Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Devil's Presage [Algos/Elyss]  Empty Devil's Presage [Algos/Elyss]

Fri May 07, 2021 4:19 pm


Enter Algos's Post

Night brought with it a sense of comfort. Sulking in the shadows was like a blanket of protection when those who did not wish to be seen could roam about this world without a care. Yet, this visage of security had glimpses of distortion as sparks from a spring storm lit up the former home of Ulv Auber. As in these flares of light did it unveil something: a demon. Yes, a devil with blood eyes sat in the middle of a bed with a piece of clothing from her children's mother. Face stained with dried, crimson tears; the gaze of the somber devil found herself looking out the window at the endless cyclone of rain.

"I already miss you."

Those words were muttered in a low volume as the creature's tendrils twitched in the night seeking to grab something which was not there. Vivid warm feelings of faded love flowed in her mind as this feeling of loss grew tiresome. So much had been lost to her over the course of these past two years that the woman was just tired. But she knew for her sake she had to figure out how to exist in this world and not let that love go to waste.

"You gave up so much for me even if you didn't think that..."

There was a low demonic growl which emitted from the woman's mouth as she continued to let these happy thoughts bring such sadness at this moment. It had to be fought, however. For the time being, most of the devil's presence had been concealed as her prowess over the magical arts kept her energy cloaked. So, if she were to remain here, she'd need to get a grip. After all, many things needed to be observed in this world and there was another being that kept lingering around this place.

" tell me, what did Ulv see in you, Elyss? Why did she not give up on you?"

Even if no one answered, that thought still lingered as that red-headed woman's image flowed into the mind of The Demoness. It was a special feeling as she felt such the deepened sensations of friendship brewed from Calypso within herself from the link they shared. These days, the devil dared not even try to connect with her, but that familiarity grew and it was only a matter of time before these two needed to meet.

Now, what would the outcome of this meeting between herself and Elyss be? That was a question to which The Princess had no answer to.

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Devil's Presage [Algos/Elyss]  WVMWLOu
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Devil's Presage [Algos/Elyss]  Empty Re: Devil's Presage [Algos/Elyss]

Fri May 07, 2021 4:45 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

She’s dead, huh? Snuffed out like a light, without even a word, that damned Ulv. Elyss wouldn’t have had it any other way. Ulv was everything if not peculiar. Maybe this world really didn’t deserve that woman. Whether that’s meant in a good or bad way is up to whatever and whoever. The redhead only has one opinion about it all, a simple conclusion. Whether you loved or hated that brute, she sure did try to live her life the way she wanted to. Guess it doesn’t matter in the end. Elyss learned a bit, about herself and the world. She’ll miss Ulv, but this isn’t something she feels like crying about. Crying is a waste of time, almost as much as being here.

She's not near the city, but its clear as day that it's far from what it used to be. It's just the news reporting the strange phenomenon, but it's obvious that something's missing. It's so plain and normal now, missing its ethereal glow. Sadly, it's enemy territory now, but it was still a place she called home. She wants to see it for herself, in person, but she knows she can't. There's just this weird feeling though, like someone is watching her. She's on a simple assignment in one of the more tragic casualties of WW4, someplace lost in Europe. She can't remember its name, but since she's done, she had decided to buy a meal before taking note of Minatumi Harbor.

Abalia is sure to learn of this eventually. The city going dark is an unmissable indication that Ulv has died. Guess Ulv decided to go somewhere private to die. Seems the burial site is yet another of that woman's great mysteries. This won't get in the way of Elyss' mission that she's going on later though. She’s over letting her emotions control her life, but it’s safe to assume she’ll have to showcase that to her superiors. It’s safe to assume that she’s being hypocritical with herself also. Shit. She doesn’t need this right now. There’s enough bothering her lately. So, with her meal done, she would get up, adjusting her cloak, and exit the building, stepping out into the barren lands that is still recovering.

“Always had an answer for everything, Ulv, but, in the end, you left behind nothing but questions.”



Last edited by Siegharty on Thu May 13, 2021 12:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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Devil's Presage [Algos/Elyss]  Empty Re: Devil's Presage [Algos/Elyss]

Sat May 08, 2021 10:26 pm


Enter Algos's Post

Thrusting through the darkness was something which demons were good at, no? It only took this Devil a few moments to appear at the side of Elyss as she gazed toward the evenly tall vizard. However, nothing indicated that she was going to do anything malicious. Most creatures of her caliber had an aura about them and the demoness was more content to keep herself suppressed for now. That then lead to her focusing her sights on the woman before responding to what was just uttered out of her mouth about Ulv.

"Ulv believed she could fix anything she desired if she believed it hard enough. Perhaps that the charm when you feel so broken that maybe there is a glimmer of wild hope that someone as dashing as her could patch those cracks within one's self."

There was then a pause in the air before the woman moved to the front of Elyss and continued to hold a firm, steady stare at the woman as she proceeded with her discourse.

"Elyss, you've engaged with my sister before. And I'm quite sure you are aware of what I am. So tell me: do you feel like your life is in danger around me?"

Each of the woman's hands then moved behind her back as a gentle exhale of cold breath entered the space around Elyss. In that instance of time, a spark of lightning lit the world around them and the woman's shadow had rows of tendrils and two horns being reflected from behind her body. This was indeed a devil in disguise, but that vacant expression yielded a reflection of someone in deep thought.

Whatever person who had met Ulv as Algos had died and all that remained was a new woman. One who wanted to mend the mistakes of her previous self and perhaps see something of value arise from the investment of love and power vested into her. So, she carried on with this path in contemplation of that thought.

"We both share a connection to Ulv, and I'm sure you'd rather see me suffering than alive, but I would hope someone so close to her would not be my enemy if we can avoid that. Which is why I ask you: do you believe even the foulest devil can add value to this existence, Elyss?"

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Devil's Presage [Algos/Elyss]  WVMWLOu
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