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Tue Dec 31, 2019 12:21 am
Three Easy Steps That Will Always Land You A Job [Closed] Template_header


Now wasn't that unfortunate, fired although really she liked to say it as she quit because she couldn't handle that bitch of a boss that would always ride her ass over the smallest details and made her want to pull her hair out. It was honestly a bit of an abuse of power to fire her out of whatever pettiness that boss lady had fired her for but she more than welcomed it.

Since then though was the next challenge, trying to find a job to replace it and it had been incredibly stressful and her finances were getting tight too, but she was too prideful to ask for help from friends.

Of every job she had applied for she chose the one that got back to her the quickest, it looked easy enough. She would just be a secretary for a doctor and they were loaded so the pay should be good right? That didn't put to rest the knot in her chest that was worry for if she messed up.

"I can do it, it's just like last time."

Her heart was racing as she waited for the woman that had offered her an interview to greet her and get it underway. For now all she could do was fidget with her hands and hope something worked out.


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Three Easy Steps That Will Always Land You A Job [Closed] Empty Re: Three Easy Steps That Will Always Land You A Job [Closed]

Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:11 am

Anastasia Etzel

Busy, busy, busy, and buzzing around like a bee. Much to do, and not much time to do it. But, that's okay! Humans were born with two hands and two feet for a reason! Anastasia had the shoulder-strap of her medical bag tied tight around her right thigh, the weight of it forcing her to hobble when she walked. Besides being for bipedal movement, the reason humans were born with hips was to help a belt keep her jeans up when she did this! Her right hand, a blue latex glove on it, held a tablet with medical information of her last patient on it. A thumb swipe switched the information over to a resume featuring a potential hire. In the other hand Anastasia held a pork bun. Busy, busy, busy after all meant she had to eat on the go. Thank goodness humans were born with two hands!

Anya only stopped once she bumped into a table with her left thigh, quickly stopping her movement as she silently hunched over in pain. She involuntarily swallowed the food in her mouth, dropped the tablet on the ground, and grabbed her throat to aid in coughing it up, or down--whichever was quicker. Busy, busy, busy after all.

The woman closed her eyes and focused on making an emotional recovery. Once she opened her eyes, she leaned down to pick the tablet back up, the resume still on screen, and her eyes wandered about as inconspicuously as she could to make sure no-one saw.


Oh no.

You know what, act like you don't even care. In fact, Anya assured herself that it didn't matter that there were more than a few people which definitely saw. No, better than that, Anya erased from memory the fact that she looked around to see if people saw. She didn't know if people saw. In fact, this whole thing never happened.


Anastasia coughed into her right hand one more time, this time with a bit more propriety, and straightened her back out with some faux dignity. She looked back down to her tablet, looked back up, and matched the face on screen to one of the people that most definitely did not see Anya most definitely not bump into a table and hysterically cough it all down.

The woman brought up a smile and walke--hobbled forward to, let's see... it said on the tablet... ah!

"Miss Nora Bakken! Nice to meet you! I am Doctor Anastasia Etzel, the person you will be assisting. Ehm, I'm really sorry, but I'm quite pressed for time--you know how it is, busy, busy, busy days in Choubara, Naruki, as it always is!"

Any japanese citizen could notice the american accent to Anastasia's japanese, though the phonetic pronunciation and grammar itself was accurate and fluently spoken. The woman turned to the left and gestured for Nora to follow along through the hospital hallways.

"I think the best way to see how fit for the job you are is to see how you do in practice! If you don't mind, please follow me, oh and take note of the surroundings. We're going to the West Wing, where a portion of the Pathology Department is, and we'll work with them a lot. Ah, remind me how much medical experience you have?"

While hobbling about, Anastasia continued to take occasional bites from the pork bun, much smaller bites to both be polite and have an easier time swallowing this time around. Her ears were listening for a response, but her eyes were drawn back to the tablet, another thumb swipe switching the screen from Nora's resume to another patient's information.


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Three Easy Steps That Will Always Land You A Job [Closed] Empty Re: Three Easy Steps That Will Always Land You A Job [Closed]

Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:33 am
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Waiting, waiting, waiting. Oh- Nora was just on her phone, the iPhone 2228 that was not really the newest model but it worked for her. She wasn't expecting for her potential boss to show up like she did, Nora fully expected to end up in getting called to an office and having a nice calm interview.


When the doctor hobbled over - because that's what doctor's did, maybe she just had a limp from a bad event in her life, best not to bring it up. and introduced herself Nora nodded and gave a small bow before reciprocating.

"Yes. I'm Nora. Nice to meet you ma'am..."

Er... what? She looked a bit confused and her mismatched eyes stared for a moment when she heard that next bit. Wasn't this a desk job? What's this about assisting in medical emergencies? Wasn't that what nurses were for? She really ought to have just become a nurse instead of messing around in school like she did. So she fell into walking with Anastasia while looking uncomfortable.

"Work with them? My medical experience... Well I took a first aid course once.."

By once she meant expired and out of date first aid course. It kind of stuck with her, she did have the odd spell up her sleeve with her status as a soul evolution human but it wasn't at the tier of being a medical professional.

"I'm sorry this doesn't seem at all like work a secretary would be doing."

She hadn't stopped following, not yet. Going deeper into the belly of the hospital was better than getting lost by stopping and being left behind.


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Three Easy Steps That Will Always Land You A Job [Closed] Empty Re: Three Easy Steps That Will Always Land You A Job [Closed]

Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:22 am

Anastasia Etzel

"Ah, First Response Abiotic Inspect Department! I was taught about the First-AID program in Japan; I did my first residency in a hospital with that department, but I didn't work to closely with them. My expertise is quite the opposite, personally, but I'm glad to know that you're well educated!"

Anastasia did read the resume, but her mind was going through a gajillion things at once. She did hire a secretary, that's what she meant to have to help her organise the logistics while Anya could focus on practicing medicine, but a few things get mixed up in the head once in a while, including the fact that Nora's First-Aid training was totally different to what Anya was thinking. Never when it came to a patient, though--that would be inexcusable.

"Ah, this one--room 301."

The doctor stopped her hobble by a door, checked the room number to the left of the hinge, and entered through. The room was lined up with at least a dozen beds, all of them occupied. There were only 5 nurses and one other doctor in the room attending to and taking down information from all the patients, but the room itself wasn't too big so the whole place felt a bit cramped, especially with medical equipment next to each bed.

Anya approached the bed closest to the door and matched the name on her tablet to the name on the side of the bed. A young man was lying in it, looking mostly healthy, but his eyes were half-closed and his skin was pale. Anastasia asked him a few questions, he responded with some symptoms, and Anastasia listed out some potential diagnoses. After concluding her conversation, she turned to Nora behind her and passed her the tablet.

"Here, please write down all of the symptoms he listed and run the diagnostics on it. It should be the orange app with a peach icon and a happy face on it. Just fill in the symptoms in boxes and let me know if it matches up with one of the diagnoses I listed out."

In the meantime, Anya put the rest of the pork-bun into her mouth, reached into her medical bag and put a new latex glove on. She took a device out and turned it on, a linear blue light scanning along the patients body and inputting information directly into the tablet, including his blood type and any notable injuries.

"Let me know if you're confused on anything. Also, tell me about yourself--what made you think of taking a job with our hospital? I don't think your last workplace was very similar, no? If you don't mind me asking, what was the reason for your departure from your last employer?"

Busy, busy, busy--practicing medicine and conducting an interview at the same time was peak efficiency! Good work, Anya.


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Wed Jan 01, 2020 4:04 am
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"No no- First Aid. The basics ma'am..."

She tried to tell her, Nora couldn't cope with the horror if she did something wrong and someone died for her mistake and going along with Anastasia's mistake. That just wouldn't do at all. She'd never make it in prison for manslaughter!

Considering that being told that wouldn't get her sent away and she could still hold the tablet to do exactly as she was told Nora typed in those symptoms like an expert. Almost accidently mispelling occasionally but as luck would have it she did not and the diagnosis was... nothing.

"None of them match doctor."

That was the correct term to call her in front of a patient she though, not ma'am but there was still the matter of her possible boss wanting to pick apart her and her reasons for being here.

"Well I figured being a secretary to you wouldn't be too much trouble, I was very good at my job you know? Up until my boss fired me, I mean I quit. She abused her position though, she was more like the manager really not the big boss. It was just some drama..."

Saying it really did feel embarrassing but she was still prideful enough to try and pretend that she walked away. She might actually have won if she insisted on fighting and pushing the matter but Nora had been under so much stress it really didn't seem worth it.


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Three Easy Steps That Will Always Land You A Job [Closed] Empty Re: Three Easy Steps That Will Always Land You A Job [Closed]

Wed Jan 01, 2020 7:17 am

Anastasia Etzel

Wow! Calling the First Response Abiotic Inspect Department basic stuff--how daring and bold! Anastasia was certain to make a mental note of Nora's confidence, both as a characteristic and a point of inspiration. Who wouldn't want to be that assured of themselves? Anyways, busy, busy, busy business comes first. The doctor refrained from commenting on the hiree's confidence, simply holding an affirming smile with her face and attention still directed towards the patient--up until Anya's request got its response.

"Oh? No match, huh. Well, that's okay! Don't be concerned Miss Bakken, Mister Watanabe. It'll just take a bit longer to come up with a solution, but we'll have you taken care of in a jiffy! I'll ask the nurse to take a blood sample and bring it over to the lab so we can get a better idea of what sort of problems we're dealing with here."

Anya gave the patient a reassuring nod and turned about to exit the room. With her hands now free, Anya unstrapped the shoulder strap from her thigh and back onto where it was meant to be--her right shoulder. Her other hand pulled her jeans up a bit to a comfortable position, then moved to beckon Nora to follow after her before pressing against her left jean pocket, where a blue light was beeping.

As Anya was leaving the room, she heard what her hiree's reasons were for looking for a new job. She put her hand over her mouth in exclamation.

"What? That's horrible! I'm so sorry to hear that Miss Bakken. I'm very proud to say that I've yet to encounter any issues with drama in this hospital--you're in good hands over here. We're far too busy to be meddling with any drama, hahaha~."

Once she left the room and traveled a decent distance, Anastasia spoke with a low and hushed voice, quickly transitioning the conversation over.

"Okay, Miss Nora, I have an important task I need you to do, and it's right up your alley. The patient we were just checking up on, Mister Watanabe--the app I had you use to determine a diagnosis only looks to see if the symptoms match up with any problems this hospital can treat. Which means that we're going to have to transfer him over to another, bigger hospital with the resources to help him. You can start the process of sending documents and notifying the other hospital of a patient-transfer and all the other logistical work. Some of that can be done on the tablet, so if you could do so now that would be absolutely fantastic! Anything you're not sure on, you can just skip it over and submit the paperwork. It'll go through some of the nurses and secretaries at the front-desk so they can check on the transfer request and fill in the rest of the details. In the mean-time, I just got paged for a code blue, and the patient is nearby in Room 315 of the West Wing, so we'll be going to attend to that."

Anastasia spoke quickly but very clearly to be sure that Nora heard her--clear and efficient communication was absolutely essential in medicine! She sped up her steps to be a fast walk, but her pace never went into a jog--running down the halls was dangerous after all. But, all these things happening at once was all in a day's work, and part of today's work just happened to be interviewing this hiree. Therefore, interview her Anya shall.

"Anyways, where were we... Ah, yes! Again, I'm very sorry to hear about your less than tasteful departure from your last workplace. Fortunately, my work sometimes involves getting out in the world with some fresh air and diverse cultures; that is to say, often I travel to fulfill my duties. How do you feel about traveling? Getting out of the stressful, busy hospital and getting to basically go on vacation with pay? Sounds good, right? Hard to get into drama if you're on the go in other countries, hahaha~."


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Sat Jan 04, 2020 8:51 pm
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After her quick task was done the two of them were off again, leaving the patient to his own devices and Nora sweating a little bit. No sooner had she leaved the room did she get her potential employer's sympathy and assurance such things didn't happen here.

Hearing the face paced words thrown at her Nora was quick to respond with a curt nod. She couldn't let her work ethic take a toll now when she needed to impress this woman. So she went right off to do exactly what she was told, leaving the odd space where she didn't feel confident to presume when it came to someone's health.

With that done all that was left was the really tackle her interview.

"Thank you ma'am."

The offer of travel couldn't be ignored, it was quite appealing actually and she made it sound very nice. Nora tried to keep her professional look about her though and nod.

"Yes that's perfectly fine haha."

She laughed along a little bit to Anya's own mood.

"What kind of work does being your secretary entail anyway? I was not expecting to be in the thick of it for my interview today..."


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Three Easy Steps That Will Always Land You A Job [Closed] Empty Re: Three Easy Steps That Will Always Land You A Job [Closed]

Sun Jan 12, 2020 6:49 am

Anastasia Etzel

They were only a few paces from the door to Room 315 before Anya took note to another doctor already at the doorway, stepping inside.

"Oh! Someone's already answered to the call--that's quite fortunate for us, Miss Bakken. This gives us some time to properly sit down and do this interview. I do believe we have a large enough window for that much? That's something I may rely on you for as my secretary. I have confidence in some of my time management and schedule keeping skills, but I'm only human, and we deal with people's lives, so limiting our margin of error as much as possible is critical. It's quite reassuring to have someone have your back, so I'm told!"

Anastasia looked around the hallway before setting her eyes on two simple waiting chairs parked right outside one of the rooms. She shuffled over to one of them, sat down, and crossed her left leg over right.

"If you wouldn't mind?"

She patted the chair beside her to gesture for the interviewee to sit.

"To be honest, I didn't mean to have you interviewed on the job. That's a lot of stress that's unreasonable to put on someone who isn't even getting paid! We were meant to be meeting in my office and do something much more standard, but this morning I was called in early to help out. The recent attack on Japan has made things much more hectic, and I wasn't willing to just shirk it off to somebody else. I also felt too bad to make you reschedule the interview, so I tried to handle both duties at once. That's something I have trouble with--I can't help but to take everything on, even if it may seem irresponsible."

Anya put her hand onto Nora's and offered a deep eye-contact. Her face was much more serious now, as if to both scrutinise Nora and genuinely apply for help.

"That's something I need my secretary to do. Not just to listen and execute the things I need them to do, but properly consult me, and when necessary, tell me if I'm going too far. I won't just be relying on you for paperwork and time-management. I'll also be relying on you to instruct me at times as well. That's what I need from my secretary. Can you do that for me, Nora?"


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