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God of Love
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The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] Empty The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle]

Thu Jan 23, 2020 12:43 pm

The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] BENzhUU

Cyrus of the Blissful Flame

The Sternritter Grandmaster, for all of his- no, her tenure now, had maintained an exceptional information network by ensuring each member of the Sternritter provided each other with regular, detailed reports of their activity. A record of any spiritual phenomena, of their contacts in their respective areas of patrol, and of course a communications system for those few events which merited immediate attention from multiple Sternritter, if not the Grandmaster. So, when Cyrus found herself quite inundated with reports of a reishi detonation in Russia, one that had entirely cleansed the area of not only Hollows but of reishi itself for a moment, she dropped everything and made her way there with haste, providing the Sternritter with simple instructions to not intervene.

Of course, Cyrus was more aware than most of the nature of the Quincy people. Few realized the role of Nozomi in their people's history, but she, who had spoken personally with the progenitor herself, was keenly aware of the gulf between the Quincy of that era and of today. To see such power erupt sparked the woman's interest substantially, for if a fellow Quincy were to know of the old ways, it would be an opportunity Cyrus might never have seen again.

She knew, at least in passing, that she would not be able to stay long in Russia, for it was exceptionally far from their own home in the City of Lights, and Cyrus knew this detonation would call attention soon. The only thing she could do was arrive as quickly as possible, even forgoing her own well being for a brief moment to invoke Avesta and transport herself in mere moments. When she arrived at the crater, still smoldering from the eruption of spiritual power, she floated above the ground calmly, and using her ability to communicate only through reishi, sent out a message with what few traces had returned to the area.

My dear Quincy, would you please allow me to speak with you?

Cyrus, then, could only wait for a response, scanning the area for whoever had caused this. It was an opportunity she could not let pass her by.

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The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] Empty Re: The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle]

Thu Jan 23, 2020 1:24 pm

The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Undoubtedly, such a commotion would bring someone or something. The near cataclysmic detonation of Reishi that occured right after a mile long radius stretch of the reishi were collected as if a void had opened up swallowing a piece of the world would no doubt cause a few heads to turn in the direction of Russia. Helle knew such was unavoidable. Her senses had flared to their maximum once her body had awakened reconnecting with her mind, charged with such raw inner energy, that a release was needed or she would have imploded into herself. The fact that such raw release of power, not only evaporated every Hollow called by her surgance of power, but had wiped out the temple from the planet as well is what she would consider ‘two birds with one stone.’ Sadly, with such a display draining life from the planet itself, she could not make use of basic Quincy skills to quickly travel from point A to point B and found herself stranded for the time being exhausted and lost. There was uncertainty about whether an ally or foe would appear, but it seems that, by the grace of God, salvation would appear before her instead of damnation.

However, she was not readily available at first. Needing a spot to rest herself before attempting to continue on her way, she had found satisfaction with a small formation of rocks that had formed a small corral to rest herself within. It was around this time that the sudden intrusion of another Quincy had sparked her senses once more. Good. Helle did not wish to engage in battle with anyone. Five years had past when she had last existed on Earth, and she has little idea of what beings exist around her in this present day and age. Seeing a fellow Quincy once again after so long will no doubt prove to bring her comfort. The call for a response is not missed by her, but she is slow in rising and leaves from her spot taking heavy steps due to her armored form.

She is the first to spot the female Quincy floating above the ground and has a few moments to acknowledge what she did to the environment. The blast she had released was powerful, but she had directed it upwards to keep from leaving a scar too big on the surface. Still, it was unavoidable due to the location of the temple being underground that a crater would form from her brilliant display that lit the sky up in Holy vengeance. She could only wonder if any natives nearby witnessed it. She wonders what the Quincy that she continues to near thought of it.

Armored steps and silent sounds of metal scraping against metal continue to be the only sound in the area before she stands in her full 6 foot glory before this ebony Quincy that radiated with a strange aura of supremacy. Helle could only think of this woman as kin to the many Elders she experienced in her youth. This woman will no doubt think Helle something glorious as well, maybe a soldier from one of the many tales that the older Quincy tell the younger ones. Helle has an aura about her that tells of a power that still exists in this age but at a level extremely neutered and warped until it became impossible to trace its routes. Even with the lack of Reishi in the area, any could see how it danced around her like invisible wisps waiting to be plucked and strung about.

Helle is dressed in armor that shines brightly in the glaring sun. Silver in color, one could feel its weight as Reishi lies dormant infused into the bonds that holds the armor together. A chestplate, blue details upon it, with a pointed center that hides Helle’s gender with an armored blue skirt that covered her thighs and flowed down to her knees with golden details. Her arms and legs are both covered excessively for protection with her rapier at her side; its silver spiraling hilt obvious for any to see. Around her shoulders tied is a white cape with a furred color that hugs her shoulders tightly. Finally, around her head is a helmet that alludes to the frightening maw of a lions that hides Helle’s face completely from view, her emerald eyes covered by its shadows, with a large white main sprouting from its head.

This is how Helle appears to whoever has come to take witness of her. An imposing sight for many to look upon, but there is a grace and serenity about it. The warrior under the helmet is obviously someone of high esteem. And, it is that air about this Helle that may make her seem more important to the world than she actually is. She is simply a woman displaced and blessed with knowledge that many of the ancient books speak of already.

“It is I you wish to speak with, yes?”

Her voice is deepened and distorted by her helmet giving it a manly tone to further disguise her identity.

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God of Love
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The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] Empty Re: The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle]

Fri Jan 24, 2020 12:59 am

The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] BENzhUU

Cyrus of the Blissful Flame

"It is. Thank you for speaking with me."

Lowering herself to the ground, Cyrus approached Helle with a degree of genuine enthusiasm, the smile on her face very much genuine at the thought of one more to assist her, to share with her in their aims. As she approached, her air of authority, of something more than mere Quincy, seemed to become all the more palpable. Of course, her 6' height, only further added to by the heels of her boots, also helped.

"I apologize for my shortness, but this place will surely not be safe for very long, given the display you have made. I am Cyrus ast-Auramazda, Grandmaster of the Vandenreich. Might I ask your name as well? I would not wish our interactions be so impersonal."

Cyrus' smile was still calm, demure, outright motherly in its nature. She did very much wish to speak with this man on far more serious topics, but to do so without so much as an introduction was out of the question.

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The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] Empty Re: The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle]

Fri Jan 24, 2020 8:01 am

The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Interesting. The strange aura of superiority around this ebony woman only worsened as she neared the armour cladded Helle. There is no doubt Quincy among the massive reserves of restrained energy, but there is something that Helle could only relate to the memories of Nozomi. She is not simply speaking with an Elder of her kind, not even an individual who may have been displaced from a more ancient time. However, her senses are truly confused on how wary her mind and body should be. That disarming smile, the form and shape of this supreme being, the way she seemed so pleased with the fact that Helle even exists. Even with Helle’s heightened form, the armored Quincy had no height advantage in this situation, nothing to warrant any charge of anything about her. She felt she should bow, but at the same time, she felt that this person would have little care for such semantics.

However, the urge to show respect only grows worse once introductions are made. Helle’s head turned, only evident by the tilt of her helmet, as her gaze focused intently on the massive hole allowing her thoughts time to process this newfound information. This is no Elder. This is a Grandmaster, the highest title in the hierarchy. The last Grandmaster Helle could remember… Well, in all honesty, her mind still hasn’t completely recovered from the assimilation of past thoughts forced upon it. Then, there is only one thing that must be done in proper respect to the woman before her.

Her arms move upward as her metal hands grab hold to the sides of her helmet. With a slight tilt of her neck forward to allow ease of removal, she lifts her helmet off her head, a massive amount of crudely tied golden hair flows freely without the restraint of the silver helmet keeping it in check bouncing giddily down Helle’s backside as her appearance becomes known to Cyrus. Immediately, one will see that she is not male but, in fact, a female. Her face is soft yet pristine with sharp emerald eyes that pierce the space between Cyrus and her. One can tell she is not great in age, barely in her early 20’s as there is an extreme youth about her despite the wisdom her eyes seem to hold.

“My Liege. I do so apologize for withholding such important information from thee. Helle Armstrong at your service, the last of the Armstrong and sole inheritor to their legacy.”

She holds her helmet under her arm as her young, yet vocally strong voice rings out around her as she gives Cyrus the information that was asked of her. She stands firm for only a second however before her gaze breaks away, a small blush appearing on her cheeks as her hand rubbed under her chin in slight worry.

“Ah… Was that correct? I don’t feel I accurately greeting someone with the title of Grandmaster. Oh, how worrisome. It seems I’ll have to regain such knowledge for next time. Though, I suppose it would be best to leave this area before anything else arrives. There is little Reishi around that would be adequate enough for any form of prolonged combat.”

Cyrus’ presence seems to have been momentarily forgotten as Helle berates and discusses with her about the correct ways that situations like these should be handled.

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God of Love
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The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] Empty Re: The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle]

Sat Jan 25, 2020 12:58 am

The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] BENzhUU

Cyrus of the Blissful Flame

Cyrus was actually rather genuinely surprised to see such a young woman beneath that helmet. She had expected a man in his 30s, if she was being honest, and there was almost a faint sadness in her heart at the idea of someone so young being alone in this place. It would not do for her.

"You need not address me so formally, Helle dear. Grandmaster would be appropriate if you must be formal, but in truth I do not mind simply Cyrus. Ah, but this conversation should not be held here. Come along, if you would."

Smiling once more, Cyrus reached out to take Helle's hand in hers, wanting to hopefully take her out of her little reverie of self-reflection. It was admirable to take stock of one's actions and situation, but there was a time and place for it. Carefully picturing the City of Lights in her mind, Cyrus took a moment to focus, before the whole of the world around them seemed to echo with her voice. It was not spiritual in nature, but something...far more.

Kiafa rhemean inur yyno.

In those words, the full scope of Cyrus' divinity was made manifest. Such was the power of her Avesta, of a sentence spoken with such intensity as to be marked by Kiafa. It was not so alien to her, truth be told, but for Helle it would likely have been a profoundly alien experience, one perhaps even a bit horrifying. For the briefest of moments, neither Helle nor Cyrus existed in what might have been called a physical form at all. They were simply concepts, mind and body carried along in the world. And a fraction of a second, they simply were no longer in Russia. Now they stood within the City of Lights, and though Cyrus was perfectly fine, she looked with concern to the woman she had brought with her.

"I apologize if I have caused you any distress, but haste was of the utmost importance."

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The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] Empty Re: The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle]

Sat Jan 25, 2020 2:03 am

The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Hmm? Did she become too absorbed in her own mental debacle to take notice of the order for casualness? Her mind did not consider her own blunder until the disturbance of Cyrus’ hand on her own armored one which gently tugged her from her inner monologue. Eyes widened with surprise and realization flick quickly to the Grandmaster as Helle felt her person grow slightly rigid from the sudden touch. She could not directly feel it however with her fingers concealed; smooth, cold, and hard metal captured by Cyrus’ hand which probably would have felt just as smooth yet much warmer and natural than the armor Helle wears. Confusion seized her facial expression; prior ignorance to spoken words revealing itself for Helle had little knowledge of what exactly Cyrus planned. Though, the words spoken soon after contact was made shook Helle through her armor and flesh and pierced her very core. She had never experienced such otherworldly presence before Cyrus, not even from the memories that reside within her head; Nozomi being the highest form of divinity that Helle could feasibly acknowledge until now. It was the fact that such power did not condemn the Reishi that flowed around them, and instead, affected reality at a more primal state. It scared and excited Helle that a being such as Cyrus existed in this world, but there is no room for her to speak on this strange moment as she is torn from the world. She did not feel alive nor dead; only existed as a thought in the back of her own mind for just a moment until she stood on a plain far different than before.

Instantly, her body sung along with the Reishi that lay thick in this new area. Her senses are overloaded by the sudden realization of its own existence as Helle takes a moment to catch her bearings feeling her innards buckle, but she refused to show how stirred the sudden jump had left her. With a look that only showed minor disgust, she shook her head lightly and took a small, yet mighty, breath. Then, barely letting the next second pass, her emerald gaze rose to Cyrus allowing the hint of relief to express itself on her visage by the small rise of the corner of her lips.

“No harm was done my Liege. You did speak of leaving that scar I had left, concerned for my own safety. There is only my gratitude to give.”

With that out of the way, Helle takes the time to move her gaze around the area they have appeared within. She can feel it now that she feels a bit better; the mass of Quincy all about the two. From one side of the world to another in the amount of time it takes to blink. Cyrus truly is a being of immense uncategorizable power and ability. Helle must learn more of her Grandmaster. Not only is the Ebony woman a powerhouse beauty, but she has this indistinguishable air about her that Helle has never experienced. Truly dazzling, and the only hint of Helle’s astonishment is the small glimmer in her gaze that contrasts the stoic demeanor she had first greeted Cyrus with. She speaks once more expressing her more youthful jovialness with her tone.

“Where are we?”

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Elyss Kishimoto | Helle Armstrong | Hiroi Kiga | Tier Harribel

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God of Love
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The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] Empty Re: The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle]

Sat Jan 25, 2020 11:54 pm

The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] BENzhUU

Cyrus of the Blissful Flame

"Ah, very well. If you are quite sure, but please do not be afraid of honesty in my presence. I would always rather a displeasing truth than a pretty falsehood."

Giving Helle a reassuring smile, and a warm pat on the head, Cyrus began to walk, still holding the woman's hand warmly. By this point, most in the City of Lights had simply come to accept this Aspect of Cyrus, and did not question such a degree of affection. That was simply how she was.

"This is the City of Lights, the new home to the Vandenreich. Rather than attempt to rebuild from the ashes of Antarctica's destruction, the Quincy rebuilt here, in the Pacific. There are many things I have found perhaps questionable in the actions of my predecessors, but this is a wonderful place."

Pride was obvious in Cyrus' voice. Pride in the Vandenreich, in the Quincy, but most of all, in the future that she knew they would build together.

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The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] Empty Re: The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 11:56 pm

The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

It seems attempting a more prideful approach in this situation has cornered her somewhat. Though, simply persisting in her falsehood should prove fruitful. She did not become sick due to Cyrus’ intervention, but the natural effect the world has on her has left her suddenly burdened; a sickness that passes as quickly as it came. From an area of little Reishi to one of many, no doubt she would feel a bit of imbalance within herself considering the special way she interacts with said reishi. The truth of the matter does not truly matter. However, the way Cyrus decided to interact with her person did cause a bit of concern. More so from the intimacy of such actions. Has Helle ever felt one’s hand on her head in such a manner? Such memories are vacant from her mind. The warmth that the woman pulling her along exuded was something Helle has never known. She did not mind it as much as she originally thought, but everything around her is still so new and alien. There is no doubt that she feels extremely out of place in this situation, and no amount of care shown towards her well being would excel the process needed for her to accept such startling change around. It will come to her as it pleases, and adjustments will be made accordingly.

“Destroyed? Moved? It seems I have… missed much in my pursuits…”

That hit her hard despite the lack of emotional distraught on her face. Cyrus would feel the metal hand in her own shiver slightly however as Helle takes the time to reminisce over everything she knew before she disappeared from the world. Everything had seemed normal before her departure, and now, a Grandmaster is telling her that the base of the Vandenreich that was located in Antarctica had been destroyed and everything moved here, in the Pacific? How much did she actually miss? What else has changed? She had expected some to grow in power and for positions to be altered, but she was not prepared for something that drastic. Why did her ancestor not inform her of this? No doubt he had felt such a disturbance during her training. Her conclusion comes quickly though informing her of his want to keep her safe knowing she would have been the first to throw her life away if allowed to fight in what was apparently a tragic battle. At least the Quincy still exist. That is good news. Cyrus’ voice is reassuring, for it holds a tone she is familiar with. Despite everything, the Quincy still have their pride, yes? And, now? They have her as well.

“Thank you for informing me of this. It will take some adjusting, but it is heartwarming to know that we still strive even after such tragedy befell us.”

Her eyes focus on Cyrus for a moment as she frowned. It looked as if she had something she wished to convey, but instead of speaking, she keeps her thoughts to herself and looks about taking in her new home. Yes. She is staying here. There is little reason not to adopt the Vandenreich’s new city as her own. Once she has become accommodated with her surroundings, she already has it in her mind to work hard to make sure that this place does not end as the other has.

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Elyss Kishimoto | Helle Armstrong | Hiroi Kiga | Tier Harribel

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God of Love
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The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] Empty Re: The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle]

Mon Jan 27, 2020 12:34 am

The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] BENzhUU

Cyrus of the Blissful Flame

Sensing her unease, and feeling the woman's hand shiver in hers, Cyrus decided it might be for the best if they stopped for now, taking a moment to find a lovely little bench that overlooked the sea. The Grandmaster took a seat, patting the spot next to her to make it quite clear she wished for Helle to sit with her. It was likely better, regardless, if they sat down. She didn't want to overwhelm Helle.

"There is nothing wrong with feeling so strongly about what has happened these past few years, Helle dear. Please, take as much time as you need to adjust, and do not feel afraid to ask my assistance any time you require it."

Cyrus kept her eyes firmly upon Helle, her smile never falling and her eyes warm and affectionate. She cared for Helle as she cared for all people under her gaze, and to see her in a state of distress made her rather unhappy.

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The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] Empty Re: The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle]

Mon Jan 27, 2020 8:49 am

The Old Ways [Cyrus/Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

The sudden shift in direction caught the blonde off guard. Cyrus’ intentions didn’t process in her mind until the both of them found themselves looking off at the edge of the world into view of the endless sea. The Armstrong wore a solemn expression ignoring the silent request for her to sit as she stepped a bit off to look out towards the sea letting whatever light breeze blow her cape about her form. Ah. How solemn. How tranquil. What a perfect moment that accents the fact that the world is probably far too different from what she remembers. She couldn’t help but take in a deep breath with her eyes closing as her chest expanded greatly. Her sigh left her lips, and one could literally see her whole person deflate in acceptance. Though, quickly, she rises from her moment of weakness and a quick sigh leave from her as she turns to look to Cyrus with a slight tilt to her head.

“...Your smile and words remind me of the Elders who watched over me when I was younger. That…”

She stops herself. Fake. That is what she concludes when looking truly at Cryus beyond her title of Grandmaster. Though, it is not a normal fakeness that she can relate to the Elders completely. Something seemed internally wrong with this situation. There is just something off about the way the ebony woman holds her smiles and always feels warm as if it is simply a default mode. However, to avoid having to explain herself, Helle takes the necessary steps and takes her place on the bench besides Cyrus. Despite this strange feeling, she feels calm. There is something pure about the inhumanity being displayed beside her. She will not question anything until a more appropriate time. There are more necessities about then someone’s emotional state.

“I wish to take a position within the Vandenreich. Can you assist me with such Grandmaster?”

Surprising is probably the correct word to describe Helle at this moment. One out of place and time asking for a spot beyond what her disordered mind should be capable of, but she has already settled with the idea that her assistance is needed whether she is fit or not within the Reich.

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Elyss Kishimoto | Helle Armstrong | Hiroi Kiga | Tier Harribel

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