Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7013
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

Member Info
Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] Empty [Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish]

Sat Oct 02, 2021 6:30 pm
[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] LmEtCbz


Basic Information

○ Name: Kurosaki Ichigo
○ Alias: Hero of Karakura
○ Age: Approximately 120.
○ Gender: Male.
○ Race: Arrancar

○ Affiliation: N/A

○ Alignment: True Neutral
○ Marital Status: Single
○ Nationality: Japanese
○ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

○ Height: 6’
○ Weight: 154lb
○ Hair Colour: Orange
○ Eye Colour: Gold

○ Aspect of Death: Defeat.
○ Estigma: None.
○ Former Hollow Type: Hollowfied Vizard.
○ Hollow Hole: Unknown.
○ Mask Fragment: Covers the right side of his face.

[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] WG8TdQY

Psychological Analysis

Ichigo is, beyond anything else, tired. He is tired of seeing what the world has become, and he is tired of knowing that all of his efforts were ultimately for nothing at all. As such, it can be said that he is overwhelmingly apathetic toward nearly everything, if not extending into outright antipathy. He was only a young man who fought to protect his friends, and yet after the years passed, where were they? When war came to the Earth, was anyone safe as he had worked so hard to achieve? It is this bitterness which now defines Ichigo Kurosaki, a spiteful nature born not of hate, but of love. It is born of the knowledge that he put forth all of himself, and in the end, it was for nothing at all.

Those who interact with Ichigo today, at least those scant few who are even able to find him in the nigh infinite wastes of Hueco Mundo, find a man whose apathy toward the world is so significant that he simply doesn't care that he's even being bothered. It's frankly rather easy to speak with him about any topic, or more accurately, easy to speak at him about any topic. He doesn't necessarily engage, but he won't particularly aim to stop you.

Unless, of course, you ask about what went wrong. He doesn't much like that.


None at present.


[Important Note: Needs some touching up after the timeline crunch.]

400 years ago, when the world was a much brighter place, the world had a hero named Ichigo Kurosaki. His is a story which needs no repeating, one which has been reiterated countless times across the years. Much of his life is all but common knowledge--it is the period afterward, when relative peace had come to Earth, that few know. In the aftermath of the battles against Aizen and the demon Ender, the young Ichigo Kurosaki chose to move past the life of heroism that had defined those tumultuous years of his life. He pursued a life of academics, seeking to become a doctor and to help others in that way. For a long while, this was certainly a goal that was worthy of his pursuit, and as a man of tremendous spiritual power he was able to spend a great while longer on this than most could ever dream of. Decades passed, and what had once been the humble Kurosaki Clinic grew into the prestigious Kurosaki Medical Center.

Of course, with enough passing time, the Third World War came. And with that time, the whole of Ichigo’s life once again changed. He could not sit idly by, no matter how much he might have wished to, no matter how appealing it may have seemed. His friends, their families, surely needed him. He had a world to save, and there was no reason why he shouldn’t do everything in his power to save it. Ichigo tried. He really, really tried.

There was no victory to be found in World War 3. There wasn’t ever a chance, honestly. Maybe there would have been one if he’d trained, if he’d walked a different path. But it was too late to look back now, wasn’t it? No matter how hard they fought, it seemed that this war was simply one they couldn’t hope to win. But giving up, accepting defeat, that hadn’t ever been Ichigo’s way. He would have kept fighting right until the bitter end, if he’d had to, just to protect the people. To protect his friends.

But then, Orihime failed. In a single moment, she was gone.

Whatever happened on that day is gone from his memory. He will not remember it. He had been a strong man, but he had not lost anyone so dear to his heart. And there had perhaps been no one else who could have been more dear to it. He fell into despair at her loss, despair at the losses he had seen with every passing day, and above all, despair at the simple fact that he could not do the one thing he had been called to do all those years ago. All of it compounded, and even he, the heroic Ichigo Kurosaki, fell and became Hollow.

What happened then? Where did he go? He doesn’t remember. Ultimately, it doesn’t even matter all that much. He only remembers that, eventually, standing under the moon of Hueco Mundo, he simply raised a hand to his face and pulled away his mask. He’d grown tired of it.

He’d grown tired of everything.


None at present.


○ Overwhelming Spiritual Energy: It is of course true that many of the most powerful beings in the world have a tremendous amount of spiritual energy, it was always said that Ichigo was someone who simply carried leagues more than all those around him. Even as a young boy, his levels of spiritual power were on par with the most powerful people of his age, and in the hundreds of years since that day, he has only accumulated more. It is true that Ichigo is no longer among the absolute paragons of strength, of course, but even so, his presence is more than enough to simply strike fear into the hearts of those around him.

○ Adaptive Combatant: While Ichigo’s overall skill as a fighter has never been the best, it is made up for in no small part by the fact that he simply has an awareness of the battlefield that, in his time, was nearly unparalleled. His mastery of combat’s intricacies may be far from ideal, but even against an opponent who has perfected their craft, he is fully capable of understanding their approach through nothing but intuition, and his ability to adapt to any opponent is next to none.


○ Zanpakuto Name: Zangetsu (斬月, Slaying Moon)

○ Zanpakuto Appearance: A black katana, with a manji guard and a chain trailing from its hilt. It is visibly worn, chipped in places, and does not look to have been cared for in a long while.

○ Zanpakuto Sealed Power: Zangetsu has only the Getsuga Tensho, the ability to unleash an immense crescent of Ichigo’s energy, which cleaves through both enemies and the environment with quite little ease. The Getsuga Tensho’s most significant trait beyond its power is its versatility, as Ichigo seems to be capable of applying this in more creative ways than merely firing it off directly. Whether or not he actually does, however, is another matter entirely.


○ Resurreccion Appearance:
[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] V7J6WRJ

○ Release: So far as anyone can tell, there is no release for Ichigo’s Resurreccion. If he wishes to enter it, he simply does so.

○ Resurreccion Abilities: When entering into Resurreccion, Ichigo does not gain any significantly new abilities. It is, by all accounts, a rather mundane release, simply increasing Ichigo’s overall physical capabilities drastically, roughly by a factor of two. Perhaps it’s just on account of his being a relic.


General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Master
  • Strength: Elite
  • Martial Skill: Advanced

Arrancar Skills
  • Hollow Nucleus: Advanced
  • Aumentar: Advanced
  • Cero: Elite
  • Sonido: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Untrained
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Advanced


Spring Burst 2023
-Hollow Nucleus from Adept to Advanced, 30 Points

Last edited by Rawk on Fri Sep 22, 2023 4:00 pm; edited 9 times in total
Thicc Boi
Joined : 2016-10-29
Posts : 728
Age : 22
Location : The Dance Floor

Member Info
Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] Left_bar_bleue7900/999999[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] Empty_bar_bleue  (7900/999999)

[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] Empty Re: [Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish]

Sat Oct 02, 2021 10:25 pm

« Application Checklist »
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [O]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [O]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are filled in[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« Final Verdict »

  • Comments/Notes: Waiting on Gamma but hi, how are ya.

    Oh, we need an age. Says right there in the checklist. Also, your personality is pretty short there, maybe a bit more into how being a different race has changed how he acts or something. So far we have his headspace but not his personality if that makes any sense.

    Your skills still say shinigami.

  • Tier: I'm thinking 1-4 or 1-3, consult Gamma on this idk how to handle OTYs that well.

« Final Final Verdict, Hazard »

  • Overall: A
  • Power: A
  • Influence: S
  • Resources: F

[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] Sumera-character-list
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7013
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

Member Info
Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] Empty Re: [Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish]

Sun Oct 03, 2021 9:31 am
All fixed! Age fixed, personality extended, skill sheet renamed.
Veteran Member
Joined : 2016-02-15
Posts : 5687
Age : 24
Location : Good Question.

Member Info
Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] Empty Re: [Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish]

Sun Oct 03, 2021 9:31 am
If you have any concerns reach out to me and they can be discussed in more depth.

Don't forget to claim your FCs and positions.

Initial Check:

[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] Gamma_Signature
[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] CHARACTER_LIST[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] GRAPHICS_THREAD[Spirit Class 1+ | Hazard A] Kurosaki Ichigo [OTY Wish] TIMELINE_THREAD
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