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Resident Black Woman
Joined : 2017-02-26
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Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating) Left_bar_bleue0/0Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating) Empty Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating)

Tue Jan 26, 2021 8:45 am
Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating) 5NE5FlZ


Basic Information

○ Name: Johanna Luca Herrmann
○ Alias': Jojo, Mad Dog, Kingpin
○ Age: 28
○ Birthday: March 26th
○ Gender: Female.
○ Race: Human (Quincy).

○ Affiliation:

○ Alignment: Chaotic Good
○ Marital Status: Single
○ Nationality: German
○ Religious Standing: N/A
○ Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

○ Height: 5'2"
○ Weight: 155 lbs
○ Hair Colour: Red
○ Eye Colour: Red

Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating) Xtc1sNe


A loose cannon in all terms, Jojo is a bit of a wild card. Her aggression can be extremely off putting to those who don't know her, maybe even more to those that do. She's always on edge, ripped and ready to fight the moment she's got the go ahead from higher ups. You could say her quick temper is similar to a ticking timebomb, uncontrollable and unpredictable, likely to explode with or without probing. Others describe her as mentally deranged, but Jojo doesn't see herself that way, in fact, she thinks she's pretty sane in comparison to all the people she sees being "fake". She likes people who are similar to her, wild and untamed, basking in their natural animal instinct and rejecting the orderly tone of a normal Quincy. Organization is her nemesis, but that doesn't mean the woman can't understand and respect it, to a small degree. Johanna understands its supposed to be "essential" to the survival of those from the weaker caste, but she refuses to let herself be taken care of like a mere child.

While understanding she seems crazy, she can be make herself seem quite heroic in a sense, willing to come to the rescue of those of the lower class. Jojo outside of battle can still be quite abrasive, finding it humorous to pick on others, regardless of who they are. She considers herself to be quite a comedian, honestly. She thinks the best humor comes from picking on others, ranging from picking on others to pointing out their flaws and flat out laughing in people's faces. With the things that come out of her mouth, you'd think she was a perverted middle aged man. That doesn't stop her from doing whatever she wants. The woman has no care for others opinions, nor any real interest in what they think of her.


Johanna's childhood was fairly normal, all things considered. She was an only child born out of the love between her parents, Stefan and Mila Herrmann, two quincy's who lived in Germany. The family of three lived a very peaceful life in Germany, with Jojo being taught the ways of a Quincy by her father. Her father regarded her as a prodigy, but the girl never thought much of it, because fathers always thought their children was the best. She actually enjoyed living in Germany, despite not being widely liked by other kids because she was so weird. However, she didn't let it bother her, instead choosing to bully the people who didn't like her, making herself into something of a Kingpin in High School. But alas, all good things must come to an end.

During her high time in high school, while she was thoroughly enjoying life as a Kingpin, Johanna's parents abruptly made them leave Germany. Actually, it wasn't very abrupt in reality. The two Quincy had caught wind of the war with Shadow Fall that had started in London had a real chance on reaching Germany, putting their family in immediate danger. They were quick to react, contacting the other roaming Quincy in hopes of being able to join with them to avoid the dangers. Of course, they were accepted and left Germany behind, along with most of their possessions.

Living as a nomad with other Quincy was an eye opening experience for the girl, making her an eager new recruit for Hulderic's Vandenreich. The sense of duty with people who were like her made Jojo excited. She wanted to be a beacon for those weaker than her, like the elderly. Her parents relied on her to be their pride and joy, and she refused to disappoint them. So everyday she trained to make herself useful to the Vandenreich, even when the world was against them she held steady faith. With training came the use of a Sanrei Glove, teaching her even more so that the Vandenreich would be able to use her as they pleased. As every Quincy does, Jojo trained with the glove and alongside other Quincy. It may have been the rose tinted glasses that blinded the girl to what came next. Her training would come to and end a lot sooner than she liked.

Terror came raining upon the Quincy's that put Jojo's life into total chaos. The Vandenreich was put into total disarray when K-Word attacked, causing the girl to lose her parents due to their sacrifice of their lives for Johanna to get away, at the cost of her arm. The lose of her family hurt her deeply, more deep than how badly it felt to lose an arm, making her hatred for the man responsible grow intensely. She vowed to get revenge one day, but at the time her next best choice was to go into hiding. She didn't even know if anybody else survived, she just didn't want K-World to come back looking for stragglers.

By the time Jojo had figured enough time had passed for her to have honed herself a bit more as a person and hope that the Vandenreich was even standing. She was pleasantly surprised to see the group was still alive, and thankfully, under new management. Cyrus was kind of weird, but he wasn't Hulderic and that made him infinitely better. But that didn't mean she didn't watch him carefully, she trusted no leader who was slightly weird anymore. She offered herself to this new Vandenreich, giving them her body to use as they wished. Johanna was accepted in, and as a gift was given her new arm. The woman hoped she made the right choice in aligning herself with the group again, but it wasn't like she could just turn her back to it. If it meant fighting Cyrus himself to make sure her people were never to be the object of a geocide again, then so be it.

Natural Abilities And Skills

Hand-to-Hand Combat: A survivor by all means, Jojo refuses to just go down without a fight, whether she has a weapon or not. With this mindset, she has taken lessons in mixed martial arts for years, which was especially reinforced by her parents when she was younger. There's no actual distinct fighting style she incorporates, while at the same time taking a bit of everything.

Quincy Skills & Abilities

Hirenkyaku: Despite her small stature, Jojo uses Hirenkyaku to make up for what would normally be a detriment. When activated, the woman increases her speed to something resembling above human average. Though humans have evolved substantially, Jojo exhibits frequently higher than average movement speeds. She uses this to get closer to her enemies and sock them in the face, while also being able generate extra distance. She can occasionally increase her speed to, if her hand is forced, for a mere moment she can reach speeds that could potentially create afterimages.

Blut: Though Jojo has what you'd consider average strength, her expertise at using Blut offensively, . Resembling that of cannon fire, her focus on Blut as an offensive weapon rather than a dual-edged sword has allowed her strength to be made up for almost entirely. What makes Jojo's use of Blut special is the combined usage she has with God's Hand. By using it with the hand, she is able to enhance the reishi output and create spirit grenades that, when punching someone or something, can explode. She can also reinforce her blows using her reishi through blut, like most quincy.

Spirit Weapon

» Spirit Weapon Name: Jaegerkannone

» Spirit Weapon Appearance:
Jaegerkannone takes on the appearance of a miniature, hand-carry cannon that is twice the carrier's size.

» Spirit Weapon Abilities: .

Despite calling her spirit weapon a cannon, Jojo's most resembles a M134 Minigun. By doing so, she can turn her Reishi into the bullets that seem like regular ammo, but in reality the bullet's not only pierce through most metal and enemies who lack extra protectant, but it also releases an explosion after making direct contact. Whether it is barely touching its target, or hitting a building. As long as it is making contact, the bullets will release an explosion two feet in diameter.


Gotteshand: Gifted to her by the remnants of The Vandenreich after a genocide incited by Hulderic and his actions, Jojo's left arm is entirely replaced by what one would call 'God's Hand'. The remnants left behind after the genocide rewarded Jojo with the arm for her attempt at saving her fellow quincymen during the event. Despite her best efforts, the woman failed and was left with only a single arm.

Gotteshand is simple in nature, acting much in the same vein as a quincy cross. Functioning as a conduit, Gotteshand is exclusively used in order to heighten the woman's quincy abilities. Primarily used to amplify her spellcraft, Jojo has shown to be capable creating hyper-specific constructs using the arm's enhancements as noted in her abilities. Other than amplifying her quincy abilities, God's Hand is also a fully functioning arm mimicking that of a normal human's. In Jojo's case, Gotteshand can mimic the overall strength and speed of her right arm.

As a secondary function, God's Hand is used during Jojo's Letzt Stil as well. Upon using Letzt Stil, God's Hand alters its form dramatically. Much like her spirit weapon, her left arm morphs into a cannon based weapon to match her long range combat style. Like a Zanpakuto, Gotteshand reacts to the user's nature at its core. As such, Jojo's God's Hand becoming a cannon is almost comical given her excessive need to keep distance between her and her foes.

Aside from these functions, Gotteshand has no further usages outside of what one would consider a 'normal arm'.

Letzt Stil

» Letzt Stil Name: Die Antwort aus Gottesurteil

» Letzt Stil Appearance: Jojo's spirit weapon, which was once a hand held cannon, merges with God's Hand and becomes an even large cannon that almost completely dwarfs it's user in size. It bears heavy resemblance to a Howitzer cannon, the only difference would be that it is much thicker. Directly next to her face and jutting from the cannon is a face cover that doubles as a radar lock-on.

» Letzt Stil Abilities:

Johanna gathers an excess amount of reishi into the core of the Letzt Stil upgrade, making it heat up against the woman's body. The heat can cause second to third burns due to the excess reishi build-up. The ability requires a relatively large amount of time and concentration without interrupting. In the case of interruption, Jojo can release prematurely, resulting in a weaker form of her attack. If given the chance to gather what she needs however, Jojo will release a large, blindingly blue laser-like missile that, with the usage of the radar lock-on, sends a heat seeking shot to her desired target. The attack can follow it's target for a good fifteen meters before exploding in a blast that could be devastating to a area of 3km. Though the rewards for the attack are promising, the consequences can out weight the pros. Once she blasts out the attack, Johanna is immediately knocked back a good two yards and can, and will, dislocate her shoulder. This will knock the breathe out of the user and put her out of fighting commission for the rest of a fight.

Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength:Beginner
  • Martial Skill: Adept

Racial Skills
  • Blut: Adept
  • Quincy Spellcraft: Beginner
  • Reishi Absorption: Adept
  • Spirit Weapon: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Focus: Beginner

Last edited by Mozy on Sun Feb 28, 2021 11:19 pm; edited 2 times in total
Thicc Boi
Joined : 2016-10-29
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Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating) Left_bar_bleue7900/999999Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating) Empty_bar_bleue  (7900/999999)

Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating) Empty Re: Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating)

Sun Feb 28, 2021 10:42 pm
Oh boy. So off the bat, these skills are no bueno. I will go into them as I grade this app along with any other grievances. These aren't in any specific order, just as they occur to me.

Just to start, you're most likely not going to get an advanced here (I'm writing this before getting everyone down so this may be false) as it's a lot of telling but not showing. You wrote that she trained, but never specifically in what nor that she is some sort of prodigy in a specific field. You can be a prodigy of everything, but even then you wouldn't have these weird flip floppy skills. If you want to add more in between checks, I will grade them as well and take them into consideration.

Reishi Pulse (and subsequently Quincy Spellcraft): This is a spell. She has untrained spellcraft. She wouldn't be able to do this. While she can absorb reishi into her with the Absorption skill, using it in any offensive manner such as this would squarely put it into Spellcraft territory.

Hirenkyaku: This is reishi surfing, making it spellcraft, which means you still need to be trained in Spellcraft. Also, is she fast or is she slow, because you spoke of having a lack of agility. If she lacks agility, then her speed would be more close to beginner almost untrained. If she's fast, then I would leave as the adept.

Blut: I'm going to need this at Adept, as there isn't enough written about her blut or even her skill in blut to warrant an advanced. Also, for the portion of the spirit weapon, I am confused as to whether this scales off of her Spirit Weapon or if it just coincidentally makes her as strong as her Spirit Weapon is, assuming her Spirit Weapon isn't that strong. Lastly, blut would not allow someone to infuse their reishi into another person. See above at Reishi Pulse.

Martial Skill: Adept not Advanced. As per your own words, she doesn't really use a style so it wouldn't make sense for her to be this skilled in using both her fists and weapons.

Gotteshand: So it amplifies her Reishi Manipulation, which isn't a skill and I'm confused on what you mean by this. If you mean like manipulating reishi, it would be Spellcraft, and I would redirect you back to Reishi Pulse for why this is a problem. If you mean Absorption, then okay.

Letz Stil: So there is no mention of a Sanrei Glove at all in her history, so how does she have Letz Stil? If you think this is nitpicking, we require Shinigami to write somewhere in their history of speaking to their Zanpakuto to be approved with Shikai, as knowing the name of the spirit is a prerequisite to Shikai. In the same vein, the Sanrei Glove is required to unlock Letz Stil, at least for the first instance. Sanrei Glove is mentioned zero times so she would not be approved with Letz Stil.

Spirit Weapon: There's not enough writing here to warrant Advanced. This would be Adept.

Will Skills: Beginner in Focus please, the rest are fine.


Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating) Sumera-character-list
Resident Black Woman
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Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating) Empty Re: Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating)

Sun Feb 28, 2021 11:22 pm
Edits made, good sir

Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating) 1qVEv1a Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating) SIhKoY9 Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating) TM2tm1A
Thicc Boi
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Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating) Left_bar_bleue7900/999999Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating) Empty_bar_bleue  (7900/999999)

Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating) Empty Re: Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating)

Mon Mar 01, 2021 11:09 am

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  • Comments/Notes: Bye! Have a good time!
  • Tier: 4-2

« Final Final Verdict, Hazard »

  • Overall: E
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  • Resources: E

Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating) Sumera-character-list
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Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating) Empty Re: Johanna Luca Herrmann (Approved 4-2; E Hazard Rating)

Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:15 pm
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