Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo] Left_bar_bleue0/0I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo] Empty I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo]

Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:00 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo] 6EdIfMt

With a deep breath she inhaled the aromatic scents of the forest, as well as the inner calm that went along with it. Although she visited regularly, the effect of it never diminished. Hanako felt as if she’d come home after a long day at work. She could feel how her muscles relaxed and all the tension fell from her body. The body in here that was. It wasn’t her real body, as well as the misty forest, with the clearing and the traditional japanese house weren’t a real forest, a real clearing or a real house. It was all in her mind. Or better: a part of her mind. A part of her soul, of her own self, that had manifested in the powers that made her a Shinigami. And this Inner World was where she could commune with ‘him’. With the tall Samurai, that never seemed to take off his full armor, not even for a moment. Even his face was hidden behind a mask, but one could tell from his proportions that he was no human. But he was gentle, thoughtful and supportive. Hana never felt anything else but warmth and love from him and asked herself more than once if it meant that she loved herself and accepted herself the way she was. Certainly he began to speak more and more, the more of her memories returned and the more she came to terms with her own existence. At first he spoke like someone awoken from a coma….now it was almost as fluent as Hanako, although maybe sometimes on a simpler level. However, he seemed to know and understand a lot more than his linguistic abilities made one believe.

Bakumusha stepped out of the house onto the porch. Behind him was the golden and homey glow from the candles and lanterns of the house, in his hands a tablet with two mugs and a steaming pot. Hanako knew it was jasmine tea, her absolute favourite. She approached the house and sat down beside him on the porch, poured the tea and took one of the mugs, while she gave him the second. In silence she inhaled the sweet scent, before she took a first sip. She didn’t care that all this wasn’t real, it was pleasant nonetheless.

Only that this time it wasn't. At least not the way it usually was. It seemed as if Bakumusha was quite tense, although Hanako wondered where she got this impression from. It looked like he was sitting there just like always, drinking tea without ever taking off his mask, and staring into the mist. But Hanako just felt that something was off. Yet she said nothing. Before long Bakumusha stirred and sighed.

"You know we can't just keep drinking tea." he said in his deep, calm voice.

Hanako set down her cup and sighed.

“I guess so.” she said in a flat voice.

It made her sad, to think about what now had to come. She had always hoped that her Inner World would stay a place of calm and peace, a haven. But deep inside she had known it was inevitable.

Meanwhile Bakumusha stood up and walked a few paces into the clearing. When he turned around to face her again a sword lay in his hand. It was a katana, like Hanako’s sealed Zanpakuto, only larger, like an odachi, made fitting for the bigger shape of the spirit.
Hanako looked down, and saw that a katana had appeared there. It was her own, her sealed sword. Or at least it looked like an exact copy.

Rather hesitantly she picked it up, slid it in her obi and stood up, to face Bakumusha.

“Why?” she asked.

“You will figure it out.” was the answer, equally simple as the question.

Then Bakumusha attacked, and the blade sang as it cut through the air, aiming for Hanako’s neck...

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo] Left_bar_bleue0/0I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo] Empty Re: I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo]

Thu Apr 29, 2021 8:54 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo] 6EdIfMt

The sound of steel against steel rang loudly in the otherwise quiet forest. It was odd, sounding strangely misplaced in this calm environment. Harsh and cold, a stark contrast to the mist-softened contours of the forest and the house. The sound sprang from tree to tree… did the two individuals that caused it.

With high speed Hanako and Bakumusha rushed through the forest, attacking, blocking, dodging. Sparks flew, whenever the hardened edges of the two swords crashed into each other.

Very early into the fight Hanako had realised that she couldn’t do very much against the Zanpakuto Spirit in terms of brute strength. His large size alone gave him an advantage. So she tried to outmaneuver him, only to find that he could easily keep up with her. Granted, she wasn’t exactly a flash goddess, but she hadn’t expected a bulky, armored being to be that agile. And he knew how to wield a sword. And of course he did. He was the spirit of her Zanpakuto. He was the personification of her combat powers, the one that made the sword in her hand more than forged and hardened steel.

But it wasn’t the only thing why she was struggling. She didn’t want to fight him. To her he was so much more than a set of powers. So indescribably much more. The thought of fighting him, of hurting him was against all her wishes. It felt like defiling this Inner World, that had become her sanctuary.

However, the fight was forced on her, if she wanted it or not. Every time she tried to pull out of it, Bakumusha pushed forward, forced her to defend herself.

“You’re too tentative!” Bakumusha roared as he unleashed another flurry of strikes against Hanako.

“I don’t want to fight with you.” she threw back at him

“You must!”


Bakumusha stopped. It was the first time since he started attacking. Although she couldn’t see his face behind the mask, as usual, Hanako was sure his face was stern and she could feel the gaze of his eyes on her.

“Because…” Bakumusha began and his voice was eerily calm, as if they didn’t just cross blades for close to half an hour.

“ might die otherwise.”

WIthout moving, saying another word or even an incantation, the sword Bakumusha helf began to glow in a bright light and changed into it’s Shikai form. Again it was a perfect mirror of Hanako’s own sword, only that it was a great deal bigger, to match Bakumusha.

With a cold feeling in her gut, Hanako realised that Bakumusha probably wasn’t joking.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo] Left_bar_bleue0/0I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo] Empty Re: I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo]

Tue May 04, 2021 7:19 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo] 6EdIfMt

Two things really began to irk Hanako. The first was that Bakumusha wasn’t telling her why he was seemingly hellbent on actually fighting. Not spar, but actually fight. The second was that while Bakumusha had a Shikai version of his Zanpakuto-self, she didn’t seem to be able to release the sword she had.

Actually there were three things: Bakumusha had begun to taunt and mock Hanako. And it began to really, really annoy her. He had the superior weapon and her on the defense. And he kept pushing…

WIth a loud cracking noise several trees, right where Hanako was standing just an instant before, came crashing down. Hanako stopped her flash step and was forced to dodge again instantly. The giant blade buried itself into the ground she had stood on, only to get pulled back by its chain a second later. Bakumusha began swinging the sword slowly and demonstratively relaxed on his right side. It was slow enough that Hanako could see several flower buds that had sprouted all over the sword. Bakumusha, who followed her glance, chuckled.

“Oh, don’t worry. I won't use it. You can’t learn anything that way.” he said and with a quick motion threw the sword once more in Hanako’s direction.

She deflected it with her own sword to her left, while she dodged to the right. Even the glancing blow was enough to make her arms hurt. What an incredible strength Bakumusha had. Her face was red and strands of hair stuck to her forehead, wet from sweat. She breathed heavy and could feel the end of her strength coming. Bakumusha pushed relentlessly, giving her no chance to catch her breath. It went on for...hell, she didn’t even know anymore.

“Oh, come on. You’re finished already?” Bakumusha roared, audibly amused.

“No, I’m not…” Hanako began, but was interrupted.

“Yes, you are. I can see it. I can feel it. And I can smell it. The smell of a coward. Of a little chicken.”

Hanako’s face hardened. He hadn’t called her a coward...until now.

“You heard right. You’re a coward.” he scoffed. “What was all the training for? Hm? Look at you, you’re almost completely out of energy and haven’t even landed a single hit on me. You will never be able to make an impression on anyone this way. No one will remember you. Your past may be hidden somewhere inside you, but your future is just an illusion. You have none. You’re a disgrace.”

The words kept hitting Hanako like stones. Even when the Hollows tore her apart it hadn’t been as painful as this now. The worst thing about it was...he was right. What was it that she had achieved. A posting as Lieutenant? Not for her strength, so much was made clear. She felt like the green graduate that threw herself into the tryouts of the Fourth Division and failed miserably. She had always blamed the Captain back then, but was it really him.

The thoughts that spread through Hanako’s mind were so dark they almost clouded everything, consuming her. Maybe a while ago they would have. Now, however, she wasn’t the same person anymore. She had evolved, had learned. She had learned a lot about herself. The dark, slimy, undirected self-loathing was still there and it probably would be for her entire life. But there was also something else. An ember, small, even tiny, but it was there and waited. Waited to become an inferno. The moment was now.

Violently the ember burst out and flames of defiance spread throughout hanako’s mind. Defiance of the self-loathing, the frustration and pity she felt for herself.


It was one word, but it was strong. It fought its way through the filth of the dark thoughts, clawed it’s way to the surface and with it came reason and pride.

No, I am no disgrace. No, I won’t give up. I haven’t before and I won’t start now. No, I won’t let this happen to me. Not any more. Proud...I am proud. No, I won’t back out of this. No, I won’t die! No, no, no, no!!!

Once again the sword flew towards Hanako. Once again she deflected it. Only this time, she didn’t try to get away afterwards. This time she charged. She sped away with a flash step, directly towards Bakumusha. But it wasn’t blind rage, Hanako knew exactly what she did. She knew the weakness of her Shikai and used it. Directly in front of Bakumusha she rematerialised, sword drawn back for an attack. With might she swung it. There was a flash of light and there she stood, her Shikai in hand, finally.
At the last possible instant Bakumusha had blocked her blow with his own armored arm.

“Good.” he growled in his deep voice, an equally deep satisfaction in this single word.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo] Left_bar_bleue0/0I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo] Empty Re: I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo]

Sat May 15, 2021 4:47 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

I don't want to, but I know I have to [Inner World / solo] 6EdIfMt

She heard the ringing of the chain and the rush of air, through which something big was being moved at high speeds. No need to look behind her to know what it was.
With a backflip she brought herself out of the danger zone of Bakumusha’s sword that he had called back to him.

Before she even touched the ground, he threw the sword again, directly at her. With her armored left arm she deflected it off to the side, while she swung her own sword in return. It described a wide sweeping arc, cut down several trees, and made directly for Bakumusha. He could to not much more than to jump back, out of it’s reach, and yank on his chain to get his sword back. But Hanako was prepared for him dodging. With a grim smile she sent her energy through the chain and into the blade, then released it so that it formed a crescend blade of blue energy, that continued towards Bakumusha, effectively increasing her range dramatically. No chance for him to escape the attack.
Now Hanako pulled her sword back, jumping forward and into its motion at the same time. She caught it in mid-air and immediately swung it around at the spirit. With a thundering sound the two big swords clashed against each other and Hanako pressed with all the strength she could muster against the towering figure that dwarved even her.

And then suddenly it was over. The whole tension of the fight, the air of hostility, it vanished from one moment to the next. It was so sudden that Hanako struggled and had almost lost her balance if not for Bakumusha, who caught her with his free hand. With a gentle flash of light, his sword disappeared and he was, once again, just Bakumusha, her spirit, her partner, her anchor.
She lowered her eyes to look at her own weapon. There was no need for it anymore. As soon as she realised that, it vanished as well. WIth wonder she looked around her. Even the forest had returned to it’s serene, misty self. No sign of any felled trees, not even a bend blade of grass.

“Good.” Bakumusha said again, his voice again full of satisfaction. “I think this will be enough for now.”

He turned and walked back to the house, presently so far away that it was only a golden shimmer that filtered through the mist. She followed him after a few seconds and had to hurry to keep up. There was a question that burned on her nails, but she feared that the peace would fade away again when she asked it.

When they arrived at the porch neither of the two sat down. Both stood there and just looked at the house, waiting for the other to speak first. It was Hanako.


Bakumusha took his time with an answer.

“Look at me.” he said and Hanako obeyed.
“I am a warrior. And I always believed that you were, too. But I need to know.”

“You need to know? That I can fight? I expected as much, but that was not just a sparring match.”

“No, it wasn’t. And if you hadn't found the courage and strength necessary to stop me, I would have killed you. Because what I need to know is if you have the virtues of a real warrior in you. And one of them is the courage to do what is right, what needs to be done. Even if you don’t want to. Even if I am the enemy. You have to stand up and protect. Not only others that are weaker and need protection. But first yourself. If you are gone, you can’t protect anymore.”

He fell silent for a while and sat down on the porch. The wood creaked under his weight.

“I know that deep inside your soul you want to make the world better. A bit idealistic, if you ask me, but I can relate and I respect that. And I want to help you. But in order to do it it was necessary to see the virtues of a warrior in you. The courage to even fight a part of yourself was one. That you could do the necessary thing, the right thing, even if you hated it.
To keep a cool head and not let anger dictate your moves was another. That is why I mocked and insulted you. I hated that I had to do it and I want to apologize for it. I am sorry beyond any words.”

There was a long silence and finally Hanako looked up to Bakumusha and said.

“I think I understand. Thank you.”

A long and heavy sigh came from under Bakumusha’s mask and he nodded. He reached behind him and produced a tablet with a small flask and two small bowls on it. Hanako expected to smell tea, but it was something different.

“No tea?” she asked.

“No.” Bakumusha said slowly and it sounded as if he was smiling. “I thought we might need something stronger this time.”

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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