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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] Empty Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa]

Thu Jul 08, 2021 3:16 pm

Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Home -- at least it was before everything got so fucked up.

After tearing open a blackened vortex through dimensions, the likes of Algos stepped forth from the abyss as her blood eyes focused on the darkened room around herself. With each step on the tile floor beneath her bare soles, the emptiness of the woman's room echoed out into the night as she turned her sight toward an open, glass window that overlooked the obnoxiously large estate of her palace. As the gleam of the moon's scarlet glow illuminated the reddened room, The Demoness gazed at the fountain beneath her room as her many servants tending to the garden below with a dispassionate look upon her face.

"It matters not if you are sorry for what transpired. I've already sowed my seeds on that planet and I'll return when the time is right."

Speaking as if it were truth, The Princess let out an exhausted sigh before sitting on her bed and turning her stare on the sight of Santa as she would eventually make her way into this space.

"I haven't the faintest idea why you decided to follow me. Like I advised from before, you are attaching yourself to ruin, woman."

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Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] WVMWLOu
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Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] Empty Re: Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa]

Thu Jul 08, 2021 4:49 pm
Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa glanced around. Intrigued at ......whatever it was that they had transported to. This wasn't like the barren bodyfest she had met Algos in before. She followed the woman readily enough and tilted her head slightly as she made note of her response "It doesn't have to be my fault for me to be sorry." She noted a bit poutily, furrowing her brows before she paused. Where were they? She glanced at the woman as Algos plopped herself down onto the bed.

However, the sentiment that followed made Santa tilt her head before chuckling slightly. "You're funny. I came wit h you because you offered, plus I wasn't gonna have our trip to earth be for nothing!" She noted with a bright smile, promptly producing two t shirts! One of which said 'Bomb Ass Bitch' while the other read 'I can't hear you over you over how fucking awesome I am'. A little bit of a deflated sigh escaped her. "I wasn't able to grab any of the canyon ones while those mallcops were bothering us. But still! I wanted you to have something to gain out of the know. Thing that went on down there. Next time we'll just have to be more careful.... might have to do some snooping. Find a place where no cops will roll up." She mused, stroking her chin for a moment before she paused.

She glanced toward the wall for a moment. "And I know it's dangerous. I'm not THAT dumb. You killed all those other Oni right? But you seemed to be so miserable. And not the usual kind of miserable. But when we actually got there. You seemed HAPPY. You were enjoying yourself. You even did that kawai pinkface thing! It might be a little dumb, but I enjoyed seeing you happy. I was lucky enough to run into someone who let me go to the world of the living. They felt like helping me. They had nothing to gain out of it. They were hollows. And even so, they decided to help me. I always wondered why. So admittedly, it was just out of curiosity. But well, it just feels good. Getting to see you do stuff that probably nobody ever does. And if I can make....whatever......diplomatic...thingamajig thing you have going on a bit more not-sucky. Then I think it's worth it." She shrugged, and then slowly clenching her fists, an....unpleasantly menacing smile reaching her face.

"Besides. Now I got to find a reason to be strong. I've been able to get off on just my natural abilities. But that fucking twink security guard. I wanna get strong enough to wipe the stupid look off his big dumb bitch face!" She said through gritted teeth. That pride of hers showing in spades as it became abundantly clear just how offended she'd been at the man.
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Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] Empty Re: Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa]

Sun Jul 11, 2021 1:07 pm

Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Her leery blood eyes kept locked on Santa like a hawk as she observed the hollow slithering around her chambers with remorse for how events played out. Truth be told, Algos cared not. She knew the consequences of stepping forth on Earth without warning, so if nothing else it was indeed a stress test to discern where her loyalties lay. So, with that noted in her psyche, the woman's scarlet tendrils gripped away the "Bomb Ass Bitch" shirt and gently placed it on her bed before the woman spoke.

"So to surmise: you find some sort of amusement in trying to make me happy. You are compelled beyond your own instinct of preservation because another had made you happy in the past. It's odd that creatures as demented as us can find those sickeningly human emotions amongst our sin."

Algos closed her eyes for a moment; placing her right hand on her cheek as she exhaled a soft breath of air to absorb the circumstance.

"Strength can be found easily enough, but I sincerely doubt you'll be the same at the end of it if you linger around this world seeking it. I can't quite say what you will be like at the end of the path of seeking strength, but you are free to stay if you desire."

Now, with each of her tendrils around the sides of Santa, Algos let out a low growl before utilizing enough force to make the woman kneel on her knees before her as her own eyes became drenched in bloodied eyes.

"Though, if you truly wish to be my aide, how far are you willing to go to prove your loyalty? Are you even willing to go as far as to have my blood in you?"

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Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] WVMWLOu
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Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] Empty Re: Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa]

Sun Jul 11, 2021 1:16 pm
Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa paused, her head canting to the side for a moment as she watched the woman take the shirt, putting on a pleased smile at that. "I really don't get the whole Sin thing. Isn't killing and brutality just part of nature? A turtle can chomp a fish in half infront of its family, but it doesn't go to hell. I even saw a hawk eat one of its babies because it was really weak. Is there like .... an animal hell?" She murmured with mild confusion, shaking her head a little before she paused when she noticed those tendrils moving around her. Oh, well this was new.

She tensed a bit before she was pushed down onto her knees for a moment, glancing at the little feelers that were used to manipulate her before she glanced back up to the woman. "What's Loyalty? And what would me having your blood in me do?" She asked, her clear lack of understanding shining through at this point. "And mean like...gatorade? I mean, I guess you could drink from my garden if you really wanted to? And I regenerate enough that I can spare some blood but uhhh, why do you need it?" She asked, her brain doing its best to parse what it was that Algos was asking of her.
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Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] Empty Re: Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa]

Sun Jul 11, 2021 6:30 pm

Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

"They lack the awareness to comprehend sin. However, it is still a fair point. There is a certain animalistic impulse to grow, conquer, protect, and ultimately kill amongst all races."

Algos continued to have a sharp gaze locked on the sights of the blonde vixen. It was rather odd that someone existed with such a lack of intellectual insight. While The Princess certainly had her own short-sightedness when it came to her inability to perceive the awareness of her actions when lost in the depths of obsession, it certainly didn't reduce her to the almost brainless state of bliss which Santa seemed to live in.

"Loyalty simply means you have the best interest of those you form relations with. When you are loyal, you will do what it takes to ensure that other person's well-being even if things may become bothersome for you as you value this person greatly."

That wasn't a lie, was it? If one were to gather her trust, they needed her blood for herself to become loyal. Is that not what she offered to others in her life? Even if things did not end well for beings such as Calypso, Ulv, and Inami; it was hard to disagree in Algos's mindset that she would not have torn the boundaries between heaven and hell to otherwise look out for those who were loyal to her. Their loyalty just came at quite the hefty price of her own demented desires.

"In simpler terms: once you are marked by my blood, I can trust you, and perhaps you will feel a deeper connection to me. Be careful, however, as this may alter your body and mind in ways your developing brain can't even comprehend."

With an exhale of breath, the woman closed her eyes once more and began to think deeply about what the next choices of Santa would be.

"Forget I even bothered with saying aide. If you go down this route, you'll simply be one of the many knights that protect me."

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Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] WVMWLOu
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Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] Empty Re: Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa]

Sun Jul 11, 2021 6:45 pm
Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa furrowed her brows at that. "That still seems weird....." She murmured, sighing lightly before she paused. She took a moment to listen to the woman's words and they .....SEEMED to make sense sortof. Certainly overcoming a bit of bother was something she would hardly mind. She had felt that very sentiment when she was taking her out to the grand canyon.

However, even with her own.....dim understanding of things. She still was...... a bit unsure. It wasn't of course, a REASON. It was an instinct. One forged through thousands of years of backstabbing, voracious hollow existence. Broken promises, double crosses, defilement, and suffering. Whatever the woman was offering, it seemed like a big deal. And probably irreversible. "Well, if ....I don't understand. Why not wait until I can? I'm gonna be learning stuff a lot these days! There was this really nice Arrancar, actually two of them, they've been helping me stay in the world of the living longer without having to worry about attracting hollows. I won't have to learn things about human culture in bits and pieces anymore." She reasoned with a prime smile on her face. Even just talking about it brought warmth and excitement to her chest. Imagining all of the human stuff she'd get to enjoy.

She paused and stood up, looking a bit sheepish. "So uhhh I might have to pass on the Knight thing right now. Especially are still mostly a stranger. Even if I like hanging out with you and seeing those little faces you make. So why don't we start with 'Homies' and work our way from there?" She asked, holding her hand out to the demon. "And then you know, if stuff works out we can worry about blood stuff.Besides uhh... you ... may not wanna go promising to help me whenever. I kinda get into trouble pretty often. Like...... I get into fights at LEAST once every couple days. And you got your.....whole....kingdom stuff going on." She pointed out, as if SHE would be the one benefiting the most from this little shindig.
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Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] Empty Re: Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa]

Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:01 pm

Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

There was a good part of her that wanted to possess the creature below her. Yet, in spite of that feeling, there was no need to rush things in her mind. The gap in strength between the two was great enough that The Princess's own ego felt content enough with things. But, perhaps, her own feelings to lord over another were numbed due in part to such rash actions causing so much grief in her kingdom. It is why for a moment, there was a slew of tendrils which slithered around Santa; all of them oozing, twitching, and grinding with power; but she restrained herself as nothing good would come of it in this circumstance.

"Ignorant, but wise."

Concise and to the point, Algos commented on the actions Santa took as her own face bled with a sharp desire. Both of her eyes locked on the blonde vixen like a predator seeking to consume its prey. Yet, it soon eased as she exhaled a soft exhale of breath to let these feelings of foulness wash away like a bad rainstorm cleansing the lands of toxicity. Perhaps more than anything else, that desire to control stemmed from wanting things to be secure in a world that lacked the notion of safety.

So, to that end, the woman simply had one of her tendrils press the hollow against the body of The Princess as she patted her head and held her in a warm hug as her own energy slithered around like a warm pit of fire.

"Homies works for me. We can be that."

There was then a pause before Algos spoke.

"I still don't comprehend why you insist on being this close to a creature that could enslave you at a moment's notice. Even if you know your way through this world, this is my home and you can easily find yourself in a miserable fate."

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Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] WVMWLOu
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Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] Empty Re: Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa]

Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:38 pm
Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa's brows raised slightly in surprise as she felt those tendrils just sortof moving around her. Taking in what the Princess was saying as she considered, in her own limited capacity, what Algos was saying. She glanced at Algos, and even with her own HORRID awareness, she could see there was something.....uhhhh, very non-innocent about the way the woman was looking at her. Was....algos coming onto her? She furrowed her brows, even as those tendrils pulled her in and suddenly the Demon had her arms around Santa, one hand gently patting her head as they seemed to cling to her almost like she was some sort of dog?

Santa shrugged for a moment before she promptly slipped her arms around the woman and hugged her back, a smile on her face as she leaned in and rested her cheek against the demon princess', taking a moment to give that seratonin that the woman clearly was wanting before pulling back a bit and popping a leaning sit beside the woman, looking at the far wall as she considered Algos' words.

"I mean, I guess? You could probably do that. But you also seem pretty smart so I don't know why you would. A long time ago I used to be like that for a little bit. Fighting all by myself in the desert, I wound up crippling another hollow, trapping them in my garden. They were a really pretty bird. Looking at them hunting up in the air it was.....awesome. Those piercing eyes, those claws. They were so awesome that I wanted to have them hang out all the time. Tried to get them to be like a pal. But even though they eventually did what I said, and realized they couldn't kill me, I eventually just let them go. Sure I could make them do what I want. But...... those eyes weren't really all that piercing anymore. The claws were....broken and mottled from trying to fight me so often. And even though they did what I said, it just .....wasn't the same bird I liked seeing soaring around. Wanting someone to be around can make you do crazy stuff like enslaving someone. But in the end, you're not REALLY letting them be close. By taking away the choice, you keep them close, but still at a distance."

She smiled and closed her eyes. Thinking to the two arrancar she'd met so recently. "So say you enslaved me. Big whoop. You wouldn't REALLY have me. You'd have whatever you made me into." she reasoned simply, glancing at Algos and chuckling. "Besides, we're homies! IF you ever want somethin you can just ask. But even if I say no, I'll still be your homie and look out for you. And even if some friggin....dumb...bitch face twink comes along, I'll still stick with ya. Not because I HAVE to, but because I want to." She leaned over and then pulled Algos into a one-armed hug, resting her chin on the shorter woman's head before pausing to stroke her own chin.

"Speaking of annoying twinks, I had no idea that mall staff were like that. We might have to find someplace quiet to hang out next time... Like a cave or something. Do caves sell tshirts? Maybe if we find a famous cave..." She murmured thoughtfully. ENTIRELY ignoring the whole 'dont you dare come to earth bitch' nonsense that twinklord and his Police Girl had talked about. Stay away from the WHOLE ass earth? That was just stupid talk. It was a bigass world and Santa was determined to find a place where, simply put: There would be nobody to bother them.
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Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] Empty Re: Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa]

Wed Jul 28, 2021 3:39 pm

Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Algos closed her eyes for moments to process the words which were spoken to her by Santa as she continued to embrace her to feel some kind of warmth. Everything felt like melted static as this sea of irritation bled into her body. Perhaps this wasn't the right woman to possess, but it was still nice to have someone at your side that wasn't enslaved. All The Princess felt was a loud buzzing noise as so many disturbances in her logic, rationality and thoughts crept up until she ultimately silenced them and came to a simple decision.

"Well enough. If you want to stay at my side, I won't drown you in my blood to do so. There are others for that."

There was an exhale of cold breath as the woman let go and her eyes relaxed for a moment. Everything felt so tiring in this instance as the woman seemed to drift off for seconds at a time before regathering her energies.

"...what in the nine circles of hell would you even want to do while you are in this realm?"

As her tendrils let go, the demoness felt apt to take control of the circumstance and at least determine an objective for them to do.

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Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] WVMWLOu
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Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] Empty Re: Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa]

Wed Jul 28, 2021 4:20 pm
Devil's Palace [Algos/Santa] HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa could hardly read minds but she could sense a mood! She noticed that Algos seemed to be struggling internally with something amidst their embrace. All the while she gently rubbed her palm up and down the woman’s spine, particularly along the erector spinae at the lower back, pillars of supportive core muscles that arched the back. Not that she knew what they were, she was simply familiar with where a lot of the strain went and which muscles did the most work since sometimes she had to prioritize which muscles grew in her garden.

When Algos finally spoke up she smiled, gently resting her chin at the top of the woman’s head and giving a light squeeze to firmly pull them to her chest before relaxing her grip with a chuckle. ”Thank you~. And Are there really nine rings? Seems a bit much. Which ring are you from?” she asked, briefly musing about what the ring structure would even look like before promptly adding. ”I’m not actually sure. The most interesting thing I’ve found around here is you. But iiiif you mean what do I want to do in general I gotta admit I really want to punch that fancy twink.” she noted, and for a fraction of a second that dull boiling drowning meal would be tasted by the demon as Santa entertained the notion of physically reprimanding the narrow face that had so RUDELY seen them off earth. A moment of blinding irritation and a slow, SURE determination to punch the man square in the face. It was a raw emotion, something she would have been tasting just a hint of ever since the encounter.

But. After a moment, just as it had been before, it was crushed into a smaller, more subtle emotion in Santa’s mental background. ”It’s been a long time since I felt that mad. Usually I just have to look out for myself, so if something is too strong I can just run. But him. I wanted to rip his face off the way he talked to us. And that noise he was putting out. But I don’t think I could have ever put a hand on him.” she growled, and then, just as suddenly, she was smiling. ”So! I’m going to punch his face! Super hard.” she grinned unpleasantly. And, interestingly enough had it been anyone else, her statement would have simply read as blind stupid overconfidence. But Algos, with her emotional feeding habit, would TASTE that desperation. Focused and sharp, as if it had been aged and fermented. She was GOING to punch him in the face. She was going to maim, kill, eat, mutilate, and break whatever she had to to make it happen, herself included. But she had found something to point that deep inner fever at.

”Oh! And we need you to try on your shirts!” she added, smiling from ear to ear. ”You have a REALLY nice bod for human clothes, G. I’ll have to see about snatching some more to bring to you.”
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