Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Blood Knight
Blood Knight
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The Anti-social (Ame) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Anti-social (Ame)

Wed Nov 10, 2021 10:23 am
When he was being healed Amon silenced himself as the voice now turned on the medic. 'Do you let all of your members talk like this?'This also caught Amon's attention and he could have easily told the guy the fuck off however the voice told him to stay silent. And it clicked in his half-shaken head that these people don't have anyone who was vulgar like him. Well, they'd certainly need to get used to him!

"Ese gon' get ten caps in his ass if he don't shut his mouth."

"Ooh so now you're just saying what I thought." Amon starts quietly then heard Hanako about manners and training, his thoughts were back in order and so were his body... Save for the blood that was still on his face and neck.

Amon shook his head, trying to get rid of the ringing that was still there, "Honestly there ain't no fixing manners like these, trust me, you're stuck with them. I would like you to knock this jackass outta my head but I think I'll end up getting more than a heavy concussion."

The man stepped back and was feeling his face for a split second, the voice was still loud and clear, and he was honestly about to reply. That was until Amon realized he probably sounded like a madman. He checked himself over before actually sheathing his Asauchi in it's scabbard and said, "Well... At least I didn't displease anyone. If all I need is some skill then I'm good with that."
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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The Anti-social (Ame) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Anti-social (Ame)

Sun Nov 28, 2021 6:07 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

The Anti-social (Ame) - Page 3 6EdIfMt

After a long look at Amon, Hanako nodded to herself, satisfied. He seemed okay again. Hana’s crooked smile widened into a grin.

“If I am right who that one in your head is I would have to knock your head [i]off]/i] to accomplish it.” she said, only half in jest.

“You know, it could be that the voice in your head is your Zanpakuto, that you are finally able to hear. If it is true, then there is little you can do, because it is a part of you. Always has been. Always will be.”

It was quite amusing that Amon described the one in his head as a jerk. Being a part of his own soul...well, Amon himself wasn’t the most polite person, so it wouldn’t be too surprising if his Zanpakuto spirit was a mirror image of himself. Bakumusha was the same for Hanako in many ways.

“No, you didn’t displease anyone. Really.” she continued. “If anything you even surpassed my expectations. You fight well, it’s just a matter of refining your skills for you to become really strong."

She realised she was glad Amon was in her division. Fighters like him were an invaluable asset in a Combat Unit. Especially his determination. Sure, he would also be an asset in earth affiliation or realm protection, but Hanako couldn't deny feeling a bit selfish about this point. Amon was definitely better off in her division.

"I'd like to continue helping you develop your skills. Don't know how much help I'd be with the Zanpakuto-communication thing. I had similar problems like you getting in touch with Bakumusha myself. Still not sure how I managed it in the end, just that whenever I want to talk to him I...just do. But with everything else…"

She shrugged and left the sentence open, as well as the decision. There were many qualified and talented teachers in the gotei. Amon didn't have to train with her, if he didn't want to.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Blood Knight
Blood Knight
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The Anti-social (Ame) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Anti-social (Ame)

Wed Dec 01, 2021 10:53 pm
Amon listened for a minute, even the voice inside his head was silent after all the shit talk. His Zanpacto was a mirror of him in a way, it was part of his and an extension... Which explains why it was the way it was. He didn't have its name but it would come later he felt then he looked to Hanako. So far Hanako's done a better job at teaching him than some of the teachers at Soul Academy and that was saying something. She unleashed a thing he never knew he had, and he wanted to thank her but... Didn't. Why? Because he didn't wanna be a kiss ass.

Amon's brows shot upward when Hanako told him that he surpassed expectations. Hell he was expecting a typical ass chewin' for being weak or whatever anime cliché they had going these days, or Hanako doing the whole mysterious teacher type shit. She wasn't no Kakashi, but that was a good thing too. Of course with Amon's aggressive nature and his willpower he would eventually turn into a great addition to the Combat Division... Of he doesn't get eaten before that day.

"Yeah, of course," Amon replied, "Don't get me wrong another teacher would be cool but so far I've learned a lot more from you in a day compared to the crap as Soul Academy that I wouldn't be using. Plus you ain't some jackass either, so we're golden on that Hanako."
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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The Anti-social (Ame) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Anti-social (Ame)

Thu Dec 09, 2021 3:28 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

The Anti-social (Ame) - Page 3 6EdIfMt

With a grin, Hanako nodded at Amon’s last remark.

“Thank you, that means a lot. If you believe it or not, I understand your struggle quite well. I was in a similar position not too long ago. And the Academy didn’t help me much with that, either.”

She shrugged again. It felt like she had been another person entirely, back then. But it had been her as much as it was her now. Even if Hanako herself didn’t realise it on any conscious level, this alone was a major step forward for her.

“Some of the issues we both had to face, or still do, are very similar. I had to get knocked around a bit as well, to even hear Bakumusha at all. Until I could finally learn his name…but that was probably a completely different process for me than it will be for you. I have a feeling as though this is something individual.”

She looked around the training area. There was some damage. While it was not as extensive as Hanako had feared, she definitely had slept better back when she had no idea how much these permanent repairs did cost. On the other hand, having an unprepared fighting force when someone attacked, resulting in a completely destroyed Seireitei would probably be a tad more expensive.

“How about we call it a day and continue another time? Give you some time to rest. Also…I have to get someone over here to clean up.”

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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