Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:07 pm


Enter Calypso


This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Calypso stared at Ulv, eyes round and watery with shimmering tears, along with a quivering lip, as she sniffled and covered her face, a long whimper coming from her throat. Though she seemed like she was dwelling on the confusion, she mostly just wanted something to feel better. With a loud sniffle, she peeked her eyes from her messied hands, speaking in an almost mumbly voice,

"...I want ice cream.."

Despite the previous subject matter, Calypso ended up deciding to give in to her more childish wishes, which was to feel better with some form of sweet. It seemed to be a better idea than the overthinking train she was on,

"I feel like stupid and trying to think about it right now isn't making it go away, can we just get ice cream..?"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:11 pm


"Ohh, what's this? You come down here, blue ball me with half a sex session, then vanish. And now you return, complain a bit and want to exploit me for sweets? You're lucky you are a cutie and an adult" Ulv told Calypso. The implication of her last bit was certainly...strange, but that was Ulv.

And then with a gesture from her head, she told the girl to follow, heading off to go find this Ice Cream that little kitten wanted to have.
"Any particular parlour, and stroke or flavour you want, or is it just ice cream?"


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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Tue Apr 07, 2020 5:56 pm


Enter Calypso


This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Though Ulv's initial odd summary of events was enough to make the illed Asthavon tilt her head, she sniffled and disregarded it, being more interested in ice cream than anything else in the moment. She rubbed one of her teary eyes, her weak voice speaking once more,

".. I like Rocky Road ice cream..."

She slowly tried to get herself to her feet, her legs shaky, but she seemed to manage to get back up on her own, ".. I don't really.. huff.. care what parlor.. as long as it has Rocky Road.."

She weakly smiled, rubbing away the blackened fluid that stained her chin.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Tue Apr 07, 2020 6:21 pm


"I like a rocky road. Especially when you are tied onto the Lewdcycle. It's this lovely little thing with no seat. But instead a thick, aphrodisiasc-slathered dildo. When you pedal it pumps in and out of you, the faster you pedal the harder it goes. You might think 'ohh, I'll just pedal slowly' but then you've got to spend hours with that thing going in and out so achingly slowly. Add in a rocky road and you've got a built in vibrator for that. It's a lot of fun"

While leading Calypso to the parlour, Ulv talked of her debased hedonism like it was just her shopping list for the store. Such was interaction with Ulv.


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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Tue Apr 07, 2020 6:44 pm


Enter Calypso


This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Calypso damn near almost fell over from shock the moment 'The Lewdcycle' was uttered. She stumbled in movement, but kept her balance as her hands flew up to her mouth to stifle laughter, the urge to laugh aloud only growing more and more as Ulv only got more and more descriptive of the 'Lewdcycle's "features". Such an easy corruption of an ice cream name..

Calypso's face was shimmering with a blush, still visible even with her significantly more pale skin, as she began laughing, eyes tearing up, however her laughter soon was accompanied by coughing, as she covered her mouth and tried to maintain composure as to not fall over.

"So, so like, how would someone be tied to it?" Calypso asked her between panting breaths, "Like, by the feet to the pedals, or just, by the body to the frame?"

Rather than getting all up in arms and questioning of Ulv's sudden inappropriate commentary, she just went along with it. She was already feeling fluffy enough in the head to go along with something silly, so why not enjoy it?

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:03 pm


"Na, tie them by their feet and they will hit the deck the moment something goes wrong. Plus they won't be able to get back up. Hands to the handlebars so they have some room to move but can't go very far. I mean, sure you can get off but then you are dragging a whole bike along with you. And this is no carbonfiber super-light weight roadbike either. No, this is a robust 'Survive better than you if it falls down the mountain' hefter bike. So carrying that sucker is going to get heavy very quickly"

Ulv would yammer inanely, but not without reason as it first appeared. Her talking had pulled Calypso out of the self-doubt and despair she was in. No longer was she stuttering and gasping to get words out like she was before, but could actively talk and converse.


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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:25 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

To say that the past many days had been crazy was, as anyone could say, a complete and total utter understatement. Not only had Arianda lost her Eris Powers, her DE, and nearly died in the same day; but she had also discovered she had a daughter with the Queen of Demons and many other things of quite interesting quality. She had a girlfriend, a surprising feat for a demon who many would believe unable to settle down like such, and was trying to recover from her ordeal of breaking a seal. "Alright" was about as good as Ari could get; but Minatumi not being destroyed, and Ari not being dead, made things better. However, a presence in Minatumi had fully distracted Ari; the one of her very own daughter. It felt different, in a way, but unmistakable.

Calypso Asthavon was the very reason why Ari wrest herself from her home to go to where she was. She didn't have the time to be a mother to her in the demon world; of course not. She had passed out after trying to defend Algos. However, now she wished to at least be there for the girl for the first time; even if she could possibly be considered a bad parent. Regardless of everything, Arianda found Calypso and Ulv together. There was no sense of dread, not sense of 'god dammit Ulv'; just a simple sigh. It was unsurprising. Nothing could truly shake Ulv in the long run; at least, that's how it always seemed. She walked up to the two, gently putting an arm around Calypso's shoulder to comfort her; at least that's what she would do after making sure Calypso knew she was here.

"Hello Ulv, Caly~ Ulv, I really do hope you're not filling my daughter's head with weird fantasies~"

She gave Ulv a coy grin, mostly teasing her; no form of distaste or protectiveness in her voice. Caly was, as Ulv had noticed, an adult; so it was nothing more than a tease. Of course, it was quite possible that Ari had little place being a parent after so long of not being there for Caly; but she did not wish to treat Caly like a child. All she had been through... It was impossible to treat her as such. So she only had teased Ulv, no reprimands, no attempts at telling Caly not to listen; just simple teasing as she attempted to stable Caly. Even if such attempts to help her daughter stay stable on her own two feet were rebuked, she still wished to help. In the end, she felt it was the very least she could do for her; her own daughter.

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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:47 pm


Enter Calypso


This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Though she still obviously had symptoms of illness, at the very least, Calypso was laughing and smiling at the pure dirty humor idea of this monstrosity upon sex kind,

"Good gosh, I would.. I would never, put you in charge of designing any vehicles or ma.. huff, machines. You'd figure out how to make them either.. Sex objects, or sex powered."

She spoke teasingly of course, a finger to her chin as she shakily walked with her, "..What's next, a tank that only shoots if you 'thrust' hard enough? Hahaha, what an image.."

Though, the second she heard a familiar voice, she turned and looked at who had appeared behind them,

"Aria-... Nnngh!"

She flinched nice and hard, cringing when the woman had suddenly touched her, til she looked at her, wearily smiling. She swallowed hard, and sighed,

"I don't need Ulv for that.. Hahahah.. Believe me, I've seen worse fantasies going around dreams when I need to eat..."

Her gaze soon dropped with her smile, sighing gently as darkness trickled out the corner of her lips, "So.. Uh.. How're you.. Doing..?"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:56 pm


Then Ari appeared. With a heart full of surprise for something Ulv told her about months ago. Well, you know what they said about balls and brains, so she wasn't going to call her out on it. The woman probably wouldn't understand anyway.
"Darling, Calypso is weird fantasies. As cute as the outer package is, there is a lot more to her than you or I. Danavas are funky like that" Ulv told Ari, before giving her a grin. And, maybe kissing her passionately on her beautiful, full lips. It was hard to tell if it was something that Ulv did or just an intent that was tangible.

Asking Calypso for clarification would help, if that wasn't an awkward line of questioning. And it seemed they were pretty awkward with each other.
"So, what'cha doing out? I would have expected that between Taichou, Aki, Elyss, shenanigans to get Midori and the cute new thing that has been running around of late, you'd be too exhausted to come socialise with us"


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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Tue Apr 07, 2020 9:20 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Ulv, the same as always; but what Caly did concerned Ari deeply. So much so her focus was only torn from Ulv long enough; not to miss anything she did. However, it was noticeable enough. She was deeply concerned for her daughter; which was why the demon kept her arm on her darling child a bit longer before she removed it. She smiled at her child warmly, a gaze full of such caring and love. It was not a pressuring gaze, just a kind gaze that was soon interrupted when Ulv did her best to kiss Ari. A raised eyebrow, the slightest of frowns, and then her right hand rose and placed her fingers on Ulv's lips and chin; gently pushing and basically completely interrupting her attempt to kiss the demon.

"If anything, Ulv; I should be more exhausted from nearly dying and breaking a seal that made me what I am. Yet, here I am; deciding I should spend some time with my daughter and my friend. Besides, Midori is married, I haven't seen Taichou in a while, Aki has Henrex if she so desires, and Elyss does not wish to have such fun with me anymore. And, while I appreciate the kiss; I must decline. After all, I have a girlfriend now."

She gave Ulv a well meaning smile. Of course, if Ulv was anything of the empath she was, it would be clear there was something on her mind; something she wanted from Ulv. Something related to the fire Ulv had gifted to her the day she moved to Minatumi. However, she did not probe the matter. Instead, she simply turned her gaze back to her daughter; her hand briefly raised to wipe the black liquid, that darkness, that leaked from Caly's lips. However, indecision halted her hand. She had reacted so poorly from being touched while knowing of her presence. So, Arianda reached into the pocket of her skirt and pulled out a handkerchief for her daughter; handing it to her while doing her best not to touch her. She wanted to desperately, she wanted to hug her child; but some part of her knew that was not the best reaction.

"I'm... I'm alright, my dear. Things have certainly been... interesting as of late. Getting used to the things I have lost no longer being there... it has been difficult. But, I have no intention of letting it stop me."

Another warm smile towards Calypso, and then a smile towards Ulv, was what happened as she walked with her friend and her child; apparently going with them to a nearby ice cream stand. Or, at least a place to get ice cream from; even if Arianda didn't quite know that yet.

"Also, Caly... I know this is a bit of a recent development for both of us; but you can call me 'mom' or 'mommy' if you wish... I know I wouldn't mind it. But, if you need time, I understand~"

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