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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]  Empty Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]

Fri Jan 29, 2021 9:28 am

The sky had been darkened by rolling storms for hours, an odd pattern of weather for such a cold time of year in Karakura Central. It felt more like a humid summer’s night as rain struck the pavement and high reaching buildings, even the light emitted from an ever-waking city proved to be ineffective in cutting through the thick, wet darkness. Rain would strike windows like small pebbles falling from the sky, forcing majority of citygoers to stay in their homes or any available cover.

It would have been a relatively peaceful few hours despite such horrid weather so deep into the night, there was no apparent threat or worry to cause fear.

Until the tsunami warnings rolled in.

Any who were awake enough to be watching the news, had their phone going off like mad, or otherwise were reachable would be hit with greatly concerning information; The sea had suddenly receded within the last two hours or so, a record breaking tidal wave having accumulated and was making it’s way towards land. It most certainly was high enough to both completely submerge the shore and beyond with several meters of water, as well as reach several miles in-land.

Through the severe pounding of rain, the previously quiet streets of night were filled with the movements of people, either transferring to a secure location or outright trying to evacuate in the panic. There were no concrete signs of danger received yet, but only time could tell what this night would mean for the city.

Ame no ko
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Fri Jan 29, 2021 11:48 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]  6EdIfMt

What a bummer! This should have been a nice and quiet evening. And she needed a quiet evening. The last few days had been a bit...strenuous. Not that they hadn't been fun. They had been! Boy, these Japanese could party. She would never have guessed it when she first arrived in the country. But a few drinks in and all stops were pulled. Some details were still a little bit foggy and Julia decided it was better if it stayed that way.
So she had decided to lick back today, get some good take-out and stream a few good movies, only to doze off at around 2 a.m.. And now that damned phone was going crazy.

"If this isn't the end of the world I'm gonna...oh."

It was the end of the world! Tsunami warning! What the hell was going on here?

Quickly Julia ran to the window. She could as well have been staring at a wall. Nothing could be seen through the heavy rain.

Julia began to think. Her apartment was high up, the water probably wouldn't reach it. But would the building itself be okay? She had no idea about those things. Weren't tsunamis quite often in Japan? They would have prepared for it, wouldn't they? Eh...probably better not to risk it.

Hastily she packed a bag with a few things, and then looked for something she could wear in that weather. The new boots? Noor, too good for this. After a few moments she decided to wear boots, pants and top of her Quincy outfit. They were robust and tight, good to move in. The boots had high shafts and would be perfect. Only the coat would be probably too light. But she had that nice dark blue folding mantle, made from heavy wool, and it had a hood.

A few minutes later she was on the street. The water poured down like hell, yet the streets were full with people, moving towards higher ground.

"Child, please, could you help me." Said a frail voice behind her. It was her neighbour, a sweet old lady, well beyond 80.

"Frau Nakamura, of course. Where's your grandson?"

"Stuck in traffic. Everyone is on their legs, it seems."

Julia looked around.

"It really seems…" she muttered. Then she linked arms with the old lady and began guiding her down the street. Concern began growing in her mind. Not about her, she would be able to get away quickly. But she wouldn't be able to take Ms Nakamura with her.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Fri Jan 29, 2021 12:32 pm


Guard Against the Rain

Far above the panicked city, a lone man in a dark cloak stood against the night.

Laskt watched his men disperse from his side, spreading out across the clogged streets and terrified crowds, assisting the evacuation with their strength, both theirs and that of the Gotei. The Vizard watched idly as one of his strongest warriors flipped over a truck that had fallen on its side with a single hand to the cheers of the soaked masses.

The Combat Division had been given little preparation for such a wide-scale deployment. One minute it had been simply business as usual, and the next alarms were blaring a klaxon scream. The tsunami itself would have been bad news for anyone in the vicinity, however that had not been what had drawn Captain Yoshitsune's notice. Odd little flutterings of spiritual energy had emerged alongside the natural disaster, appearing here and there among the rain. They were honestly barely detectable, and in any ordinary circumstance nobody would really care.

However, to Yoshitsune and Laskt, old soldiers both, something plainly didn't smell right about the whole situation. It had all seemed too damn convenient that the two abnormalities had just happened to appear one after another, in the same time and place. The knight was convinced something major was about to go down, and he was determined to be ready for it.

With his sheathed Zanpaktou in his lap, Laskt spread out his Spiritual Senses to the limit of their range and potency, searching for even the slightest hint of danger to the panicked civilians below. Yet, no matter how much he searched, all he could detect were a few mildly Spiritually aware humans, with the strongest of them seemingly assisting her ilk. The French Shinigami frowned, closing his eyes as he intensified his search....

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Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]  Empty Re: Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]

Sat Jan 30, 2021 9:31 am

Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]  6EdIfMt


Artist: FrostFM - Song: A Welcoming Smile [Remix]

Why did the mystery have to come in fucking January?!

It had to be in one of the colder months of the year, right when Mother Nature was deciding to be a bipolar bitch and flip-flop on whether or not she wants to put snow everywhere, and it was obscenely early in the morning! Thankfully, for now, at least, the rain had been the substitute for snow. So, despite having warmer clothes on, little Jenny shivered in the chilly, wet, night air, rubbing her hands together as she grumbled to the small blob-like creature resting on her head, forming a shield against the pebble-like rain.

"Kumu, are you okay?"

The creature didn't respond with words, only a quiet, almost pitiful purring sound, to which Jenny only sighing in response, continuing to rub her hands together. When she had heard the news about the weird downpour, she had grabbed her stuff and headed out, now trodding and splashing in the puddles that were scattered across Japan.

She could practically taste the fear that was coming from the citizens as she walked towards where the lot of it was focused. Yawning as she took a break from rubbing her hands together to rub her eyes, she made her way past a crowd, looking around to see what the buzz was about -- well, besides the little demon daggers of rain that were falling -- and the reports of receding water and large waves.

What she saw immediately woke her up and shocked her. Her phone had gone crazy with the meteorological reports of the large waves, but she hadn't expected them to be this huge. She quickly started thinking of her own abilities and equipment, thinking of something that she could use to try and either keep the way back, destroy it entirely, or do something to protect the people outside of shield them with Kumu...and she came back with nothing.

Swallowing hard as a quiet whimper came from the girl, she quickly realized that this was going to be...a lot harder than she thought it would. Nevertheless, she quietly extracted traces of fear energy from the citizens, as well as anyone else who would be exuding the precious resource, storing them into more of her Heart-Shaped Containers, as well as making sure to have more than enough essence in order to try and push back this wave, and to make sure she had more than one weapon in case something came out of it.

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Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]  Empty Re: Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]

Sat Jan 30, 2021 1:24 pm

The Runaway

Jules Ash

Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]  6EdIfMt

Finally, there was a bus with some muppet in a uniform guiding a small group of geezers into the vehicle. Julia guided Ms Nakamura towards the bus and handed her over to the muppet. When the bus left a few moments later she couldn't deny feeling relieved. There was really nothing much that connected her to the old lady besides that they lived in the same apartment building. But she liked her.

Julia had noticed a while ago that there were some people around that had a little bit more oomph than the average citizen. She wondered where they were from. After a little searching she spotted one of them, clothed completely in black, watching the situation. Another muppet? But maybe he knew what really was going on here.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a whimper. She looked down and there was a girl, about her age...maybe a bit younger.

"Hey sweety." She said, walking over to her. "Is everything okay?"

After a few seconds she added: "You know you got something on your head?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]  Empty Re: Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]

Sun Jan 31, 2021 4:44 pm

Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]  6EdIfMt


Artist: FrostFM - Song: A Welcoming Smile [Remix]

It wasn't hard for Jenny's attention to be taken by the colossal tidal wave that loomed over the city, promptly ignoring the people that passed her by, some of them questioning and wondering why she was outside at this hour, and some wondering where her parents were. But, she was hardly paying attention to them, yawning softly as she stared at the big tidal wave, rubbing her eyes.

"I don't even know how anyone's supposed to respond to that...and I doubt you do, either, Kumu."

Shivering and rubbing her hands together, her attention was switched from the tidal wave to the strange blonde woman that was approaching her. She gave a small wave, in contrast to the big smile that spread across her face, and nodded softly in response. When she mentioned the thing on her head, she burst out into a fit of giggles.

"Yep! That's Kumu! He's pretty much my best friend!"

The shield above her head quickly morphed back down into an amorphous blob and settled in her palms, purring softly as she held him in her hands, before bringing him up to press the creature against her cheek. Then, she yawned, setting Kumu back on her shoulder, spawning a small length of energy, a miniature spear, to idly play with while she spoke.

"I just woke up not long ago about the whole thing, but I dunno what I can even do about it. It's just a big wave, isn't it?"

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Ame no ko
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Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]  Empty Re: Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]

Mon Feb 01, 2021 7:43 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]  6EdIfMt

“Kumu…? Cute.” Julia asked. The blob was a way. Definitely not like anything she had ever seen before. She forced her eyes away from it. It was nothing she should get distracted by now.

The girl was obviously no ordinary human and Julia found it difficult to assess her. When she had approached her a few moments ago, she had thought it was a young, scared girl that needed help. Now she wasn’t so sure anymore.

“Well, just that big wave is dangerous enough, I think. We should get to higher ground, just to be on the safe side, I think. Not sure, though. ‘s my first tsunami.”

The last words she mumbled under her breath while she looked around. Once again she noticed the people clad in uniform black and the one that stood above the city, seemingly doing nothing but watching. Maybe he was their boss. That gave Julia an idea. Actually, it gave her two ideas.

“Hey…” she stopped for a moment and lowered her gaze to the girl again. “By the way, what’s your name? Can’t call you Kumu’s friend, can I? I'm Julia. Call me Jules.”

She grinned and looked back up, focused the black speck in front of the black sky.

“Have you seen those black clad muppets around here. That one up there looks as if he’s one of them, from here, that is. Maybe he’s the boss muppet. I’d really like to know what is going on here. I have kind of a bad feeling. Let’s go ask him.”

Julia slightly bent her knees and then vanished, only to reappear next to the man in black. The rain was even worse up here, without the protection of the buildings around. The view would have been quite nice, though, if it wasn’t for the rain.

“Hello, ‘scuse me mein Herr. Are you one of the mup...ah, I mean, are you one of those black guys down there? Do you know what’s going on here? I mean, really going on?”

She stood there, next to the guy, on a small platform of reishi she had collected from the neighbourhood below them. The hood of her mantle was drawn so deep, that one could barely see Julia’s green eyes glittering in the shadow. A few blonde strands of hair hung loosely around, being blown around by the wind and soaked by the rain. Below the hemline of the mantle, that went just below the knee, the high, white boots Julia wore could be seen.
She had her hands on her hips and could just so keep herself from tapping with her foot. The general agitation did affect Julia, even if she knew she would probably be able to escape from any natural phenomenon. Only that she didn’t believe this was natural. It began to make her nervous.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Mon Feb 01, 2021 9:49 pm

An update that would only add to the chaos was broadcast by the news. Not only was the wave growing in size, but some gargantuan creature was visible amongst the dark waters. Only a few seconds of footage was available until the live feed suddenly.. Flickered out. All communication with those who were documenting the event were completely lost, the air of unknown only increasing the anxiety of those on the street attempting to find a safe place.

It wasn’t as notable before, but a look at one’s feet would reveal that not only was the rain striking the ground more heavily than mere minutes before, but it was unnaturally pooling, the water on the ground gathering and slowly getting higher and higher as the downpour continued.

Not just that, but power would begin to flicker or fail, things visible in the darkness like street lights would be seen flickering and sparking, some of them bursting after a large arc of electricity. People crowded the streets as even vehicles were beginning to fail, some accidents happening as a result of either terror or loss of control.

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Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]  Empty Re: Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]

Tue Feb 02, 2021 2:09 pm

Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Date: ???
Location: ???

"Whatcha' doin' with my daughter, blonde-tits?"

Coming in from the sky like a hurricane, a voice called out from above like a bastard-cry from Satan himself. In a matter of moments, a streak of honey and emerald light came dazzling down toward Jules and Jenny. With a thunderous smash into the earth a half-block down the road, tons of debris went scattering, but none of it hit those two little cuties. Instead, what emerged from the smoke was a male with crimson eyes staring these two females down.

"Christ, everything suddenly went dark over here just when I was getting data on this crap. Ah well. I'll slaughter whatever comes my way."

There was an annoyed sigh that exited the male's mouth as he rubbed his hands through his oak-hued hair. Now walking toward both Jules and Jenny with an open arm, Adam scooped Jenny p in a hug and gave a look of confusion at her.

"A father can't let his little girl get too far away from him, eh? Thanks for looking out for her."

Man, you'd think this guy wouldn't notice there was a scene of chaos unfolding around him, but this was all par for the course at this point. After World War Four and all the hell in the earth, he wasn't phased one bit as long as his little gem was protected. Still, he wasn't ignorant of danger either.

"I unno if you are ready for whatever is coming your way, blondie, but if I were you, I'd get the hell out of dodge if you aren't prepared for hell."

With a wriggle of his nose, he'd then hold Jenny close to him.

"Me and my lovely daughter have been through enough hell to find something like this like a family-outing, but I'm not sure if I can say the same for you~"

Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]  WVMWLOu
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Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]  Empty Re: Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]

Wed Feb 03, 2021 10:54 am

Roaring Seas [The Depths Stir - CITY ATTACK THREAD]  6EdIfMt


Artist: FrostFM - Song: A Welcoming Smile [Remix]

Jenny's grin grew wider as the blonde finally gave her a name: Julia, or, as she wanted to be called, Jules. But, she tilted her head when she brought up muppets. Was she really talking about the Muppets, or...was she referring to something with it? But, before she could pester Jules about it, a flash of yellow and green light rocketed down and crashed into the road, and Jenny jumped in surprise, before snickering and giggling as the dust settled to reveal her father.

Giving him a big smile and a wave as he approached, bursting into another fit of giggling as he scooped her up into a hug, she wasted no time wrapping her arms around him and pressing her cheek against him, snuggling up to him, with Kumu copying her movements and purring quietly as it pressed against Adam. Tapping into her own power, Jenny briefly used one of her powers, Acrophobia, to propel her and Adam up to the roof where Julia and, apparently, someone else, was standing.

Turning her head away from Adam and the rest, opting to take a glance at the wave, squinting as she did, reaching over and gently tugging on her father's shirt.

" it just me, or did that wave just get bigger? And is Jonah's Whale in there? Because I just saw something move."

Gently poking Kumu, the creature opened its mouth, revealing a small, heart-shaped container filled with a strange, off-putting pink-ish liquid, and Jenny idly twirled and toyed with them in her hand as she took glances between the group of Adam, Jules, and this mystery man in black, her hand, and the wave. She was probably going to need a LOT more of these canisters.

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