Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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So, This is Earth?! - Page 2 Empty Re: So, This is Earth?!

Fri Oct 23, 2020 1:01 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

In Ari's mind, Hono wasn't intruding. Arianda and Kita were the ones who approached the woman, not entirely the other way around. Even then, they were both willing to help the woman; so Arianda certainly saw no problem with it. As Arianda gave Hono a warm smile, one that spoke of Ari's own charms, she led the small group through the streets of Minatumi; making her way towards the park in one of the more green areas of the city. As they walked through Minatumi, Arianda pointed out areas of interest to both Kita and Hono; mostly gesturing to some places where she has had food before, where they could possibly have dinner as well. Of course, Arianda didn't even bother mentioning a few places; reasons which she kept well hidden from Kita. Hono wouldn't notice, but Kita probably would. As far as it seemed, Arianda just didn't like those places.

Regardless, Arianda continued to lead her girlfriend and Hono on a tour through the city; eventually arriving at the park. As most parks go, it had trees, fields of grass, a few playsets for children, and picnic tables here and there; and some spots that lovers could escape to. Not for anything lewd, but to stay out of the public eye so they could feel a bit more romantic. Regardless, Arianda showed them around the park; humming pleasantly. Aside from that, the park was positively beautiful; the result of being maintained by a few supernatural beings.

"It's okay Hono~ You seemed quite lost, and disappointed; I don't think either of us minded giving you a bit of assistance. A tour as well seemed appropriate so your trip won't feel like a waste~ Besides, Minatumi is a wonderful place; and I quite enjoy it myself~"

Arianda hummed softly, eventually reaching a tree in which she stopped their party under. The tree held no significance, it was simply a beautiful tree that provided a nice amount of shade for the trio to escape the sun for a little. It was then that Arianda gently wrapped her left arm around Kita, leaning into the woman as she studied Hono momentarily; hoping the woman was quite ecstatic with their environs.

"Hope you like the park, Hono~ It's a very nice place to come to, even if it's just for a casual stroll; or a run."

Arianda hummed pleasantly before the demon looked towards her girlfriend; smiling warmly as she captured Kita's gaze. Unless Kita had another recommendation, Arianda was going to start asking where the two would like to eat; and hopefully come to some form of consensus.

"Kita, do you have any recommendation on where to go next~? We could always go and get some food; I just wonder what the two of you would want to eat is all. Minatumi has quite a few restaurants around, so we can always walk around to figure out where to go~"

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So, This is Earth?! - Page 2 Empty Re: So, This is Earth?!

Wed Oct 28, 2020 6:47 am

So, This is Earth?! - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Monster Hunter World (Iceborne) - Song: Seliana Theme (Night)

It was adorable how sweet Hono was being. She certainly wasn't intruding, and Kitarune reached over to give her a soft pat on the head, giving her a warm smile that was intended to let her know that she was doing the opposite. They hadn't really planned for anything when they went out -- Ari had just wanted to take a walk around the city with her, and, now, here they were. Kitarune's eyes lit up as they entered the park, a big smile spreading across her face as she squeezed Ari's hand a little tighter.

But, as Arianda wrapped her arm around Kitarune, her face flushed red, even more so as she was leaned into, but she didn't object. She didn't really understand how Ari could be so easily and casually affectionate while they were out in public like this! But, if she were being honest, part of her did enjoy it a lot. Thus, despite her head dipping and her cheeks turning red, there was still a big, warm smile on her face. As Ari spoke to Hono, hoping she enjoyed the park, Kitarune turned her attention toward the woman, giving a silent nod.

However, for Ari to suddenly shift the floor to her for a recommendation as to where they could eat, Kitarune's smile faded, turning to a puzzled expression as she thought for a moment. The first thing that she had in mind was the place where Ari took her on their first date, but, she didn't want to just choose that on a whim and be selfish. So, she turned to Hono, her smile returning as she spoke.

"Would you like some Japanese food, Hono?"

If she answered yes, Kitarune would start walking away from the park, tugging Ari along by the hand -- and Ari would most likely recognize the direction, as Kita was heading to the place that she and Kita had their first date. If she said no, she'd just wait for her response. Regardless, should the answer be yes, then Kita would urge Hono to follow her, turning to look at her as they walked.

"So, Hono, what do you do for a living? I can tell you're a spiritual being like me...well, mostly like me, and I wonder, why were you wanting to go to Tokyo so badly?"

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So, This is Earth?! - Page 2 Empty Re: So, This is Earth?!

Sun Nov 01, 2020 5:17 pm

So, This is Earth?! - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 264

The girl's smiles were infectious. Hono just couldn't help but smile back at Ari. Hono absorbed everything as they walked past the street. Everything was so different, and Ari pointed out all the cool things around the city as the three of them walked.

Ah! The fabled park! It was time to see what all the hype was about! Hono cracked her knuckles. It felt great, seeing the trees and children playing. It warmed her heart, Earth seemed extremely relaxed. A hummingbird flew overhead, it was bright red, Hono stared at it for just a second, it landed in a flower patch sucking up some nectar.

"Well, I'm not disappointed anymore," she explained to the two of them. "This park is beautiful, plus you two really are great company." She would chuckle, her cheeks turning a soft hue of pink.

"Japanese food? Sure that sounds amazing!" The pink-haired girl clapped her hands together. Hono kept pace with Kita, walking next to the couple.

She trusted these two, might be a bit of a flaw to trust people you just met, but she didn't wanna lie about her work. "I... I'm a Shinigami with the Gotei United!" She would reach for her zanpaktuo- though she left it behind, not really wanting to be seen walking around with a Katana-. "I just wanted to visit it, I've never been to earth sooooo here I am!" she laughed a bit. "Glad I met friendly people like you two..." she rubbed her neck, it was hard to believe how different things could be if she met other people.

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So, This is Earth?! - Page 2 Empty Re: So, This is Earth?!

Wed Nov 18, 2020 2:40 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda let out a small chuckle as Hono exclaimed how beautiful the park was, silently glad that the girl was no longer disappointed about her accidental escapade. However, Arianda wouldn't mind taking the woman on a trip to Japan with Kita at some point. Besides, Kita would need to see Japan too... It had likely been 800 years since she'd seen it, after all. However, the demon's train of thought was derailed as her attention was brought back to the present with Hono agreeing that she would love some Japanese food. Arianda smiled warmly, slowly starting to guide them out of the park and to a more traditional Japanese place; one that had a Sushi bar and all. Of course, they would be seated at a table.

"Japanese food it is~! And worry not, it's on me~"

Arianda continued to guide them gently through the streets and crowds; passing multiple restaurants and other establishments of similar, or other, variety. Soon, however, Arianda gave Hono an understanding smile. It was unfortunately true that not so many were quite so nice; any other place, and Hono likely could have been in serious trouble. Especially because she left her Zanpakuto behind, making it so the woman only had her other skills to defend her. This made Arianda a bit more happy that it was herself and Kita who met Hono instead of someone else; Minatumi was rather calm, not a lot of crime luckily, however, Arianda did not wish to leave anything up to chance. Regardless, the demon gave Hono another warm smile as they arrived at the Japanese restaurant.

"Well, I'm glad we met you too, Hono; and indeed, seeing Japan at some point would be good for us all~ Regardless, here we are~!"

Arianda grinned as she indicated the restaurant; the one where she and Kita held their first date in. Frankly, Ari was already planning to come here again with Kita; even if it was with a thirdwheel now, Arianda hoped Kita won't mind. Besides, they don't have to sit in such a lovey dovey place like last time. Regardless, once they were inside, Arianda asked for a table for three, with an extra chair just in case Amphy decided to... well, appear. Otherwise, once they were seated Arianda gave all of them a warm smile.

"Order whatever you like~ Again, it's my treat~"

Arianda gave her girlfriend, Kita, and Hono a warm smile before she calmly leaned back in the booth as she sat next to Kita; casually leaning into the woman a small bit. She didn't wish to go too crazy on the PDA, because Hono was here and Ari didn't wish to make the woman uncomfortable; but sometimes, Arianda just couldn't help herself. Regardless, she was being careful. Besides, they were going to have an amazing dinner after all; no need to really get comfortable leaning against someone anyways.

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