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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]

Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:14 pm

Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]  - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

He felt sensations differently, he'd trained with a blindfold before. But having your eyes pierced and the rest of your body, also being burnt by a lightning bolt. It did something to distract the mind from focus. His senses were alert as he started to get a feel for things. The creature had revealed itself, he couldn't see it that was certain. But he could tell with sounds that it had taken some damage.

He could feel blood running down his cheeks and across his body. The tattered haori he wore had blood stains creeping on it. What could be done about the situation now, as he tried to steady himself. His spirits helped him, they were guiding his senses for now. Bakakgiri was doing her best to help him get a sense of this creature's size.

It was big, larger than any Menos he'd encountered. His head turned, sensing Ulv about to release her power. He'd be in the way if he went any further. What could he do in this circumstance, but get in her way? Something was wrong, his instincts were telling him as much.

He felt Bakagiri's hand and Vait's touch his shoulders on different sides. "Something..something's not right...It somehow." He told both of them, as he tried to focus his mind more. Move past the pain, listen to see if he could find whatever it was.

Wait for the right moment, right now wasn't it. Take time and recover slowly, he'd sustained injuries and Ulv Auber was a force of nature. If he got too close, he'd get in the way. It hurt his pride and his honor as a warrior.

Silently he swore to himself, he'd never let this happen again. He'd not rush in and attack madly anymore. His hand gripped his sword, the familiar sensation put him at ease. A blind Captain, he'd been sure the final training with Bakagiri had helped. But in the reality that was, he would have to standby now. So he didn't hit his allies with his attacks, not until they were clear.

His spirits observed watching for a moment he could release his onslaught upon the creature. Even though something seemed off to him, something he could not place.

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Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]

Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:50 pm

The empowered rains would strike against Ulv's body with great speed with her added ascent to get above the great beast, the sharp rains would relentlessly strike at her as she would do so. However, what the creature had up it's sleeve was already unfolding, the glowing light in it's maw had reached an apex, a tremendous spike in energy capable of being sensed. It wasn't some light show, no, rather it was a grand attack to it's foes. As Ulv delivered her kick, the beast fired, a massive, powerful attack bursting from it's jaws. Though her kick had forced it's head to move, making the attack's intended path not land, it still let loose massive destruction of the surrounding area. Trees were torn, earth flew, as a massive pathway of ripped apart terrain was formed, a large streaking crater dealt to wound the land below.

Though the being's head sustained the impact, it's body sinking with a jerk, it managed to remain airborne, though it was sailing far closer to the ground than previously; however this should have been the least of the Vizard's concerns. As soon as her foot broke open the being's head, purple, pulsating, vine-like structures had moved to affix themselves to her foot, and despite their plant-like appearance they were no easy trip to tear away from, gushes of purple bile pooling around her. Even if she tore some, more would come, seeking to constrict her body and pierce her armor. Despite all the rain, the scent of rotting anger was far more prominent.

The beast had lulled for a moment, however it was back to it's movements, attempting once more to fly to the powerless city before it.

Last edited by Lillian on Mon Feb 22, 2021 11:45 am; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]

Wed Feb 17, 2021 5:14 pm


"It is!" Ulv exclaimed, before she was wrapped up head to toe in vines. Sacrificing the armour to execute Utsusemi, it would dissolve into nothing as Ulv returned to the air and donned her blue air-like dress again. "Fry day!" she finished, laughing hysterically at the pun before letting out an elegant, chiming song. In respons, a truly gigantic man appeared behind her. Easily two hundred foot tall, his long mustaches were thrice the size of a person each side, and he stood over the area like an Emperor of All Under The Sky.

He didn't stay there for long however, as Ulv would suck him and her Regalia into her arm, and release a punch into the wound she had made. The Lance Of Queens raged outwards, to smash a second blow into the open wound of the fish. With that thrown, Ulv would kick off back to Arianda's side, and give a grin.

"Side note, I'm out of juice now" she'd tell her demon friend, collapsing to one knee and panting heavily. Her current state of being made it very dangerous and quite stupid to unleash this kind of power, and so she was unable to do anything else, leaving it all up to Arianda and Momo.

Blazing Heart | END POST


Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Mon Feb 22, 2021 12:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]

Wed Feb 17, 2021 7:20 pm

Goddess of the Underworld


Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]  - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Artist: The Enigma TNG - Song: Insanity Syndrome - Word Count: N/A

Leave it to Ulv to go from not wanting to put on a huge display, and then go straight to putting on an extreme display that was fit of a woman of her power. Even if Ulv was losing more and more of her vast energy by the weekly; she was still a powerhouse of a woman. After all, she was, and never has been, nothing to sneeze at. First, a rather devastating kick, getting tangled up in vines, and then she decided it was time to have Hvit step on it. Well, stomp on it with enough force to temporarily cease the rain around Hvit/Ulv and the Hubert the rotting fishy. However, Arianda knew that she couldn't just sit here and twiddle her thumbs. If she could, the demon wished to help. And so, she would.

Arianda let out a small sigh, and with a burst of energy, the demon released her Possessive Drive of Pain. A smaller shockwave, not quite rain stopping, burst from Arianda thanks to the sudden increase to Ari's everything thanks to releasing her Possessive Drive. The demon let out a small sigh, now acutely feeling an odd sense of... something from the fish. Meanwhile, she could certainly feel the pain of any beings down below; the things they could be dealing with, no matter how big or small. After this brief conversion to this new form, Arianda's tentacles resumed their defensive assault. However, if there was no tentacles to defend from; Arianda caused her own to disappear as she swiftly dashed across the air to be a bit closer to the beast. After Arianda got closer, she stopped in the air, kneeling down as she let her odd-looking spear float behind her.

The ground below the beast trembled, rumbled, as Arianda closed her eyes; raising her hands slowly, as if she was coaxing something out of the very ground. With a jerk of Arianda's arms, and hands,
four, rather large, cages burst from the earth and flew towards the possibly incapacitated fish; with the intent to pierce it like giant spears. Arianda aimed for it's center of mass, as much as possible, and desired to cause the cages that she was now using like anchors to hold the creature in place along with Ulv and Hvit's attempts to halt its movements. After the cages pierced the creature's body, and dug in some way, but it stuck in bone or otherwise, Arianda would halt the growth of the cages and use a bit of energy to strengthen them a little bit.

Afterwards, Arianda resumed keeping her distance, casually grabbing her floating spear from behind her. She had noticed those appendages that struck out for Ulv. For now, it seemed better to stay away. Besides, Arianda didn't need to be near the cages to drag them out of the ground. Hopefully, this little ploy of hers would work to hold the creature; even if only temporary. For now, however, Arianda would concentrate and keeping her spears from being broken; to keep restraining the beast so it could be dealt with in some way.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]

Thu Feb 18, 2021 10:57 am

Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]  - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Opening and closing, slowly the lids of his eyes. The regeneration of his vision was complete, his body recovery was also back. His shoulders moved left and right, cracking as he got himself to a standing position.

His eyes gauging and judging the distance between him and the creature. His digits clasping and running along the hilt of his sword. What was the next step to take here, he'd recovered from his injuries. They'd been little trouble, Kido had failed. Bakudo was an option, it would let him stay back. Could he restrain it for Ulv?

Momo Hinamori was here, if her Kido wasn't enough what good would his be? The skill and power gap between them being what they were. Sword techniques, that would let him fight and engage the beast.

The spiritual pressure Ulv put out was massive, it brought a vibration to his core. It felt as though his teeth would chatter when he did feel it. But he maintained strength, it was his turn to do something. The solution to the problem was obvious as he slowly began dawning his mask anew.

Feeling the power emit from his face yet again. He had a vision of his target, he could avoid both Ulv and Arianda's positions entirely. He brought the sword into a piercing position. Though he was a melee fighter, he stopped for a moment.

Sometimes it was hard to know when you'd just get in someone's way. That was the case right now, he yanked his mask back off. What could he do here, if he used that technique he could likely pierce its hide. Combining his Hoho, Cero, and Swordsmanship into a powerful thrust.

On the other hand, Ulv Auber was releasing her strength, it would be wisest to remain back for now. Bide his time and recover energy for what he could. His spirits chided him for this passive take. But for now, this would have to be what the Captain did. played witness to Ulv's display of might.

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Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]

Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:13 pm

It was a first time coming for the shinigami, training years with Tobiume honing her skills in kido and had led her to this moment. If she was going to save these people this clearly wasn't enough, there wasn't no special stance or movement. Momo shouted these words. Bankai! shouting those words her spiritual pressure skyrocketed, her body would be covered in the outfit of her zanptakou spirit Tobiume consist of two giant bells which is tied to her waist with a long piece of yellow fabric, above a long, light purple skirt.

Momo would summon a kido-based tree that would be held into the ground, momo would twirl her sword above her head the blade would be engulfed in flames. Momo would slam her zanpaktou into the ground causing the tree to until multiple fire-like roots would begin to shoot from the ground at various angles which would ensnare the fish.

The heat would cause burns onto the fish if it was even weak to it.
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Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]

Thu Feb 25, 2021 6:09 pm

With the Vizard’s followup attack, the massive being’s head wound only further caved in, the sheer power of the attack sending it’s already low altitude plummeting to the ground. It crashed with a mighty slam, shaking the earth around it as it violently struggled, head splurting with the hideous purple liquid it’s previous wounds were spewing, loudly growling as it’s body attempted to fly once more.

Tendrils stopped being formed as it had crashed to the ground with such injuries, it’s movements appearing to slow a bit from the apparent heavy loss of bodily fluids. It’s attempts to fly once more were thwarted as Arianda established binding structures upon it’s flesh, the beast struggling all the more as it was not only grounded, but restrained. Another pool of dark blood was forming beneath it as it’s body was spilling liquids more and more by the second.

Momo’s attack only further increased the hold of the bonds, fully immobilizing the creature. Though the passive burning wasn’t enough to penetrate the creature’s defenses, it was fully and totally rendered still. The sound of hoarse breathing could be heard from the being as it stilled, pale eyes seeming to dull more and more by the second. Once more, the voice at the edge of all those present’s thoughts rung out once more, though it was transmitted far weaker than before,

...W H A T… H A V E I D O N E…?

Slowly, the rains eased, tension would appear to die down. However, this was not the end. In the pool of it’s own liquids, something seemed to stir and writhe in it’s excess. The earth drank blood, the scent of fury growing more and more apparent, until a single form abruptly rose from the ick, suddenly lashing out in the direction of Yoshitsune with the aim to pierce or otherwise injure the shinigami, no other attacks appearing to manifest immediately.


Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]

Thu Feb 25, 2021 11:18 pm

Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]  - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

The liquid of the beast seemed to saturate the sea. Had this been a wise endeavor to wound it thus? Something was wrong with the situation, the voice seemed confused. As though a parasite of the mind or body had invaded. The tendril of liquid gore wouldn't find a home for the attack. His foot moved forward a bit to step, as the scene around him changed.

The blood would find nothing but earth for the attack. His eyes looking like a radioactive yellow stared at the creature. What was the situation, information was lacking. Ulv Auber and the others could certainly handle restraining it.

Inhaling a bit, he brought his hand to his Zanpkauot and sheathed it. Letting the blade click, his hand slowly coming towards his mask. Causing a black mist to disperse from his face. Taking a breath in through his nostrils, he stood in his new location.

Twenty meters to the left of where he had been prior. He decided that maybe force wasn't the answer here. It may be time to learn from past problems and issues. He hoped that the creature would understand him, but it was time to act on the conviction.

"You seem to be distraught over something, while I myself did little on this endeavor. I would ask you for your name, what is troubling you so. Your voice feels lost and confused, like you.." His eyes never lost sight of the numerous possible dangers. But for now, violence wasn't the answer, if it was other people could do it.

"Like you aren't sure what you've been doing, have you been in control of your actions?" He said finally asking the question, it had been on his mind since this battle began, the voice and body didn't seem to match. It was troubling him, so he'd get his answer hopefully.

He let his hostility and desire for a fight slip, beginning to show a more tranquil side to himself. He did enjoy a fight, but this wasn't a situation that called for a blade but something else.

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Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Aberration Inbound [The Depths Stir - DIRECT CONFRONTATION THREAD]

Mon Mar 15, 2021 5:50 am
The shinigami saw the rain begining to subside as the creature was assumingly almost defeated. She looked down seeing the creature uttering "What have I done". It confused the shinigami, perhaps it was giving up?

But what baffled her was that Yosh was just standing there, she wasn't he was doing but the risk of being killed was astronomiclly high. Not wanting another guilty concine on her belt
"Yosh what're you doing" she'd shout, was he really asking fkr a death wish? However Tobiume intervened telling Momo some words about the current predicament.

"It appears he's trying to subdue the creature via words. I hate to admit it, this is the best course of action."

But what about these people? She asked, after all it was her main priority for being out here in the first place. Tobiume then spoke, voice completely calm.

Lets see what happens, for now just keep it preoccupied.

Bakudo number Million Shield! Uttering those words she'd place a barrier around the shinigami capable of enduring a few blows from the attack. Though perhaps not enough, now if he was even able to convince the creature it'd hopefully go way.

But if it didn't work she'd just end it right now. Get this whole situation fixed and tend to the wounded. She had her zanpaktou ready, fireballs orbiting around her like the sun.

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