Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Wed Apr 08, 2020 2:47 am

Seeing is Believing [Ulv/Ask to Join Only] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Stardew Valley OST - Song: Fall (Ghost Synth)

Stepping out of a portal at the entrance, Kokuto looked from a moderate distance away at Minatumi Harbor. Ichijou had talked about it before, but it only had come back to his mind after Algos attacked it, causing chaos and discord in the already chaotic Eris Family. The tip of his finger ignited, lighting a cigarette sticking out of his mouth, the demon taking in a deep breath as he tucked the pack in his jacket pocket, taking the cigarette in his hand again as he exhaled, releasing a billow of smoke.

'Huh, not bad of a place. Startin' to see why Ichi liked it here.'

He smiled, walking into the city and taking a look around. Just entering the limits of the city was enough to give him another indicator of why she enjoyed it -- the vibe that the city gave off. It was warm, comforting, and uplifting. Maybe he could take her on a date here. It would be a nice change of scenery compared to Karakura. Kokuto mulled over the thought as he continued to wander, explore, and discover more about the Harbor and City.

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Mirja Eeola
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Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:27 am


"You know"

The voice was reverberated through the street, coming from the walls as much as anything else. And then from the crowd in front, a woman walked out. It was quite the packed street and yet she walked through the people with a confident, ceaseless gait, not jostling or bumping into anyone. As if she was made of water and was just flowing through the gaps between people to get to Kokuto.

"Last guy I met from Hell tried to destroy Beijing. Made a whole mess of the place with Hebi and everything. Plus, last person with the Seal of Eris to come here wasn't exactly a gentle person. So forgive me if I give you the stare of suspicion" The woman's glowing golden eyes marked her as a Vizard of considerable prowess, but the spiritual energy? There was none. It was like she didn't exist from a spiritual standpoint. Which meant the ominous looming and subtle weight in her presence came from a different source entirely.


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Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:12 pm

Seeing is Believing [Ulv/Ask to Join Only] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Sapphire - Song: With the Stars & Us

A seemingly omnipresent voice echoed around him, causing his gaze to shift around, looking at the crowd at first, thinking it came from there -- only to hear the sound of footsteps approaching him, turning to see the redhead smoothly stepping through the crowd, each step seeming calculated before she even moved. Judging from how she spoke, she was the person who owned the place, and likely the woman that Ichijou mentioned when she had come home. He had to admit, it was pretty impressive to move like that. Taking another puff of his cigarette, Kokuto remained silent as she spoke, only giving a slight shrug in response.

He hadn't heard of what happened in Beijing, but the notion of another sinner from Hell being in the world of the living was something he took note of. His gaze grew distant, staring at the ground for some time as the cigarette rested in between his fingers. After what Algos had done, he wasn't at all surprised that she didn't trust him, especially when he bore the Seal of Eris. Kokuto finally broke the silence as he turned to look at her.

"Well, can't really blame you for that. Dunno how much my word means, but I'm not here to cause trouble. That other guy from Hell..."

He trailed off, his arm lowering to his side. The notion of another person from Hell was interesting, but there was something about it that didn't sit well with him.

"I'm not like them."

There was a very subtle break in his voice, and his gaze became harsher before his eyes closed as he brought his arm back up, taking one last drag from the cigarette and letting out a shaky exhale, turning his head to the side to keep the smoke away from both Ulv and the crowd.

"Anyways...I mostly just came here to have a look around. My girlfriend, Ichijou, came here one time and told me about it. I'm guessin' you're Ulv, the gal that owns the place?"

He extended a hand toward her.

"I'm Kokuto, nice to meet ya."

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Mirja Eeola
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Fri Apr 10, 2020 7:54 am


"Well" Ulv would stare for a moment and then move to take the Sinner's hand, grasping it gently for all the might she seemed to have. "Let's hope nobody is like Aizen. Man had problems with the world. But it is lovely to meet you, Kokuto, I am indeed Ulv, yes"

She would then turn to look at the city, and then back to him. A man like him managing to land the everbuzzing ball of passion that was Ichijou was amusing. It was like her and Rakki which was a bad thing to think about so she was going to move away from that kind of thought and have a different one entirely.

"So is this where you have come to capture the woman's heart with romantic dinners and beautiful dresses? To wit the ultimate goal of marrying the woman and having a fulfilled life in the world?~"


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Tue Apr 14, 2020 10:49 am

Seeing is Believing [Ulv/Ask to Join Only] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Persona 3 - Song: Living with Determination

A warm smile came to the demon's face as Ulv accepted the handshake, her grip being surprisingly more gentle than he expected, slipping the hand into his jacket pocket, before being taken aback by Ulv's sudden comments. He liked the idea of romantic dinners between him and Ichi, and spoiling her in nice dresses and the like, but the thought of marriage quickly caused Kokuto's face to take a tint of red as a hand rose to the back of his neck bashfully.

"I-I dunno about marriage just yet. It...sounds nice, not gonna lie, but, I dunno about right now."

He turned to look at the city, taking a long look at both the buildings and the cloudless sky above.

"I just was wonderin' why Ichi liked this place so much when she visited, and that maybe there was somethin' here that I could get for her. Or...somethin' like that."

He turned his attention back to Ulv, sighing softly.

"I just wanna show her that I care. To show her...that I pay attention, even to the smallest things, ya know?"

The thought of marrying Ichijou had crossed his mind occasionally before now, but he knew that there would be a time. Right now, it most certainly wasn't that time. All he wanted to do right now was to be with her. To spent time with her and show her that he cared. He just wanted to be a good boyfriend, but above all else, a good person.

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Mirja Eeola
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Tue Apr 14, 2020 11:01 am


"Ahh, a man with some romantic brains. It's a rarity to see that. There are tales I can tell about guys who don't" she flicked her eyebrows and left it at that for the moment. Then she listened to him and he seemed to be doing this boyfriend thing really well. Listen to your girlfriend, get appropriate gifts for her, and don't rush into anything serious. She liked that about a guy, even if it was half a guy stitched to another guy with a third being stuck in his head.

"Well, she likes taking pictures and chatting to her fans online, so a good phone would be a nice gift. I got one that would be perfect. May contain military grade hardware so don't be trying to hack into anything or you'll get nuked, but it'll run Ichijou's online presence smooth as a nut"


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Thu May 07, 2020 8:45 am

Seeing is Believing [Ulv/Ask to Join Only] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Persona 4 - Song: Heartbeat, Heartbreak

Kokuto raised an eyebrow at Ulv's comments, mildly interested in what stories she had, though he waved his hand briefly. Those were for another time. The idea of a good phone for a gift was something he'd thought of. Hell, it was the first thing that he thought of and the idea that he always came back to, but there was something about it that didn't sit right with him about it. A phone that let her stream, take top-quality videos and pictures, and all ran smoothly would definitely be something she'd enjoy.

"I dunno...I've thought about that a lot, but that just feels predictable. It feels...easy. It's the first thing that I can think of, but I don't know if that's the right thing to get."

He paused, sighing as he crushed the cigarette in his hand, a light glow coming from his fist as he incinerated the item, letting the ashes float away in the wind. He had been thinking about this for a while -- and, to him -- he didn't want to have any form of error. To him, something he was getting for Ichijou had to be perfect.

"I wanna get her somethin' really unique, I guess. Maybe I'm overthinkin' it, but I really wanna get somethin' that makes her feel special."

He took another look around at the crowd and the buildings, before turning back to Ulv.

"If it ain't too much to ask, could you show me around? It's your place, so you'd know it better than anyone else, and there's probably somewhere that I could take her, or just a place I can get her stuff from."

Kokuto gave an awkward grin as he finished, pausing again.

"Plus, I did have this place in mind if things went to shit and we needed to move somewhere. So, knowin' the place would be good, ya know?"

His phone vibrated in his pocket, and Kokuto pulled the device out to quickly check it. It was a text from Ichijou, wondering where he was and what he was doing, with a picture of herself at home, looking at the camera and sticking her tongue out. Kokuto smiled as he gave a quick reply, saying that he was out, that he'd be back soon and that he loved her before sliding his phone back into his pocket.

"Sorry about that."

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Seeing is Believing [Ulv/Ask to Join Only] Hm7QDbg
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Thu May 07, 2020 8:57 am


"Nothing wrong with predictable. If it's the first thing you think of, then clearly it's the most important or at least most talked about part of them. And people rarely talk about the worst parts of their life to a point it's the first thing you think of. Proviso rarely, as I too have people that do that in spades" Ulv scowled at the thought and then turned to look to the city. It was a nice place, and knowing your way around was always good if you wanted to live here. Then he got a text, and from the emotions and quick reply of it, there was only one person it could have been from.

"Hey, no need to apologise for texting the gf. BUT! Think for a moment. You aren't at special unique super awesome gift yet. You've just got together, leave the groundbreaking stuff till later. Plus, always remember with gifts that you are competing with the past. A lesser gift than before will make them think they are less special now than before. Or a massively awesome gift right away will make them think there is something going on in the background that deserves this kind of pacification. Get her something nice that she will like, but don't try to force the point of making it the most sensational gift ever to have been given by man or mer. Then you can't top it and make her wonder why you are just giving her this"


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Sun Jan 24, 2021 6:51 pm

Seeing is Believing [Ulv/Ask to Join Only] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Persona 4 - Song: Heartbeat, Heartbreak

Well, shit. She did manage to stump him, while also making a point. He hadn't been thinking about the future, and sticking himself to the present would cause some complications if he tried to go full tilt right away. Getting something super big and unique would only cause him to set himself up for failure and set the bar too high at once. He nodded in response, humming quietly. His gruff, raspy voice remained low as he responded.

"Guess you got a point there. Maybe I am overthinkin' this..."

Kokuto put a hand to his chin, thinking for a moment as to what he could get her. They really weren't at the "stupidly amazing/almost unrealistic" level of gifts yet, she had that down. So, maybe it would be good to stick to something small, even if it was predictable. The first things he thought of with Ichijou were her social media and phone, which posed a mild problem. She already had the most up-to-date phone at the moment, and there wasn't really a lot he could do for her social media stuff.

"Hm...what all kinda stuff do you think would make a good gift? Addin' onto that, what all kinda stores do you have here, and would it be alright if I took a look around them?"

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Seeing is Believing [Ulv/Ask to Join Only] Hm7QDbg
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Sun Jan 24, 2021 7:13 pm


Flicking her eyebrows with a grin, Ulv would nod. It was nice to see a guy who was dedicated to his girlfriend and really wanting to make her happy. Though, she had an idea for the two.

"Mmm, well. Don't think that gifts always have to be physical. Think broader than that. I don't know Ichijou's tastes, but for me I'd love a romantic dinner in a good resturant as much as anything physical. Gather what she likes on that front and take her out for a lovely day. Or if there is a person online she really likes or wants to meet, then try to set up a meeting with them. Make it more personal than just a thing you bought. You've got both the impact of being great and not having to clutter up the place and showcase a mounting competition"


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