Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Dip Into The Nether [Calypso Solo] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue42100/16000A Dip Into The Nether [Calypso Solo] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

A Dip Into The Nether [Calypso Solo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Dip Into The Nether [Calypso Solo]

Sun Oct 18, 2020 10:45 am


Enter Calypso


A Dip Into The Nether [Calypso Solo] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Two figures walked beneath the crescendo of the shattered moon, silent in the night as they went on. Calypso look to and fro at the surroundings they walked in. Though years ago she would see this merely as a dead, fucked up path, now her gaze was gentle, observing the beauty of such a monochromatic terrain. The speckles of white amongst the dark wood gave an almost magical feeling to them, the rhythmic creaking of the wood as they swayed with the breeze filling the space. She had grown to appreciate these little things of this realm, even if it were functionally a prison. There was something relaxing to the tame sounds of such unnatural nature, which was good considering the activity the duo were going to participate in.

“Alright, ready to meditate again?”

It had been such a long time since that dream, and during such time Calypso had spent her days performing guided meditation with Avery. She was a properly seasoned meditator thanks to Akira, having been in a similar situation as her’s in terms of loss of sanity and the self. Recently, their sessions had produced results - Calypso tapped deep into herself several times, having mistakenly letting her energies burst to life during her trances. Last time it was hundreds of lashing tendrils and spouting flames, which more freaked out Avery than harmed her. Each session, she felt more connected, to herself, to this place.

“Alrighty, remember your pose, remember your breathing, and.. Focus.”

They sat down facing each other, Calypso closing her eyes as she breathed in, and out, lulling her mind into a state of calm, feeling the warm tides of relaxation wash over her as she did so. She focused on the sounds around her, rather than just the ones within her, listening to the soul of this realm. She felt as if she were reaching outward, at first merely with her mind, though as she grasped the sensation of warmth, light, and positivity glowing in her soul, her eyes slowly opened.

Her arms were coated with pure white flames, glowing with the warmth of care and cleansing, Avery sitting in front of her, motioning slowly to keep the calm going, a quiet smile on her face as she visibly was trying to cheer her on, though not excite her too much.

Calypso nodded softly, trying to keep control and growth of these flames, breathing in, and out as she kept peace within herself, the flames growing ever stronger, as she slowly focused them into her palms, Avery keeping her silence as she only looked more and more excited as the flames converged, before slowly lessening into that of a candle wick’s burn.

“Oh my freaking god..” The redheaded woman covered her mouth as she stifled her joy.

“I.. I know.. I can’t believe it.. This is the most control i’ve had over it..” Calypso’s tone was quiet, secure as the flame slowly lessened more and more, until flickering out. As it did so, the older woman came upon her, pulling her into a deep embrace.

“Kid, i’m so damn proud of you.”

“But I didn’t..”

“How many times do I have to say it? Progress is progress, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Jeez woman, you need to keep working towards that peace and control, bit by bit.”

Calypso sighed, leaning into the hug, “..Hah. Why do I keep second guessing myself…?”

“Because you’ve got dumb short brain.”

“Why is it always my height with you?” She chuckled.

“Oh come on, it’s your most defining feature.”
Avery snickered, ruffling her hair.

“I’m literally a glowing being embodying the unconscious mind and my height is what you go for?”


“I can’t believe you.”

“Beeeelieve it. Now let’s go back before Akira thinks you turned into a rabid munchkin and bit my face off from pure tiny rage and offense.” She got up onto her feet, dusting herself off and waving at Calypso to follow her.

“First off, he’d NEVER think that. Second, if I bit your face off, I wouldn’t have a better one to say ‘stinking jackass’ to.”

“Ooof, good point. Guess peewee baby boo venom and vitriol saves my gorgeous features~.”

Calypso gave her a firm slam on the arm, which only elicited laughter, “Shut up, jackass.”

“Even your smacks are wittle!”

“I will bite you!”

“Alright alright you win! You wiiin.. No biting, not again at least.” Avery looked to the side wearily for a moment, Calypso’s joy quickly vanishing as she realized she may have accidentally reminded her of one of her fits,

“..Sorry if I upset you.”

“You didn’t, you’re fine... All in good fun, right?”


“I think you should try to speak to another person.”

Calypso and Akira walked side by side as Calypso’s head dipped, a lump in her throat as she went on.

“..Are you sure? I.. I haven’t been able to before..”

“Of course. If you’re to become attuned to this realm, might as well be able to speak to anything you can’t understand. You have to at least try, Calypso. You’ve gotten so much better over time.”

Calypso couldn’t help but sigh, her head drooping, “.. I still see them as shadows.”

“Well, maybe that aspect is just a fact of life. You have to believe you can communicate, you have to humanize them in your mind.”

“..I know.”

“We’re going to a good friend of mine, so don’t worry. You won’t get snapped at or anything.”

“..Thank you.”


The two arrived at an empty looking, lonely house out in the fields. She wasn’t even sure what realm they were in at this point - At some points, all of the realms kind of bled together, all manner of minds and memories were trapped here, it wasn’t restricted to just one or two. She heard the crunch of grass beneath her feet as Akira walked up to the door, and gave it a firm knock, Calypso lightly flinching with each and every burst of sound.

Soon, the door opened, a figure standing there, wrapped in shadow with those white, swirling eyes. Calypso swore she heard an almost.. Whispering voice as she stood by Akira.

“Hey Rosa. I have someone who wants to meet you, but try to be patient, she may not be able to hear you well.”

More of those whispering tones could be heard as the two were waved in, motioned to sit down on a couch adjacent to a chain, of which the figure sat down in.

“Go on, try to speak to her.”

Calypso swallowed, focusing her breathing as she sat down, the creak of wood and furniture guiding her as she would then speak,

“Hello, my name is Calypso. How are you doing?”

She heard the voice of the other entity, a fleeting whisper as she hardly made out words, Akira putting a hand on her shoulder and smiling at her, as if urging her on, to focus, to believe.

She stared at this shadow, breathing in, and out, as a long dwelled memory resurfaced. Those dark, silent woods sprawled in front of her, a little boy pinned down by a dark shadow, a wailing creature trying to cease this tragedy. She walked closer to the scene, sadness in her gaze as she watched, though a detail she hadn’t noticed before surfaced..

..My daughter…

She heard the voice of a man, twisted by time and misery, voice shredding and torn as such an action was committed.

..I need to get back to her… My daughter…!

She realized who was speaking; It was the shadow. Desperately hurting this child.. In order to return..

I can’t take it anymore.. Please.. Bring me back to my daughter..!

Tears formed in her eyes as she understood why.. This shadow would commit such a terrible action. She had heard tales of Avery being in a similar situation - This realm had driven her mad from isolation and confusion, and she almost stole someone’s life.. She wanted to leave so badly, to see the sun again, even if she didn’t have any loved ones, she wanted to get back to enjoying life, as she had her’s so callously stolen from her.

This didn’t make her forgive the shadow, but she could understand him. He had something he wanted so desperately to return to, and she couldn’t villainize such a desire.

“..Are you alright, sweetheart?”

She snapped back to the present, with a look of surprise as her gaze was on the shadow, slowly blinking as her gaze softened,

“..Could… Could you repeat that..?”

“I was asking if you were alright…”

She stared at the shadow, eyes wide, mouth slowly being covered as tears beaded in her eyes. She could hear her voice, albeit distorted, she could hear her speak. Her heart felt a little warmer as the shock petered out, a gentle sniffle coming from her.

This person was just as trapped as she, Avery, and Akira were. That realization, that acceptance of the circumstance finally rolled in, hitting her like a ton of bricks as she gently sobbed.

“..No. I’m not okay, but i’m doing my best.”

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A Dip Into The Nether [Calypso Solo] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue42100/16000A Dip Into The Nether [Calypso Solo] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

A Dip Into The Nether [Calypso Solo] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Dip Into The Nether [Calypso Solo]

Sun Oct 18, 2020 10:05 pm


Enter Calypso


A Dip Into The Nether [Calypso Solo] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Calypso’s gaze was raised skyward to the scattered sky, alone on a hill as she was in silent meditation. Has it been months? Years? She wasn’t sure at this point, it honestly didn’t matter, she felt the time melt away as her very soul chimed to the song of this realm of the lost. She had grown a newfound fondness for the sounds of nature, like a breathing heartbeat of the wild - the life found within perspective and perception. As she sat alone, savoring the gentle song she could hear, she felt a presence behind her, so familiar, but one she no longer dreaded or feared.

It’s almost time.

“I know.” Calypso’s head dipped, her eyes filled with a nostalgic sadness.

Why are you so hesitant, don’t you want to go home?

“I do… I don’t naturally belong in this world, I shouldn’t have been able to reside here for so long, but I did.. But now that I have.. And feel so tethered to here..”

You aren’t telling me the real reason.

The woman’s head dipped, tears rolling down her eyes, “..I don’t want to leave them behind.”

I understand, they mean a lot to us. But nature has a different intention than ours.

“.. I don’t care what nature wants.. It’s not fair.. They shouldn’t have to be trapped here until some arbitrary point.”

Do you believe that? Within your heart of hearts?

“Yes. I want to defy it, it’s a fucking injustice, not just to them, but to everyone here.”

You and I both know what to do.

“You know I know.”


She stood at the peak of a grand hill, her two companions right beside her as she overlooked the dark world, wisps light and darkness swirling in the sky as she slowly closed her eyes.

“This is such a great view.. But that’s not entirely why I said for us to come here.”

Her body seemed to shimmer all the more as the moments passed by, the sensation of becoming lighter and lighter increasing as she looked at the two of them.

“..What’s up Caly? Is everything okay?”

“You aren’t hurt, are you?”

The two stood before her, worried glances between each other and to her, which only made her give a gentle laugh. Her body seemed to flake, like stars were melting from her flesh, bit by bit.

“No.. I’m not hurt. Guys.. I can leave.”

Suddenly, two large, white wings, webbed with swirling darkness burst from her back, shaped like shattered glass and scales, spread out as they too seemed to gradually disintegrate,

“..I finally feel in tune again.”
Her eyes teared up, watching her two comrades as they stared at her in shock, and joy. Avery covered her mouth, tears forming in her eyes as with sobbing laughter, she ran to Calypso, giving her a tight hug. Akira had a more reserved, yet equally heavy reaction, eyes full of relief and love as he teared up, his hulking figure advancing as he came onto the two women’s level, pulling them into a close hug.

“..I’m so happy.. I’m so happy you can finally get the hell out of here.. Caly, oh my god..”

Avery cried, burying her face into her chest. Akira gave a silent sob,

“.. It was hard, it was so long.. But here you are.. Take care of yourself when you’re back… We’ll miss you..”

“Don’t you damn dare forget us..! Please..”

Calypso was silent, her heart heavy as she heard their pleas and final words to her. She held them close, her wings folding around them as she wept. Her silent sobs became louder, and louder, until she finally shouted,


“But Caly-”


Calypso’s raw determination pulsed with waves, as white flames burst from her body, licking at her friends as she held them close in her loving embrace as she faded more and more.

“I want you guys to come with me.. I don’t care what happens, i’ll rewrite the damn norm if it means you guys get to see the light of day again!”

The two were awestruck, eyes widened, until they leaned into her, closing their eyes and feeling the embrace of her flames.

“You two deserve the best.. And only the best.. You’re family.. So please.. Come back with me..!”

“..All of that goes without saying, short stuff.” Avery chuckled, tears rolling down her face, “.. But damn, if you’re willing to wish that hard for the impossible.. Then i’ll put some faith in you. Fuck the rules, I want to stay with my family.”

Akira softly nodded, “..No matter what happens, even if it doesn’t work.. I hope someday, we meet again.. I’m not merely indebted to you - i’m attached. I worked with you, through times, hard and easy.. I don’t want to give up on our bond because of an ‘impossibility’. I’m willing to stride into that unknown, if it’s with you two.”

White flames slowly engulfed the lot of them, Calypso deep in sobbing as she held them close.

“..I love you guys.. Whatever happens.. I want you to know, i’m thankful, that you found me again.”

The gentle wash of water could be heard at the edge of her consciousness as she bubbled back to the surface, the muffled tones of voices slowly becoming clearer and clearer, until her tired eyes slid open. The starry sky hung above her, as she made out two figures hovering over her in the darkness.

Two children were hung over her, one looking like an older teenage girl with messy red hair and strange horns, the other being a much younger boy with sharp, pale eyes and a dark mop of hair, his face possessing the sternness of a being far beyond his age.

Their eyes, their faces.. She knew them plenty well.

She reached out, giving them a firm hug as she sobbed, holding them close.

“..Uh.. Why are you crying?”

“..Are you okay?”

The woman only sobbed harder as she heard their young yet familiar tones. She knew they weren’t the same, but that didn’t matter.

They were here, and that was all that mattered to her.

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