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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Tue Jan 21, 2020 3:06 am

Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] L1MgEf2


Normally, Kokoro would have actually been pretty proud of herself for being able to sneak into somewhere this secure and defended. Normally, she'd have given herself a big smug grin and a loud laugh of success. But this wasn't a normal situation at all. The Shihoin had only barely managed to sneak by Rukia Kuchiki, of all people, and honestly, she'd thought they even made eye contact, but the noblewoman just kept going on her way. Lucky break.

Finally, she made it to the bedroom she'd been trying to get into for days. It'd been'd been so hard not being able to visit. Nobody would listen, but she just had to see her. Knocking once, Kokoro spoke in a voice that almost surprise her with how quiet it was, how...almost scared it sounded.

"Keiko..? It's Kokoro. I'm... I'm comin' on in."

She'd brought a rather large bouquet of flowers with her, and as she entered, the darkness threw her off guard. The girl fumbled around for a light, and upon seeing Keiko with her own eyes...well, it was hard not to tear up. She might've normally cared about her makeup running, but that thought didn't even occur to her. She was just focused on not crying much.

"Um... I-I'm really really sorry I couldn't make it sooner... They, um, they wouldn't lemme in, so I had to...sneak in..."

At first, she considered taking a seat, but after setting the flowers down, she just went to stand by Keiko's bedside. She didn't want to just sit. She wanted to do...something, anything..

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] Empty Re: Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro]

Sat Jan 25, 2020 4:39 pm

Kuchiki Keiko

It was fortunate that Kokoro came in only now. Or at least, it was fortunate that Ulv came so soon. If Kokoro came this late, and Ulv didn't visit, their reunion would've been vastly different. It might've even been violent.

Keiko's eyes were still out of commission--and of course her legs--so in this time, her focus on her hearing improved a great deal, and she became much more sensitive to audio stimuli. By the voice, Keiko knew it was Kokoro coming in, and Keiko's feelings were... complicated. Enough that she didn't respond at first, or welcome her in, or anything really. Instead, she had to think about how she felt. How she was going to treat Kokoro in coming here.

The basest instinct was to yell at the girl, demand that she got the hell out of here. Ulv may have cast some of Keiko's shadows and demons away in her visit, but a primal fear, and consequently rage, still bubbled inside her towards the Shihouin. An anger so much deeper than before. So deep, that even Kokoro was going to be grouped into their ranks in Keiko's mind.

The girl took note to the sound of something rustling, like leaves or stems against each other or something. She couldn't really tell, it just sounded vaguely like a bunch of shrubbery or something. Also a bit of a sniffle. Was Kokoro allergic to plants? Why'd she bring one if she was allergic?

"Chichiue doesn't let me keep plants. You didn't have to go that far."

It didn't seem considerate so much as just silly that someone would bring plants while they're allergic to them. Too far, indeed.

It was hard to work out these feelings. For now, Keiko thought to just run away from them instead. Think about it later, and just talk about something as if this uncertainty and confusion in her feelings wasn't actively hanging over her head. Though, admittedly, it just came across as Keiko treating Kokoro like a stranger.


Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] 8Bvy1N8


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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] Empty Re: Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro]

Sat Jan 25, 2020 6:59 pm

Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] L1MgEf2


"Oh, um... Sorry, I just- I didn't think a sorry would be enough, so I thought flowers might...yeah..."

Trailing off at that, Kokoro realized far too late that bringing flowers to a girl who couldn't see was pretty stupid, and she certainly beat herself up over that internally. But she still didn't let herself start crying, though she did definitely sniffle a little bit more now. She wasn't in any position to be getting that upset when Keiko was staying so collected.

"I'm sorry, Keiko. I- shit, I just, I don't want to see you hurt like this, I know that's not like, that's not helpful or anything, but-"

Well she made it almost three sentences without crying, but alas, she was a girl of emotion. She wasn't smart, she knew that very vividly, and the fact that it was so extremely difficult to figure out what she could say to Keiko just upset her even more. She gripped her hands into fists, and just...talked.

"...But I don't know what else I can do, Keiko... I promised, I promised I'd help you, I promised I'd be your eyes and your legs and I'd even be way more than that if you needed Keiko, because I just wanna help you, I just wanna see you happy and I wanna take you out to dinner again because that was really fun, and I wanna be there for you until you get better because that's what you deserve, because I don't wanna make you see the world through my stupid eyes, because your eyes are so pretty and I hate that you can't use them and I hate that I couldn't visit sooner and I hate that I couldn't even work up the courage to fight Kintori after all this and I just- I just... I wanna help you, Keiko..."

She was definitely still crying, but Kokoro bit her lip rather sharply to prevent giving that away, her impressively sharp canines leading that to draw a decent bit of blood. But that was fine, she didn't mind. She didn't wanna cry in front of Keiko.

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

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Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] Empty Re: Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 3:16 am

Kuchiki Keiko

That part added to the confusion. Sorry?

"Why are you sorry?"

In some sense, Keiko didn't feel it was wrong for her to apologise. But, what was the apology for? Did Kokoro do anything wrong? She wanted to hate Kokoro, as a part of just hating the Shihouin. But, these sorts of things felt like it challenged her perspective. It was easier to just throw the responsibility of making that decision onto Kokoro, and in turn how the woman responded was going to determine how Keiko felt.

That said, Keiko could tell that those sniffles were starting to become tears. She still thought they started by an allergic reaction, or something along those lines, but they weren't ending off like that. This meeting went from Kokoro coming to console(?) Keiko, and now it felt like Keiko was the one who needed to console Kokoro. She refrained, of course, on account of still not knowing how to treat her.

The least Keiko could do was give her a chance, though. No, Keiko wanted to give her that chance. Or maybe it was something else. Who knows.

"Kokoro, can you help me down? There's a wheelchair in the corner of the room, behind the door. I'd like to feel a bit of the sun, if you don't mind. You'll have to sneak me out, though."


Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] 8Bvy1N8


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God of Love
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Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] Empty Re: Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 3:26 am

Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] L1MgEf2


Doing her best to collect herself to answer that question, Kokoro sniffled again and wiped her eyes, trying to think of how to answer that question. Why was she sorry? It wasn't like she'd done this herself, she hadn't hurt Keiko like this, but-

"Because...because I couldn't help you more. Because I'm part of that family even if I don't wanna be right now, and I have to take responsibility, because you deserve more than just an apology even if that's all I can give you. Because I haven't kept my promise, but I'm gonna, I'm gonna make sure I do."

Looking off to the side, Kokoro thought for a second about that. She'd snuck in, true, but sneaking out with a wheelchair would be a lot harder. If that was what Keiko wanted, then of course that's what she'd do, but...

"I can do that, but, um, if it's okay with you, it'd be easier if I carried you. I-I know you might not want that, so I can bring the wheelchair if you'd rather that..."

Honestly...she really wanted to hold her. To comfort her, you know?

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] Empty Re: Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 3:38 am

Kuchiki Keiko

That was a... really good response. Not just because it made sense as to why Kokoro was apologising, not even because it felt like something Keiko could accept. Just... it was something broaching on the topic that was something people often told her. Pretty often, she was told about how her family wasn't all that she was. Even if Keiko was dedicated to the Kuchiki, and many of her goals and aspirations were intrinsically aligned to or involved the Kuchiki, she was still an individual beyond the clan. The Kuchiki clan was made up of more parts than just Keiko, but Keiko herself was made of more than just the Kuchiki clan. Similarly, there was more to Kokoro than the Shihouin clan. And, maybe, the Shihouin clan was more than just.... Kintori. And Yoshimaru. And Yahiko. And Chidori. And Yoruichi. And... well, maybe the Shihouin clan still wasn't really all that redeeming. But, at the least, Kokoro was clearly more than just a Shihouin.

"Uhm, sure. That's fine."

The carrying, that is. Keiko might've been reserved towards being carried, but it felt like everyone was carrying her nowadays, and at this point she was just getting used to it. Ulv did it innumerable times, Kokoro already did it once before--or so she was told, as Keiko's memory of the time wasn't reliable--even Kintori carried her to the infirmary.

Keiko reached out in the direction of Kokoro's voice, feeling around until she felt Kokoro's face. It was wet, confirming her suspicions. The girl felt around for the cheek, tucked her hand into her sleeve, and wiped the tears away.

"Also, thank you. For the apology. I don't know if forgiving you is the right thing to say, because I don't really feel like you did anything wrong, but I forgive you."

Keiko held out her hands like she was open to a hug in the direction of Kokoro's voice, waiting to be picked up while not really thinking about whether Kokoro's hands were already occupied.


Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] 8Bvy1N8


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God of Love
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Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] Empty Re: Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 3:51 am

Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] L1MgEf2


Kokoro was almost a little bit stunned as Keiko wiped her face, but truth be told, the action did put a stop to her crying. She was still sniffling, but at least no new tears were falling now. That was good, and as she saw Keiko hold out her hands like that... Well, she just leaned in and picked her right up, in much the same way she had the first time around. She was as careful as she could possibly be, not wanting Keiko to feel even slightly uncomfortable, and she made sure to make any necessary handholds for her with hoyoda when necessary.

"I'd keep apologizing forever if I needed to. But... I'm really happy that you forgive me."

That was all Kokoro could find it in her to say right now, as she carried her...friend from the room with a tiny smile on her face. Her actual training was coming into play now, sharp hearing listening for even a single footstep, her eyes on every single corner as she stepped quickly and with purpose. Having already gotten in, she had a good idea of what was where, and she retraced her steps without it being immensely difficult.

The girl in her arms was admittedly a little bit of a distraction, but Kokoro was still a Shihoin, and even if she didn't like that thought very much, she knew what she was doing when it came to stuff like this. When it was something she cared about as much as Keiko, then nothing would- er, Keiko's well being, yeah. Something she cared about as much as Keiko's well being, she wouldn't take any half measures.

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

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Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] Empty Re: Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 4:09 am

Kuchiki Keiko

There was a lot of pleasant sensations coming her way, ones that she hadn't felt in a good while. Some warmth from the outside, the wind on her face. Still nothing on her lower half, but that was just something she was going to need to get used to. It was almost enough to have a smile creep onto her face, but some deep thought still kept her too occupied to express herself that much.

Kokoro talked about taking responsibility. There was nothing she did wrong to Keiko, but just by relation to the Shihouin clan, it compelled her to apologise and feel responsible. Again, in very much the same manner that Keiko felt attached to the Kuchiki clan. To begin with, the girl felt complicated feelings towards Kokoro because she knew that the two of them were quite alike. As it turns out, maybe they were even more alike then she first imagined. And for that, she felt the need to maybe give the woman some words similar to what she received.

"You know, Kokoro... I really mean it, when I said you didn't do anything wrong. And, uh, even by just being a Shihouin, I don't think that means you did anything wrong, or that you have to take responsibility. Like, I mean, I get the feeling, so I know what you meant. But, I just think, it's good to take care of yourself and be responsible for yourself, and not just attach yourself to the Shihouin. Family... family's important, really important to me and I think you, but you yourself are important too..."

Keiko felt her chest tighten. She nearly said You're important to me at least, but she kept that last bit in her thoughts. She was far too anxious and worried about whether it was in her right to speak to Kokoro about these things, whether it was presumptuous of her to say them--and, even, whether it was too corny and close of her to say. To hide the embarassment starting to bloom rosy on her face, Keiko lightly put her face towards Kokoro's collarbone, out of sight. She tightened her hold on the back of Kokoro's neck.


Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] 8Bvy1N8


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God of Love
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Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] Empty Re: Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 4:28 am

Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] L1MgEf2


Kokoro listened to every word Keiko said, maybe with more attention than she listned to nearly anyone. She kept a very close hold on her, obviously not wanting there to be even the slightest chance that Keiko would slip out of her grasp, and while at first she didn't mean to really go very far...she ended up taking a long trip. The Seireitei was big, and even if Keiko couldn't see it, Kokoro didn't care. She'd take her somewhere pretty, because for now she was seeing for them both.

"Yeah, I... I do care about my family. It's important to me, I've always tried to just, you know, be the best Shihoin I can be. But it's been hard lately, really really hard. I don't...I don't wanna be just a Shihoin. I wanna be Kokoro."

With one final kyunpo, Kokoro arrived at the top of a small hill. It wasn't one that overlooked all of Soul Society or anything so grand, but she came here sometimes when she just wanted to get away. She didn't usually bring dates here- um, not that this was a date or anything- but she thought it'd be a good place to just be alone. As friends.

She didn't set Keiko down or anything, that'd be stupid to do. She could feel Keiko's own hold on her getting a little tighter, and that...that made her feel a way she wasn't sure she'd ever felt before. Like she was needed? Wanted? She didn't know what it was, but...she really liked it. She really liked this, even if the circumstances weren't anything close to perfect.

"I think you're really important too, Keiko. Um..."

Kokoro stared out at the view before her, trying her best to figure out how to describe it. She wasn't good at this, but...she promised.

"...It's really pretty where we are, it's on top of a hill. There's a little wood bench, it's red, it doesn't look like anyone's taken care of it and it's under a pretty big tree, I dunno what kind, but the leaves are bunched up in threes. can see a few of the stores from up here, and I think there's even a few noble manors down there. I'm pretty sure one is the Ukitake but I've never been there, so I couldn't tell ya for sure. The sun's still up, it's really bright, and the sky's really clear. The grass is green, there's a few dragonflies all around... It's just you and me here. Your hair's kinda blowing in the wind a little, and it looks really cute. I um... I'm not sure if I see anything else. I hope that was okay."

Kokoro held Keiko just a bit closer after that. There wasn't much reason she could think of behind it, no worry that she'd drop her or anything like that. She just...wanted to hold her closer. Nothing else.

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Last edited by Rawk on Sun Jan 26, 2020 12:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Joined : 2013-11-04
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Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] Empty Re: Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 4:44 am

Kuchiki Keiko

"I'd say, 'Just be Kokoro!' But, obviously, it's not that simple. I'm still working on just being Keiko myself. At least, we can work on being just Kokoro and just Keiko together."

Keiko felt them stop, and soon enough Kokoro started describing the scenery. She wasn't expecting it, but this was probably the most enjoyable time she's had in forever. Every word brought imagery to her mind, and maybe what she was thinking of wasn't actually what the scenery was, but... something about the way Kokoro was describing it. The whole place looked--magical. Keiko moved her head around to look at the things being described, but obviously the directions she looked at probably weren't correct, so it looked like Keiko was just bobbing her head around aimlessly. Just the mention of the sky, sun, and grass, got an accurate direction.

For the first time in, well, a long time, Keiko wore a big grin. Enough that her teeth were shining through.


Black Ops [Keiko/Kokoro] 8Bvy1N8


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