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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Hybrid King
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A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open]

Sat Aug 08, 2020 4:56 pm
A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 TxqWchI

Saisei | Mr. Vandenreich Himself

Saisei couldn't lie to himself. The general attitude Elyss exuded felt like a much needed reset in his mind. Many, if not all of the people he interacted on a day to day basis with led him to the same question. What do we do from here? Despite that, Elyss didn't seem all too bothered by the consequences of war and conflict. Instead, she expressed her emotions for the present. She was for the here and now, not the soon to be.

"I... Guess you're right. No reason in complaining about the future when we need to solve the now, huh?"

His words came with a heavy sigh, a wave of ease sweeping him. Putting it rather simply, the boy knew that he couldn't let such things bring him down. Someone with the supposed weight of the world on their shoulders couldn't always hold onto that pain. Eventually, everyone had to share it with one another, Elyss made that clear to him for the first time in months.

With a quiet nod, Saisei agreed with the girl. Accepting that hopefully those around them would start seeing eye to eye and make change, all someone in his position could do is wait. Wait and help those around him, as per the usual. Ever since his conception, Saisei found himself in the debt of others. For such a young boy, he was experienced beyond his years.

"I understand where you're coming from. Even in moments of ease, places like The Wastelands continue to go unchanged. You'll always find concerning enviornments somewhere, it doesn't matter the time of history we live in. I feel that may be something we eternally experience here on our great Earth."

Following close behind the firey woman, he smiled and accepted his fate. Russia looked to create joy for the ignornant, why not partake personally? Before he could really speak up, Elyss blurted aloud.

"Shiny? Hm..."

Looking around, he saw very little shining in the bright late-morning glow. Shiny, Shiny... From left to right, he spied and spied before giving up. A guess is better than nothing, he thought.

"Hm... Is it... a cart wheel spoke?"

Awkwardly pointing towards a nearby dessert stand, Saisei chuckled. Likely wrong, he couldn't help but find himself to be hilarious.

END POST | Finding A Way Forward

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A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 2Y9rqGk

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A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open]

Sun Aug 09, 2020 7:33 pm

A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 J9aZnIZ

Elyss Kishimoto

“Nope. It’s your forehead. Better luck next time.”

Her reply came out with a devious smirk. Of course, it was a lame retort, but isn’t that what makes life nice? What would the world be if one were incapable of making such a light joke. Yeah, isn’t that what they’re working on? A world where people can have fun just like this? It’s not bad to allow people to feel festive. They won! The demons’ hold on Earth has been diminished finally after so long. Celebrate now, worry later.

If only it were that simple for everyone though. She knows, herself, that she’s nervous as fuck about what the future may hold. She’ll not show it out in the open though. Anyway, after her little tease, she stepped forward a bit away from Saisei and turned her eyes over to the dessert stand. Do you think… Heh. She’s off on her own, leaving him to follow or mope because of her taunt. Over to the dessert stand she appears as her eyes wander. Do they… Do they… Ah!

Her black eyes shine like jewels as she notices the cake sitting next to other cakes. It’s her favorite: cheese cake. Her addiction to such a delicacy competes with her addiction to fighting. And, she’s quick to get herself a slice and partake in it with the smuggest grin on her face. Waving her hand over at the pink haired lad, she points at all the treats with her fork and calls out with her mouth still full.

“Saisei! Come on and get something.”

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The Hybrid King
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A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open]

Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:10 pm
A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 TxqWchI

Saisei | Mr. Vandenreich Himself

Dumbfounded. The boy found himself overwhelmed with a sense of comedic ecstasy. Really, he couldn't help but break out in a fit of laughter when Elyss exclaimed so proudly he had a shiny forehead. Of all things to focus on, his forehead? Saisei couldn't blame her, the reflection of his salmon colored hair sure shaded his skin poorly.

Shaking his head, Saisei followed without question. While Elyss may have expected something akin to distress, he couldn't help but be fond of such comments. Normally, a shiny forehead could only be seen as a direct insult to someone's character. However, it let Saisei escape the dreadful reality that they currently existed within. The lack of leadership around the world simply continued to add stress. Said stress couldn't be withheld anymore. So, accept it and move along, he thought.

"I don't know about you, but Cheese Cake is a bit... how do I put this."

Moving from behind her, Saisei browsed from left to right the sweet confectioneries that many of Russia's citizens enjoyed in their day to day. Struggling to decide on so many different choices, his eyes lit up in delight when coming across a rather interesting dessert before him. Sharing a similar color to his hair, the dessert seemed to consist of very little substance and far more air than the usual snack.

"Right. These are Zefir, I think."

Glancing to the salesman who followed with a nod, Saisei smirked at his boundless knowledge of many, many unnecessary things. This, was as usual, yet another one of those things.

"Kinda like meringue. Just... a lot less crisp from what I understand. First time trying it."

Rifling through his pocket, Saisei chucked a handful of ruble notes to the salesman in exchange for two zefirs and whatever Elyss had interest in. Turning away from the cart, he continued along the street, beckoning for Elyss to follow while he silently munched on his dessert.

"Know anything about Karakura City? It's a place in Japan, I used to live there for a short time. Didn't really get to experience it before moving in with The Vandenreich."

While the shift may seem odd to Elyss, it felt natural to Saisei. If she knew nothing of Karakura, surely she knew of other places. With that knowledge, she could teach Saisei even more than he knew in the current moment. After all, everyone had free time to learn, even in the situation Earth found itself in now.

END POST | Finding A Way Forward

A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 FXpoQxJ
A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 2Y9rqGk

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A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open]

Mon Aug 10, 2020 3:57 pm

A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 J9aZnIZ

Elyss Kishimoto

Eh. Saisei knows a lot about the desserts around them. Elyss doesn’t care much about anything else besides the cheese cake, but it seems she’s the only one who likes the delicacy. Well, that’s his loss. Cheesecake is amazing. At least she isn’t one of those fanatics that get hard stuck on one particular thing and never try anything else, but she’s had enough snacks and sweets today. The cake is enough to last her a while and boost her mood higher than it already is. She’s got a stuffed bunny and her favorite dessert. Life is pretty alright right now. Tomorrow may turn out to be Hell, but for right now, she can’t complain.

Having to not pay is just the icing on the cake too. Hah. She’ll not give him his money back either. Nope. Sucker. The least she’ll do is humor his conversation topics. He’s not bad to talk to, a bit too philosophical and serious at times, but he reminds her a bit of how she used to be. She wasn’t one for a lot of nonsense, but the world has changed her quite a bit. But, of course, Saisei has seen her acting a bit more serious; even though the situation was a little dumb. She had to wait until she swallowed the piece of cake in her mouth first before responding.

“Karakura City? Been there a few times. Was in the hospital for a bit, fought a cute rabbit woman, and almost got killed by Shadin. Yeah. I know Karakura a bit, but don’t ask me for directions. I’m horrible with directions. Before ya ask, I came from Soul Society and now stay in Minatumi with the mayor who’s kind of like my mom. Minatamu is rather close to Karakura City.”

Saisei’s topic change would have most likely led to her having to explain how she knows of the place, and of other places. It’s just best to let him know where she comes from just in case his questions start gravitating that way. She could have left out the part about Shadin though. She kind of let her tongue slip a bit, but the cake has lowered her defenses a bit. But, now he knows she’s a Shinigami, or at the very least, a Plus.

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The Hybrid King
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A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open]

Tue Aug 11, 2020 9:47 pm
A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 TxqWchI

Saisei | Mr. Vandenreich Himself

"I lived there a few months, just long enough to be away from home for awhile. After that, I was left to my own devices wherever I wished to go."

Speaking as if he had seen war itself, Saisei shuffled his feet as they walked together. He wasn't exactly too keen on sticking around in Moscow for much longer if they were to be left to their own devices. While he respected his superiors, Saisei knew that standing still was definitely not the best of choices, especially as a new recruit. Smiling as he continued forward, he perked up quickly at his next thoughts.

"I got lost in the state of the world for a really long time. Eventually, though, I found myself in the City of Lights. Karakura had a couple of Vandenreich members looking for citizens that may have interest in the island and their organization. Guess that fit the bill for me. I've been with the group ever since. I'm happy."

His ears perked up as Elyss spoke of the Soul Society and Minatumi Harbor. Despite never visiting, Saisei knew of the harbor and its people, didn't know anything about who they were though. Just that they existed. Nevertheless, he kept on.

"What's Minatumi like? I've never been. I haven't been to the Soul Society either but have heard quite a lot about it. Y'know, with the Earth being connected through the Soul Cycle its bound to be talked about."

Saisei knew very little of the Shinigami and their ways. Frankly, while he knew a lot, he was not knowledgeable on everything he knew of. Because of that, people like Elyss were a bridge to connect the two for him.

"Are they looking for any visitors? I'm always in the neighborhood for learnin' more y'know. Kinda my thing, call me Smart Saisei. Or, don't."

Breaking into a fit of laughter he wiped at his eyes at the thought of himself. Man, he sure was a funny guy.

END POST | Finding A Way Forward

A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 FXpoQxJ
A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 2Y9rqGk

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A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open]

Tue Aug 11, 2020 10:51 pm

A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 J9aZnIZ

Elyss Kishimoto

“The Soul Society isn’t a place you can kind of just show up to. When I was there, I didn’t really see any tourists that weren’t, ya know, spirits. I can’t really help you when it comes to that. Now, Minatumi is rather easy to get to, just take a boat or something. I’m just a grunt anyway. There’s not much I can teach ya.”

Smart Saisei? She’s not going to ruin this guy’s moment. Nope. She’ll let him think himself a jokester. But, man. She sure does know a thing or two about getting lost in the world. She’s kind of lost herself at the moment. Hah. She’s not even here because of any organization or for anyone. She’s here because she just heard something was happening and thought to check it out. A festival wasn’t what she had expected, but she’s not complaining. As if she’d be in the big room helping decide what happens to the world now that the demons are gone. Once those guys come back, she’ll just do what she’s been doing; fighting them until they’re gone again.

“...I’ll keep you in mind though. If you ever come to Minatumi, just ask for the mayor, and when you get her, just give her my name. It’s better to see it for yourself than to rely on someone else’s words alone.”

The time has been well spent, huh? They’ve eaten, played a game, and had a lot of discussions about the world, organizations, and themselves. Obviously, they wouldn’t be able to continue this forever. She doesn’t have the social skills to keep making up new topics.

“But, anyway, Saisei. This seems like a good point to part ways for now. You probably have Vandenreich things to do, and I… Well, I have things I have to do myself.”

She’d stop in her tracks and hold her hand out towards him.

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The Hybrid King
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A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open]

Tue Aug 18, 2020 8:47 pm
A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 TxqWchI

Saisei | Mr. Vandenreich Himself

For a boy on a mission for one of the greatest organizations on earth, Saisei sure found himself having a ton of fun. Whether it was Elyss or the ability to not constantly be on edge, the festival was doing what those who planned it wished for. Impressed, he smiled. It was always hard to not constantly think about this or that, the festival helped him with that incessant issue. Nodding in unison with Elyss' words, he continued.

"I figured as much as far as the Soul Society was concerned. As a member of the Vandenreich now, I expect I'll come into contact with Shinigami at some point or another. When it comes to Minatumi though, I might end up taking you up on your offer. After all, an opportunity to learn is just that, right?"

Short and to the point, Saisei made it clear he would be seeing Elyss at some point or another. Minatumi Harbor would be in his sights at some point or another. That wouldn't stop him from going where he pleased, however. As per the usual, for Saisei, any opportunity to broaden his horizons would be taken at a moment's notice.

"I appreciate you taking the time to attend the festival with me. Not, that that was your initial plan. Y'know, anything is better than sitting around and doin' nothin', right? Right, right."

Dragging his words on as if they were a river meeting its end in a lake, Saisei found it tough to say goodbye. With everything in life, goodbye was yet another way to bring worry to the world for the boy. Despite that, however, Elyss took charge with little effort. Rather than a goodbye, she simply noted they both had things to do. That being said, Saisei did have things to attend to so she wasn't off her mark.

"Fair enough. 'Ought to get something done before I leave Moscow now, shouldn't I?"

As she reached her hand out, Saisei took it as final goodbye. At least until next time, that was. Instead of shaking it as one would expect, however, Saisei gently smacked her hand and popped the top of it with his own.

"Handshakes are a tad overrated. don't you think? Besides, you'll see me at some point or another. No real reason to be all professional, haha."

END POST | Finding A Way Forward

A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 FXpoQxJ
A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 2Y9rqGk

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A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open]

Wed Aug 19, 2020 11:02 am

A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 J9aZnIZ

Elyss Kishimoto

“Eh. It’s just a handshake. It has nothing to do with business or anything. Think of it as… As a pact. I expect to see you again another day so we can shake hands again, so you better not end up kicking the bucket out there, Saisei.”

She keeps her hand outstretched hoping for the guy to take it. Professional? Are all Vandenreich people like this? All this talk about the state of the world and whatnot with little room for enjoying life? Surely not, right?

“Listen up. Life has its hardships, take it from someone who’s almost been killed like ten times, but don’t forget to take a bit of time to enjoy the more mundane aspects of it; like going to a beach or seeing a movie. Don’t get too distracted by your goals. You’ll end up missing and forgetting the reason you're fighting eventually, and then, you’ll find yourself lost in the forest unsure of how you got there in the first place.”

Her expression has fallen as she talked, as if reminiscing over moments in her life that she’s not the proudest of. Yet, she’s quick to rebound and shake her own hand out to him to reinforce her desire for a handshake. Since he wanted to be stingy about it, he’s not getting away until he gives her what she wants. As a small smile reformed on her features, despite her youth, Saisei could tell that she’s seen a bit of tribulation that most would be better off never experiencing.

“View this handshake as a promise, yeah? A promise to not lose our way and to take time to appreciate life as it is every now and then.”

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The Hybrid King
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A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open]

Mon Aug 24, 2020 4:09 pm
A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 TxqWchI

Saisei | Mr. Vandenreich Himself

Saisei was a bit taken aback, Elyss' tone shifted from being joyful and playful to somber in a moment's notice. Her words stung. They weren't accusatory, not in the slightest, despite that they continued to ring one after another like bullets in his skin. She was entirely right, fight for long enough and you may end up losing what you were truly fighting for all along. Shaking his head, the boy let a gentle sigh escape before he took Elyss' hand into his own, squeezing to make sure everything truly was real.

"Moments like these remind me that life is very short, even if we happen to live longer than we used to. You're right. While we don't know one another that well, the short time I spent with you today was eye opening. To be frank, it'll be an experience I won't ever forget."

As soppy and cliche they were, Saisei's words were nothing but the truth for him. Throughout his short time alive, time and time again people give him reasons to continue fighting. The fact that he can, even after everything that has happened with the world, continue seeing it as beautiful meant everything to him. People like Elyss and those working with him in the Vandenreich were the exact things he needed to keep going. Knowledge can only get you so far alone, Saisei knew that all too well.

"I will. I promise I'll be seeing you again. The world is small, after all. I doubt you'll be able to find yourself escaping me for too long once you take off."

Knowing it was about that time now, he loosened his grip and let Elyss go. Shuffling his feet, the boy beamed one final, bright smile towards the girl.

"Thanks again, Elyss. Thank you for gettin' me one step closer."

END POST | Finding A Way Forward

A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 FXpoQxJ
A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 2Y9rqGk

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A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open]

Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:25 am

A Get Together, Of Sorts [Moscow Event - Open] - Page 2 J9aZnIZ

Elyss Kishimoto

“Of course life is short. I’m a ghost, don’t forget that. I died at the prime age of 21 and ended up like this. Most don’t remember their past life, but I do, and knowing everything that I do, I thought it of good faith to push you in a direction that doesn’t have you ending up like me.”

Her tone remained high despite the grim fact that she lost her life before she could actually live it, but isn’t this the best way to explain the importance of it? One should really consider everything before putting their life on the line for something, make sure that they’re okay with dying if it ever comes knocking on their door. Elyss sure wasn’t ready, and, if not for a Shinigami, she would have, no doubt, become riddled with madness and transformed into a Hollow. Though, that is the fate for all Plus who die and are left to rot; unless one proves an exception in some bizarre fashion. But, that is enough teaching and lessons for now. Finally, they are soon to depart. Saisei has a strong grip about him, maybe he’s overcompensating for something. Eh, that’s none of her business, but it’s a funny thought.

“Oye. Now, that’s more like it. Can’t have some weak-willed peepsqueak around me, so ya better tell me all about the movies and the beaches you visit when we meet again.”

And, that’s all there is to that, yeah? No need to drag out this calm epilogue. She has places to be after all. Turning on her heels, she walks off raising her arm somewhat to wave the pink haired boy off. “Good luck out there, Saisei.” Though, her voice is only loud enough for herself to hear as she disappears into the moving crowd, even her red hair fading away amidst the masses

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Elyss Kishimoto | Helle Armstrong | Hiroi Kiga | Tier Harribel

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