Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] Empty Honey-Eyed Melancholy [Yoko/Shintaro]

Sat May 02, 2020 11:58 pm


Yoko Kuchiki

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Date: 5/2/2020
Posting Music:

The night was always the calmest part of the day, was it not? Indeed, The stars of the heavens glistened with a beautiful visage of infinite white which could bring many spirits who enjoyed such serene natural sights to tears. As the innumerable flickers of light from fireflies lit the forest floor, the reflection of the shimmering moon lit-up the murky depths of the shadowy waters as a golden-eyed feminine figure stood upon the tallest part of a tree in her long, flowing kimono which lay adrift in the evening's wind.

This was the Kuchiki Family Manor: so this was no random encounter perhaps if one were to find this woman here. Her name was Yoko Yuri Kuchiki and she had sought to leave her own chambers to breathe, seek fresh air and take in the ambiance of nature in exchange for the hells of World War, or the stale nature of her home. And as the halls of time churned toward midnight, the mind and heart had a tenacity to become alit with powerful emotion, thought, and contemplation.

While taking in this quiet silence, Yoko exhaled a soft exhale of frigid winter breath as recollections of where her life was came dripping into her mind like an unwanted storm. Brief recounts of her body being invaded by parasites started to fuel a sense of unsteady anxiety. As memories of her body being violated against her will bled in, the woman felt her heart jump as she pondered if such a thing could happen again and if she was safe even as she stood secure in the manor of the Kuchiki.

And, amidst the embers of white anxiety within her spirit, the backdrop of sullen woes ushered into her heart as the loss of her partner bled into the woman's mental scape. Remembering his warm embrace, feeling of security and strength surged into her mind as this sense of loss, depression, and hurt stung at her heart like a million dull daggers slowly chipping away at the visage of false happiness.

It was a lot to take in, but the duties of being a figurehead for the Gotei during times of great war kept her strained, busy and focused. As the headaches from the constant diplomatic missions with the earthlings brought the woman a sensation as if there were a rubber-band tightening, gripping, and breaking her skull with the tension she felt within her head.

Perhaps it was stress,s maybe trauma; but she couldn't bring herself to mutter a single word. To break the pristine image of a model Kuchiki was not a thing she desired to. Especially after the pitiful display of contamination to their name she brought their family when possessed like am an endless zombie.

So, instead, she just sat with it all, let her chest fill with heaviness, and endured until whatever daring soul dared approach her under the silver glow of the moonlight sky. All the while, her sense of lingering melancholy could be felt through the reflections of her soul's energy as she continued to stare entranced by this mystic sight of nature's beauty in the midst of her own sorrows.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] WVMWLOu
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Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] Empty Re: Honey-Eyed Melancholy [Yoko/Shintaro]

Wed May 06, 2020 11:34 pm


Enter Shintaro Kuchiki


Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] 6EdIfMt

A sudden, loud thump would be heard not far from behind Yoko. If she were to look behind her, she would see a figure, and hear frustrated grumblings as he tapped the wall rather roughly with his Zanpakuto. It was Shintaro, an extremely tired, work worn young man, tiredly fumbling back to his room after just coming back home from a long day. He had managed to hit a wall, irritated that he allowed such a simple thing to blindside him, vigorously tapping his cane against the wall in order to ensure he had enough distance from it.

However, upon backing up, he noticed something at the corner of his vision, leading him to calmly walk to the door leading out to one of the many yards within the mansion, seeing a welling of energy, the wavelength that of a shinigami, remaining stationary. Shintaro slowly stepped out, unsure of who it was, walking up being the entity as he listened to their breathing, smelling their scent, unsure of who it could be. Typically he recognized people by footsteps or voices, after all. He had several guesses, but the sensible thing would merely just be to ask,

"..Who's there?" He calmly called to the woman, his tone weary and exhausted, "..And why are you out so late, on your own? Do you need help..?"

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Head Admin
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Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] Empty Re: Honey-Eyed Melancholy [Yoko/Shintaro]

Thu May 07, 2020 8:19 am


Yoko Kuchiki

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Date: 5/2/2020
Posting Music:

Even if Yoko wasn't a person of great spiritual capacity, it would be hard not to hear a thud in the silence of the night. Thus, her honey-coated eyes drifted from the moon and back toward the earth so she could see the visage of a young man wandering through the shadows. Of course, there was little to fear as this presence shared her own blood. Only Kuchiki lived around these parts and she knew that this was family. Hence, the woman turned her body around as Shintaro started calling out for her.

"Yoko Yuri Kuchiki: at your service~"

With a wink of her eye, the woman's sense of melancholy swiftly turned to nothing as her chipper tone of voice bellowed back into her being and an aura of glee washed over the vicinity. Not having been properly acquainted with this fellow in her family, there was no point in her mind in letting him see her sweat in such a way. So, for now, she'd rather just play her part and wait for him to leave or get his questions out of the way. Or, well, that was partly true. She still enjoyed conversation -- if it was decent. Small-chit chat bored her, but if there was anything of substance, it could hold her attention.

"A royal is free to do as they please! It was hard to ignore the beauty of the woman, so I came out here to moon watch."

Glancing at his cane, Yoko figured the male must've been blind or something. So, she felt a bit weird about mentioning sight, but she shrugged it off mentally as she didn't want to dwell in any negative feelings for too long. Instead, she turned his question back on him and smirked.

"With all the fumbling you did, I could almost say you need more help than me! Why is a blind man out this late in the evening I do wonder?"

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] WVMWLOu
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Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] Empty Re: Honey-Eyed Melancholy [Yoko/Shintaro]

Thu May 07, 2020 5:31 pm


Enter Shintaro Kuchiki


Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] 6EdIfMt

"..Oh, Yoko.. It's Shintaro."

He didn't know the woman personally, but he did indeed know what happened before with her. A pit of worry formed in his heart, not of if she were still infected, but rather her mental well being a good time after the fact. He would then come closer, though his nose would scrunch up a bit in a sort of cringe with the woman's following sentences, royalty and whatnot. His grip on the zanpakuto tightened as a feeling of tension welled inside of himself, but he didn't let that or his feelings of insignificance get in the way of engaging with his own family. Though, this family seemed to be on the ignorant to his sensibilities side, implying he needed more help than she.

"I need no help. My sight merely faltered due to exhaustion, a slip of processing."

He would walk to her, soon sitting next to her, "..I had just gotten home. I was on my way to my room expecting most members to either be sleeping or busy. I wished to make sure you were alright."

His head would tilt, "So, are you?"

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Head Admin
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Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] Empty Re: Honey-Eyed Melancholy [Yoko/Shintaro]

Thu May 07, 2020 10:43 pm


Yoko Kuchiki

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Date: 5/2/2020
Posting Music:

Yoko blinked for a moment as she was a rather observant individual. It's kind of hard for an ex-vice Captain not to be after having been in so many hazardous environments where life or death decisions were made based on your critical judgment skills. So, when she took notice of the male having a form of tension with his Zanpukto, it was apparent that something was off with him. Maybe there was a bit more than exhaustion going on, but she didn't want to peer too heavily as she herself was keeping up a decent front.

"I'm peachy~"

Again, the woman gave a wink of her right eye and giggled a bit as it seemed rather silly to ask from a purely physical point of view. Save for the mist of melancholy which bled from her aura none-too long ago, the woman's body seemed relatively healthy. No infections, sickness or disruptions with her health. The only scars that remained from her prior incidents of combat were mental. And, as far as the mind went, Yoko wanted to keep assuring herself she could handle the strain placed on her psychological health. So, she carried forth with the conversation as a normal person would.

"You were gripping your Zanpukto pretty hard there. Are ya' sure ya don't need anything? Hehehe."

The woman then proceeded to pat her fellow kin's back as more of her frosty aura blew forth around him. Normally around this time of year, it would be more humid and hot, but her icy powers kept things from getting unbearably uncomfortable. So, she placed her hand on his forehead and used it as a source of coolant to see if he had a fever or something.

"Why are you so worried about me anyway? You are like a lost puppy, hehehe."

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] WVMWLOu
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Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] Empty Re: Honey-Eyed Melancholy [Yoko/Shintaro]

Sun May 17, 2020 9:47 am


Enter Shintaro Kuchiki


Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] 6EdIfMt

Shintaro would exhale in relief, nodding, “Good, good..”

The man had a sight beyond sight, but such a sight couldn’t tell if another was lying, only the disturbances of the flesh and soul. Regardless, he decided to stick with her, not too eager to run off even if he was tired from work. She was out here all alone, and even if he felt beneath her, he felt he had some duty in attending to the wellbeing of his family.

“I don’t. I promise.”

His Zanpakuto trembled slightly in his tight grasp, his breathing soft and even as he tried to keep his irritation in check. He didn’t wish to snap at anyone, and it wasn’t as if Yoko spoke to and knew of his day to day; She probably just didn’t know how he felt about being spoken to as if he couldn’t care for himself.

He barely flinched when she rose a hand up to his head, touching his warm forehead as he remained still. He saw the form of her hand coming, there was no need for shock or surprise after all. Though, he gritted his teeth when he was being compared to a lost puppy, sighing softly,

“..Your ‘incident’ some time ago, paired with not seeing you about, was mostly why I was curious. Also, do stop the helplessness talk.. I’m nowhere near helpless.”

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Head Admin
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Joined : 2010-06-03
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Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] Empty Re: Honey-Eyed Melancholy [Yoko/Shintaro]

Mon May 18, 2020 9:20 am


Yoko Kuchiki

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Date: 5/2/2020
Posting Music:


It always comes back to that incident, doesn't it? No matter how hard she tried to get away from that day, it never fails to bite her in the ass in some form or another. Remembering the disgust of her body being violated, mind being controlled, and lacking her own independent agency made the woman feel sick to her stomach. Though, outwardly, the only indication something was off had been the slight twitching of her eye and the woman taking a step backward as she gripped her stomach.

"Well, aren't you just the joy be around? Don't you know it's rude to ask a woman such ugly things?"

Again, rolling with it as if nothing was wrong, the woman let a chuckle out of her mouth as the fellow Kuchiki tried to prod her further about that incident.

"Look, I don't care if you check my body, but I'll assure you I've been given the one hundred percent clear for anything wrong with me. I don't think you'll find anything."

Speaking a bit more rushed and hurried, the woman seemed prompt to get this little check-up over with. It wasn't something she wished to linger on too long, obviously. After all: who wants to relive one of their worse failures again and again? Even the most chipper of spirits would find themselves loathing such a concept.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Honey-Eyed Melancholy  [Yoko/Shintaro] WVMWLOu
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