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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mon May 04, 2020 9:05 am


Enter Calypso


Do Eldritch Beings Dream of Monstrous Sheep? [PRIVATE] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Calypso didn't speak again when the eldritch being wished for her to watch something, rendered silent when she saw it was Algos, seeing her sibling change and morph into something monstrous, a flutter of surprise in whatever was left of a chest as she witnessed this. She remembered Algos said something about having a 'true form', but she never really got around to exposing it, so such a thing being made an example of brought some surprise to the girl as the being continued.

Though, she never thought she'd know the extent this being was willing to go, suddenly feeling as if her head was being smashed in. Her heart rushed, eyes twitching to and fro as suddenly, extreme emotions rolled over her, feeling as if the cold light of the moon hit her flesh as her body was forced to morph, changing in shape and constitution. Her far sharper, flame-like body would flip flop through various forms, as if her being was unable to rest on one. No physical screaming or noises would be heard, the girl having become dead silent as her shape constantly changed. Soon, her body settled for something simpler in the moment.

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Audible breathing would be heard from the new form she took, a black substances bleeding from her jaws, her body trembling with a sort of shock and confusion as her gaze struggled to maintain on the being before her. She felt ill; often times she hated practicing anything with her nightmare concept for very obvious reasons - It was unsettling. Being in such a disliked representation of herself made her ill, and thus her jaws dripped with a sickly sweet black fluid, her body shuddering,

"...Why.. Did you do that..?"

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Tue May 05, 2020 11:49 am

Do Eldritch Beings Dream of Monstrous Sheep? [PRIVATE] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: Northumbria - Song: Low Sun - Word Count: N/A

Fear. That singular word is what Pharsita could describe the demon as when in her nightmare state of being. There was a sense of uneasiness emitting from her body which the primordial creature could feel. Calypso was not use to the raw nature of her innermost power and that is the fact that this beast was trying to point out. So, in a way, it was pleased to see such a grotesque form before it. It meant that she was confronting and becoming one with her true essence that she tried so hard to swallow down.

"You are too afraid of our most honest self. It sickens me to see that, so I forced it out of you to make you used to it."

This creature did not mince its words. Even though it lacked eyes, it was quite apparent that this figure was staring deep into the soul of The Asthavon as it seemed ever amused by this foul form. It sought fit to run its acidic nails down the back of Calypso; though since she was in her primal state, there was no need to induce any further pain. As, to this beast, it was only a tool to extract a result. And that result was well worth the discomfort to come.

"Your body is tense, your mind is unsteady and you feel loathing because you haven't fully embraced what we are. You are connected to the aspect of dreams as I'm aware of the training your mother Haas given you, but she failed to force you to confront the truest part of yourself: your nightmares."

Then, with its lone claw pressed against the abyss of the young demon's head, it continued:

"The more you run away from this form, the weaker you are as a demon no matter what development you undergo as a person, no matter what power you attain and no matter what resources you acquire. As this inner voice will gnaw, eat at you, and show you the pathetic creature you are until you sit with it and become comfortable with the hell of demonic nature that is your true self."

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Do Eldritch Beings Dream of Monstrous Sheep? [PRIVATE] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Tue May 05, 2020 1:43 pm


Enter Calypso


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That moment of settlement passed, soon her body was right back to attempting to shift it's form, but Calypso forced her body to remain static, no matter how much she didn't want to appear as her current form. Her body shuddered and twitched abnormally as black sludge would only continue to pour from her jaws, blackened eyes vaguely peering back at the abyss of Pharsita's expression.


The being's pained emotions whimpered as Pharsita spoke of her refusal to express and accept her true nature, the nightmarish aspect of herself, the young one stiff with tension as she tried oh so hard to keep her body in one stable form. She felt utterly disgusting, her autonomy forcibly robbed. It was comparable to someone who had lost control of their bowels; a completely embarrassing and sheer disgusting feeling and outcome. She only had the urge to vomit far more violently as she felt Pharsita's claws upon her back, hating her content towards this form, her encouragement to embrace it.

Calypso didn't want to look like this. Didn't want to sound like this. She wanted to be cute, and pretty, and appear soft and kind.

Not like a horrid monster birthed from the depths of man's fears.

"I.. Don't.."

Calypso's dripping jaws parted as her distorted voice left them, "...I.. Don't.. Wanna... Be a monsTER!"

The distorting demon would swipe a clawed hand at the Heart, but would fall short as her body collapsed, phasing through several different, horrific forms, as she lied shuddering on the ground in disgust and pain,

"Make it.. Fucking... STOP..!"

By no means was Caly a weeping little child here, rather, was an angered woman, reviling the state she was forced into.

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Thu May 07, 2020 4:26 pm

Do Eldritch Beings Dream of Monstrous Sheep? [PRIVATE] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: Northumbria - Song: Low Sun - Word Count: N/A

Disgust. That is all Pharista felt when in the face of Calypso. To see one of her own children rejecting the notion of their true inner essence was a pitiful sight to see. Believing that this was mere surface-level aesthetics inferred to the primordial beast that this woman was draft in the head despite its attempts to convey the substance behind the veil of foulness. And to that end, this beast could not give a single damn to correct the suffering which she inflicted upon her. In fact, this creature needed to see her own ugliness and confront it.

"Putrid. Simply putrid. You will never have mastery over your demonic heritage if you can't even stand to be in the presence of your honest form. So, suffer. Suffer until you come to grips with it."

Pharista then made sure to produce a reflection in the depths of her mind. In this way, she wanted the Asthavon to truly observe the creature she had become. Staring this beast in the face was the only way to truly accept and embrace that which you were. Trying to hide, stifle and pretend that this aspect of a demon didn't exist was absurd. Utterly and completely absurd.

"If you can't stand what you see, nor can face what you are, then you are more than obliged to leave my mind, cretin. But know this: you will never be whole as a demon if you can't face and accept our true blood. You will always be the pathetic dismal in distress."

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Thu May 07, 2020 7:41 pm


Enter Calypso


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Calypso heaved sickly as her form just didn't feel like it would stop changing, a dreary, angered eye floating to Pharsita as she spoke of her with acid tones, telling her she would never have the level of mastery those before her had without accepting this part of herself. Calypso only continued to be stubborn, her gaze burning as suddenly a reflection was placed in front of her,

"..Y-..You think I wouldn't ha... Have gone if.. I could?!"

Calypso snapped at her as her form only became more grotesque, having the appearance of shade as her many eyes turned completely white, her form only vaguely humanoid as various features of other creatures was upon her flesh; feathers, fur, scales, multiple limbs, all manner of confusion changed her body, and seeing herself only made her more ill, causing her to twist her head away with her eyes closed shut.

"...Please don't look away..."

Calypso's cringing was stopped as she heard a small voice from in front of her, her previously averted gaze slowly turning to look. Her reflection peered right back at her, milky white tears dripping from one of it's eyes as it had a look of great hurt reflected within them. Calypso was, confused for a moment, feeling ill seeing herself, but also had a sense of guilt forming in her,

"..Please stop ignoring me..."

The small voice spoke again, ivory tears dripping from it's face, ".. We were supposed to do this together... So why are you ignoring me...?"


Calypso was genuinely taken aback by the nature of this version of herself. The reflection allowed it to manifest, and finally have a voice of it's own. Her illness faded as realization faded into her mind, that the part of her that she was most concerned about... Was so soft spoken and hurt.

"..I thought..."

"...We were a monster, deep down..? Why... Did you ever think that..? Did you ignore me... On an assumption..?"

Calypso's body ceased it's rapid shifting and morphing, resting on a singular form for the moment as she herself cried, however from the eye mirroring her reflection, "... I'm sorry... I... I didn't want.. Anyone to hate me.."

"You're stupid." The reflection's voice changed to a sense of sharpness, a calm anger melting into it's words as it spoke.


"You just suppress yourself over and over for others, at the cost of your own growth. You care so much of how others perceive you that you're hurting yourself."


"What, do you think you're some big bad demon who has to look and act like a fucking marshmallow for anyone to want to be around you? Give me a fucking break. We're an Asthavon, not only are we demons, we're of the worst of them to everyone else, and there isn't a damn thing we can do to change that fact. No matter how fucking cute we are."

Calypso recoiled in fear and shame, whatever form representing her head dipping as the reflection continued, "God you're pitiful when you're reduced into a state of weakness. Hasn't Mom taught you anything? Or are you just going to ignore what she said because you want to sacrifice yourself for people who don't even give a shit about you? Our wish to better demonkind can't be fulfilled if we're bending over backwards and stifling ourselves!"

Calypso only sighed, and nodded, "...You're right. I.. Know this is all true. I'm.. Not being fair to myself. I'm stopping myself, again."

"Then quit being such a fucking pussy and listen to them. A flower can't bloom if it's too busy making it's leaves bigger for the insects to feast on and shade under, stupid."

With that, her reflection faded, the demon turning to look at Pharsita, a look of acknowledgement in her featureless white eyes, ".. Sorry.. I'm gonna stop trying to fight it and listen."

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Fri May 08, 2020 1:12 pm

Do Eldritch Beings Dream of Monstrous Sheep? [PRIVATE] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: Northumbria - Song: Low Sun - Word Count: N/A

Violence for violence is mindless, but violence for the sake of progression was everything. It hurt to have the reality of your falsely perceived reality be broken and thrown into the pits of hell. Yet, it is this thrusting anguish which the spirits of demonkind needed to be hurled facefirst in if they ever wanted to blossom, ripen, and flourish into their true inner self. Pharsita did not care much for all of the interactions which Calypso engaged when it came to the mirror into her powers. That was not its place to interject or fight. In spite of that, however, it was pleased to see her finally come to terms with those foul aspects of herself so that she may see the darkness for it is and seek strength, not weakness from it.

"You are forgiven. I am a demonic deity of immense wisdom, strength, and insight. To punish a child for lashing out senseless would be ill-wise even for a savage beast like me, little one."

For now, the hostility in the being eased and it was merely pleased to see it's child drinking forth from the primordial ooze of its own internal essence. In this way, instead of giving the demoness before it another savage beating, it instead patted the head of Calypso to reward her with affection rather than disdain. It was not a heartless creature toward that which shared the same flesh as it. It loved the demon race, but it was not going to tolerate or baby them either just because of a fondness for who they are. To do so would be a disservice to its own inner voice and will. Hence, to that end, Pharsita wanted to have the Asthavon embrace her nightmares further.

"Child, listen to your nightmares. They are not there to harm you, they are there to make you whole as a demon. You are a creature of dreams and nightmares, learn to use your demonic sin to your advantage, and show me what that fused power can do."

Indeed, the path was simple: Calypso needed to figure out a way to showcase to Pharista how she could infuse the two powers together to show the unity of her soul. It did not matter if it was a massive show of strength, or something small and subdued. It merely desired to see her focus in, accept the beauty and ugliness of her soul and release its unfiltered demonic essence outward.

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Do Eldritch Beings Dream of Monstrous Sheep? [PRIVATE] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Mon May 11, 2020 5:01 pm


Enter Calypso


Do Eldritch Beings Dream of Monstrous Sheep? [PRIVATE] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The ever distorting form of Calypso would bow it's head in apology to the being. While she wasn't fully certain of what was happening, or what would happen, she at the very least relented to what this being spoke of. She wasn't certain of the demonic deity's origins, but she imagined the being before her knew things far beyond the typical scope of demons, with the ceasing of hesitance did she sense the sensation of a link, a kinship of sorts with the being.

She didn't flinch as her head was patted, being able to sense the creature's intent as she accepted the patting, releasing whatever could resemble a sigh from her being as the being then instructed her to utilize both of her selves, of which Calypso was a bit nervous of at first, but relaxed. Soon, milky and shade energies would span from her chest, draping her body with wrappings of night and light, soon the tones of energy leaking down to newly formed hands. Almost instantly, the nonexistent floor beneath them would be flooded with various shades of grey, monochrome grasses rapidly forming and sweeping the land, flowers popping up and growing instantaneously from her energies.

Suddenly, colorless light bugs would rise from the grasses, floating around the two aimlessly, seeming to operate as if they were at a lower framerate than reality, as the young one was still focusing her energy outwards.

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Mon May 11, 2020 5:31 pm

Do Eldritch Beings Dream of Monstrous Sheep? [PRIVATE] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: Northumbria - Song: Low Sun - Word Count: N/A

The sight of the youthful demon adhering to the wisdom of the old brought pleasure from the primal being. Tapping into her primordial self to awaken the enlightening of her demonic aura is what was key to making this creature far less weak, feeble, and lacking in awareness of her true nature. For without being able to connect the monster within together with the light of your soul; there could be no unification of these powers to forge a whole being. Forever cursed to be a disjointed being, the failure to come to this conclusion surely meant a poor quality of life for those who failed to attain this insight.

And so, it is with that display of power which Pharista found contentment in the Asthavon's flailing attempts in the dark to find and come to terms with these abhorrent aspects of her inner self.

"You wish to take part in ruling demon world, so you must face the ugly and the grand all at once. Looking inward within yourself can help you guide these primordial spirits. An imp of a demon-like yourself has weakness smeared all over, and true devils will devour you whole if you don't even have the strength to acknowledge the essence of your blood."

Pharista was quite aware of Calypso's desire to seek to rule demon world, so it came as no surprise that such stern words would be spewed when faced with the reality of stepping forth into this depraved world. Blood, sacrifice, torment, suffering; there were many different ways to describe the darker aspects of demon world, but they were going to be the young Asthavon's day today. And if she lacked the power to face her own wickedness, what chance in hell did this pup stand against Demon Worlds?

"I can lecture you all day, but it won't make a difference if you don't heed my caution, little one. So tell me if you understand in your own words..."

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Mon May 11, 2020 6:06 pm


Enter Calypso


Do Eldritch Beings Dream of Monstrous Sheep? [PRIVATE] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Calypso took a deep breath in, and out, her form settling upon the appearance of a fine, swirling mist, milky whites and darkest blacks pulsating within the space of her being. It fully represented her feelings, possessing some form, but she was not fully realized. The material to become so was present, but it needed a guide to become fully realized.

She heeded Pharsita's words, the elder being speaking of her desires, her weakness, and the possibility of being swallowed whole whilst pursing her goals. This did not frighten the growing one, she knew it was so. For the longest while she pushed it to the back of her mind, unsure if it had a true remedy; She was born soft, and was soft at heart, and such a part of her she wished to retain, but the horrors of her own kind would not bow to softness and care.

Her gaze, eyes having changed once more, one a bright, prismatic white, the other a deep vantablack, as her featureless expression motioned to Pharsita's blank face. She had no intention of fully doing away with her kind nature, but she needed to truly take on the veracity and sin of her own kind, her guide before her.

"Guide me," She began, her tone understanding, "Teach me to see and face the sinful devil within myself - And the devils that would seek to devour me. I don't want to fall so easy."

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Mon May 11, 2020 6:20 pm

Do Eldritch Beings Dream of Monstrous Sheep? [PRIVATE] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: Northumbria - Song: Low Sun - Word Count: N/A

A sense of eager learning flowed through the vessel which was Calypso. It pleased the primordial demon to see her in such a form of hungered learning that she knew just the devil to place the woman in contact with in order to further her cultivation as a beast. So, to that end, a vortex would emerge in the real world. It mattered not where her physical body was, as Pharsita would reflect the material realm to her so that she may see this shade portal leading into the depths of hell itself.

"I am the heart of Deveta. There are many duties I attend to in Demon World, but I know that the Hell Beast of the Underworld can more than assist you. I've already informed her of your arrival and she will direct you to all of that sin."

It made sense, did it not? The Asthavon craved to understand more about the sin which lays in the world she exists. So why not transfer that duty to a creature of hell: a being who encompasses all sin? Yes, it was the perfect route for her to go down and why Pharsita soon began to sit Indian style ahead of Calyspo.

"Perhaps if you develop more and come back to me a proper devil, you may perhaps even see me in the physical form in the deepest layer of hell itself..."

And with that, Pharsita disconnected the flow of connection between their dreams and simply left the visual image of Nizhuan flowing in the mind of Cali to follow...

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Do Eldritch Beings Dream of Monstrous Sheep? [PRIVATE] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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