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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Into Another's Web [Ulv] Empty Into Another's Web [Ulv]

Mon Dec 23, 2019 11:28 am

Sun blazing overhead. Salty sea air blowing on the wind. Hard asphalt and concrete underneath one's feet. This place was far from the sands of Hueco Mundo. It was modern, yet timeless, and filled with memories and emotions one had thought buried and lost.

Minatumi Harbour was a strange place, indeed.

Reina Arácnida, first of her kind as she was, was just like any other Hollow in several regards: she hungered, she craved for violence and blood, and every so often, memories of her past would dredge themselves up from the depths of her soul to remind her of a life she had once led.

The latter had brought her to the crowded streets of pre-holiday Minatumi Harbour, where she towered over most of the crowd. The wide variety of souls present in such a place was nearly unbelievable, and tugged at her baser instincts. Her mouth watered at some, and her arm twitched towards her blade at others.

After a few bumps and touches, however, the crowd had begun to give her a wide birth. She didn't care for the fates of those foolish enough to impede her path, and had left them to roll and scream in agony without a second thought. No, her focus was on the empty window before her now.

It was a larger shop; or rather, not a shop. The interior was filled with furniture new and old, all covered in blankets and tarps. The sign simply read "For sale." Her red eyes scanned through the dusty window, until they found another sign.

Espinosa was all that could be read on its weathered and dirty surface.

Her clawed hand reached for the door, but hesitated just as the stainless steel knob began to hiss at her corrosive presence. Something wanted to see this place preserved, so she reached up instead, and pulled aside the veil of reality before stepping through and into the dusty front room.

She wandered the front of the former school- How did she know it was a school? Either way, she wandered its front-facing area for a few moments, before coming to a stop in front of that sign.

So many emotions rose within her, but most prominently was the rage. She scowled, and snarled, and yelled a mighty and echoing roar at nothing in particular. She cried with such vigor and volume that the decorations fell from the walls, and the glass just few feet away shook and threatened to shatter.

Why did this place call to her so?

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Into Another's Web [Ulv] Empty Re: Into Another's Web [Ulv]

Mon Dec 23, 2019 7:21 pm
(Harbour music:


Gently, but all across the harbour, music filled the air. The Solstice had come, the darkest night had been braved, and towards the future looked all beings. And then, as the music reached a peak, words also accompanied it, gentle and beautiful.

Sola gjekk i ringen, sumaren sende. Hanar galar rismål for alvar i enga

There was a definite male voice, and a definite female voice, and they sung a beautiful duet for the future. But such things were not for the loudly screaming Hollow, she would probably not care so much for the traditions of the mortals that her kind made into food. And so for her, there was a woman. Gentle blonde hair, flowing white outfit, and a blindfold across her eyes.

"Good morning, your majesty. I am curious to find out why the Queen of Heuco Mundo has come to this small harbour. I can not allow you to feed on the inhabitants, nor feed your subjects the same. But otherwise, we are always welcoming of foreign dignitaries"


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Into Another's Web [Ulv] Empty Re: Into Another's Web [Ulv]

Tue Dec 24, 2019 12:22 pm

Her voice died down eventually, and there the Hollow stood, seething and reeling from her torrential onslaught of emotion and memory. None of it made sense; she could picture nothing specific, only flashes and even stronger feelings that refused to die when they rightly should.

Her low, rhythmic and monstrously echoing breathing was broken by the voice of a woman she had not felt approach. The woman spoke of allowing her and her kind to feed on the souls present here, and anger welled up within her breast again. However, something else pulled the rising tide back down again, and after a deep breath, she turned.

"As appreciated as it is, We are not here for Hueco Mundo." Her eyes fell upon the woman, and for a moment, baser instincts called up to her again. She quashed those like so many bugs. Her senses reached out, but for the blinding strength that was the singular soul who commanded the Harbour, she couldn't make a proper guess to the woman's nature or identity.

"Run, and bring Us your master." Her posture wasn't any more threatening than usual, overall, but by her very nature, venom dripped from her tongue and words. "We have questions that only she can answer."

Mirja Eeola
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Into Another's Web [Ulv] Empty Re: Into Another's Web [Ulv]

Tue Dec 24, 2019 12:52 pm


The Hollow was a proud one, as you'd expect from someone who had been the forefront of recent events. It made her smile. Hvit was much the same,though not as full of herself, ironically. Still, sometimes it was better to talk to people as the boss than as someone that was not the boss.
"As you command, I shall bring her swiftly" 'Ulv' exclaimed before getting up and heading out. Sure, it'd be strange for her to just do a Wonder Woman spin and go back in in a different outfit, but that was what she signed up for.

And that was what she did. Getting far enough away, she dropped the Truth Of Flame and created herself a new outfit from the Resolve Fibres, before heading back in. The new uniform was one that was erotic but also stately. The blouse and long pencil skirt added to the heels that made an iconic clicking sound across the ground as she stepped in and looked to Reina. The glasses perched on her face were purely ornamental but what was the point in dressing up if she couldn't play with it a bit?
"Good morning. So, I hear you have questions only I can answer"


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Into Another's Web [Ulv] Empty Re: Into Another's Web [Ulv]

Tue Dec 24, 2019 1:21 pm

She had gotten what she'd asked, and rather easily, all things considered. The blonde left quickly, and before there was any time to think over how long it might take, Ulv stepped in through the very same door.

However, Reina's nature got the better of her, and laying her eyes upon the redheaded woman, her energy flared and caused the room to shake again. Anger, rage, hunger and thoughts so vile no human would dare to comprehend them all came to the forefront of her mind. She wanted to leap upon the woman. She wanted to tear her limb from fucking limb!

She breathed again, and her emotions calmed themselves once more. Her eyes fell solemnly upon the sign beside her feet, then rose back to the woman standing in front of her.

"Yes," she looked over the woman named Ulv again. Why did this not feel like their first time meeting? "Pardon Our being blunt, but what is this place?" She gestured with one hand at the room around them, and lingered on the name on the sign for a moment. "And, why does seeing a woman We've never met before anger Us so?

"Help Us to understand, and We will leave you to your festivities in peace." It was a genuine promise, though one perhaps made to sound like a threat by the nature of a Hollow.

Mirja Eeola
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Into Another's Web [Ulv] Empty Re: Into Another's Web [Ulv]

Tue Dec 24, 2019 1:31 pm


Ulv would look at the woman as she got a quick flare of emotion that was then surprised. Why, was the question, though. Maybe it was a whole regal dominance thing? She sensed Hvit and wanted to beat her? Hmm. Such things would have to wait because the woman was continuing to speak with her head up her own arse and it was a little bit irritating. She wasn't even remotely capable of backing those words up, which was always the most annoying time to hear such brash and big-headed words.

So Ulv blew out a sigh and just looked at her like she was a misbehaving child threatening to hold her breath till she got what she wanted.
"Ohh, you'll leave us in peace, huh? And what, I might ask, is stopping us from just turning you into a greasy stain on the carpet and going about business as usual?"


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Into Another's Web [Ulv] Empty Re: Into Another's Web [Ulv]

Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:05 pm

"A poor choice of words." The Hollow sighed, an exasperated sound as her emotions welled again. She was growing tired of this reaction already, but more than that was her desire for answers. One hand fell to the hilt of her zanpakutō, then slipped from it with anxious energy.

"We mean no harm towards the people of your Harbour." She began anew, in hopes of getting the answers to her growing questions. "It is infuriating to suddenly be drawn to a new place; to be familiar with someone We have never met. It is not like other memories. We are filled with feelings and knowledge that do not belong to Us."

Another such wave of emotion washed over her, and she glanced down at the sign once more.

"We simply wish to understand why this place calls to us."

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Into Another's Web [Ulv] Empty Re: Into Another's Web [Ulv]

Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:13 pm


Well, she backtracked for whatever reason, not that Ulv was unhappy about that. Having to fight this girl was undeniably bullying given the gap between them. Though the question she asked was a good one that helped defuse the tension. So Ulv would give her as good an answer as she could in basic terms so there could be no misunderstanding.

"Ohh, that's simple. You are an Evolved Hollow, basically a composite soul made up from multiple other souls. Your predecessor was a Vizard who made poor life choices and ended up getting consumed by her Inner Hollow. Which then mutated from the experience into you. She lived here, so you are going to be drawn here from those memories. It's nothing to worry about. Nor is it a ground breaking revelation to chase, really. Everything was in the past and has no baring on you"


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Into Another's Web [Ulv] Empty Re: Into Another's Web [Ulv]

Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:36 pm

Yes, the woman's words made sense, but most of them weren't things she hadn't already known. She was a Hollow, like the many countless before her, but there was an inkling of something interesting to her within Ulv's explanation:

She had once been a Vizard in this harbour.

"Well, that explains... several things." A small smirk crossed her lips. She was relieved to have uncovered something about her origins, at least. "Here, We were wondering why Our memories of Skitterer abruptly stopped for centuries." The briefest chuckle escaped her, though she did not continue to voice that train of thought aloud.

"Gracias," she offered the faintest of thanks and respect to Ulv. "But, We lied. We would like to stay a while, and put old memories to rest. The past might not mean much to you, but We wish to settle these emotions before returning to Hueco Mundo."

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Into Another's Web [Ulv] Empty Re: Into Another's Web [Ulv]

Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:47 pm


Ulv gave a look of expected disbelief. Like, she expected the betrayal but was still not believing that it had happened regardless. If this woman wanted to make herself in any was less suspicious, she was going the entire wrong way about it. So, when Reina claimed to have lied and was going to stay, Ulv crossed her arms and settled a stare on the woman.

"Alright then. settle 'em" she told Reina, clearly intending to stay with her until she left. Ulv didn't bother asking about whatever a Skitterer was or anything like that, since Hollows like this one were notoriously evil beings. They were, after all, literally all the host's most negative thoughts condensed into form.


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