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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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Mon Mar 22, 2021 4:14 pm
Family Reunion  - Page 2 XmDzQSl


Fuckin' women, huh?

"Yeah, sorry, been busy with my own shit. Getting healthy, taking care of Alex, proposing, all that shit with Hayden. You know Yaksha's alive? I've kinda had more going on, my bad for not checking in to see if you're making awful choices. Real good job with the kid, by the way, that tyke yours? She's cute."

Slamming back the cup of tea like it was a glass of whiskey, Alex simply crossed his arms as he listened to the two go back and forth. He didn't really care about politics or the Gotei or fuckin whatever, but he did care about how Earth and his family turned out. And given how badly that'd been going so far, he was maybe a little short on the topic.

"Hey, cool your jets."

Alex was honestly reluctant to even stop Elyss, if he was being totally real. He generally didn't feel bad about letting much of anyone get shit for bad choices, and even if he saw Ulv as a mom...well, it's not like he had much fondness for the idea of a mom to begin with. But he wasn't retarded, and he knew Elyss would probably end up getting fucking ruined if she tried to start anything like this. If not by Ulv, then by Algos popping in like it was nothing.

So, when Elyss lept to cut Ulv down, he just stood and swung his arm out, meeting the blade with a clothesline and giving her an almost irritated, tired expression.

"You trying to get yourself killed here? You know pulling that shit with no way of getting out is asking to get fucking bodied by some demon crawling out of the sewer pipes."

God, how he'd changed. He knew all too well that he'd have gladly just beaten the shit out of Ulv himself a few years ago. He'd probably have done worse, honestly. But he just didn't have it in him anymore, there was a bigger picture to look at.

"For the record, love's not hard to explain. Pretty easy, actually. When you gotta twist it around, make it complicated, you're just justifying fuckin' nonsense that isn't really love. I've been there. Love's when you want the best for someone, no matter what it'd cost you. Nothin' else, really."

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Mar 22, 2021 4:44 pm


Well, that was interesting. Elyss right proper lunged for Ulv, and then Alex sat her back down. Gods, Alex was the Chad. A perfect replacement for her when she passed, but he'd probably refuse to accept the mantle. Still, when he gave his simple explaination of love, Ulv gave a gentle laugh.

"I stand corrected. I guess you can explain love simply after all. And yea, Yaksha doesn't surprise me. Guy's number one talent is not dying" She'd give him a warm and delighted smile before looking back to Elyss. "Indeed. Abalia was fully prepared to kill Hayden should he need it. As I am fully prepared to kill Cyrus, should he lose his grasp on humanity. It's a deal we made a while ago. We aren't role models. We are, to others, twisted and psychotic. Obsessed beyond reason and sanity. I can't tell you why Abalia has such a need to protect people, but I can tell you my own"

She'd hold out a hand and pull in the staff from it's perch, and spin it in her hands.
"Context is required because words can be interpreted a hundred different ways. You need to know what I am saying before you can truly understand without mistake. Abalia's command or no, you'd not be seeing much of me anyway. Though I have dragged it out with tooth and nail, I am on my last legs now. I have nothing left, no tricks and no powers and no pills. Soon I will die, and that will be that, Ulv Auber shall be no more.

So I offer you the ability to know why I do as I do" She'd look to Alex as well. He wasn't as hurt as Elyss, he had his own life and knew Ulv as a friend and teacher more than the mother figure that Elyss saw her as. "It will be painful, it will be the worst thing you have ever undergone in your life. But the offer is there regardless, if you wish to take it"


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Family Reunion  - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion

Mon Mar 22, 2021 5:21 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Dammit. Dammit. Dammit.

Get out of the fucking way! She wants to scream at him, kick him, cut him up into tiny little Alex pieces, but she won’t. She can’t, really. Of course, as soon as Alex moved his arm into her way, she tried to cull her own aggression. It didn’t matter. Hitting his arm felt like trying to cut through a brick wall. Maybe it’s just the strength difference or her lack of swordsmanship, but she knows she can’t get past him even if she wanted to. That’s why he’s here though. She didn’t want to do this. She knows she can’t win against Ulv. He’s her restraint, the only thing keeping her alive right now.

“Ya make dying seem like a bad thing, Alex. Unlike you, I don’t have a kid or a wife. People’ll be sad, but it’s not like I haven’t made people sad before.”

How grim and depressing, huh? Love? Alex’s love sounds simple. Too bad it doesn’t feel that way. All these conflicting feelings and emotions running through her. It’s hard. Why can’t she just fight them away like she always does? Replace the love and hate with pain? Huh? Why not?! If she dies, she dies! Life would be so much easier if she could just turn her idiotic brain off forever. It sucks. This sucks. It all fucking sucks.

“The fuck is this? Love makes ya want the best? What’s the best for me? For you? For her? For us? What’s best for this fucking world?! These damn people?! All I’ve been trying to do is my best for everyone. Help this guy carry his papers. Show this idiot how to punch. Listen to this loser cry his fucking brains out because his girlfriend broke up with him!” Her sword rose up before she slammed it down against Alex’s arm hard, the recoil turning her arms into jelly. However, she didn’t stop as she repeatedly started banging the sword against him, basking in the pain she’s inflicting on herself. “I fucking hate it! But, I can’t stop because…” Over and over her sword would hit him, the blade beginning to crack as she took a big breath, and with the next swing, broke her katana in two against him. “I can’t stop because I love helping everyone…”

With her breath ragged and her energy spent on releasing her own pent up baggage, she’d drop her sword, letting it rattle against the ground. Looking down at her hands, her palms are bloodied. With a disgusted scoff, her eyes would return to Ulv. Context… Context doesn’t matter when the sun sets. Sure, you might have a better understanding of things, but that won’t simply change the way you’re thinking. Ulv is dying. The why and how doesn’t matter anymore. Their time together is almost gone. Elyss doesn’t want her last memories of the only other person she’ll ever call mom to be this.

“...Fine… I’m used to hurting, so go ahead and show me whatever ya want.” It wouldn’t be the first time Ulv had shown Elyss something painful. The redhead does share a shard of some other dead woman with Ulv.



God of Love
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Mon Mar 22, 2021 7:13 pm
Family Reunion  - Page 2 XmDzQSl


"God, you're both so fucking stupid sometimes."

Alex met every swing of Elyss' blade with nothing more than a dull glare, and listened to every word she said. Every word Ulv said. And, honestly, he really just didn't get it. Not because of whatever shit Ulv was talking about, and not because he didn't understand Elyss' overwhelming empathy. He was just a little too straightforward for this sort of thing. He put a reassuring hand onto Elyss' head when she was done, offering her an affectionate ruffle of the haor, and spoke with an even voice, the same sort of tone he often used for serious talks with his little girl.

"Being a good person's not easy. Not clear cut, either. People like Abalia and Ulv, they'll always only see the world their way. Not because they're insane or whatever, don't listen to her about that. That's just what happens when you get so stuck on your principles that you forget about people."

He'd never been one for principles, himself. Alex lived too in the moment, cared too much about handling things as they came. For a guy like him, reasons behind your actions just didn't matter.

"Sometimes, Elyss, doing the right thing sucks. But it's still the right thing."

His hand on her head became a tight grip in a fraction of a second, then, and he stepped on her foot to make sure she didn't slip away. He didn't wanna know what Ulv would say, but more importantly, he didn't want Elyss to know either. So with all that leverage he'd just given himself, he slammed his head into Elyss' as hard as he possibly could. He wanted her out cold, and he wanted her out cold right now.

"Sorry, but it's an older sibling's job to keep bad influences away from the younger ones."

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Family Reunion  - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion

Mon Mar 22, 2021 7:20 pm


Well, this was interesting. Ulv's heart-felt talk was interrupted by Alex's mighty headbutt. Ulv, for her part, did nothing, just waiting to see what happened. The outcome wasn't set in stone, Elyss was a strong woman these days and the possibility of her not getting taken out did exist. Though if it came to that, Mother Bear would put a stop to any fight before it started. She stll had things to talk about, after all...


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Family Reunion  - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion

Mon Mar 22, 2021 11:58 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Why do things have to suck? Why can’t the world just stop being horrible for once? Why is peace such a fleeting thing? She wanted to throw accusations at Alex, force him to clarify. Abalia and Ulv: two extremes that she’s trying desperately to understand. Is it really that easy to just brush them aside? If only she got to ask. First, he stepped on her foot. That was weird. She wasn’t sure what to make of that. She didn’t think he’d go that far just to protect her. Guess she’ll never know what he’s trying to protect her from either as their heads collided. The world turned black for a second. And then, the next, she’s staring at him, blurred melding with the background.

“Wha- Alex? Wha teh Hell?” She’s not down for the count just from one hit. Her hard head seemed to be just hard enough to keep her barely conscious. And, with that, comes her anger at him trying to interrupt her talk with Ulv. “Alex! Don’t get in my wa-” But, before she could finish her sentence, her brain stopped working, her body swaying suddenly. Her black eyes are devoid of life, hazy and unfocused as she’d fall backwards. However, she’d not hit the floor as an arm catches her descent.

“As much as I enjoyed watching this little family reunion, all that whining was starting to get annoying.”

One would think they’re looking at another Elyss, same clothing and all, but there’s something wrong about this woman. Her hair is as red as Elyss’ but one would relate it to blood. The face is similar, but it appears older, wickeder. And then, those red eyes… Unlike Elyss’ black eyes that shift constantly, these eyes are true to the nature of their owner: despicable.

“One: That little speech about love was as shitty as they come. If you can’t make sense of your feelings, you shouldn’t be allowed to feel at all. You’re just a walking disaster waiting to erupt and erupt you have, Ulv. I can’t wait for you to keel over so my idiot master will stop wasting her time thinking about you. Ah, how I adore when she’s actually making decisions for herself. I wanted her to use me to cut you into fine even pieces, but I guess boy wonder here had other ideas. Be lucky I put her to sleep, or we might have actually had a fight on our hands, not like she would have won, but she did not come here to fight you, so you can thank me later.”

The woman would smile, her lips seeming to draw back unnaturally far. Her eyes would move to Elyss, sleeping soundly in her arm like a little baby. She’d run her hand through Elyss’ hair and rest it against her cheek, driving her nail hard into her cheek.

“Two: I have a question for you now, Ulv. I am sure you know who I am. I am part of her, after all. But, tell me. Did you ever have faith in this girl, my master? Did you believe her capable of controlling what you still struggle with? You’re really going to leave poor Elyss all alone with me?”



God of Love
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Wed Mar 24, 2021 10:15 pm
Family Reunion  - Page 2 XmDzQSl


Man, it was always one thing after the other, wasn't it? Rubbing the bridge of his nose for a second, Alex looked to the newcomer with what could best be described as exhausted disappointment. It sure looked like Elyss, but it obviously wasn't Elyss, so that made things a little easier.

"Hey, nobody invited you here. Now put her down or I'll beat your ass."

He really hadn't wanted to throw another fight into the mix, but if he had to, obviously he would. That said, for now he was just gonna swing for Elyss 2 over here, mostly because he really didn't care too much about what she was talking about, especially given she was actually hurting Elyss. Granted, Alex had just hurt Elyss too, but that'd been different.

"Actually, I'll just beat your ass either way. If you're such a burden, we'll have to get rid of you, then. Besides, she's not alone either way, so why even ask a stupid fuckin' question like that?"

Glancing back to Ulv briefly, there was no small degree of irritated in both his eyes and in his voice, and he spoke to her almost casually despite the situation.

"Hey, don't go anywhere."

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Thu Mar 25, 2021 11:04 am


"Go anywhere? This is far too interesting to go anywhere" Ulv exclaimed, standing suddenly and looking at the new woman. It was very interesting that she just appeared like that, and looked that way.

"See, Zanpaktou spirits can manifest" Ulv would point to the left and a giant silver-furred gorrila with one eye and veins of light running up his arm would appear. "But that is a sign you are close to or fully capable of releasing your Bankai. And Elyss, well she's not even near her Shikai yet. Plus, you've gotta get some massive narcissism to have your spirit look like you. See the resemblance?~" She'd lean against Beowulf's man-thick arm and grin.

"Hollows are more liable to look a lot like you" Ulv would point to her right and a disturbingly beautiful woman would appear. It was like someone had twisted the very rules of reality to make themselves so beautiful people were on edge around her because it was clearly not natural. "......None of you ever saw Mirja, but take my word for it when I say she does look like Mirja" Ulv would then go over to Hvit and grin seductively. "Hey babe~ How's it-"

And then she was gone, and there were Ulv shaped holes in the walls behind her.

"Problem with that theory" The warm voice from Hvit came. It was like a patient and loving mother, and when she moved she moved like water, not simply stepping but flowing as if in a single unimpeded movement. "Manifesting your Hollow is not something that comes without great effort. Hollows can't manifest themselves either, without taking over completely and leaving the host body. So that leaves the question, what exactly, are you?"


Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Sat Apr 03, 2021 3:24 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:36 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Always with the theatrics, but I guess I’m no better. I am but a mirror of her after all.”

She would only give Alex a delightful devilish grin, not even bothering to respond to him. He doesn’t have the capacity to understand the nature of a Zanpakuto. No matter how much everyone strives to help Elyss, Tenmarin is an issue that only the redhead can handle. There are cheats of course, but even then, the soul is only tamed by itself. Anyway, turning her attention away from Alex, Tenmarin’s eyes would focus on Ulv, and then, to the woman’s own spirits.

“Oh. She’s a narcissist alright. No matter how she tries to fight it, I exist to give her everything she wants, but…”

She’d stop and shake her head, her pleased expression souring as Ulv is sent away. Always with the theatrics… Focusing on Hvit, it became clear just how much Tenmarin despised the Hollow’s existence. However, the presence of Tenmarin would begin to fade as Elyss shivered in her arms.

“Your ignorance is not law. I am her Zanpakuto. There does exist a demon worse than I inside of Elyss, but be grateful I’ve not allowed it to take her body. Hmph. With due time, everything will become clear to her and only her, but she is far from prepared and neither of you are capable of helping. Some things aren’t solvable through joint effort.”

And, with that, Tenmarin would pass Elyss to Alex in one motion as the Zanpakuto simply faded away.



God of Love
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Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:23 pm
Family Reunion  - Page 2 XmDzQSl


God, this was all such a fucking mess now, wasn't it.

"I fuckin hate all of you, you know that?"

Catching Elyss as Tenmarin tossed her his way, he merely set her down onto the nearest seat before turning his attention over to Hvit. His eyes briefly darted to the hole in the wall, but honestly, he just didn't care at this point. He'd come here to make sure nothing bad happened, and he guessed technically that was true. For now, at least.

"Listen, I'm gonna just leave, yeah? Much as I'd really like to fucking grind you into dust, I probably don't have that in me, and my girl'd be mad at me anyway, yeah? We cool if I just leave, or am I gonna have to slap the shit out of you?"

Ah, Alex still really was more confrontational than he ever actually needed to be. He might have matured over the years, but a person's true nature generally tended to come to the forefront when the cards were on the table. This was a bad position for him to be in. Real bad, actually, but that just meant that he had to make it clear what he was made of.

And, really, he was basically just made out of love for his family and a lot of violence.


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