many little touches, though she had to stop herself from recoiling from the hands that felt up her body. It was a disturbing feeling, in all the worst of ways. She could feel the girl's powers tugging on her psyche still, and couldn't help but to compare it to what she'd experienced with Ulv. One was a comforting, almost loving embrace that coaxed out her desires, but this... No; this was like using a crowbar to strip away everything but the need for more.

It left a foul taste in the mouth.

Abigaíl's eyes followed the girl closely as she flitted back and forth, eventually coming to a stop atop a stone amidst the river of sand. She remained silent as visions of the girl's past victims filled the room, though a smirk did cross her lips. Yes, she was amusing.

"You sound like a child." She chuckled, and took a few steps towards the girl. As she moved, the vizard's eyes filled in black and gold, and her dread power radiated outwards to fend off the girl's own. She had been wondering how best to confront a creature such as this before, but now, she only saw a child who acted how she pleased. In fact, she sounded like she had never known the sort of suffering she feigned to dole out herself.

"A child playing pretend, trying to scare the grownups." She continued, and her power hung heavy in the air. Between the particulates of sand and the stone walls themselves, her reiatsu laid strands of reiryoku like a heavy net. Surely, Abigaíl had been stressed. She had been frustrated in so many ways. She had been threatened, her and her other half, both. Now, the girl would see what it was like to be caught in another's web.

As the bone-like material of her mask slowly manifested around her face, the vizard gingerly stroked the girl's cheek with one finger; one which left an agonizing burning sensation in its wake. "Don't be mistaken, niña," she spoke with a terrible voice as her mask was completed. "You hold no power here. I am the only one who can free you from this prison, just as I can leave you here to rot some more."

While she spoke, her power coiled inward and around the pair, wrapping around the girl called Calamity and holding her tightly. Abigaíl did not possess the raw amount of power as a Captain, maybe, but she knew how to wield what she did have. She had more than instinct and destructive urges. She had training and experience, and the will to use them.

"War and Death would see you never be free again. They fear you. They want to forget you." Her gaze remained stern behind her mask, though bereft of killing intent, her reiatsu did not bear down on the girl as though to choke her. She was being a tad grandiose, sure, but she was having fun with the act, and she was sure it would be effective. "What do you want?"


Calamity Awakens Empty Re: Calamity Awakens

Wed Oct 16, 2019 12:49 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

Calamity's expression changed as she shook her head slowly. Listening to the woman allowing her the moment to act intimidating to her. But the reality was she'd been exposed to far more intimidating figures. People who could force you to feel nothing but pain for an eternity. She still remembered him and her sister's fear of him. All the Steeds held a respect for the man who made them. She walked back and sat down on her perch now. Staring coolly at Abigail as she rested her chin upon her palm. "Well, quite the opinionated one aren't we? I hold no power here in my domain? Do you know the difference between the Hallways? " She said giving Abigail a small smile. "This place doesn't have traps, just me and that's it...The hunger you feel is just from being near me as well." She said softly confirming that fact as she didn't shutter in terror. She was much older than she appeared. She touched her knee's letting a sigh out from her lips now. Standing up from her rock she walked.

The hallway began shifting and changing it's shaping now. Vanishing into a dome-shaped room with no doors. "This place is tied to my will, thus traps weren't needed. " She said dealing with the first matter of her not having power. Now came the next issue that pressed her concerns. The sand slowly melded into a chair for the female to sit on. She merely wilded it into being as she sat down on it. Not thinking about what came. Her interest no longer peaked by Ab Abigail for hunger. Merely applauding such a rebellious spirit. She sat down her expression something a bit sad. Like a child who's toy broke and refused to work. "I am roughly one thousand years old now since he carried me to rest here. " She didn't hold a wistful appearance as she glanced at her. Shaking her head left to right the young girl appeared to be showing her age now. "War has nothing to fear of me...and him...He's more empty inside then you can fathom. Why Despair can't bother him or budge him." She said referring Tsubasa.

Her gold eyes looked at the female's mask now. Taking notes on the appearance of it and what it brought. She fought her hunger for a change for a reason. Because Abigail did something no one had. She tried to intimidate her, to make her fear her. It was a display that took a lot of bravery in this situation. She didn't mean to disarm the girl's beliefs. That she was in power here in this domain. " What do I want, well that's simple." She said offering Abigail a smile. "To see the purpose completed that we four were made. Three sisters and one brother, we are the opposite of the Unabara family. " She said softly playing with sand that fell from the ceiling. "Once they were four, Tsubaki Unabara was the sister who protected their innocence. But as I imagine you know, Zaraki District isn't a good place for the innocent. " She said giving a wistful smile as she stared at Abi now.

"Tsubaki would have been the first famine, the second is the one you've heard tales of. Tsubaki didn't care about consuming people, she wished to consume her family's fears and worries. The very evil that plagued them her job was to consume it she believed. But she died before I could make her acquaintance. Thus was this one chosen to be the successor..broken and misunderstanding purpose.." She said coldly gesturing back to the being behind her. A wielder who stood locked in sandy shackles forever tormented. "I want one to come, not to release me alone..but to live to the true purpose of Famine."
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Calamity Awakens Empty Re: Calamity Awakens

Wed Oct 23, 2019 1:49 pm
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