Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Bad Boy Crashes The Party  [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event] Empty A Bad Boy Crashes The Party [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event]

Thu Jul 16, 2020 6:49 pm

A Bad Boy Crashes The Party  [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Date: July 12th, 2420
Location: Moscow, Russia

Odd. This pulsation of dread was very odd. There was a sense of fear within Adam on this day. Of course, behind that blood smirk of his would no one see that. Yet, as he sent out his messages to all communication systems in Russia to alert them of his purpose for coming, reflections of the things that mattered to him in his life played in his mind. A new love from the embrace of Celeste, the attachment of his daughter, South America's need for a leader, and Eden's Evolution were all things which weighed him down.

Of course, Adam was no fool. There were emergency protocols put into place to eject him from a hostile circumstance should he find himself one in this meeting. In spite of that, however, he didn't want harm to befall those who had gotten closer to him. It was maddening as he was used to be bold, fearless, and uncaring about such things due to living alone for so many decades. If he died in the past? None of it mattered since he only had to factor in the terrorist he worked with's desire to live or die and himself. Now? It was a lot more complicated and he had connections to this world.

So, to ease his nerves, the male took a soft exhale of breath as his ship landed near one of the docking stations of this mass festival. With the glorious rays of the maiden sun shimmering down on him, the male saw this bright dawn as his potential to clear his name. Yeah, there would always be blood on his hand and he could live with that, but after the Lux Orior's attempts to apprehend him came into play; there was an obligation within himself to make sure those close to him didn't get caught up in the bloodshed of his past.

Thus, by coming to this neutral grounds did Adam seek to gain a way to clear his name, absolve his attachments to the Monsuta and deem himself not a criminal threat to the world for the time being. The war was over and perhaps such oversights could be dismissed. If not, he was prepared to go back into hiding, bid his time, and do what it takes to ensure the safety of what he built. However, that was not his intent. He hoped peaceful negotiations could work for now.

Hence, anyone who followed him at this point was holding themselves as a potential hazard in this gamble. To those in his network, he sent his intentions out, and if they were to follow, they were placing their own safety in jeopardy. Perhaps Demonica, Ulv, or someone powerful could assist him; but if not he'd find his own way.

"Heh, I guess this is where I show myself in? You can't have a good party without a bad boy crashing it."

With a wriggle of his nose, the male stepped forth into the bay and awaited for whoever to show up to greet him. So no matter what happened after this point -- he was Adam: the mad terrorist boy wonder. And he'd be damned if he went down like a bitch here and now.

A Bad Boy Crashes The Party  [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event] WVMWLOu
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A Bad Boy Crashes The Party  [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event] Empty Re: A Bad Boy Crashes The Party [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event]

Fri Jul 17, 2020 5:20 pm

A Bad Boy Crashes The Party  [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event] 6EdIfMt


Artist: NyxTheShield - Song: A Welcoming Smile [Remix]

Wherever Adam went, it was only natural that his adorable little daughter came with him! The aftereffects of World War 4 and what it had done to her home, her birthplace -- the Monsuta -- as well as what it had done to her father, was still fresh in her mind. She too felt a similar pulsation of dread, her usual wide smile and boundless energy compressed by these feelings. It was exciting, to follow Adam to an event such as this, but also unnerving -- as it reminded her of the weight that constantly loomed over her, the role she played in and after Adam's life.

She was meant to be a pillar of humanity, someone to take over Adam's role and succeed him after his death. Maybe it was because she didn't fully understand what that meant, or what all she would have to do -- or just what she would do if Adam were to die -- but it all served to create a feeling of uneasiness in her heart, as well as driving her to attend this meeting with Adam. For him, it was a chance to clear his name, but for her, it was a way for her to absorb as much knowledge as possible, learning about what she was meant to do and how she could achieve it.

Well, that, and also having just about nothing else to do outside of having Celeste basically babysit her. Having a cute mermaid girl as her babysitter didn't sound so bad.

Jenny giggled softly at the thought, putting in a pair of wireless earbuds, scrolling through her phone and putting on a random song to listen to as they traveled, happily bounding around the ship with her music. As they docked, Jenny followed Adam as they stepped off the ship and onto the bay, sticking close to him as she happily bounded along behind her father to the beat of her music, humming to herself as she listened. Akumu bounced up and down on top of her head in sync with her, something that only drove her smile to reach the edges of her cheeks.

Her smile was welcoming and sweet -- almost infectiously so -- but it held her own intentions, intentions to keep her father safe, in case someone tried attacking him, her, or anyone else there.

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A Bad Boy Crashes The Party  [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000A Bad Boy Crashes The Party  [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

A Bad Boy Crashes The Party  [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event] Empty Re: A Bad Boy Crashes The Party [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event]

Tue Jul 21, 2020 6:38 pm

A Bad Boy Crashes The Party  [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Christ did she have a headache...

Celeste never really had the pleasure of having to get dressed up for events, much less an event someone she was interested in was going to. She wanted to make sure Adam didn't somehow screw this up for himself, but at the same time.. Some concern was felt for the man as she would softly groan, having rather swam here than hitching on one of those ships, gracefully jumping from the waves as her legs reformed, hitting the ground as she moved to meet with the two she was attending this shitstorm with.

She promised she'd help keep an eye on Jenny, regardless of how tired she felt, she would search the faces of those pouring from ships, soon spotting the two of them, prompting her to speedily walk over in an unassuming manner, as soon as she caught up, she'd grin, tapping Adam and Jenny on the shoulder,

"My my, I've caught gremlin junior and senior~!"

A look at Celeste's attire wouldn't give off much inspiration - She was dressed pretty plainly, the only thing making her stick out was perhaps her thick silvery coat. She would then give Jenny a hair ruffle, and pat Adam on the shoulder before leaning in close, lowering her voice,

"Sure everything'll be okay, man?"

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The Cat
The Cat
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A Bad Boy Crashes The Party  [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event] Empty Re: A Bad Boy Crashes The Party [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event]

Fri Jul 24, 2020 11:12 pm

Dull, dull, always so dull. Aries hated places and people as drab as this with every fiber of her being. It was like a special form of torture just for her. Weren't festivals supposed to be fun? Perhaps this just wasn't her thing then. Shame, she had even dressed up casually for it. A turtleneck sweater, jeans, and boots with a mild heel to them. Not only that, but her eyes were turned from their usual black and gold to a completely normal white and blue. Much less suspicious, if she did say so herself.

The woman wondered if having company would make this event more entertaining. Maybe if she had someone to talk to it would be tolerable at the least. But there was no one and Aries didn't have the patience to strike up conversation with a complete stranger, so she started to walk. Her heels clicked against the concrete as she tread listlessly towards somewhere else. Anywhere but here was fine. The pier seemed to be what was coming up, and suddenly Aries desired the soothing sounds of the ocean. At the very least, it would calm her down. If she was lucky, it would completely turn her mood around.
A Bad Boy Crashes The Party  [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event] ObmxXA9
Aries, the Manifested Self

And so she arrived at the pier and was promptly turned from bitter to sour in seconds. The bustle of people and another ship entering the pier and filling the air with the smell of smoke just ruined Aries' optimism in a second. Dear lord, how hard was it to get even the tiniest bit of serenity in this god forsaken land?

But what was this though? A familiar feeling tingling her skin? Someone she knew was on that boat, and that meant one of two people. Lyza was elsewhere, Aries knew that despite Lyza herself having no idea about her eloped spirit's location, so that meant... Aries stepped her way towards the landing zone for those who were offboarding the ship and waited. It was crowded and loud and she hated it, but the numbers started to dwindle enough for her to finally walk over and meet the man she owed for gifting her the body of her dreams. Except it wasn't quite that simple.

Who was this, his daughter? The two looked unnervingly similar, and following up their entrance was another girl who spoke casually to the both of them. Oh, so Adam was popular now was he? A lot moreso than Aries initially would have guessed. And it was so easy for him to walk around in public despite being a registered war criminal. Lucky, lucky.

The woman didn't interject in Adam's circle of friends or family or whatever this was. She simply stood a good few feet directly in front of him and crossed her arms, looking down at him deadpan, but somewhat expectantly, too. Aries didn't want to interrupt his family time, but she wasn't going to let him go. Lord knew she needed someone to at least distract her from the total disaster of a day she had been having thus far.

Joined : 2011-09-01
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A Bad Boy Crashes The Party  [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event] Empty Re: A Bad Boy Crashes The Party [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event]

Tue Jul 28, 2020 12:18 pm

Play posting music!

A Bad Boy Crashes The Party  [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event] 6EdIfMt


Anime:Shingeki no Bahamut OST - Song: Chorus Of Despair
Mistakes had been made, and lives had been lost. Since then, Demonica had been lost and had only recently found herself again. She had learned that a home wasn’t about being needed, but rather it was about waking up every day and feeling cherished and relaxed. Still, there were many days that she thought back to the home that she had. Thought back to the people that she would never be able to see again.

”Today though.. I must fulfill a promise I made.”

Demonica said to no one in particular as she stood upon the shores, her eyes looking forward at the ship that had slowly arrived upon the docks. Her ruby eyes taking in the gulls that cried over head, and the soft swaying of the water as it lapped upon the docks edge. Her gaze taking in the woman who had stood upon the docks as well, presumably waiting for the ship that had been about to dock.

Demonica’s hand balled up into a fist faintly as she waited to see what the woman wanted, ready to fight at a moments notice, and yet, she felt the tension in her hand go slack as she saw the motley crew of people walking off the ship, unto the dock. Her eyes settled upon the slightly disheveled mop of brown hair that adorned adams face, and glanced at the people that were with him, and couldn’t help but allow a smile to faintly curve upon the corners of her lips.

”Well well, look who can’t keep himself out of trouble!”

Demonica’s voice was magnetic and booming as it escaped her lips. A snarky little grin adorned her face as she crossed the distance between her and the bonehead who hadn’t learned to stop throwing himself into the line of fire. Her raven hair swept around her, blowing in the faint wind as her bare feet pressed against the pier beneath her.

Once she made her way over to the trio, glancing with an arched brow at the.. Rather dour woman who had her arms crossed currently. She eventually glanced at the girl in the silver jacket. A faint chuckle escaping her mouth before her gaze finally settled itself upon Adam.

”So, Are you going to introduce me to your tag-alongs Adam? “

While her tone was snarky, it was clear that it was good-natured bemusement that flavored her mirth, rather than cynical judgement. She was obviously happy to see the man, despite the potentially hairy circumstances that he had found himself in. For now though she’d glance at the woman whose arms were crossed, and while she waited for adams response she said.

”Gonna join us, or do you just prefer to hover?”

A Bad Boy Crashes The Party  [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event] LzZCuy7
A Bad Boy Crashes The Party  [Adam] [Post WW4 Conference Event] BtXe12b
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