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Joined : 2021-06-04
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[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund

Tue Aug 31, 2021 8:21 pm

Coding In Template By:


Quincy Profile

I. Basic Information

» Name: Ehefra Kleinmund
» Titles: None
» Age: 22
» Gender: Female-presenting

» Affiliation/Rank: None

» Physical Appearance Description:

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund EvA0k0JU4AEtrBp-cutout2-cutTHING

Ehefra is a fairly ordinary woman in most regards. She has a fairly unincredible bust and general figure other than a bit of shapeliness though this is nothing really extraordinary. Her skin is pale and fair everywhere but her hands which are a bit rough and calloused. She is around average height at a solid 5'6". Her hair is a sleek dark navy blue on the outside, but with some stray locks of red hair mixed within, giving her one of her few more striking features.

Her face strong and small, with a sharp chin and piercing blue eyes. IN low light these can appear to be green and in extreme darkness they actually light up a slight yellow similar to an animal's. Her nails are generally kept very short and smooth with the exception of her ring fingers which she cuts and files to short points. Her teeth are also slightly pointed, sharper than usual. Her incisors and canines are a bit longer than normal and because of this her smile can be a bit frightening if one isn't expecting it.

II. Personality Traits

» Personality:

Ehefra, or Fran as she sometimes was called when she was younger, has something of a bright and excitable personality. While not always necessarily friendly she is incredibly energetic and curious often going out of her way to ask questions about things even to the point of derailing conversations from time to time. Because of her talkative nature and her rather sharp teeth she does have a tendency to bite her own tongue accidentally at times, and so when she is excited it's not uncommon for her to have a bit of blood in her mouth.

Because of this excitable personality she is often seen as much happier and well-off than she might actually be. Because of her somewhat manic personality she also experiences extreme lows of depression and even has a tendency to bite herself intentionally in these instances. Because of this, she has a number of bite marks on her palms and the backs of her hands, which she usually conceals by wearing fingerless gloves.

In more intense situations, Ehefra has a tendency to become very carried away, especially in combat situations she has a tendency to ignore notions of safe range and usually will confront enemies directly and with aggressive direct physical contact. If she is excited enough she will even resort to biting and clawing in some situations, resulting in her gaining a bit of a reputation as she often became injured in situations where she needn't have.

III. Character History

» History

Ehefra originally was born in Karakura, though her family quickly moved outside of the place as a result of the high spiritual activity and not wanting their child to grow up in such a hazardous environment. But even out in the countryside, Ehefra always had a fascination with the spiritual, growing up in a world where the spiritual realm was so easily accessible, she became obsessed with the notion. By the time she was Six she already was infatuated with media and the like that were associated with spiritual activity.

Fearing for their daughter, her parents soon began to steer her into computers, as her Father was the lead Programmer in a division of a Software company, even going so far as to forbid her from watching her favorite shows until she had finished her at-home lessons provided by him, as the parents had quickly started to home school her in an attempt to curb this fascination.

This isolation extended well into her teens, only allowing her to go to pulic school for her senior year at the age of 17. It was at this age that she veered HARD back into her spiritual fascination, but with the prowess of her new computer saviness she was able to disguise her obsession as merely getting more into the vocation that her father has laid out fort her, using the internet to track down news articles and even communities that helped acclimate humans to the other spiritual races in an attempt to learn more about them. It was here that she managed to get into contact with one Jyuria Stille, an old Family friend that she had remembered from her younger days, but whom had started visiting less and less frequently. It was through Jyuria that Ehefra learned that her Parents had been aggressively distancing themselves from other Quincies, their long history of tragedy putting a fear within them that their Daughter would get involved in such dangerous groups.

It was through this woman that Ehefra began to learn about her powers, but there was only so much she could learn through the phone and so in the few bits of time she was allowed to go out of the house, she began sneaking off to meet up with Jyuria to get Quincy lessons. However, there was only so much that could be taught in the safety of Japan, and as Ehefra began to near College age and desire to know more, Jyuria warned her that there was a limit that she would be able to garner from her teaching alone. Almost immediately Fran took a interest in what portions of the world were still recovering from the latest World war and just general failures in infrastructure that allowed Hollows to propagate and gather.

Sensing this, Jyuria began to pull back, attempting to find new ways to teach Ehefra to try and dissuade her from putting herself in danger. It was at this time that Fran was discovering that Reishi Manipulation seemed to follow similar principles as Coding in some ways, although executed in a more intuitive manner. When Jyuria was training her to manipulate the path of her arrows to accommodate for errors in aim, she found that she could pre-program modifications to her arrows.

This was a nuance that Jyuria capitalized on and in their secret lessons began pushing Ehefra to explore this avenue of Reishi Manipulation. The young woman was absolutely head over heels with the new revelation, and for once found herself thankful for the lessons that her father had burned into her. With the help of her Mentor, she was able to apply her skill in programming to creating Quincy spells that utilized this skill, as Jyuria taught her the basics of Ginto spellcraft and the general concepts behind their creation. An endeavor that took up a full year and a half.

However, just before her HighSchool graduation when she left to meet with Jyuria, she was instead confronted by her parents. Her father, furious that she had disobeyed her, demanded that she stop and focus on a career. HEr mother, fearful of the path Jyuria had warned Ehefra was on, tried to appeal to the young woman to stay with them and be safe. Karakura, their original home, had undergone considerable infrastructure changes and they were planning on moving back. She would finally get to reunite with all of her childhood friends they had left behind.

But she wouldn't be swayed.
Having learned about the past of her race, the genocides and the tumultuous states the world had gone through throughout the wars and such. Not ONLY that, but she couldn't help but feel a connection with her powers. They fascinated her in a way she couldn't quite explain, and even in those secretive practices she partook in when she was alone, creating her weapon, her arrows, even as her hands calloused and bled, she couldn't help but feel ALIVE when using her powers.

Once she managed to graduate she promptly skipped out on College and struck out for Central Asia, intent on makig it all the way to Malaysia, however her plans did not quite go as she expected as she ran into FAR more hollows than expected before she even reached the place! Having taken a boat to Taiwan she intended to make landfall in China and then hike through the countryside down through Thailand to make it to her destination, but as soon as she actually made it to Thailand she began to notice the sheer number of hollows she encountered.

Unlike the few cornered solitary beasts she had managed to tussle with before, these hollows moved in small packs, forcing her to run in most cases or try to corner them in order to have a chance! It was because of this that she was forced to APPLY the skills she'd learned. from her teacher she was able to use a combination of Ginto spellcraft and her own Spirit Coding skill to create a special type of Quincy spell: Radueriel, a spell which used Reishi to construct Golems which she could then program to fight for her. Using this method, she was finally able to compete with the packs of wild hollows roving the border between Thailand and Malaysia.

Finally fighting her way into the country with the help of her Radueriel, she managed to establish a simple base of operations by using a modification of the Radueriel to simply create Reishi constructs. This combined with her Golems allowed her to sleep soundly despite the constant threat and it was not long before she began to draw attention. A Village which had been holding out as best it could by staying mobile. Seeing the results of her abilities, they asked her to assist in helping keep their Village safe. Of course, she knew she wouldn't be able to teach them her own skills, but even so..... for the next two years she found herself travelling with the village, and of all things she found herself teaching what she knew about Quincies to some in the village who seemed to have proficiency in it. Remembering her own Teacher's lessons as best she could, she taught them simple skills, defending themselves rather than trying to teach them to hunt hollows, to kill them only when absolutely necessary. She even managed to teach them the simple spellcraft for creating Reishi constructs, to help them make basic fortifications which would hold up better against Hollows than your average physical barricades.

Finally reaching the age of 22, and with the Village finally showing signs of being able to fend for itself, news finally reached her that took her completely by surprise: The Vandenreich had resurfaced, in a gambit to retake America from what remained of Shadowfall, for once in her life she saw Quincy in an organized form. And she felt an instant URGE to join her own kind. Saying her goodbyes to the villagers, she promptly traveled back up to China and got on the first boat to America, intent on joining up.

IV. Equipment

» Equipment:

V. Natural Abilities & Skills

» Skills: (In this section you can list anything they can do from their general/will racial sheets. In addition to that, you can list non-power related feats they can do as well. Such as if they have a strong immune system, spiritual awareness, good battle skills or anything like that.)

Computer Expert - Very handy with computers and even fluent in coding, Ehefra is fluent in several scripting languages and has even some experience in hacking. While she is not at a level where she can hack professionally-protected systems, she is more than capable of breaking into low-security or unprotected systems with relative ease. However, this is made up for by the sheer speed at which she can work with code and systems.

Close Combat Junkie - Her preferred method of fighting, Ehefra tends to prefer getting in intimately close when she decides to directly involve herself in combat, especially because of the rush she gets when engaging in it. When engaged in close combat, her Willpower skill is considered moderately superior to those of equal rank and only slightly inferior to those of superior rank as a result of this sudden explosion of adrenaline and euphoria. However, in these situations her Focus skill is considered moderately inferior to those of equal rank and only slightly above those of 1 rank below her own as this burst of adrenaline causes a drop in focus as she gets caught up in the heat of combat.

VI. Quincy Skills & Abilities

» Quincy Skills:

Reishi Manipulation - Spirit Coding:

Ehefra's brand of Quincy spellcraft is so incredibly refined that she is actually able to apply 'scripts' in spiritual objects. Rather than simply breaking spiritual constructs down, these 'Scripts' can be injected into the object in order to make it perform a function given enough time and preparation. However she IS capable of applying fast pre-memorized scripts in the midst of combat, allowing her to utilize this ability in the midst of combat but only with special Spirit Scripts that she has learned beforehand. These scripts can ONLY be applied to Non-living spiritual constructs. this Scripting process occurs entirely in Ehefra's head and generally does not have any external sign that it is happening. Ehefra's Focus is considered 1 rank lower when she is Spirit Coding when it comes to interacting with outside stimuli.

Unless otherwise stated, Spirit codes can be freely applied to Ehefra's own Spiritual constructs, or neutral spiritual constructs within a 5 meter radius via a pulse of spirit energy. Spiritual constructs generated by, or effected by an opponent's spiritual abilities must first make physical contact with Ehefra or an Arrow/Golem infused with the script. This also requires Ehefra's Spellcraft skill to be superior to the Ability's relevent skill applied to the construct. If there is no relevant skill then she must have Tier superiority.

Spirit Script: Diverge
This Combat-ready Spirit Script is by far one of the simplest. It applies the 'break down' function but in a more specific way, focusing on splitting the object clean down the middle by only breaking it down through the center and then converting the stolen reishi into concussive force to push the halves apart from one another. It can be inscribed and executed in the same post, but has a 1 post cooldown. This cooldown is negated when Spellcraft reaches Advanced. This Code cannot be applied to spiritual constructs controlled or affected by the opponent's spiritual abilities.

Spirit Script: Remote
This Combat-Ready Spirit Script is on the complex side of things. By applying this to a spiritual construct, she can remotely operate it without having to directly interact with the object, allowing her to direct and even control the subject's actions. The Range of this Remote has a Maximum of 100 Meters.

Spirit Script: AI
This Combat-Ready Script is used in order to allow manipulation without having to split her own focus. A simple AI can be produced and applied within the same post, creating an artificial intelligence capable of being given orders and operating with limited autonomy based on the task assigned on application. An Advanced takes 4 posts to prepare, and in addition to base functions can also assist Ehefra in Coding when applied to a Raduriel Golem.

Spirit Script: System
Spirit Script: System
This Spirit Script is a compliment of the AI script which applies a reishi frequency network to items within a specific radius and allows AI within it's radius to communicate and coordinate together. A short-range network with a range of about 20 meters can be prepared within a single post. A Mid-range network with a range of 100 meters can be prepared in 2 posts. A Long-Range network with a range of up to 1 kilometer (1000m is a km) can be prepared within 3 posts. A Regional Network that can span 500 Km can be prepared within 5 posts. All networks need to be run by an AI and functionality of that network depends on the level of the AI. Additionally, the network needs to be anchored to a specific object which functions as it's 'Server', and serves as the origin point of the network's range. If the object is significantly damaged then the server will cease to function.

Spirit Script: Fabricate
A code which gathers reishi and uses direction from Ehefra or a pre-loaded blueprint in order to generate a Reishi construct. This allows intricate and very detailed items to be produced with Reishi. Mundane items and Machinery are the most notable creations able to be generated with this ability. (Story-focused ability. Cannot freely produce machinery with combat use). This script can be written and applied in the same post.
By itself, this script can generate up to 10 cubic meters of fabricated material per post.

Spirit Script: Scan
A spirit code that uses a reishi field in order to scan a set space within 25 meters of the object performing the scan, as well as produce a display showing the raw data of the scan. These scans can show in-depth information about a subject including approximate power (Tier, but not sub-tier), Race, and other general information (Height, weight, ect) in a passive instant scan. However, with a total of 3 posts of exposure to an attack or ability, the Scan can provide a full understanding of how the ability or attack functions.

This script takes 2 posts to write and apply to an object. When applied to an object which already has a System AI script applied to it, the range of this scan is increased to the range of the System’s influence.

Spirit Script: Permissions
A spirit code garnering control. Whereas the Remote script allows Ehefra to control an object remotely, this script allows an object with an applied AI script to have authority over a target’s powers. Upon execution, the individual’s powers will completely cease and the individual will exist as if they were a normal human/plus without powers. This will remain until the AI reactivates the individual’s powers either by command from an Authorized source or after meeting a pre-determined condition that was programmed in.
This program can also be calibrated to simply reduce or limit an individual’s powers rather than completely shut them down.
The primary use is for Ehefra herself and her allies, as this Script cannot be normally be applied to an unwilling individual. Even in these instances, a target must be throughly scanned before this script can be applied with the individual as a target so that the source and manner in which their power manifests can be ascertained and the script can be adjusted to fit the task.
(Story-focused ability. Can only be applied with ooc permission, and is not intended for combat).


Ehefra specializes in the creation of not a single weapon but a whole archetype of living weapons she calls Radueriel (Named after an angel capable of creating lesser angels with a mere mutterance). Constructing their bodies and then using her Spirit Scripting in order to attach an AI to the body so that it can perform tasks.

These golems can range in size and performance based on nearby reishi to use as materials. IN the human world or low-reishi zones she can create golems up to her own size in a single post, up to five times her size within 2 posts of gathering Reishi, and up to 10 times her size in 3 posts of gathering reishi. In reishi-rich environments (Soul Society, Hueco Mundo) these ratios are multiplied by 5.

Golems function with Advanced physical skills. Ehefra can increase one of these skills to Elite by lowering two other physical skills to Adept. Only 1 Golem may be generated per thread (This increases to 2 golems per thread within a Spiritual Realm (Sereitei/Hueco mundo), and can last a maximum of 4 posts each before crumbling into reishi.

Radueriel - Script Synching
Unlike normal AI that she applies to spiritual objects, AI that are applied to her Radueriel golems are capable of assisting in the Scripting process so long as the attached AI is at least Advanced. For each golem that is assisting in the scripting process, the preparation time is reduced by 1 post. Golems must be within 10 meters of Ehefra at some point during the post to apply this assistance. Golems cannot assist in scripting the same post that they are produced.

Radueriel- Angelic Arrows
Like any weapon made by a quincy, these Golems are capable of producing and firing arrows. Ehefra's arrows actually take the form of halo-like rings which are shot from her golems. While these arrows vary in size, they generally maintain the same shape and do not have any particular special qualities outside of being potential objects for Spirit Scripting.Spirit Scripts applied to arrows have their prep time reduced by 1 post.

Radueriel - Spirit Construction

A Modification on the Spell she used to create golems which instead was used to create Reishi constructs on the fly. These constructs have a Durability equal to reinforced Concrete at base, increasing to the durability of Spiritual Steel at Adept, and becoming more like spiritually reinforced tank plating at Advanced. While these constructs cannot move like the base technique, they can be much larger.

IN the human world or low-reishi zones she can create up to 25 cubic meters of material per post
. In reishi-rich environments these ratios are multiplied by 5.

VI. Spirit Weapon

» Spirit Weapon Name: Code Band

» Spirit Weapon Appearance: This weapon takes the appearance of a band of barcode encrypted data around the limb that is utilizing the weapon. In addition to firing Ring-shaped Arrows, this weapon can be used like a Chakram though rather than cutting it chews through material similar to a chainsaw.

» Spirit Weapon Abilities:

Script Loading

By Taking the time to copy a script onto the Code Band, Ehefra can pre-load the script into it which will allow her to then later utilize that same Spirit Script without having to rewrite it, but rather simply change small adjusting details. Only one Spirit Script can be loaded into the Code Band at a time and can only be changed twice per thread. Uses the Code's default scripting time to load the script into the band.

VIII. Quincy: Vollständig

» Vollständig Name: Command Code: Final Light

» Vollständig Apperance: A ring of code runs down the length of her body and rather than wings, constructs an armored outfit made from condensed reishi. This armor features numerous spikes and claws as well as red markings around her eyes. Her pupils become cross-like and the heat from this release causes steam to vent from her body at various intervals.

» Vollständig Abilities:

Administrator's Tool: Encryption Blade

Ehefra has always been an expert when it comes to spellcraft, and as such her vollstandig reflects this. This special weapon can be constructed with a special administrative script which can "Encrypt" a Spell along the edge of Ehefra's blade. Upon cutting a surface, the encrypted code is then injected into whatever has been cut.

Encrypted spells remain dormant and embedded within whatever is cut with the blade until they are triggered. This can be done either remotely by Ehefra, or the Encryption can have a preset "trigger" which is simply a pre-scripted condition for the spell to be decrypted and set off.

Admin Armor: Shadow Partition
An integrated system in Ehefra's vollstandig armor consisting three partitioned processors. Whenever Ehefra performs an action or faces a decision, these three processors emulate Ehefra's personality and process her current situation once every tenth of a second and compare results before voting on the proper course of action by checking against eachother and then applying adjustments to Ehefra's course of action based on the results. This system allows Ehefra to seemingly process and properly navigate situations far more quickly and effectively than others, and help her to outperform individuals far smarter than herself. Additionally, this affords her a level of control with her spells and attacks far beyond what could feasibly be possible as these Shadow Partitions can simulate iterations hundreds of times mid-execution.

VIII. Quincy Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Martial Skill: Adept

Racial Skills
  • Blut: Adept
  • Quincy Spellcraft: Elite
  • Reishi Absorption: Beginner
  • Spirit Weapon: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Adept

IX. Roleplay Sample

» Roleplay Sample:


Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Mon Dec 19, 2022 5:17 pm; edited 8 times in total
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

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Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Left_bar_bleue74095/100000[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund

Sun Oct 03, 2021 11:39 am
Application Checklist
History: Got some glaring issues with the history.

The sheer number of hollows in the area served as a crash course, and although she had read about them numerous times, she found herself faced with incredible difficulty. The first week in her new apartment, a Hollow managed to tear it's way through her window in an attempt to attack her.

Karakura City is one of the most protected places on Earth, particularly from Hollow/Demon presences. More details in the Karakura Defense Thread.

Barely managing to survive using her quincy powers, Ehefra soon learned to rely on her skill and even her computer skills.

This one isn't necessarily problematic, but I'd like some clarification. The app until this point essentially described her as and alluded to the character being relatively spiritually mundane, so I was caught off-guard by the sudden mention of her quincy powers. Even though any human in can become a Quincy, admittedly it does take training, and even as a hereditary practice it isn't generally something that innately manifests of its own accord so naturally.

Instead, she began to develop special spirit weapons using her reishi manipulation and coding skills in order to create sentient golems to fight for and alongside her.

Same thing as before, this kinda just comes out of nowhere apropos of nothing. I'd like more exposition on this to make sense of and justify this sort of expertise.

Close Combat Junkie: Balance wise the focus down/willpower up mechanic isn't problematic, I'd just like a bit of an explanation on why these willskill specifications are the way they are. Why willpower and focus specifically, or why are they influenced at all here?

Spirit Script: Remote: Slap on a range to this ability for now. You can have it scale to her reishi manipulation level.

Radueriel: Not too much wrong with this, but this is more of just an application of spellcraft or a unique ability rather than a spirit weapon. Just move this down to being an ability of hers instead. Also, no can do on the Golems having Master. It's fine if they're elite while she's at Master, so just maintain the "-1". Also have a numerical limit on how many golems can be created, scaling off Spellcraft. For the current level, at Adept Spellcraft, 10 golems should be fine. As this character progress, if you apply for an upgrade to spellcraft you can include a greater amount of golems for this ability then.

General Skills: I'd need to see a lot more justification for these general skills, as nothing in the app thus far has alluded to much of any level of significant training. The Skill Sheet Guide is pretty clear that general skills even at beginner are already beyond natural human capacity.

Racial Skills: With the makeup of this character, I think having Quincy Spellcraft be Advanced and Reishi Absorption being Beginner seems more apt. Also, until there are changes and additions to the app, explanation on Fran's quincy abilities and how she's developed them, I'm inclined to say Spellcraft should be at Adept. That may change based on the edits you make.

  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [O]

Hazard Ranks
  • Overall:
  • Influence:
  • Resources:

Tier: [/mod]

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund 8Bvy1N8


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[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund

Sun Oct 03, 2021 2:13 pm

Was unarare of the Karakura thing, and with some talks we had in Discord I changed the location of where she headed for her training and discovery. I also clarified and enhanced on the explanation of why she developed her quincy powers and how she got into developing them as much as she did. (Although Since Malaysia is like way fucked up with infrastructure she wound up developing a super simple reishi construct spell as well.

Have elaborated more on Close Combat Junkie

Added a Range to Script Code: Remote.

As per your instruction it kinda occurred to me that all of this is Spellcraft @n@ So in addition to the golems being made a skill I've adjuster her whole scripting motif to scale off Quincy Spellcraft rather than Reishi Absorbtion. Nixed Rad's Master buff.

Gave her a different, simple Quincy Weapon.

Made Changes to Racial Skills as well! Hopefully her background of learning, training, and then teaching people in Malaysia give a proper reasoning, but if her skills still need to dip I can accept that.
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

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[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Left_bar_bleue74095/100000[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund

Sun Oct 03, 2021 7:50 pm
Application Checklist
History: The last paragraph is a little off on the timeline. The history places her being 22 already after WW4, the latest world war, but the Vandenreich, particularly under Cyrus's leadership, was established pretty quickly during/after the war, and took formal primary authority over the United States in the same year as the War's end. It's a bit of a timeline issue, though not particularly egregious enough to be unapprovable. Just adjust the timing around and you'll be fine. Other than that, no issues with the history.


"IN the human world or low-reishi zones she can create up to 25 cubic meters of material per post. In reishi-rich environments these ratios are multiplied by 5."

This is a lot of spiritual mass, even in reishi-rich environments, to product 125 cubic metres per post at the level Fran seems to be at, but I'll approve it cautiously.

Racial Skills: In my opinion it's still more apt to have Quincy Weapon be adept here and Spellcraft be at advanced, but what you currently have is acceptable so I'll leave it up to you.

  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]

Hazard Ranks
  • Overall: D
    Power: D
  • Influence: D
  • Resources: E

Comments/Notes: Good changes/additions to the history, well done.
Tier: 3-5[/mod]

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund 8Bvy1N8


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[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund

Sun Oct 03, 2021 8:00 pm
You're super right oof. She has way more Spellcraft stuff than Weapon stuff, forgot to swap those. Done as recommended!

And errr, from what I was aware Rawk noted that the whole Taking of america was like last year so I figured there was plenty of time for her to hit 22 within that time and still be 22 now.
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[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund

Fri Feb 11, 2022 8:39 pm
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[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund

Mon Apr 04, 2022 10:12 am Winter Burst part 2, electric bugaloo

Martial Skill: Beginner -> Adept (10)
Blut: Beginner -> Adept (10)
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Posts : 4078

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Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund

Wed Aug 31, 2022 10:41 am

Tier up to 3-1
Durability: Beginner -> Adept
Strength: Adept -> Advanced

Unlocked Abilities:
Spirit Script: Fabricate
Spirit Script: Scan
Spirit Script: Permissions

Unlocked Vollstandig
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Posts : 4078

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Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund

Sun Oct 09, 2022 4:58 pm

Character Upgrade

Spirit Coding Update
SS: Diverge Update
SS: Elemental Conversion (Removed)
SS: Remote Update
SS: AI Update
SS: System Update
Raduriel Golems Update
Veteran Member
Joined : 2021-06-04
Posts : 4078

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Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard D] Ehefra Kleinmund

Mon Dec 19, 2022 5:17 pm
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