Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Searching for the Lost Astillon (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Searching for the Lost Astillon (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Searching for the Lost Astillon (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 4 Empty Re: Searching for the Lost Astillon (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:51 pm


Searching for the Lost Astillon (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 4 6EdIfMt

Song: Ghost Synth - Artist: Stardew Valley

The walk home was rather calm and relaxing, a nice compliment to the enjoyable evening, and the emotion that came from her during. However, Arianda's question was something that caught her off-guard, causing her face to turn red as one of her hands rose to cover her mouth and her reddening face, preventing her from responding. Even still, she remained silent, unsure of how to answer her.

She only continued to hold her hand as she held a hand up to her face, keeping her attention turned toward the night sky. The rest of the walk home became as silent as the sky above. As they reached home, was guided in and to her room, she felt the other woman give her hand a squeeze, letting her know that she would be in her room if Kitarune needed her, before closing the door. Kitarune stood there, listening to her gentle footsteps back to her own room.

The mage changed into a set of pajamas and sat down on her bed before laying back and staring at the ceiling. Words couldn't even begin to describe how she felt as she brought her hands to her chest, clasping them tightly above her heart, feeling the beat pounding through her chest. Kitarune slid under the covers, pulling them up to her shoulder as she laid her head down on her pillow, quickly falling victim to the allure of slumber.

Though, this feeling of care and peace would quickly be shattered, as not long after she fell asleep, one of many haunting memories wormed its way into her dreams. The smell and smell of fire, burning wood, iron came over her as she once again lived through the destruction of her home and the death of her brother, the one she held closest to her heart. As she finally snapped awake, she rushed to sit up, clawing at the air. Immediately, she closed her eyes and used the connection to her sibling.

He was ok.

Tears welled up in her eyes and Kitarune took the pillow from behind her, burying her face into it as she sobbed. Cries of happiness that her brother was ok, that it was all a dream. Yet, they were also cries of sorrow as she had to remember yet again that their home was gone, and that it had happened again. Eventually, her crying subsided and she lowered the pillow from her face, setting it aside as she made her way to Arianda's room, quietly opening the door and slipped under the covers with her.

She didn't want anything else this night, other than to be held and to be told that everything was ok while she fell asleep once more.

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Searching for the Lost Astillon (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Searching for the Lost Astillon (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Searching for the Lost Astillon (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 4 Empty Re: Searching for the Lost Astillon (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Mon Jun 01, 2020 4:15 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Asleep, asleep and under the sheets of her bed was the demon Arianda Vael; the Angel of Conflict. She slept and dreamed, dreamed of times with Kita. Nothing lewd, at least not on purpose, but most of her dreams seemed to be so pure... so wholesome. So much so that such dreams humbled Ari's mind and body as she lay in bed; curled up in a warm little ball as her own inhibitions slowly beat their way to the front of her mind. A memory long concealed from Ari purposefully; the memory of her first love and what became of that... ordeal. A shiver ran through Ari's mind, and body, as she remembered and dreamed such horrible things.

Then, without warning, she felt Amphy's consciousness awaken and comfort Ari gently and warmly; helping the demon regain some semblance of calm. In fact, Amphy's presence felt so much stronger... so much closer than it had in the past. It felt nice, really, to have some comfort even if Arianda had an amazing night. However, she let out a soft hum in her sleep, uncurling gently as her body relaxed. However, a noise made the demon's eyes snap open; breaking her dreams. Amphy was still present, but she had fallen asleep; in a sense. That was not what bothered Ari.

Someone had opened her door. Indeed, it could have been Aki, Ari's daughter; but it wasn't. Not even close. It was a fair maiden with purple hair; Kitarune. Arianda blinked and rubbed her eyes as she watched the woman approach and, without warning, slipped into the sheets with Ari. She was close, so close Ari could easily smell the sweet aroma that arose from Kita; as well as feel the tremors that wracked her body. Not to mention, Ari could also feel the emotions that were pouring out of Kita much like the tears that had previously adorned her face before she arrived in Ari's room. The demon blinked at Kita before smiling warmly.

Such a warm, caring smile adorned Ari's face as her arms slowly pulled Kita into a warm, safe, embrace; very gingerly pulling Kita against her. She also did her best to make sure Kita felt that every part of her was safe; she even gently wrapped a single leg around one of Kita's. She nuzzled her forehead against Kita's own, pressing her nose to the woman's own nose, and then spoke softly; hoping that sleep would take both of them and let them sleep peacefully. A peaceful sleep between these two women, lying in a warm embrace, would be the best thing Ari could wish for this night. So, Ari spoke with a kindness, such warmth, that it likely could comfort Kita even more than the warm embrace could.

"It's okay, Kita. I'm right here, everything's fine and I'm not going anywhere. You're safe."

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