Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue128100/999999A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari]

Sun Jan 24, 2021 1:45 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda nodded in understanding. She knew how Ichijou was, at least to some extent. All the times they had met before, Ichijou had always started it; and even if both of them got something out of it, it did seem a bit more for Ichijou's sake. The Sueki was incredibly selfish, but that was understandable. She liked getting attention, and Ari's kind of attention normally made the Sueki quite happy. At least, it used to; Ari was on her best behavior now, trying not to betray Kita's trust. However, the demon couldn't help but understand where Ichijou was coming from.

Even if Ari isn't as selfish as Ichijou, she would still be extremely concerned if Kita disappeared without a word; and didn't stay in contact somehow. Hell, Arianda would probably go searching for her eventually. After all, Ari was the one who found Kita instead of Henrex; something that she was still glad she could do for him and Kita. However, she soon directed her attention from some brief contemplation. She gave Ichijou a warm, reassuring smile; trying to assure her that everything was fine, but without the words this time.

"I know what you mean, Ichijou; it just makes me honestly wonder what happened. I mean, if you want; we could try to search for him. I don't mind dragging him back by his ear for ya~"

Arianda smiled at the woman again, nodding some as she thought of it. Indeed, she could probably find Kokuto. That was the benefit of the Eris Seals. Communication; and even a little bit of being able to just find another person who has the seal. She smiled warmly and reached across the table to put her hand on Ichijou's arm; gently patting her arm.

"He wouldn't abandon you, hun. From what I could tell, when he walked in on us one time and got pissed, he treasures and adores you greatly. Maybe he's trying to get stronger to protect you? I honestly can't say for certain if that's why he took off without an explanation; but I'm certain he'll come back to you. Either because he finished what he was doing, or because I dragged him back by his ear; either method is perfectly acceptable, I am sure~"

Arianda gave the woman that same warm smile. Indeed, they were both very adorable; far too much so to be abandoned. Which was why Arianda was absolutely certain Kokuto would be back before she knew it. Whatever the reason may be, Arianda knew Kokuto had a very long reunion in store for when he did return.

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A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari]

Mon Jan 25, 2021 3:24 pm



A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Ichijou smiled as she held one of Arianda's hands and nodded. There was no need to worry if Arianda said everything was okay. She wasn't going to be a worrywart about it anymore. Rather than do that, she redirected her conversation to another subject as she consumed one of the flavorful alcoholic drinks. Well, before she did so, she'd ask a favor of Arianda.

"If he doesn't come back, would ya' mind opening up a portal for me and us travellin' demon world to find him? Not sure I can stay away from my Freddy Krueger boyfriend for much longa'." Chuckling at her small quip, Ichijou had decided to inquire about Arianda's love life.

"So' ya! I hear' my benevolent ole' demon has found a boo thang'. Whose tha' lucky gurl'~?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Thu Jan 28, 2021 5:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue128100/999999A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari]

Wed Jan 27, 2021 2:35 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda gave Ichijou a big, Ari-style, smile; warm, but still quite goofy despite herself and the serious moment. However, soon Ichijou made a small request, one that Arianda couldn't help but laugh a small bit when she proposed it. She nodded at the woman warmly, enjoying her own drink, which contained no alcohol, before she spoke.

"You got it Ichijou. I did say I would drag him back by his ear if needed~"

Arianda gave Ichijou another warm smile before she returned to her drink; and contemplation of this night, along with where Kokuto may be right now. Soon, however, the demon's attention was brought back to the Sueki before her; a question coming forth from her mouth. A question about Ari's love life. A scarlet hue adorned Arianda's cheeks, and face, as Ichijou spoke of the woman who Arianda had fallen for. She was wondering who it was. Arianda couldn't help but blush a bit more, a nervous chuckle escaping her lips. However, after a brief interval of Arianda considering, and being embarrassed, she informed Ichijou.

"Yeah, it's true. That obvious, huh~?"

Arianda played with her hair a tiny bit, thinking of how much to reveal.

"Her name is Kitarune. How we met... well, she's the sister of a really good friend of mine; and I didn't exactly expect to fall for her. And I fell hard, head over heels, as the saying goes. She's beautiful...~"

Arianda let out a small sigh, before she came back to herself and looked at Ichijou; blushing extremely hard. However, the little demon soon chuckled softly. Ichijou had seen her naked, and done far more things than that, and here she was getting embarrassed when talking about her lover. Some things are just that way it seems.

"But, yup~ I got a girlfriend, Ichi; sorry~ I'm off the market and off booty calls probably for good. We'll see. Kita doesn't seem completely comfortable with herself yet, despite everything; who knows what the future holds~?"

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A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari]

Thu Jan 28, 2021 6:00 am



A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Ichijou was rather happy to see Arianda blush and talk about her girlfriend - Kitarune. She chuckled at how it managed to be so pleasant to listen to someone else talk about their love life when hers seemed so dull right now. She envied Ari, and though a grin was still very much apparent on her face, it hardly exemplified how empty she felt without Kokuto's presence.

It went beyond the sex by now. In a heartbeat, she'd gladly trade the sex that kept her nature as a Sueki from running rampant if it meant being within his arms and enjoying his presence. Even her mother had become worried.

The scarred demon had become as much family as he had been a lover. If Ari had any ability in reading emotions, she would've likely perceived how awkward this particular grin felt. Ichijou hid behind the grin nonetheless as she nodded her head.

"Hey, I feel ya' Ari. If she ever comes around ta' the idea of a lil' sex with a blonde-haired vampire to spice up tha' relationship, I'm hella' down. Anywhoseit, I doubt yer' gonna need any spicin' up if our last time was anything to go by. I'm happy for ya' all the same."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari]

Fri Jan 29, 2021 11:18 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Indeed, Arianda had been happy. Quite a lot more happy than Arianda had ever expected. Indeed, the demon had engaged in more than one... extracurricular activity with Ichijou; all of which ended in very ecstasy filled moments. However, the joy Arianda felt seemed to match the joy that her own resolve flame could exude at times; something that Arianda was quite glad for. However, she still enjoyed the happiness that had graced her life despite the things that had happened recently. Actually, in some respects, that happiness was due to the things that had happened recently. Regardless, Arianda was happy to be with Kita; someone she cared for so deeply, an adoration she could not describe with words.

As their conversation continued, Arianda soon noticed the ebb and flow of Ichijou's confused emotions. She took hold of the woman's hand again, giving it a gentle squeeze as she hid behind that somewhat awkward grin; reasurring her that it would be alright. Eventually, however, Arianda let out a soft chuckle after Ichijou spoke. At the moment, anything lewd with Kita didn't seem terribly likely. Their first kiss still seemed a bit away, and Arianda still had a few more bases to cross before she could even run for home. The demon smiled gently, chuckling a small bit after Ichijou finished speaking.

"Hehe~ I'll make sure to invite you if she does, Ichijou; after all, you know from personal experience how it is to be with an Ari~ I'm sure you would like to know what it's like to be with both of us~"

Arianda let out a small chuckle, smiling warmly as she continued to hold Ichijou's hand. However, she soon let that physical contact go as she waved over a waiter; opting to drink a small bit of alcohol. She didn't wish to become drunk, or cloud either of their judgements. However, she did wish to try to relax some.

"Any other questions, hun~? I'll answer them as much as I possibly can~!"

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A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari]

Sun Jan 31, 2021 5:29 am



A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Ichijou smiled as she held Ari's hand, gazing at the benevolent demon with an admiration that couldn't properly be emphasized through words. There was something about her positive nature that always seemed to enliven the rambunctious sueki.

Always a ball of positivity, she never wavered on being the type of woman who could make you feel better with her aura and a bubbly smile. If she didn't have' Kokuto and Ari didn't have eyes' for Kita, phew' they'd make an awesome set of demonic vampire babies.

Demonic vampire babies? Sounded' like an edgy band name joke Kokuto would appreciate. Ichijou squeezed her hand as she resolved to finally pick herself up and find him. If Ari was already here, why not just cash in on her offer now and let her be a guide to find him?

"Ya said yewd'd help me find him, yea'? Well, um... if ya don't mind. I think I'm' ready to go find' my charred dork and bring em' home. "

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue128100/999999A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Random Demon Inspired Meeting in Japan! [Private: Ichijou/Ari]

Mon Feb 01, 2021 8:42 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Apparently, Ichijou's head was swimming with some fantasy of 'what-ifs' of herself and Ari; at least as far as Ari could tell thanks to her ability to read emotions. Frankly speaking, for all Ari knew, Ichijou could be imagining something far more lewd. However, Arianda simply let that small bit of detail go; deciding it was something to be thought about at a different date. However, Arianda had no idea that Ichijou was thinking about Demonic Vampire babies that would have been very awesome; and certainly from the pair of women. Regardless of such an unknown detail, Arianda continued on. Soon, Ichijou asked her a question; filling her request.

Arianda smiled warmly and nodded at the woman, smiling warmly. She waved a waiter over for the receipt.

"Sure thing, Ichijou; lemme just pay~"

Arianda gave the woman another warm smile, and then tended to the bill once it arrived; paying for it in full, even if Ichijou tried to offer to pay. After a small amount of time, and paying for the bill for the drinks and dinner, Arianda guided Ichijou out of the bar and lead her to an area where people wouldn't panic from seeing a dark portal appear out of nowhere. She took Ichijou's hand, and sent a silent message to Kita through their mental link, that she was helping a friend find someone; afterwards, she guided Ichijou through the portal, to demon world. They were close-ish to where Kokuto was, the pair of women emerging outside of the area their quarry; Arianda looked in a general direction where she guessed Kokuto was. Afterwards, the demon looked at Ichijou and smile.

"Shall we go look for that charred fork of yours, Ichijou~? It won't do to keep you waiting for him, after all~"

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