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Wed Feb 19, 2020 9:16 pm
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Nenka was quite blown away by what Kimitsuki had told them. They didn't just use fire, they quite literally are fire, a physical manifestion of that element. Nenka seemed pretty shocked as he had never encountered a being like that before - a Davana demon. This made them all the more excited to start training with her, he was going to learn from the raw element of fire itself!

He also took note of her first point. He knew that he in order to be a hero, he had to live. This mirrored what he was told by Valentine in the Karakura Forest. If Nenka died, he would not be able to see through his heroic acts anymore. Even though he thought it to be a profound thing to be told, that feeling of guilt dragging him down into the dark depths of idealising dying a martyr would keep haunting them. It wouldn't be so defeated so easily.

Nenka proceeded to follow Kimitsuki to a more open area where he sat next to her and then he was struck with a pretty deep question. What is fire to him? What did he believe it to be? He didn't have an immediate answer. Before that event in the forest, he had no particular interest in fire. He just saw it as an element that some were able to wield for their own purposes. Since he had obtained it though, he found his own meaning. Ambition, passion. The ambition to be a hero and the passion to see it through.

"I'll tell you the truth from the start. Before my powers.. found me. I never thought much of fire. It's just a reaction known as combustion. I know some people used it as their power, but its the same as if someone would use lightning, water, whatever. I never imagined i'd end up using these kinds of powers. But to me, it represents my ambitions to be a hero and passion to never give up, no matter what!"

Nenka was a troubled young adult. There was no denying that. He had to struggle with mental problems that had been brought to the forefront in their first interaction, as well as an urge to become a martyr for his fallen friends. However, beyond all that, lied a powerful ambition. Even if it is not as easy as it sounds, how ever flawed it was. Nenka wanted to be a hero more than anything else. He wanted a world where families and children would never suffer the same fate his friends did, or the upbringing that he himself suffered.

And with that ambition, comes a powerful passion to never back down. Nenka had already been at deaths doorstep in pursuit of this goal and yet it did not affect his morale or ideals in the slightest. Nothing was going to stop him from trying. And that passion, burnt ever so brightly. That is what he felt the element of fire represented within him. He wondered now, what fire incarnate would make of his musings.

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Tue Feb 25, 2020 4:12 pm

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The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

This man, indeed, was quite interesting to be around. She still could not place her finger on this sense of familiarity she felt when looking at Nenka. Whatever it was, she simply shrugged it off for now and watched Nenka closely. What she wanted to hear was how he felt about fire; what it did for him. How he felt about it literally just in general. Frankly, she only asked him because that was very important. If he thought it to be a weapon, then Kimitsuki needed to correct that immediately. Because, after all, fire is not a weapon; but nor is it something to be trifled with. Which is why Kimitsuki listened to his explanation of what fire is to him; nodding some and shrugging at Nenka's explanation indeed, fire is technically a combustion. However, what he said was at least better than it was a weapon.

She hummed, crossing her legs as she idly bounced a ball of fire in her hand; never missing a beat as she thought. Fire to her was something more complex. It was life, it was death; it was energy. It also was her; it was everything that made up Kimitsuki. She literally was fire. Which is why with a slow inhale, the area around them burst into flames. Then a slow exhale and it was all extinguished with ease; not a single thing burnt. She looked towards Nenka and grinned; tossing the little ball of fire to him. If he caught it, he would find it was warm; not scorching hot. But, more like the comfort of warm water or a warm bag; but in general it was a comforting heat, not an unpleasant one.

"That's not bad but to me, fire really is more than that; to me at least. It representing your ambition isn't bad, but, if that all fire is to you, then it will never be more than that; it will never be more than a power or an ambition. Being able to control fire means that, in a sense, it is part of you; and you need to know exactly what it means to you."

Kimitsuki hummed as fire danced on her fingertips; and then a dragon that looked to be made of fire appeared and curled around her shoulders and neck loosely. She chuckled, gave the dragon a few pets before she resumed talking.

"To me, fire is more than just a "combustion"; it's life. Of course, it is also death... However, fire is potently capable of destruction; like forest fires. I know that you didn't use to think much of fire, but, start thinking more of it; treat your powers right. Otherwise..."

Kimitsuki let out a tiny exhale, a sharp inhale, and then another exhale; bits of flame escaping from her mouth as the area around them burst into flame. It seemed to threaten to consume everything, but Kimitsuki grinned at him as the fire raged around them.

"Otherwise, you risk losing yourself to it and losing control; you could even hurt someone you care for. Someone you wish to save, even; always remember that fire is not a tool, it is not a weapon. However, it is part of you; and over all, fire is alive in it's own way..."

Kimitsuki hummed softly before the fire around them faded once more; all of it seeming to go right back into Kimitsuki somehow. She blinked a few times before blushing softly as she looked at Nenka.

"I'm sorry, you just remind me of someone I once met; they could control fire as well... An interesting man, really; albeit something tells me he is no longer of this world... Regardless, keep in mind what fire is to you, alright? Think about it."

Kimitsuki gave him a warm smile before standing up from the bench and stretching some; the dragon on her neck and shoulders never leaving his perch. Soon, Kimitsuki extended a hand towards Nenka; for him to take as help off what they sat upon. Afterwards, Kimitsuki walked a bit of a distance away before turning to face the young pyromancer. She smiled at him, the dragon, Kagutsuchi, fixing his eyes on the boy for a brief moment before giving a tooth yawn and resuming, or restarting, a nap.

"So, Nenka, if you wish to be strong, you must live; but you also need to train. So, how about you and I have a bit of a sparring match, hm? And don't hold back, okay? I can take it. And I want to see what you can do."

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Wed Feb 26, 2020 10:14 pm



Such a complex question for Nenka, his answers probably weren't ever going to be satisfactory to a being who manifests the element of fire. Humans had a vastly different view of the elements after all, but Nenka was not vain enough to see fire merely as a tool to fulfil his end goals - it was representative of his spirit and passion.

Nenka observed the way she played with fire like it was her toy. He never really did anything like she did, he only would ever used it if he had to. This made him wonder if he needed to let it be a part of him more than it currently was. But no matter what, he wasn't going to be more natural with fire than someone who was literally embodying it. This wasn't an excuse for him to not try though. He caught her ball of fire and it felt quite comforting to hold. To Nenka, that showed that her level of control over it was very high.

He made sure to pay a lot of attention to her as she went on to give him some lectures on what fire "was", at least from her perspective. There was probably not one objective truth to such a thing. However, it must be natural and a part of someone if someone is to truly utilise it as an element. He did accept fire as a part of him, so he had his heart in the right place as a start.

Nenka was also warned about the dangers of fire. If not controlled, it can cause way more damage than anyone would anticipate and harm or kill innocent people. This was the worst case scenario for him. He wouldn't be able to live with that level of guilt if anyone innocent got hurt because of him, after he swore to be a hero and protect them. This made him break his silence as it was something he felt very strongly about.

"This fire is a part of me, my soul.. I could never forgive myself if I hurt someone innocent. If it truly coexists with me, then i'll make sure only those who need to be stopped will feel my flame!"

Nenka found what she said next curious. She was reminded of a man by Nenka, a man who could also control fire. Who was supposedly dead now. It is somewhat ironic that this young adult had begun to meet people from the life of the spirit he inherited, before they died. Coincidence or fate, either way Nenka was clueless and couldn't quite draw the conclusion on who she was talking about, taking her hand from where they sat.

Kimitsuki then made an offer to him, to train with him. An opportunity for him to go all out, as she seemed very confident she would be able to handle it. Having felt her spiritual power already, Nenka knew that he would most likely win if she decided to use that power. But a chance to train with someone more experienced than him with the element he has was a great one, so naturally he was going to take it.

"I feel like there's a lot I can learn from you. I haven't trained with this power that much yet, so this is a great opportunity. I'll show you everything I have!

He began to unleash his own spiritual power. His presence was definitely notable, but not overwhelming. He knew that a entity who was made up of fire would probably not receive much damage from fire, so he was going to focus more on more physical aspects like hand to hand, weapon based tactics in this fight. His flames would still prove useful though, as his green and purple fire appeared in his hands to craft a blade.

"Fire won't be much good against someone like you, right? So i'll try mainly using the weapons I can conjure.. and my fists, so get ready! Show me what fire is all about Kimitsuki!"

He himself would have some resistance to her fire, but due to the power difference it would still be able to inflict plenty of damage to him if he wasn't careful and leave him quite burned. He started off this spar by launching himself at her at a superhuman speed, closing the distance faster than even the most athletic of humans.

It was fast, but it wasn't quite the same as a flash step or a variant of that technique. He would aim to vertically slash her. His aim was just to land a hit on her. A sword of flames would have little effect on her, after all. This was going to be Nenka's first real chance to fully tap into the powers Poliro had left behind. Oh, how she'd react if she knew the truth...

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Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:19 pm

The Meaning of Fire [private] 6EdIfMt


Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: Wildfire (Cover)

Kimitsuki was glad to know that Nenka was getting a good idea of what fire was; it was not a weapon. As a fire user, it was technically part of him; and he should be wise to not lose control. Kimitsuki also was glad to see that Nenka was quite the quick leaner. However, no matter what, she was glad that Nenka was so enthusiastic to learn and train. Which was why the Danava let Nenka charge at her with his own presence that was indeed notable; but not possibly overwhelming as Kimi's could be to him. However, as Nenka drew close to her, Kimitsuki grinned and chuckled.

"Show you what fire is all about? You got it~"

The Danava gave that same big grin as her body seemed to simply erupt in flame the second Nenka drew close enough to strike; using the fire as a cover as Kimitsuki moved behind Nenka with a quick burst of speed and shot a tame burst of fire into Nenka's back. It may singe his skin, and clothes, just a tiny bit; but she didn't want to actually harm the boy. Not to mention, her hair was glowing a bright orange; as if it too was made from fire. After that brief bit of distraction of a gout of fire, Kimitsuki muttered something under her breath and drew a sword out of nothing at her hip; spinning the blade for a moment before she grinned at Nenka and then moved on him hard.

She pushed Nenka quite hard, doing her best to push him against a wall; figuratively speaking. She clashed her blade with his, sparks flying from their blades made from fire; with Kimi's being special thanks to the Nature of Danava and Atma Vatou. Regardless, she pushed Nenka as much as she could with her limited weapon capabilities; however the demon had the strength to push Nenka back harder than Nenka likely could push against her. Not to mention, Kimitsuki used random bursts of flame pin-pointed to throw the man off balance; take him by surprise. However, she eventually started to speak while pushing Nenka back with her sword and fire; trying to get him to push harder. To push past his own limit.

"Again, fire is a part of you, Nenka; even if it may not hurt me as much as someone else, it can still be useful. You could use your fire as a distraction so you can attack or even simply just pull away from a bad situation; like I did earlier to draw my weapon."

Kimitsuki gave Nenka a rather big smile as she continued to push him into a corner; using her fire and swordplay to keep him at bay. However, if Nenka used any methods to escape her attacks, she would let it at least partially succeed; not wanting to take severe damage after all. She couldn't just simply regenerate like most demons can. Either way, she was hoping Nenka would use his fire to distract somehow and get an attack in. Not to mention, the more time Kimi spent with Nenka, the more she felt this feeling of familiarity... The time she spent with Poliro, no matter how brief; he reminded her of it. His energy... Whatever it was, Kimitsuki was still wondering that in the back of her mind. However, no matter what the similarity was, her focus was on training Nenka; even as her mind started to draw conclusions. Simply, she just wished to make sure Nenka wouldn't kill himself; she wanted him to live so he could make those differences he wished to make.

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Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:04 pm



When people exert themselves, they can feel hot and sweaty as the bodies flight or fight reaction kicks in and adrenaline is released into the system. Such a sensation would match well with anyone wielding the element of fire; letting their soul and body lit ablaze with passion and strength. He heeded Kimitsuki's words; this was a part of him, it can always be useful even if it can't directly win him a fight through burns and the likes.

As her body erupted in flames, Nenka wasn't too intimidate as he already knew he had a high degree of resistance to fire, but he knew his opponent wouldn't be that silly to try and use it offensively against him so directly. Likewise, he couldn't rely on it solely for offense. Kimitsuki gave him a heads up in this regard also, to be more creative.

Nenka was not able to resist being pushed back by her, as he was overpowered quite easily but still tried to stand his ground and not get pushed too far backwards. As she tried to burst flames to distract him, Nenka tried not to allow himself to become distracted and made sure to keep her in focus; fire wouldn't be too much of a worry for him compared to her physical attacks.

When given the tip, he had to think how to get out his predicament with his back to a wall. Bearing in mind what he was just told, as he tried to hold her off, under Kimitsuki's feet, a small puddle of fire would form; the intent was not to trap her, or even try and damage her; Nenka's trick would come as this puddle caused a small explosion, not enough to hurt her by any stretch but to create enough force to try separate her and Nenka so that he could regain breathing room.

If successful, Nenka would then go for the counterattack. Moving forwards at Kimitsuki as fast as he could with his supernatural agility, he projected a sword of fire with his Flame Creation skill. He aimed for her throat and intended to bring it down straight on her, but as he appeared to take the swing at her, he suddenly let go of it and it dissipated right away as he mixed up with a surprise, double fisted strike to her chest to attempt and push her back. Nenka was fairly strong for a human, being supernatural but it was unlikely to seriously injure Kimitsuki. Not that shouldn't feel it, though.

This kind of fist attack seemed famliar to something a Shinigami would use, but it was far from the actual trained style of Hakuda. Either way, he aimed to implement her advice and use his fire in ways that wasn't purely offensive and show that he is quite a capable, adaptable learner.

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Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:51 pm

The Meaning of Fire [private] 6EdIfMt


Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: Wildfire (Cover)

To be pushed back by someone who was more powerful than the other was not entirely surprising in the end. After all, it was only natural for a stronger being to push back the weaker opponent unless the weaker opponent had ways to triumph over more powerful enemies. However, Nenka was still relatively creative with what he was doing right now; creating a pool of fire for Kimitsuki to step in and likely cause some form of effect that Kimitsuki would not find likeable. So, instead of staying in the pool of fire to figure out what it did, Kimitsuki reflexively jumped away from the pool of fire; which quickly exploded. It's purpose was to gain space; and was quite successful. Nenka got the space he needed, and it was enough space to do as he wish.

Kimitsuki was surprised to find Nenka charging at her as fast as he possibly could; aiming for her neck with a blade he had created from fire. It was an interesting trick, and technically Kimi could do the exact same thing; however, she was more worried about getting her neck cleaved open by such an attack. The demon moved backwards, leaning away from Nenka's attack, doing a small bit of a backbend; however, Nenka stopped his attack and aimed a punch for Kimitsuki's chest. It was a good feint, especially because it would take a great deal of advantage of Kimitsuki's backwards lean. However, the demon also took advantage of Nenka's position.

Given he was paying close attention to Kimitsuki, hopefully, the Danava brought her hand up and created a brief flash of bright fire; intending to briefly blind Nenka to mask what she was doing. And what Kimitsuki was doing was dropping down to the ground; aiming a heavy kick to Nenka's stomach. Afterwards, she would use her sword and slam the pommel of the sword into Nenka's chest. After a very quick recovery, Kimitsuki rolled away from Nenka; jumping to her feet with blinding speed. Afterwards, Kimitsuki's fire remained present on the field; noticeably heating up as she took a brief moment to increase her flame, and charge for a full offensive.

She spun her sword around in her hand, and then she created a torrent of flame around her blade; dashing straight for Nenka. She aimed five swift strikes at his torso; targeting areas that would lead to little damage, but likely cause Nenka to flinch a relatively good amount. Afterwards, Kimitsuki would breathe a gout of flame at Nenka point-blank; intending to bathe him in flame for a good few moments before she would kick him away with a very solid side kick. Afterwards, the Danava would remain at a distance; waiting for Nenka to retaliate or do something else. She gave the man a soft smile, but was still on high alert; ready for whatever Nenka threw at her next.

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Sun Jul 04, 2021 10:21 am



With Nenka trying to keep his focus on her, her bright fire did its job and temporarily robbed him of his sight as he saw white momentarily. He couldn't let his guard down on his surroundings; he had to be hyper aware of everything around him, not just his current opponent. With the opening she had gained, her kick would easily connect as well as her sword pommel, as he was easily pushed back, still keeping himself on two legs.

Nenka definitely felt her kick and the slam of her sword as he began to breathe heavily. He felt his body light up in pain and soreness. Thankfully she didn't break anything, so he was still in a good condition to keep fighting. Wouldn't be much of a hero if one kick floored him after all.

He didn't have long to recuperate from her kick as Kimitsuki would keep up the offensive by aiming to strike him with her fire blade; Nenka was able to feel her fire had gotten hotter. He knew he was able to resist flames to an extent but naturally with Kimitsuki's greater power, it might reach the point it could damage him despite him also being a fire user. Nenka was going to have to be careful of her fire if it kept heating up.

Trying his best to maintain focus, she would strike again with her firey blade and Nenka did his best to dodge; managing to avoid 2 of the 5 strikes with evasive manoeuvres; trying to step to the side and backstep; the strikes that did connect would burn through his clothing and leave burn marks on his chest. It did sting him, but wouldn't stop him.

As he was able to sense a big burst of her fire coming his way, he couldn't quite afford to get his whole body burned to a crisp so he took the defensive measure of surrounding himself in his own fire to mitigate her breath of fire. This way, he'd manage to mitigate much of the fire and wouldn't suffer any notable injury. Remembering what she said; he put the pieces together that this was intended to draw his attention so that she could follow with another blow.

Anticipating this, he moved himself swiftly out the way of her oncoming kick. Even though he expected it, her superior speed made it pretty close. Taking another one of those hits wouldn't have been good for him. Nenka wanted to immediately go on the counter offensive after dodging.

As Nenka dodged her kick, he clenched his fist aiming to strike her back; but it was not a simple punch. He coated his fist with a lot of fire, to the point it was like a gauntlet of fire surrounding his arm. Despite his slender build, his supernatural strength was definitely there as he struck with a powerful punch, cutting through the air towards Kimitsuki. If Kimitsuki managed to dodge the punch, it wouldn't be over just yet as Nenka set the fire surrounding his arm off, causing an explosion of strong force at the point of impact; so the likelihood is that she would get blown back even if she dodged the punch itself.

If this all went to plan, Nenka would have more space and he wasn't quite finished yet. He wanted to display the limit of his strength. If he gained the space he was hoping to get from his counterattack, he would use his Flame Creation skill to create a massive block of fire above her which was about the size of a two story house. Doing this expended a lot of energy, but he hoped to get a big hit here as he brought it crashing down on her, trying to engulf her in his flames as he then set it to explode, causing a powerful almighty explosion that left a crater in the area where she once stood, strong enough to blow everything close away; people in Saburo would have definitely felt that.

He started to gasp for air and breathe heavily after his massive counterattack. It took a big toll on him to go to the limit of his flame creation skills, he hoped it would gain him some advantage as the odds were stacked against him as it is. He kept his guard up and mentally prepared for what she'd throw at him next; it was far from over.

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Tue Jul 06, 2021 3:06 pm

The Meaning of Fire [private] 6EdIfMt


Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: Wildfire (Cover)

Nenka was rather limber despite everything, and despite the fact that Kimitsuki had the advantage with speed, and ability to keep going for a longer period of time. However, even as some of her strikes hit, it wasn't like Kimitsuki was aiming to kill Nenka or anything. Her sword, while sharp, wasn't cutting through anything that would threaten his life; small wounds that would cauterize whenever Kimitsuki bathed him in his flame. She wasn't ruthless, and she tried not to be; she was simply herself. Which means she was kind, compassionate, and wouldn't ever aim to kill Nenka even if he asked her too. She was simply to kind to kill someone unless she desperately needed to; or if someone threatened what she cared for, Hiroi, Vastime, Her Queen...

Kimitsuki was shaken from her slight reprieve of considering what Nenka would do next when he dodged the kick meant to hit him once again; aiming to punch at her back while she was likely still unstable from her kick. It was a good tactic, but would've worked better if Kimitsuki was slower than Nenka. Kimitsuki replanted her foot in an instant, and brought her blade to meet Nenka's fist, blocking his punch by holding her blade behind her back; her head turned so that Nenka could see Kimi's eyes, eyes that looked so much like fire it could be mesmerizing. However, the following explosion split them apart, Kimitsuki taking minimal damage as she skidded along the ground, turning as she skidded to face Nenka. Afterwards, she let out another gentle exhale, and her fire around her increased in heat again; causing nearby sand to turn molten, concrete to likely burn up a bit, and other materials to reflect just how hot Kimitsuki was burning now. However, Nenka too was attempting to get himself a good hit in.

He had summoned a cube of fire, right above Kimitsuki, quite large and rather imposing. Kimitsuki looked up at it, tilting her head a tiny bit as fire billowed from her sword. She shrugged, and grinned over at Nenka as fire covered her entire being; her own fire created a form of shield from the coming explosion. The intensity of Kimitsuki's flames did indeed keep most of Nenka's fire at bay; allowing for Kimitsuki to come out with minimal damage. A few burns, maybe a couple of cuts, but nothing that would truly cause her danger; especially not with her thermal resistance. As the smoke of the explosion cleared, a pillar of fire erupted from where Kimitsuki stood; her hair raising upwards with the current of hot air. She burned like a mini-sun, her fire stretching up towards the sky as she started to walk calmly towards Nenka.

She smiled at him, spinning her sword in her right hand. Indeed, Nenka did a great move, and certainly gave Kimitsuki reason to be sore in the morning; however, upon a roar that sounded more like a dragon, Kimitsuki closed the distance between herself and Nenka in an instant. She aimed a fiery punch to his face that was meant to send him flying. Afterwards, she would once more bathe him in a torrent of flame that truly felt like Kimitsuki; as if she was surrounding him from all sides. When, in truth, she had not moved from where she was creating her torrent of flame. Those flames were, simply, her. Afterwads, however, she would drop the flame after a good few seconds of sustaining it. She still did not wish to harm Nenka too much; but it was impossible to escape from a spar without a single bruise.

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